Pop star Britney Spears is engaged in a headline-grabbing legal battle over her conservatorship, a legal status where a court appoints a legal guardian to manage the affairs and finances of someone they deem unable to care for themselves.
Following her public breakdown in 2008, Spears' father essentially took complete control over her lifestyle and finances under this system.
She is now trying to end the conservatorship, arguing that it's a status intended only for the elderly and infirm… not women in their 30s. Spears even revealed that although she wants to have children, she has been unable to remove an IUD contraceptive device because the conservatorship forbids it.
Amidst the debate over the ethical implications of this arrangement, one of the arguments Spears raised in court is getting particular attention.
As part of a recent statement to a Los Angeles probate judge, Spears explained that her required therapy isn’t necessary, because there’s an even better therapist in the sky. “I don’t feel like I can live a full life,” she stated. “I don’t owe them to go see a man I don’t know and share with him my problems. I don’t even believe in therapy. I always think you take it to God.”
The Best Therapist Ever
That is a common sentiment amongst some Christians, who believe that therapy makes excuses for sin or that relying on God should be enough to get through the difficult patches in life. God, they argue, never gives us more than we can handle.
For example, a piece published on Bible.org argues that most Christians in therapy simply don’t need it, and are just biblically malnourished instead.
“Instead of studying and feasting on Scripture itself, [Christians] settle for dependence on rapidly multiplying forms of vicarious study,” the author writes. “God intended from the very beginning that He should be our primary counselor, our source of diagnosis, insight, and guidance… And the primary vehicle of that ministry of God is the Scripture.”
The argument boils down to this: Why settle for a therapist on earth when you’ve got the best one ever in heaven?
Just Pray Harder?
Though a pervasive opinion in many churches across America, some say that it’s not a healthy approach to actually helping those suffering from mental illness.
Pam Rocker of Hillhurst United Church in Calgary, Alberta, says that many churches and church leaders are ill-equipped to understand the causes and treatments of many mental health issues.
“Mental health is often erroneously intertwined with weakness or lack of willpower,” she says. “Many [Christians] are not encouraged to seek counseling, but instead are encouraged to pray harder and have more faith.”
Christian musician Jennifer Knapp said she’s experienced similar sentiments when seeking treatment for her own depression at church, citing “utter rejection from the church.” She said she was even “counseled to absorb my sufferings as a punishment for my sins and a call to repentance.” With millions of lives and livelihoods at stake, Christian mental health advocates say it’s actually a sin to not advocate for professional mental care.
Meanwhile, others found Britney Spears's remarks reminiscent of the attitudes held by older generations.
What About Britney?
Whether consulting a professional or a higher power, Britney Spears faces an uphill battle in dissolving the conservatorship.
She does seem to have the support of many fans, and scores of fellow celebrities have spoken up in her defense. The singer Madonna recently weighed in on her personal Instagram account, writing:
"Give this woman her life back. Slavery was abolished so long ago! Death to the greedy patriarchy that has been doing this to women for centuries. This is a violation of human rights! Britney we coming to get you out of jail!"
But to earn her freedom, Spears will need more than public support. Her case continues in court, where – among other issues – a judge will have to decide whether praying to God is sufficient to fulfill a court-ordered therapy requirement.
Where do you stand – is prayer a worthy substitute for therapy? What do you think will happen with Spears' legal case?
Answers to prayer!! Today ,press release states that Britney’s father” stepped down” as conservator.
“Free your mind ; and the rest will follow.” ~ circa Funkadelic 1970 revisited via Destiny’s Child ,1992
Answers to prayer!! Today ,press release states that Britney’s father” stepped down” as conservator.
“Free your mind ; and the rest will follow.” ~ circa Funkadelic 1970 revisited via Destiny’s Child ,1992
Answers to prayer!! Today ,press release states that Britney’s father” stepped down” as conservator.
“Free your mind ; and the rest will follow.” ~ circa Funkadelic 1970 revisited via Destiny’s Child ,1992
Answers to prayer!! Today ,press release states that Britney’s father” stepped down” as conservator.
“Free your mind ; and the rest will follow.” ~ circa Funkadelic 1970 & revisited via Destiny’s Child ,1992
I think historically speaking and contemporaneously religious ideas and legal processes have been inextricably intertwined. If one believes that mental illness has a spiritual basis there is still to be considered how one perceives spiritual intercession unless one defines faith as something devoid of any intellectual content absolutely then all language needs to be analyzed by diolog. One example is that if one states that all mental illness is punishment from " God" for sinning then they also have to describe what sinning is and also take into consideration a possibility for forgiveness. However, if thesis and antithesis is resolved by belief systems that engender a will to power by crushing any rational humanity via the imposition of large corrupt institutions then Britany spears will not receive any justice as a human -being but continue to be treated as a label or number in an impersonal " Godless" system which historically speaking always takes the liberty to oppress those individuals it decides too!
Anyone who recommends Medication is incompetant as a therapist. A therapist more convenient than God might be right for some, while others might find God most convenient of All. I recall the testimony of a medically retired Presbyterian Minister, that his best therapists were big ugly Fairies. Madness should not last more than a couple weeks, so Daddy hasn't been making the best choices in Therapy. In Western Lapland, Schizoaffective Disorder doesn't last six months, due to Family Therapy, and a lack of Medication.
Psychology, and therapy in general is not a scam or snake oil. Unless it is imposed without consent. Where are the enemies of patriarchy screaming "her body her choice!" Did they abandon this victim now because of a public rejection of Sigmund Freud mongering? Did they abandon her to prove that big government is more important than individual rights? How awful.
+Brothers & sisters, let’s continue to lift up Britney& each other in fervent prayer. The trappings of fame have a stronghold on her,her FamilyFold, & her entourage. Pray deliverance and freedom from these strongholds. Pray for reconciliation, redemption, repentance & restoration. Decades of so many strongholds are robbing souls of freedom& truth. Additionally, people-made religiosity is exactly that. To walk with Christ is a way of life , NOT religion. HolySpirit intercession is what I claim here& True Love, for all.+
I am thankful for trained medical professions that God has gifted to help others. It's sad when people don't recognize that mental health is often related to a chemical imbalance or a traumatic life experience and they need professional help. Yes I am a Christian and I do believe God can heal and comfort us through these issues but we can't forget that he often does this with help through others. My wife suffered from some serious depression issues. Her doctor diagnosed it and the medication he provided made a huge positive change in her life. She is also a devoted Christian and we heard some condemning remarks from people about seeking treatment that just had no Biblical basis. I am reminded of Paul telling Timothy to take a little wine for his stomach issues. Why didn't he just say his lack of depending on God was the issue?
Please, folks stop analyzing her & placing all her comments under the social microscope. Just pray4her to be released!
HorsePickles..There is no scripture, on the planet, which says that Medical Doctors are not to be sought. Good golly gravy
It appears the 'showers' have produced your sodden reasoning! Where are the scriptures that advise us to seek medical doctors?!
There's plethora of references in the Bible to God's being the source of health and healing. He encourages our appealing to Him in this manner.
But, there're only TWO recorded instances of the ailing going to a doctors. I think it was king Asa in the Old Testament . . . he died! And the lady - before being healed by touching Jesus' garment - went broke paying the doctors and getting worse!
I was once diagnosed with clinical depression as a result of trying to commit suicide after being divorced from my wife and losing several jobs. As a result Began to receive mental counseling through a mental health therapist. After several years of therapy I was finally healed. I also had to see a nurse practitioner who prescribed my psych meds. He was a deacon in the catholic church and we discussed the bible very much. He once gave me a scripture verse which clarifies that God is a Holy Trinity of Persons. Here is the scripture verse: "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." (1 John 5:7). (King James Version). I believe that it was God who led me into therapy. I have also received a Master's degree in Counseling and before my therapy days were over, I had begun to counsel my therapist. Today I no longer need counseling, nor do I need to take psych meds anymore. Praise be to God!
I really have never met with so much judgmentalism and slanted opinion as on this site. What's up, people? Are you ministers of faith, where did your faith go? Everyone has breakdowns. People in those circles have their own agendas. This famous person has learned that, and she submits to her creator. Get on with your life and let her get on with hers.
God allows us free will. We are also given the gifts of many scientists and physicians who can help us deal with mental and physical illnesses. When an adult/child has mental disabilities, it can be very hard for families to cope. They lose legal and practical control but are often the ones left to pick up the pieces and repair damage after crisis situations occur. They have no rights but feel responsible. This is a difficult situation that many families face, having a member who has a mental illness.
Since Brittany is a celebrity, we read about her and see her on television and feel that we know her and what is really going on. We don't. We weigh in on it with how we think it should be handled, but we haven't lived with her or her family. I'm guilty of these thoughts as well. You can't not see it and not have a reaction, after all.
It's possible to look at this from both sides and feel compassion for everyone involved. It's unfortunate there's such a stigma around mental illness that many see it as a character flaw. Many who wouldn't think twice about having a surgery for cancer might also think it's shameful to see a psychiatrist. Our brains are so complex in that they're both physical and mental. They are our link between body and spirit, but just like any other part of our bodies, they can malfunction and can often be helped with medical intervention. That doesn't make anyone any less spiritual for seeking that treatment.
Her father is a leach. Take her off a leash. It's her life to live for God, not for her daddy.
AA has been around for decades and relied on by millions of people world-wide. The basic foundation? God
As a recovering alcoholic (and will be for the rest of my life) that has just achieved his 20 year coin I would have to question if you are actually in AA or have worked the 12 steps. As far as a foundation there's nothing as basic that one sentence could possibly describe.
They need to leave Britney Spears alone. Her Father and sister are clearly abusing her in many ways including stealing her money. She needs to take back control of her life and get rid of these toxic people. As far as reigion, neither good or bad but mostly just dump religion in general.
Lionheart...Thumbs up
Koo Stark here , I agree with Britney ! Mental health is a spiritual matter . I myself was court ordered to have therapy and instead went to seek advice from his Holiness the Dalai Lama, This was treated with ridicule by both the Judiciary and the UK press -but I felt becalmed, nurtured, healed and supported from the counselling I received from HH Dalai Lama. I’ve had an enormous court battle spanning 20 years (custody and finance) in both UK courts and USA courts I’ve had gagging orders with penal notices attached - if I spoke of what went on on court, I would go to jail- My X leaked bias stories to the press causing untold harm to my reputation and my case as he take my child away from me and put me in jail for something he did. Britney should get her case out of America and into the European court for human rights , this is a breach of her human rights and she must take it to the human rights court. & god bless her
LOL! you get what ya pay for....Dalai Lama indeed!
Thank you for sharing Koo. I for one, am upset that she could potentially receive more objective treatment in a foreign court.
From what I can see, it looks like her father is an abusive controlling man and being used to this type of male figure, she married someone just like him and had kids with him. After this, both drove her to the edge of insanity as controlling men will do purposely causing her to doubt her own ability to make choices so they could manipulate her into making decisions in their financial best interests. When she resisted their manipulation as any normal person would do, as a last step, they convinced the courts she was incompetent so they could legally take over her life and finances and they’ve been using her money to pay bribes to keep it that way for a very long time.
I think she has woken up to the abuse and is speaking the situation for what it is and is demanding justice.
She needs to make her own decisions so she can get back control of her own and get justice for herself and then find healing. The court is in actuality perpetuating these abusive relationships. I hope she will also sue the government.
It’s embarrassing after all these years for a court to be proven wrong in their decisions so I see a difficult case but I believe her rights have been violated. I would hire an investigator through her attorney she’s allowed to have now to see who has been bribed to say what they’ve said. I bet there’s a very long trail of bribes and I look to see all of it exposed and every one of them convicted.
Maybe the way they’ll go is to get her free first then sue again for damages. If she tries to get everything all at once she may get less or nothing.
As a last thought ...
When abusive relationships end, abusive men commit murder rather than let go and allow the victim to be free. I hope she realizes that as she tries to get her money back, her life is at risk. As a last effort for those who have abused her and to keep her money, to keep the game hidden, and prove her craziness as they’ve claimed a “suicide” may be planned. I hope she’s protecting herself with eyes open. I’d hate to see it end this way.
Wishing her well and every freedom and justice she deserves!
To use a somewhat infamous quote, "Leave Britney alone!"
To use another famous quote Tom, in regard to Britney: " My mama told me that stupid is as stupid does". Touche, and hardy har-har!!!
If Britney Spears did not churn out millions of dollars, this situation would not happen. It is obvious that 13 years of therapy are just an excuse, as she should be "better" by now. Free Britney to have her own life, to make her own decisions. Just like poor people are free to have their own lives and make their own decisions, good or poor. Prayer is always good.
I pray (talk) to different gods and goddesses about different things, and different entities, both carnate and discarnate, about different things as well. One being of any kind couldn't possibly have all the answers to everything I ever want to know about, or to heal or relieve me of all my problems. In other words, you don't pray to the god of drought, for it to rain, et cetera.
That is a very practical approach, common in Brazil. Some systems there have 16 gods, others only 7. For me, the number is not the same every day.
You pray/talk to the one that is line with what you need, and give thanks to whatever divinity helped you.
WOW!~ I dare say you are more lost than the multi millionare Britany....good luck with all that!
(CONTINUED) BELOVED, Mentally-Strong Britney is quoted to have said “I don’t even believe in therapy. I always think you take it to God.” That is correct thinking if she remembers the God of LOVE (Tough-LOVE) we spoke about many years ago after her mental challenge because it is written in Amos 8:11 “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the Words of the LORD.”
Those days are today and yesterday for centuries back. So BELOVED and Cherished Britney if you do not remember the communications we had many years ago then the god you are referring to won’t do you any good. However, it is your God-Given right to take your cares and worries to the useless pagan Christian orthodox god like Billions of deceived Christians do. I AM coming back to social media eventually.
Father God says to you BELOVED, Wise Britney in Psalms 82:6 “I [God] have said you are gods and ALL of you are CHILDREN of The Most High.”
The bible says that “NO MAN HAS SEEN GOD AT ANYTIME” in John 1:18 and 1 John 4:12. What!!! Why??? Because Father God is Invisible. Jesus Christ, the Son of God was not invisible when He walked this Earth, evidently. Millions of people were Blessed to see My VICTORIOUS Twin Brother Christ. Now Christ and Father God are in You and Me, in Us.
Also you are asked the question LOVEABLE Britney CHILD of God in 1 Corinthians 3:16 “Do you know that you are the Temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells IN YOU?” YES.
Now you know LOVEABLE Britney CHILD of God that the Spirit of God dwells IN YOU.” You are the Image of God (Genesis 1:27). Search for the answers INSIDE YOURSELF not in pagan dead, racist religious idols or in pagan idolatrous popes, priests, pastors and preachers. You must seek the LOVING God-In-You like an extremely thirsty person seeking cool water.
Good study Books are (1). Young’s Analytical Concordance To The Bible, and (2). W. E. Vine: An Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words (Hebrew and Greek words). Those Books are very helpful along with a Good Study Bible, like the NIV Study Bible to find the true meaning of what you are searching for BELOVED Britney.
However if you have a better way, go for it LOVELY, Intelligent Britney. Everyone has a unique “Road Less Traveled” to walk. Therefore whatever fork in the road you chose LOVEABLE Battle-Born Warrior Britney, do it with Force like a Mighty God-LOVING Spiritual Revolutionary and not like a weak religious person.
Sincerely, your LOVING Friend Nimrod, The Spiritual Revolutionary “LIFE” Coach KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS (REVELATION 19:11:21). Amen. Namaste.
Many do not realize, but Britany started out in the Christian church choir....Proverbs 22:6 "Train a child in the way he/she should go; even when they are old , they will depart far from it..." So I guess that old pesky ancient Bible still holds alot of wisdom for these times!
Judge thee not this is modern controlling behaviour.I suffer with Bi Polar it can be treated like all other mental health issues.All you have to do is ask.Shame on the courts.Yes the man upstairs will listen to prayers and will not judge you God bless Britney Spears
We LOVE Britney Spears and her LOVING Strong, Fearless Sons Sean and Jayden. Always have. Always will. Everybody makes mistakes and/or has trauma in their lives, that’s life. But to have a chain around your neck for the rest of your life, when you have been making correct decisions and choices for decades since the trauma happened, a heavy iron neck-Chain is not the way Father God ordained His CHILDREN, including Our BELOVED Britney, to Live. No chains allowed!!! LOVELY Britney has made Millions of dollars and her LOVING CHILDREN LOVE her and have never complained about her immense Motherly LOVE for them and that is Extreme proof for her soundness of mind.
I AM not judging her father or his lawyers’ motives, although I AM always suspicious about lawyers. Free BELOVED, Intelligent and Strong Britney!!! And let’s see if she makes any mistakes, and she might, because we all do. However as BELOVED Britney has shown she learns from her mistakes. Many people do not.
My Twin Brother Christ declares in John 10:10 “I have come that they may have Life, and Life more ABUNDANTLY.” As has been written in many articles LOVELY Courageous Britney believes she is not living her life abundantly and to the fullest extent due to the conservatorship.
LOVELY Britney has chosen a good man, Sam Asgari, who believes in her and has been by her side for years, and has never forsaken her, nor has she forsaken him. That also is proof that her mental state has improved greatly, and that LOVELY, Intelligent Britney is a very capable Woman and should be free to have a Sweet Adorable LOVEABLE Baby. Point to a person who has never had an extremely rough spot, or rough spots in their life and you are pointing at a liar.
Even Apostle Paul declares to the world in Philippians 3:13-14 “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind [Apostle Paul was a killer of Christians when he was the Pharisee Saul] I press toward the mark for the Prize of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
Since Apostle Paul pressed on and LOVEABLE, God-LOVING Britney is pressing on, and she did not kill anyone, it is evident that Father God and Christ and Apostle Paul want BELOVED Britney to fulfill her Calling, her Purpose in Life. And only God and My VICTORIOUS Twin Brother Christ and BELOVED Britney know what her purpose is, or maybe she is still seeking. But it is her God-Given Right to seek or to do without a chain around her Beautiful neck.
(CONTINUED) BELOVED, Mentally-Strong Britney is quoted to have said “I don’t even believe in therapy. I always think you take it to God.” That is correct thinking if she remembers the God of LOVE (Tough-LOVE) we spoke about many years ago after her mental challenge because it is written in Amos 8:11 “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the Words of the LORD.”
Those days are today and yesterday for centuries back. So BELOVED and Cherished Britney if you do not remember the communications we had many years ago then the god you are referring to won’t do you any good. However, it is your God-Given right to take your cares and worries to the useless pagan Christian orthodox god like Billions of deceived Christians do. I AM coming back to social media eventually.
Father God says to you BELOVED, Wise Britney in Psalms 82:6 “I [God] have said you are gods and ALL of you are CHILDREN of The Most High.”
The bible says that “NO MAN HAS SEEN GOD AT ANYTIME” in John 1:18 and 1 John 4:12. What!!! Why??? Because Father God is Invisible. Jesus Christ, the Son of God was not invisible when He walked this Earth, evidently. Millions of people were Blessed to see My VICTORIOUS Twin Brother Christ. Now Christ and Father God are in You and Me, in Us.
Also you are asked the question LOVEABLE Britney CHILD of God in 1 Corinthians 3:16 “Do you know that you are the Temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells IN YOU?” YES.
Now you know LOVEABLE Britney CHILD of God that the Spirit of God dwells IN YOU.” You are the Image of God (Genesis 1:27). Search for the answers INSIDE YOURSELF not in pagan dead, racist religious idols or in pagan idolatrous popes, priests, pastors and preachers. You must seek the LOVING God-In-You like an extremely thirsty person seeking cool water.
Good study Books are (1). Young’s Analytical Concordance To The Bible, and (2). W. E. Vine: An Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words (Hebrew and Greek words). Those Books are very helpful along with a Good Study Bible, like the NIV Study Bible to find the true meaning of what you are searching for BELOVED Britney.
However if you have a better way, go for it LOVELY, Intelligent Britney. Everyone has a unique “Road Less Traveled” to walk. Therefore whatever fork in the road you chose LOVEABLE Battle-Born Warrior Britney, do it with Force like a Mighty God-LOVING Spiritual Revolutionary and not like a weak religious person.
Sincerely, your LOVING Friend Nimrod, The Spiritual Revolutionary “LIFE” Coach KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS (REVELATION 19:11:21). Amen. Namaste.
I know a man who makes fine bridal dresses and loves opera. An Australian judge ordered him to psychiatric aversion therapy to cure him of the disease of homosexuality. The psychiatrist showed him pornographic pictures and gave him injections of poisons to make him tremble and vomit. This gave him compulsions to try out the scenes in the pictures in real life. So he had to pretend to he judge that the psychiatrist had "cured" him of homosexuality.
You can easily find people that feel better after using Gd as their therapist, and other people who feel worse after talking to Gd as their therapist. You can also easily find people that feel better after using a psychiatrist as their therapist, and other people who feel worse after talking to a psychiatrist as their therapist.
We do not know about either in Britney's case, but we do know that if this judge could could so correctly pronounce her system of cure that justifies taking away her human rights, that 13 years is a stupid amount of time to take for this cure to happen.
Maybe she is not fine, and the court has not proved it can help in 13 years. Maybe she is fine, and courts should support human rights, not take them away.
And this is exactly WHY you, yourself, MUST get injected twice by an untested vaccine for a 'virus' that you have a 99.5% chance of overcoming anyway! OHHH! and don't forget! The "delta" strain is NOT covered in that last jab of chemical soup injected into your body made by people you do not know and also have 100% immunity in case they accidentally kill you....enjoy!
Her 'issues' are not something relative to this arena. How ever religion and mental health always question one's stability.
LOL! says a guy on a religious site.....enjoy!
Welp just when I was feeling abit bad for Ms. Spears and thinking maybe she should be given control of her life, I see she actual would not be in control of it as she would just be giving that control up to an invisible sky daddy. May as well let her actual daddy keep being the one to tell her how to live her life.
Given "control" of her life by whom?? If you, yourself, were worth more than that bag of empty beer cans you collected yesterday, who would actually want to control you? Being some kind of ancient sentient 'being' surely you can wrap that massive universal mind you claim to have and come up with a solution for this obvious conundrum and could do us all 'mere mortals' a favor! Her 'daddy' turned her out when she was just a tween....yea! let's all give props to THAT GUY!
I feel for Britney. I too, may be under conserversorship...My sister has not openly stated it. However, she has not told me what my trust is worth (Something I recently found out I am entitled to know by law). She has never given a document stating that I am under her conservertership). If I am under a conservertership, am I not entitled to so information? An other questionable situation is that I have not received a rotalty payment for my music in over 6 years, nor do I any longer receive updates from that organization. Has my sister intercepted such,undet the supposed authority of being my conservertor? Would she have such legal right? Furthermore, I believe my sister has embezzled Money from my trust, given to political causes my sister supports, as well as a very possible religious cult.
Golly William! These things you speak of have not raised any 'red flags'??? Perhaps then you ARE where you need to be...question nothing! and be sure to take that little pill! Don't forget to eat your pudding cup!
There are thorny legal issues in the Spears case which are resolved without the benefit of spiritual considerations. But Britney has taken a positive step in placing faith in God and her continued commitment should resolve her dilemma in the long run. The country should have been much more faith based through the covid crisis. Churches have the opportunity to assume a vital role in guiding us through the pandemic.
Why? What qualifies any organized beliefs , especially ones that are built on hate and bigotry, to be a "guid" for anything?
Really? A 30-something year old soccer mom is a subject of any importance? Yeah, yeah, she's been in the news, and little boys and girls swoon at the mention of her name. But so what?
I don't believe in one God dose that mean That I am a bad person no it doesn't I believe in may goddess and gods
Blessed be your feet that have carried you here Cindy, and all the way up. I'm sure you know the rest.
'sin eager': No, your belief doesn't make you a bad person. According to God's Word, All of us are 'bad' people. And the ONLY way we can become 'good', is by recognizing and repenting of our 'badness'; then appropriating Jesus' goodness' that He arranged on the cross for our behalf.
Daddy is not giving up the cash. He holds her as a chattel slave. He forces her to perform concerts then HE takes all the money. And of course he knows exactly how to provoke her into acting crazy. Who knows what other abuse he commits.
It is apparent to I that most of them around here in that conservatorship are the ones in need of therapy and counseling and that they are tryantical and dictorial and are using her as an atm system and that her best intrest is what they have in mind is obviouse as long as she allings up with what they want and want her to do with her life and career etc and that isnt in her best interest what if she wants to make a career change because she has simply gotten sick of that one, happens all the time people of sound mind make decisons to relocate to other countries to change careers to get diovorced to get married and change thier religions and leave abusive relations ships all of sound mind and reasonable expectations and health decisons from reasonable person but to ask all those that dont want them to because it isnt waht they want they are crazy ones, they say break the cycles of abuse before they breaks you what they dont tell you is it pisses all the abusers and resource depleters and controlers and comptrollers off that love the position of completel and absolute over lord of every aspect of your life and you should consult them and beg or appease them for all thier approval and get all thier agreement first and that never goes nor settles well with any of them most often and they all can't be wrong, it's her (them/you) , smh
This is a tough one, first I am not her psychiatrist, so I can’t a actually say if she is mentally ill or not, BUT , I think she should be given the chance to prove her self, why not? Are we all not given chance after chance by our creator? I prefer to him God myself , and if she feels that she can get guidance , as we all can, from God, and shows that she is of sound mind then yes she should be given her life back! If not , if I was her I would not ever perform or make any more money for daddy or anyone , because friends without freedom to choose then there is no freedom at all!
I've worked in psychiatric hospitals, mental illness is just as real asany other disorder. Would you tell a diabetic to stop taking insulin and have faith Godto heal them? No, that's rediculious. So why would you say someone with Bi-Polar and Schitzophrenia should? Yet, when a Schitzophrenic shoots up and kills a crowd of innoscent people, now they want this person locked up for life. It's not the devil, it's an inbalance of the chemicals in the brain and is just as biological as diabetes, canceror any other physical disorder. Since I am not Brittney's therapist, can't say if she actually has a disorder or if she has addiction issues, or whatever, but if her father is abusing his role as concervator or she doesn't trust him, then there should be no reason for a conservator that is court appointed. Personally, I think daddy is just worried she will blow all of her money and he won't have anyone to mooch off of. But as far as casting demons out and blaming everything on the devil is the most ignorant belief anyone could have. Perhaps if people would do away with this mind-set and accept that they have a real medical issue, mental health may actually be effective in this country instead of letting dangerour and sick people slip through the cracks.
I completely agree with your opinion! If a normal (sane, not lazy) person has a leaky roof on the house, he does not expect a miracle. He doesn't expect God to personally come down from heaven and fix his roof. He hires a carpenter or repairs the roof himself (with God's help).
Medication is just a way of locking people up for life. How to tell if a healer is good or bad, Hippocrates did not know but, God is reputable.
Which God are you referring to as reputable?
I was reared in a controlling, secretive religious cult. Over decades of experiencing their harmful practices, then observing the ongoing experiences of those who were still "in," I learned that strong, abusive church influence can cause emotional and psychological damage, some of it very severe. MANY people who are strongly influenced in their thinking and life choices by strict churches have developed bipolar illness and other disorders, or have become very depressed, and have been trapped in harmful relationships. It has been clear from her past behavior that Ms. Spears has suffered from emotional problems, which sometimes led her to do things that harmed her career or even endanger her child. Perhaps with appropriate treatment she would have been in a better position to assert that she is just fine and does not need anyone to look out for her interests. Her continued assertion that she doesn't believe in therapy is an indication that she is not okay. In addition, her anti-therapy will influence some of her fans to avoid therapy they may need. As for her claims that she prays and receives help through prayer, does she say she is a Christian? If she follows Christian teachings, how is it that as a single woman she is demanding the right to "have a baby with [her] boyfriend"?
Many of the christians who I've known and heard of Martha have distorted that religion to however it suits them.
Britany is a victim of the "MK-ULTRA' programs invented by the CIA and used by the Disney People to mass produce money makers for their sick pedo programs. She was turned out by her 'handlers' much like a street pimp turns out underage children for the sex trade. The ppl in charge of this program know exactly HOW to break a childs in-born personality and splinter it into a million pieces, thereby forcing that child to embrace whomever is left in 'charge' of that child. The victim is then encouraged to 'please' her handlers....one should look to the people who actually knew her as an 'up coming star' and then review exactly WHO made the most money off her....This is a very SAD story and Britany is no less a victim than any other child that has been exploited from an early age.
Yes, mental health is a real problem, as evidenced by people who talk and nod at a brick wall in Israel, or those that talk to the wall, floor, ceiling, or sky, thinking they are talking to something that obviously isn't there. Though they will try to convince the rest of us that there is something there, even though the thing they think they are talking to doesn't even seem to be able to show up and prove it is real. 🤷🏻♂️
Hello Lionheart,
Those who pray at the wall are not praying to the wall but to G-d. It is an expression of their worship, repentance & looking forward to a time when the earth will be in peace. There’s nothing mentally wrong with that and to compare them to people with obvious mental health issues is a comment obviously meant to verbally assault Jewish people who are trying to live in peace, myself included as you know I read and write on these articles.
By YOUR logic, I could also say you are mentally ill because you claim that to believe and experience anything unproven by science is mental illness.
As you make claims to be morally indignant to G-d, your hatred to all religions you express EMOTIONS THE EXISTENCE OF WHICH CANNOT BE PROVEN but emotions are of course EVIDENCE OF A SPIRITUAL WORLD YOU
Thank you Francine. Please take my comments as tongue-in-cheek, even though I realize it’s very possible they won’t be. The reality is though, unless someone can prove the Abrahamic god exists, or any god for that matter of other faiths, they are in fact talking to a wall, floor, or ceiling. I do realize they are under the impression they are speaking to some sort of higher power, and so I assume we have to accept that as normal mental behavior 🤷🏼.
If I go to the woods and start talking to what I believe are fairies, even though no one can see them, is that accepted mental behavior?
There are in fact people in mental institutions that do talk to people that are not there, but it’s OK I guess if they say they are talking to a deity. Weird isn’t it?
Thank you for your comments though.
It’s a very interesting topic isn’t it? Peace ✌🏼
You have to realize your perspective is considered by most people with faith to be completely wrong and that you base your opinions off of your own ideas. If you could set aside your own confirmation bias, you might see a new perspective.
It’s impossible to compare talking to fairies with prayer although I can see how someone who has no faith would say that. Your lack of experience with prayer gives you a perspective that’s not accurate so you make these associations that don’t exist.
I have been praying since I was little and that’s almost fifty years now. I can say without a doubt G-d does exist because my prayers GET ANSWERED and fairies don’t do that. I can also say like any person who lives and breaths that I experience emotions too even though science doesn’t prove their existence. It’s about LIFE EXPERIENCE that is the proof.
I can see how you may have tried to pray before and felt foolish so you assume everyone has the same experience & they don’t. You may have felt G-d wasn’t there & that was the reason he wasn’t there because you have to first be willing to believe he exists for him to show up or he won’t. Your attitude can block your prayers.
You live by faith every day but you haven’t seen it that way. By necessity, people go to a professional for services hoping that their credentials are enough. That hope is faith. For example, you could schedule a life saving surgery without having been there personally to see every exam in their college courses passed successfully or too be able to assess their knowledge with your own understanding of what it means to be a surgeon. You go to your surgery by faith believing that whatever is in those big prayers is written by men was true scientifically and will save your life even though you personally can’t say you understand them.
"Your lack of experience with prayer gives you a perspective that’s not accurate so you make these associations that don’t exist.
Your statement here is not true. The difference between me and you is that I have been where you are, in fact, possibly more so, and so I submit to you that have more experience. As a High Priest, and ordained Minister, I have preached from the pulpit to thousands. I have baptized people using full emersion. I have "prayed" long and hard. If you have only been praying for 50 years, I also surpass you in that regard.
So....having said all that, I eventually came to the realization that I had been fooling myself, as well as others, for all these decades. Just like you, I don't believe in the deities of Thor, Allah, Krishna, Vishnu et al, as there is no evidence to prove they are real. Our difference is that I don't believe in one more god than you, and for the same reason as the other gods.
Those who have/had been conned in the past, by faith, in deities such as Gaia, Tartarus, Hamera, Erebus, Eros, Nyx, all Greek gods; Sin, Shamash, Marduk, Ishtar, Ninurta, Nabu, Nergal, Ashur, all Assyrian gods, and yes, even your god, were/are all doing so by faith believing them to be real, and very possibly used the same lame argument that you have just used to me....faith.
For all of these millennia of people believing in these deities, and many many more too numerous to mention, wouldn't it have been nice if at least one of them would actually show up to prove it is real, and thus prevent countless deaths by those believing in other gods. You and I know that isn't going to happen:
1) Because you as an apologist will find words to appease your own belief structure convincing yourself you have been enlightened, which is of course a logical fallacy.
2) Because your deity, along with the many thousands of others, don't exist.
Could you be wrong following your god? yes!. Could I be wrong saying it's extremely doubtful any god is real? Yes! Is it possible that one of the many other followed deities is real? Yes! Did others, following a different deity, get answers to their prayers proving their god was real? They will say they did, just like you do.
Will the real god please stand up and convince mankind? I somehow think he/she/it won't. I think the reason it won't is because it isn't there.
Peace, Francine ✌🏻
Have you ever been driving home and get a thought that you should go another way then usual?
I have to be honest, Woodrow, no I haven’t. Do I change my mind at times having made a decision on something? Yes I do. Are those changes at times good decisions? No, but sometimes they are.
Are you thinking of suggesting the good decisions are from a deity? If so, where are the poor decisions coming from? And most of all, how does one prove all of our decisions and ideas don’t come from our own intellect?
Comment removed by user.
Lionheart...Thumbs up
I see it makes you feel better about yourself to even make up a narrative about who I am without knowing anything at all about me to prove your point and I’m not surprised at all that you should do that as you’ve done that with G-d all along.
It is impossible for someone to have had a successful prayer life to believe G-d doesn’t exist and anyone who reads this and has sincerely prayed will agree with me. Answered prayer and the fullness of the peace of G-d that comes to someone who has touched G-ds heart in prayer doesn’t concern itself with faulty logic.
To my personal life, not that your narrative deserves a correction as you created someone who doesn’t exist and given that story my name ...... Hello?!!
I have taken a microphone and speakers into the middle of a communist country village in Eastern Europe and spoken to several thousand people the result of which were many places of worship being started and many thankful people. Why did they believe? Because a witness of prophecy was there. I spoke to what they were thinking without them revealing their thoughts. Only G-d knows the thoughts of a person’s heart to speak to them with answers to their questions and situations. I tell you now, had G-d ever preached prophetically through your words it would be impossible for you to say what you say.
Stand down Lionheart. On this one ... stand down.
How do you know how I feel Francine?
I won’t stand down at all. In fact I will stand up, for those who are sick and dying, especially little children, who have been led astray by obvious mythical tales of being cast into an impending Hell if they don’t accept someone as their savior, when what they really need is a comforting hand and plenty of love as they pass.
Your mythical god is nothing more than a misogynistic, infanticidal bully.
Thanks for your comment though.
Tongue in-cheek is defined by Webster"s is with insincerity. So one could say that when one talks tongue in-cheek, they are insincere. BYITNOJ
Thank you Woodrow for your tongue-in-cheek comment 🤪
Grace to you and peace!
Peace to and for all of us.
Mental Heath? Made up by the judgement of man. What a joke.
How much of a joke do you see trying to convince little children are going to Hell if they don’t accept someone as their savior?
What other judgement would you prefer Woodrow? Would you prefer judgement from an alleged deity that killed little children because of its anger management issue with Pharaoh? How about from a genocidal deity that is alleged to have drowned everyone on earth, which would’ve included children, and pregnant women, with the exception of a drunkard (Noah) and his family. How about from an alleged deity that condoned stoning people to death, and also condoned slavery?
Personally, I will accept the judgment of mankind, if they do not accept the above listed pathetic morals of an uncaring deity. Fortunately, no one has yet proved any deity to be real, so hopefully, all the above stories are just that, stories, and tales, handed down from the mouths of mankind.
Your little children killed is pathetic rhetoric. You are using it as the base of your discussion. You are a debater. Have you ever heard about the bait stick trap? In Africa some tribes catch and eat monkeys. They use a closed cage and take a piece of wood and hang fruit inside the middle of the cage. The monkeys come out at night and the grab the bait stick and won't let it go. They want it for themselves, so they won't let go. Sometimes people can't let go of debate stick. The monkeys are killed for food. What kind of bait are you holding on to? All about children as your debate? BYITNOJ
I totally get it Woodrow, your strawman argument trying to dodge the issue doesn’t wash with me.
You can talk about your bait stick trap as much as you want, but If you don’t value little children’s lives like your god clearly doesn’t, there really isn’t any hope for you.
I don’t value any of your gods poor morals, whether it be from killing little children, or advocating stoning women to death for not being virgins when they are ready to marry, or stoning a man to death for picking up sticks on the sabbath, let alone his genocidal tendencies.
How on earth can you justify worshipping such a mad capricious deity? Thank goodness there is no demonstrable evidence your god is real.
So you Don't Wash? Gonna take the Bate?
Answers to prayer!! Today ,press release states that Britney’s father” stepped down” as conservator.
“Free your mind ; and the rest will follow.” ~ circa Funkadelic 1970 revisited via Destiny’s Child ,1992