Chick-fil-A order
Chick-fil-A's strong Christian ties are well known - the restaurant is even closed on Sundays.

Burger King is taking on Chick-fil-A in an epic battle for the hearts, minds, and stomachs of Americans.

In a viral tweet promoting their new chicken sandwich, Burger King threw major shade at competitor Chick-fil-A, saying that throughout Pride month, they’ll donate 40 cents for each sandwich sold to the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest LGBTQ civil rights organization.

Did you catch that bit in parentheses? Chick-fil-A is famously closed on Sundays to observe the Sabbath. As expected, many people picked up on this not-so-subtle jab.

Burger King's donations contrast sharply with those of Chick-fil-A, a chain that has been frequently criticized for making donations to anti-LGBT organizations and causes.

“This is a community we love dearly and have proudly supported over the years, so we couldn’t miss an opportunity to take action and help shine a light on the important conversation happening," a Burger King spokesperson told USA TODAY.


Chick-fil-A has been a lightning rod for controversy due to the company's religious beliefs and politics. The fast-food chain is unapologetically Christian, even remaining closed on Sundays so employees can rest and worship – a policy that’s been in place since the restaurant’s founding.

It also has a history of making donations to anti-LGBT causes, including organizations that fight against marriage equality and promote conversion therapy.

CEO Dan Cathy was infamously quoted in 2012 as saying that by legalizing gay marriage, we are “inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and we say ‘we know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.’” Those comments prompted a nationwide boycott at the time.

Of course, the same donations that outraged so many also made Chick-fil-A just as beloved by many people of faith.

In response to the boycott efforts in 2012, supporters rallied around ‘Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” in support of the embattled restaurant, and sales skyrocketed. 

Texas even passed a “Save Chick-fil-A” bill, preventing cities from taking action against individuals or companies based on their support for religious organizations.

Do Morals Matter?

Chick-fil-A has yet to respond to Burger King’s Twitter jab. Comments on the original tweet were split – some pledged to pick up one of Burger King’s new chicken sandwiches in support of the effort, while others booed the chain for being "anti-Christian."

However, many people commented that although they may disagree with Chick-fil-A’s politics, they’ll continue to eat there because, well, the food and service are great.

That seems to track with Chick-fil-A’s consistently record-breaking revenue. It seems that most Americans, gay or straight, Christian or otherwise, care more about good food and good service than the politics of a sandwich company. 

What do you think of this sandwich battle? Are you more or less inclined to visit Chick-fil-A because of their religious affiliation or political donations? Is conscience - or flavor - king?


  1. Robert Christopher Becker's Avatar Robert Christopher Becker

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. This is 1st amendment It clearly states government cant make any law governing the practice of one's religion or regarding the religion itself. So a religious organization or business can't be forced to violate their religious beliefs. Which in this case is by allowing a transgender to practice being a minister which would be against their faith.

  1. Ealdormon Piparskeggr Robinson's Avatar Ealdormon Piparskeggr Robinson

    While I like Chick-Fil-A's sandwiches, usuallly go to Wendy's as their line are so much shorter.

  1. Brian Scott Hoff's Avatar Brian Scott Hoff

    Chik-fil-a has never received nor ever will receive any of my money. The CEO's made it clear to me that they don't want my money. My life has been fine without their food. I bet their life is fine without my money. If there are enough people like me they might wish to have made other choices (or not). Either way they seem happy and so am I. Choice... it's a thing.

  1. Alexander Clarke's Avatar Alexander Clarke

    I never patronize any business that promotes their religious beliefs.

  1. James Burton's Avatar James Burton

    Im just going to make Chick-fil-A profoundly uncomfortable by using my position as a Universal Life Church minister to work with as many LGBTQ people as possible. And I say that as a LGBTQ person myself!

  1. Dan Anderson's Avatar Dan Anderson

    By the way, the Burger King chicken sandwich is delicious! I have had two so far!

  1. Dan Anderson's Avatar Dan Anderson

    This issue has been a big deal for many decades. Sadly, in my investigations, studying the historicity and cultures of the writings, I find this condemnation of homosexuality in Abrahamic faiths to be unfounded. For example:

    Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13 - About the condemnation of the Canaanite religious ceremonies that used male temple prostitutes in their practices. That has nothing to do with two people of the same gender who happen to love each other.

    Romans 1:26-30 - Paul's writings about his observations of the ancient Roman fertility ceremony to the goddess Diana. The purpose was to improve crops and to increase calvings/lambings. This ceremony ended in an orgy of massive proportions. Nothing there about homosexuality, again.

    1Cor 6:9-10 - Regarding who will enter 'the kingdom' - Look at KJV1611. There was no mention of "homosexual". This is an addition to more recent versions of the Bible.

    How about the story of Sodom & Gomorrah? If these people who wanted to 'know the angels' were homosexuals and not rapists, why did Lot offer his two daughters to them? Obviously, even according to the Bible, it was about inhospitality and rape, and NOT homosexuality.

    There are many mistaken concepts made in the Bible by using modern verbiage for older terms. It would be much like thinking a story in the 1950s of "mowing the grass on Saturday" was about going out to harvest marijuana.

  1. Woodrow's Avatar Woodrow

    Names of ingredients that contain processed free glutamic acid (MSG)1 (Last updated March, 2021)

    Everyone knows that some people react to the food ingredient monosodium glutamate -- reactions that include migraine headaches, upset stomachs, fuzzy thinking, diarrhea, heart irregularities, asthma, mood swings, and many others. What many don’t know, is that more than 40 different ingredients contain the chemical in monosodium glutamate (processed free glutamic acid) that causes these reactions. The following list has been compiled over the last 20 years from consumer reports and information provided by manufacturers and food technologists.

    Names of ingredients that always contain processed free glutamic acid:

    Binders and fillers for medications, nutrients, and supplements, both prescription and non-prescription, enteral feeding materials, and some fluids administered intravenously in hospitals, may contain MSG.

    According to the manufacturer, Varivax–Merck chicken pox vaccine (Varicella Virus Live), contains L-monosodium glutamate and hydrolyzed gelatin, both of which contain processed free glutamic acid (MSG) which causes brain lesions in young laboratory animals, and causes endocrine disturbances like OBESITY and REPRODUCTIVE disorders later in life. It would appear that most, if not all, live virus vaccines contain some ingredient(s) that contains MSG.

    Reactions to MSG are dose related, i.e., some people react to even very small amounts. MSG-induced reactions may occur immediately after ingestion or after as much as 48 hours. The time lapse between ingestion and reaction is typically the same each time for a particular individual who ingests an amount of MSG that exceeds his or her individual tolerance level.

    Remember: By food industry definition, all MSG is "naturally occurring." "Natural" doesn't mean "safe." "Natural" only means that the ingredient started out in nature, like arsenic and hydrochloric acid.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    And make sure eat plenty of high fiber foods,;that are low in starch, and are low glycemic, so you won't get fat, and will avoid getting a peri-rectal absess.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    Also don't forget that today is Amazon prime! Keeping it spiritual, as we should on this blog, I would like y'all to know that I spent my $10.00 Prime Day credit this morning on a book called Reading The Akashic Records by Linda Howe, and I'll read it just as good with a Whopper wrapped in a Pride Napkin, as I would with a tofu burger, doused with citric acid.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    Today I'm planning to eat a Totino's pepperoni pizza, with added cheese, and jalepeno slices, followed by nutritional supplements, but first a bag of Orville Redenbacher's ultimate butter microwave popcorn, followed by nutritional supplements, and I'll wash it down with a cup of coffee with Great Value whole milk. Don't forget about the word balance.

  1. Christian's Avatar Christian

    Love them both, but Burger King keeps pushing that disgusting Fake Meat stuff. It's revolting. New Fake Chicken nuggets coming out are made from meal worms and insects - you may want to avoid unclean foods, depending on your particular religion's beliefs. Ultimate Kindness may lead you to Agape Love and Vegan only meals. If you go Vegan, be sure to eat a healthy balanced diet and may your deity or deities Bless you and all your family.

    1. Ilmenheru Terikson's Avatar Ilmenheru Terikson

      You do grasp fake meat is actually cleaner than real meat right? Go ahead and take a piece of any kind of meat, go take it put it in a dis and seal the top with plastic wrap, and watch. No matter what kind meat you got, no matter how high grade, within a few days you will see creatures wiggling on that premium piece of stake you have sealed off from the world. Those wiggly critters were already there in egg form. Every living animal including you and I are loaded with the eggs of such things waiting for the chance( when we die and begin to rot) to hatch like toad eggs after a rain storm.

      In general people should only eat food they personally prepare to be truly safe. Always thoroughly cook your food( or baste your sushi liberally with citiric acids) and remember folks if you really wanted to eat like a human, you would eat other humans, we are after all historically and genetically prone to cannibalism, which is the most effective form of nutrional intake in nature.

      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        Using citric acid is easy for someone to say, if he doesn't get acid reflux.

    2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      IImenheru is so right.

      From a nutritional health perspective, if one has to eat meat, I think you’ll find it best to eat grass fed, grass finished, meat. I’ll let you all look up that definition for your own education if you don’t understand it.

      Don’t forget that meat, by any other name, is still dead flesh going through the putrefaction process as soon as the animal dies.


      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        Not any old grass,Lionheart, but oat grass, and it wouldn't be a bad idea if we ate more of that too, iether in the form of old fashioned oats, or even better steel cut oats, but today I think I'll have some oatmeal cookies, not made with stevia, but sugar, followed by some nutritional supplements.

      2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        It's better to eat dead cow, no matter what it ate, than live çow. Wouldn't that be painful! You'd have to be truly very sadistiç to do that. However, it sounds like something some christians might do, on the altar of a church, in the name of Jesus.

    3. Linda Salavarria's Avatar Linda Salavarria

      Comment has been removed.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    I bet Jesus never ate in a restaurant. So all those people who are trying to emulate Jesus ought to do the same thing. And hands off the Tony Cachere's! I bet Jesus didn't season his food. Then again, you might be trying to live to be more than 33 years old. Jesus saw it coming, so he didn't have have to eat a nutritious diet. So just pig out on junk food, at home. Surely you can open a bag of potato chips. So, there's no reason why anyone has to eat out at all. Let's feed ourselves, and put a ll restaurants out of business.

  1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

    When I want chicken I visit my Presto Fry Daddy, and when I want burgers I take out my electric grill. However, when I want pizza, I prefer to doctors up a Torino's, and put it in my toaster oven. However, today I think I'll make use of my electric corn dog maker. Regardless of what I eat I prefer to eat it in the comfort of my own home, and cook it myself. I don't care if every restaurant in the world goes out of business. What's the big deal about eating in a place with a bunch of strangers, and paying too much for food, and tipping a stuck up waiter? If you don't know how to cook, learn. It really isn't hard. And until you learn, is it all that hard to throw a TV dinner in the microwave? Let those fools at the fast food joints battle it out all by themselves. Whether their for or against something it's all a ploy to make money, from people who are too lazy or irresponsible, or in too much of a hurry (probably on speed) to cook for themselves.

  1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

    LOLOL, and just how much do they think they are going to give? The local burger king is drive through only and at any given time they have maybe 3 cars in line and that is during the rush hours of dinner and supper. Over 92% of the Burger Kings in Northern Ohio are either closed for lack of workers or they have had the operation hours cut back so much that they are trying to pay 14 an hour for people to stay and they are still either quitting or walking away and not applying. In one city the whole staff except for one quit enmass, the only worker that was left was the shift manager and one person cant run a whole store on their own. And this is all for a stupid chicken sandwich.

    Maybe the CEO should actually do a survey and ask the people who used to go to the place what they thought before doing something so stupid instead of listening to a bunch of empty idiotic suits who most likely have never eaten a Burger King Sandwich in their lives. This is on par with the fiasco Coke a Cola did when they did the New Coke and stopped making the old coke. They damn near went bankrupt.

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      You got my vote Daniel, and I can't quit laughing.

      1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

        Laugh all you want, if you dont believe what I am saying then check with the US Department of Labor or the Ohio unemployment office in Columbus and they will tell you that a very good amount of applications for unemployment list burger king as the last place they worked. And the Burger King that is less then 6 blocks from me has a sign out in from where they are begging for workers with Managers getting close to 20 an hour and workers getting between 13 and 15 and they STILL cant keep enough people there.

        So again, exactly how are they going to be making donations when their fast food places are hanging on by their fingernails. I have seen more people going through Arbys and Mc Donalds and China Garden in the last six months then I have seen go through Burger King in the last 6 years

        1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          I do believe you Daniel, and agree. That's why I think it's funny. Don't get the impression that I'm always against everything you say. Only most of it.

          1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

            the only reason you say you are against most of what I say is I can back it up with sources that are valid, and that really ticks people off when their reality balloon is popped.

  1. John Norris Campbell's Avatar John Norris Campbell

    The Chick-fil-a here in Texas ALWAYS has a line 20 cars deep at lunch time...Burger King? Not even close to quality, service or value. No wonder they stoop to cheap tactics...and BTW, one must ask themselves WHY all these corporations flying the pride flag here in the states DO NOT do so in Muslim countries...pandering to American identity politics to make a buck is not being 'all inclusive' It's all about the MONEY..their true god. These corporations could give a rats ass about who sleeps with whom, as long as they can contribute to obeisty and heart diease with a healthy profit. And don't forget! SUPER SIZE ME!! LOL

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Is there only one Chick-fil-A here in Texas, John? I'm from Galveston, and haven't seen one yet. I ate in one in Lexington, Kentucky, but didn't see anything special about it, and during the four years I lived there preferred the lunch buffet at KFC. Did you look to see if any people were in those cars, John, and if they were moving, unlike mannekins. You know how deceptive those christians can be. The employees might park their cars in that line, or continuously drive through, and act like their placing orders. I wouldn't put it past those deceitful christians.

  1. Johanna Saoirse Browne's Avatar Johanna Saoirse Browne

    When is Chick-Fil-A going to learn that the sabbath is on the last day of the week, and that is not Sunday. Go look at a Calendar, last day is always Saturday. Ask, the Jews, who not only observe the Sabbath, are the ones who invented it. Even they say that the Sabbath starts on Friday at sunset and ends Saturday at Sunset, completing the cycle of one full day as laid out in Genesis. Not on Sunday

    1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      You can't expect christians to get anything right, Johanna. And they all interpret it in different ways. So, what's right for one is wrong for another. As long as they say their sorry for the mistakes they make, everything will be okay. Besides that, christians party hardy on Friday and Saturday nights! They can't change that to Friday and Sunday.

      1. Johanna Saoirse Browne's Avatar Johanna Saoirse Browne

        Well the Sabbath ends at Saturday night as soon as its Dark, so the party can start on Saturday like always, which normally carries into Sunday as well. Friday night however... yeah, that sucks for them lol

  1. Angel's Avatar Angel

    I don't get it, it's ok to have MULTIPLE wives, (the old testiment and "great" men of God is littered with poligamy) but gay marriages are forbidden. I don't follow outdated MiddleEastern cultures anyway as it reminds me to much of an abusive relationship, but what I am concerned about is this countries laws and constitution. The constitution was designed to have feedom, and even though we live in a capitolist country, the federal government still regulates discrimination. There will always be conflict in beliefs as individuals, but as a society, discrimination against employees are forbidden. Chik fila has a right not to support the LGBT community but as a company, it's also bad buissness practice to openly discourage it. These principles also encourage discrimination for potential employees or even employees. There is a fine line between rights and beliefs and I think our society is so consumed on feeling entitled that they have lost connection to people. People claim to follow Jesus yet Jesus hung out with rejects of society. Jesus showed love and compassion, not hatred. There is no story that did a background check on someone's sexuality before laying hands on them and healing them. But then again, Jesus never wrote a single word of the bible, did he? All these stories were written by witnesses with different perceptions, different ideas. Nobody really knew what Jesus meant because they asked him. His stories were in code that not even his diciples could fully decipher. "What do you mean master?" I guess the point is you can believe as you wish, but once your beliefs are clouded in judgement and hatred, then your missing the point. His message wasn't in his riddles, but in the life he lived.

    1. Johanna Saoirse Browne's Avatar Johanna Saoirse Browne

      "The constitution was designed to have feedom, and even though we live in a capitolist country, the federal government still regulates discrimination"

      While yes we are a capitalist society, America also has a democratic socialist aspect to it. Always has since it's founding. The reason the federal and state government regulate discrimination is because one group should not have more rights that the other group. Could you imagine the outrage if a gay baker refused to sell a wedding cake to a straight Christian couple? and sighted his beliefs as justification? How about an Atheist refusing to back a cake for a christening? Crap would hit the fan tenfold.

      "All these stories were written by witnesses with different perceptions, different ideas. Nobody really knew what Jesus meant because they asked him. "

      Yeah, thats because the Greeks who wrote the bible (NT) started writing it 40-50 years after the alleged crusifiction, and took about 100 years to fully write. Between then and 1608 when the KJV was written, the bible has gone through about 1400 edits, including adding Mark 16: 9-20 sometime in the 2nd millennia. Nobody that knew Jesus (Yeshu) if he existed at all, wrote the bible, and the people who did write it, had no eyewitness accounts. Most of the gospels are copied nearly perfectly from the prophets of the old testament and not original ideas.

      Have questions? Just ask in reply. I'll do my best to help y'all out

    2. Robert Wilson's Avatar Robert Wilson

      Angel I like this a lot.

      Rev Robert wilson god bless

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        Im curious as to what the often well used phrase “god bless” actually means? 🤷🏼


        1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          I think "God bless" means that people are telling their god to bless something, Lionheart, as if he iether didn't know he was supposed to do so, or if he couldn't do so without someone commanding him to do so. Some people's gods seem to be lacking in self-confidence, and can't act on their own, so such a saying makes it seem.

    3. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

      Guess you ignored the 1st amendment of the Constitution that says you CANNOT force someone to violate their religious beliefs and the US Supreme Court upheld that in two bakers and flower arrangers and one ranch where people held marriages when they were sued and the gay couples lost BIG Time. You want i changed then start a constitutional amendment, just remember you have a maximum of 7 years to get 38 states to agree or it vanishes and is never allowed to be tried again according to the US Supreme Court, thats why you dont have and never will have an ERA amendment

      1. Amy Minckler's Avatar Amy Minckler

        I like "liberty and justice for all" and the "separation of church and state". Companies are bound by state and federal laws. Those laws prevent discrimination supposedly. Maybe I am a bit slow but that seems pretty cut and dried.

        We are also suppose to have "freedom of religion" not "if your not a christian and you don't follow are rules we will hammer you into the ground". Proof of point that many christian's are just too loud.

        "do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. Matthew V6; 3-6

        1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

          there is NO such thing as Separation of church and state in the Constitution and never has been. The constitution was ratified in 1787 and the very first mention of this myth was in 1802, a good 15 years AFTER the Constitution was ratified thus taking a constitutional amendment to put it in the Constitution. Now I challenge you to show me where such an amendment was passed.

          1. Karu's Avatar Karu

            This actually defines that separation: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

            It's called The First Amendment. The founding fathers had lived through and watched the misery caused by religion-centric governments in Europe.

            1. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

              reread what you just wrote, it says Congress shall make no laws establishing a religion

              So show me exactly where Congress brought up and passed a bill into law when signed by the President that it "established" a religion. You cant as they never have.

              Stop trying to use smoke and mirrors and twist what the Constitution says to fit your agenda

              1. Brian Scott Hoff's Avatar Brian Scott Hoff

                I read your post three times. I'm left saying "Huh?".

              2. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                so you are admitting you dont understand english?

              3. A James Baird's Avatar A James Baird

                I believe that Brian's point is that it hasn't happened, because the First Amendment says that it can never happen. I'm Canadian, and I fully understand the intent and application of the First Amendment.



              4. Daniel Gray's Avatar Daniel Gray

                No Brian was trying to agree with the ladies ahead of me who clearly failed history and government. Maybe they should go back to school and stay awake this time and actually learn something?

              5. Tom's Avatar Tom

                It says. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,..." That is very different from "establishing a religion" as you are trying to argue.

                Stop trying to use smoke and mirrors and twist what the Constitution says to fit your agenda.

  1. Melinda Fulk's Avatar Melinda Fulk

    Ummm, a truly Biblical marriage, as in when it was supposedly written, looked NOTHING like our modern concept of marriage. This idea always drives me nuts. Honestly, the couple trying to live quietly together without the official paperwork from the government is more accurate.

    1. Johanna Saoirse Browne's Avatar Johanna Saoirse Browne

      yep, in biblical times right up until about 150-100 years ago, marriage was a business negotiation between the girls father and the bridegroom or his father. Women had little to know value other than child baring.

      In Leviticus, it says a woman's worth is about 40% less than a man. Also in the bible, if a man rapes a girl who is not married and not betrothed to someone, the Rapist much pay the father of the girl 40 sheckles and marry his daughter and never get divorced

      When I preach the gospel, it's the gospel of kindess towards everyone regardless of religion or lack of religion, Sex, sexuality, Gender identity, national origins, or disability.

      There is only one message in this gospel, "Be Excellent to each other". That's it.

      1. Linda Salavarria's Avatar Linda Salavarria

        Bill and Tedd fan?!!

        1. Johanna Saoirse Browne's Avatar Johanna Saoirse Browne

          Child of the 80's

          but yeah, Bill and Ted represent my generation which influenced the movies

    2. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

      Just jump a broom, and get it over with. That's all you have to do, besides consecrate the circle you put the broom in, and properly close it when you're through.

  1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

    One in 200 Americans have a sex abnormality. There’s quarters of all African-Americans are at least one quarter white. And almost all whites in this country are African-European-AMERICAN.


  1. robert's Avatar robert

    Well I’m this country you have the right to do what you want, disagree with whatever, the thing going on now days the thought that you should cater to whatever special interests groups out there, it’s not possible to do such a thing, but in this case it’s a business ploy in catering to yet another special interest group. So now I think I will announce that I am trans dolphin binary African American from Mars and I want each and everyone of you to chip in to build my Martian pool , just contribute 10 cents to my cause!

    1. Johanna Saoirse Browne's Avatar Johanna Saoirse Browne

      In almost every country, certainly every western and European country aside from Russia, you have those same rights. America is not unique in the world in terms of rights and privileges.

      It's not a ploy when they announce that 40 cents from every sandwich is going to a human rights charity. Either way, Popeye's chick sandwiches are better than both Burger King and Chick-Fil-A.

      So, what I'll do, every time I have a Popeye's Chicken Burger (at least twice a week), I'll take 40 cents, and round it up to $10 and at the end of June, I'll donate that money to the same charity. and I'll include $10 for the last 2 weeks worth of Popeye's chick burgers I've had. So they will be receiving from me at lest $100-$150 at the end of July.

      Also, the Sabbath starts Friday at sunset, and ends Saturday at sunset. The Sabbath is not the Sunday. Also, Sunday officially is not the last day of the week. Saturday is according to the majority of Calendars. You'll awals see the week on the Calendar start on a Sunday and end on the Saturday

      I'm a white chick and I am also 100% African American as I was born in South Africa, to white south African Parents, which technically makes me African-American as we are now American Citizens for the last 30 years.

      Not sure if you were having a jab at Transgender people (I think you were), but ignorance is a choice. Trans people don't Choose to be Trans, it's not a mental health issue, even though Gender dysphoria is, it's not synonymous with being Transgender. It's a biological mix up. Anyway, your entire comment was obtuse

      America is unique in the way we never call everyone "American", we always have to hyphen it; Chinese-American, Japanese-American, Mexican-American, Australian-American, Latin-American, European-American etc, regardless of how many generations their family have been in America. no other nation does that

      1. robert's Avatar robert

        Yeah? Well you are a prime example of what’s messed up on in this world! And as far as if trans is a choice or not well one does make that choice to either have it chopped off or one sewn on you stupid idiot!

        1. Johanna Saoirse Browne's Avatar Johanna Saoirse Browne

          There is no hate quite like Christian love

          for me personally, I was born with Kleinfelter syndrome, which is XXY chromosome, I was also born with hypogonadism, and my brain, like all Transgender people is physically the opposite sex.

          The brains in men and women are physically different in structure, and because of these differences, they function slightly different between the sexes, in terms of thought process, pain management, resoning, emotions etc. Transgender people have brains that are more physically matched with the opposite sex of their assigned sex at birth. This has been known in scientific medical community for about 20+ years now.

          This is why Transgender people feel so strongly about their sex being mismatched against their Gender (Gender and Sex are not the same thing). There is no fix for this, and since the brain can't be fixed/changed physically, the next logical step is to make the body match the brain.

          It's people like you that cause Gender dysphoria in Trans people, which is why Transgender people have one of the highest rates of Suicide.

          I myself am Transgender simply because My parents CHOSE the wrong sex for me after I was born and started presenting physical signs of being both male and female, as my physical appearance at birth didn't present the issues in appearance. Some babies (not all) born with hypogonadism, are born with both genitals (Penis and Vagina) I was born with just the penis, but my insides had a uterus rather than a prostate, and my testies where there in place of ovaries and never decended and after puberty I had to have them removed because of the risk of cancer.

          I also never experienced male puberty.

          it was then my Parents decided to put me on testosterone replacement therapy to force male puberty on me. Until I turned 18 when I made the right choice to chose female

          You might want to look up the studies from the last 12 years in relation to Transgender brains, and why it matters and why it affects Transgender people

        2. Brian Scott Hoff's Avatar Brian Scott Hoff

          Wow. Do you pray to your god with that mouth?

      2. Woodrow's Avatar Woodrow

        None of the three restaurants are good. Chick-fil-a has msg products in all items including shakes. And ditto for the other stores. There are hidden sources of msg in all of the stores.

        1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

          I can't imagine anyone always doing everything to promote optimum nutritional health. Nobody is talking about making those fast food joints their primary sources for sustenance, Woodrow, but every once in a while a little monosodium glutinate, nitrates, etc. isn't going to hurt a healthy human being.

          1. Woodrow's Avatar Woodrow

            Tell that to my body. it triggers migraine headaches, and many other things


        2. Linda Salavarria's Avatar Linda Salavarria

          @woodrow...Oooohhhh chik fil a uses msg? Didn't know that. That is a bad additive that most restaurants, including chinese who historically used it alot, don't use anymore. It has been proven to cause negative reactions in humans. You can say everyone does it but does that make it right or ethical if you KNOW it causes harm? Just cuz you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD. I CAN pick my nose in public and wipe snot on everything but SHOULD I? Gross example but hopefully you get the point. Just cuz you CAN use a troublesome additive doesn't mean you SHOULD.

          Yeah, I'll think hard before I let my kid eat there anymore. Thanks for the info. Knowledge is power.

    2. Johanna Saoirse Browne's Avatar Johanna Saoirse Browne

      In almost every country, certainly every western and European country aside from Russia, you have those same rights. America is not unique in the world in terms of rights and privileges.

      It's not a ploy when they announce that 40 cents from every sandwich is going to a human rights charity. Either way, Popeye's chick sandwiches are better than both Burger King and Chick-Fil-A.

      So, what I'll do, every time I have a Popeye's Chicken Burger (at least twice a week), I'll take 40 cents, and round it up to $10 and at the end of June, I'll donate that money to the same charity. and I'll include $10 for the last 2 weeks worth of Popeye's chick burgers I've had. So they will be receiving from me at lest $100-$150 at the end of July.

      Also, the Sabbath starts Friday at sunset, and ends Saturday at sunset. The Sabbath is not the Sunday. Also, Sunday officially is not the last day of the week. Saturday is according to the majority of Calendars. You'll awals see the week on the Calendar start on a Sunday and end on the Saturday

      I'm a white chick and I am also 100% African American as I was born in South Africa, to white south African Parents, which technically makes me African-American as we are now American Citizens for the last 30 years.

      Not sure if you were having a jab at Transgender people (I think you were), but ignorance is a choice. Trans people don't Choose to be Trans, it's not a mental health issue, even though Gender dysphoria is, it's not synonymous with being Transgender. It's a biological mix up. Anyway, your entire comment was obtuse

      America is unique in the way we never call everyone "American", we always have to hyphen it; Chinese-American, Japanese-American, Mexican-American, Australian-American, Latin-American, European-American etc, regardless of how many generations their family have been in America. no other nation does that

      1. Carl Bernard Elfstrom's Avatar Carl Bernard Elfstrom

        That's not a Republican thing, Johanna. We think of all citizens of the United States as Americans, and treat all Americans as Americans. We're in favor of whatever happens to be the majority vote on any given issue, regarding Americans, as a whole. It's Democrats and others who seperate Americans into different kinds of people, and demand special rights for each of them. That's not the American way, but the Democrat way, and this nation wasn't founded by Democrats. That political party didn't even exist then. However, British people are also well known as limeys. If the shoe fits, wear it!

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