Following a controversial 2018 decision to allow girls into the Boy Scouts, the first wave of female Scouts are attaining that most prestigious of honors: Eagle Scout.
Nearly 1,000 girls and young women were recognized by Scouts BSA (the youth program's new, inclusive name) in a February ceremony honoring their achievement on attaining Eagle Scout status.
Only about 6% of Scouts ever achieve the Eagle Scout rank.
A few years ago, the Boy Scouts radically redefined their organization, allowing girls and transgender children into their organization for the first time, which incensed many religious leaders and scores of parents, who say there’s a perfectly good alternative to the Boy Scouts for girls… called the Girl Scouts.
With the historic achievements of these new female Eagle Scouts, the debate has begun anew. Should the Boy Scouts accept girls? Not everyone thinks so.
Scouting the Competition
The initial 2018 decision to allow girls into the Boy Scouts was met with criticism from many. The LDS Church pulled some 400,000 Mormon youth from the program in response to a number of organizational changes at BSA, including allowing gay, female, and transgender Scouts, as well as gay adult volunteers.
Citing the cultural shift, LDS leader M. Russell Ballard said that "the reality there is we didn't really leave [the Boy Scouts]; they kind of left us."
One of the strongest reactions to the Boy Scouts admitting girls was actually from the Girl Scouts. Implying that the admittance of girls was a cynical attempt to bolster flailing membership numbers, the Girl Scouts wrote a letter to Boy Scouts leadership calling the intermixing of the sexes a “a potentially dangerous and bad idea."
The letter asked the Boy Scouts directly, “why, rather than working to appeal to the 90 percent of boys who are not involved in BSA programs, you would choose to target girls," then went on to cite the benefits of single-gender programs for children.
In another statement, the Girl Scouts declared that "the benefit of the single-gender environment has been well-documented by educators, scholars, other girl- and youth-serving organizations, and Girl Scouts and their families.”
Parallels to the Past
Many have pointed out the historic parallels between the Boy Scouts historic hesitance to keep up with the times on other issues. Many Boy Scout troops, especially in the deep South, resisted integration for decades, with some troops being separated by race until the mid-1970s. In certain places, black Scouts weren’t allowed in at all, and in others, black Scouts were allowed – but could not wear the iconic Boy Scout uniform.
Critics of the single-gender program say it’s time to catch up with the times.
There are other factors at play, too. Children who attain Eagle Scout rank, for example, often have a leg up in adulthood. Many college scholarships are only available to Eagle Scouts, and the U.S. military permits Eagle Scouts to enlist at a higher rank and pay grade. Why should girls be excluded from acheiving that honor (and the benefits it brings)?
For others, though, it’s a family matter. The Boy Scouts were founded in 1910, and many families have proudly scouted for generations. Why should that line be broken, just because they had a girl instead of a boy?
A Very In-Tents Debate
Despite the criticism, the Boy Scouts seems committed to integrating and growing troop sizes by allowing girls into the historically boys-only club.
“People recognize Eagle Scouts as individuals of the highest caliber—and for the first time, that title isn’t limited by gender,” stated Jenn Hancock, national chair for programs at the Boy Scouts of America. “This expanded opportunity will empower generations of young people as they see both young men and women earn this rank and become leaders in their communities, in business and our country.”
What do you think? Should girls be allowed in the Boy Scouts for the myriad of benefits that can bestow? Or is there still value in separate-sex youth programs?
As a father of an Eagle Scout (he's 25 now) and the father of a very smart, outgoing daughter, I think this is a wonderful opportunity. While the Girl Scouts are no doubt a wonderful program in their own right, there is nothing comparable with the Boy Scout program that has the same recognition and prestige as "the Eagle Trail" or the Order of the Arrow. I look forward to when my daughter turns 11 in 2023 so I can encourage her on that path.
There’s certainly a place in the world for one-gender activities. There’s also a big place for alternatives. I applaud the BSA for taking a step into the new millennium, and I applaud these young women for their achievement, which was not available to them previously. That also kept the benefits unavailable. They have proven themselves up to the challenge.
I've worked with both Scouting organizations, and from what I could see, the reason why girls want to join the Boy Scouts is because they do more scouting. Girl Scouts tend to sell cookies, and get involved in crafts and civic projects, while Boy Scouts tend to go camping, make fires, learn first aid and woodlands lore. In a post-apocalyptic event, I would much rather have Boy Scouts on my team than Girl Scouts. Properly done, combining both sexes could teach our young to get along with each other and how to deal with the opposite sex. Scouting has always been a bastion of moral behavior and responsibility, so teaching both sexes these concepts at the same time should not be problematic, and might prove to be more beneficial than isolating the sexes and teaching them separately.
I’m sure we will soon find that Girl Scout Cookies will be changed to just Scout Cookies for fear of upsetting someone. 🤷🏼
I don't know in the US, but in the UK the Girl Guides have refused to become "Guides" and open their books to boys. So much for equality! Sexism always worse from the female corner.
I too would have been an Eagle Scout; had I not been molested and then lost all desire to do anything BSA related.
I only hope these kids today don't have to go through the same horrors I did.
I humbly apologize; but BSA is doing everything to minimize victims and this is just one more PR act to move the spotlight from where it still should be.
I was not a Boy Scout, but have read way too much about molestation. So much that if I had a child of Scout age, I would NEVER subject them to the possibility of molestation by urging them to join.
I'm guessing there are boys who did not have to deal with this. I'm happy for them. I'm very unhappy for the others.
I am a female Eagle Scout and ex-Girl Scout, and there are two misconceptions that I see a lot.
First, that Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are equivalent. They absolutely are not. Girl Scouts is a lot less about camping, scout skills, etc. There is no patrol method, and it is very adult led. When I was in Girl Scouts, we learned a lot of homemaking skills. We went camping around once a year, and it was in cabins. I’m sure there are troops that do more out there, but this seemed to be the norm.
Second, BSA troops are not mixed-gender! There are female troops and male troops. They may be under the same chartered organization, but they should be meeting separately with different Scoutmasters. This preserves the boys’ ability to be boys in their troops while still allowing girls to have the same great experience.
Molestation is horrible, period. However, you may be surprized to learn that the BSA of today has a significantly lower percentage of cases today then any sports program or church group.
Having been a Scout (Girl Scout from start to finish) and a BSA Leader from 1991 to the present and involved in a couple Churches that refused to santion any type of scouting, I have seen both if not more sides of all the changes. I do applaud what BSA has done and thecchsnges maade and strictly in place to protect all Scouts. This year I will be leaving BSA and my position in my area as a Leader and Chairperson of t e committee. I am proud of ALL th he Scouts, boys and girls I have gotten to know over the last 30 years. I'm also proud to know ALL the leaders I have worked with and have remained friends with nearly all. There are just a few I have known that have been removed dishonorably from BSA. I've heard gossip but have remained suppoortive of those individuals. Never judging and continuing the frienship we had as leaders in the past. Never have asked them why they left, its not my business though I'd talk if they wished to share. Two have. Both are now raising Grandchildren and have very different callings. I also have family in the gay community. I guess that makes me a part of them as well. I'll be there for them, always. As it should be.
I should mention that our 2 sons, along with 2 grandsons have been and are involved as Scouts and later in promoting BSA.
Can anyone give a clear definition if someone is male, female, both or neither? With one in every births resulting in a sex abnormality it's not easy. To compete in the Olympics women had to strip naked and parade before a number of sex inspectors to determine the sex of the athlete. And in 2021 they still do not know how to do it.
And just to think just 25 years ago the Boy Scouts of America would were being sued by gays.
Boy's club is that really to hard to follow. I know let's try this, Boy's club, Girl's club,
Trans club, lbgtqia club. what's wrong with that ! no one is or should be offended and one can be proud of club they belong to . No tell me why.-
Girl Scouts make better cookies!
I suppose of all the Big Food factory produced cookies you could say that. My sweet tooth, however, find all of them terrible. Better to make a direct donation and find some small batch producers of tasty treats.
I went to AWANA's and never got Molested.
Do you feel bad about that, Rev. Batch?
AWANA's "Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed" What a strange name. What is it that they are not ashamed of? And who approved them? What do they have to do to get approved? And why do they even need to be approved?
they have girl scouts, so why not have an eagle scout rank for the girl scout and leave the boys alone
I suggest that the Boy Scouts of America change their name to Scouts of America.
Why not make the Boy Scouts Girl Scouts, and vice versa? Then they'd atleast devolop a better sense of empathy for each other. I'm missing primetime TV. I've got to get out of here. And I'll be eating Girl Scout Cookies instead of popcorn during the movie tonight. I swear it by your god, and that ain't no shit! Goodnight!
My grand nieces and grand nephews are the 4th generation of our family involved in Scouting.
I guess my old Boy Scout Troop was fashion forward 40 years ago. We had an Explorer Post attached to the Troop and Pack, which was co-ed. I was one of the adult leaders. It was a High Adventure group, which went camping without prepared shelters 12 months out of the year. In many things, the young women, my youngest sister among them, did better than the young men.
BSA leadership has been a hot mess for sometime, hopefully this will help things get sorted, and justice for those wronged in the past.
What a complete non-issue...people have too much time on their hands to focus on extreme absurdities...next, people who self identify as dogs will sue the dog shows for not including them...oh the horrors!
Frankly I see both groups as inherently evil. Both seek to condition children to submit to a military styled culture and command structure. Not to mention the overlap between those wealthy members of U.S.. society pre WW2 who were proud open members of the american nazi party, and those who built up these organizations( remember how once upon a time every scout in a poster was a blonde with blue eyes)
Scouts of america. More like Amerikkka's Hitler Youth Program.
As a Scout Leader, Assistant Scoutmaster, Unit Commissioner, and Assistant District Commissioner I have to say this is awesome! FYI, girls, as in sisters/siblings, have be doing all the work, passing all the ranks, and having all the fun with zero reward for a long time. Most troops allow siblings, male or female, to camp with the parents on a troop / family campout.These siblings may or may not be involved in GSUSA, and the young ladies I have in our female unit are also a member of, and attend meeting with, the Girl Scouts. Several of them expressed interest in attaining both their Eagle Scout and Gold Award, whith is something the GSUSA is still limiting. By The Way, it is not Boy Scouts, but rather ScoutsBSA. BSA, as in Boy Scouts of America is the ultimate parent organization but the term Boy Scouts and Boy Scout troop have been replaced by SCOUTS, Scout Troop, and ScoutsBSA Unit. Females have been in Scouting for decades, it is just that the media put their wonderful spotlight on it and told people this is not good. The Venturing, and previously the Explorer programs have included both male and female members of the unit through age 21. Both very successful programs and FINALLY the troops can benefit from new members.
Ilmenheru Terikson, it is obvious you have no conception of the Scouting program. Please refrain from fabricating an opinion or regurgitating hearsay as it leads to mis-information such as what you have written.
Lets promote unity and harmony. Girls need to learn survival skills just as much as boys do. Rev. Vivian Harris
So, I think there is a few things that should be addressed here.
First what is the purpose of the Scouts BSA? If the idea is to provide a safe and fun experience for skill building, outdoors activities, and moral character development, then who cares? This is the explicit purpose of the scouting organization and the vast majority of the scouts from cub to eagle are trying to enjoy these activities and become, in a sense, better people and citizens. The benefits that many parents want to tap into (scholarships, rank, etc.) are secondary if the main goal is achieved - finding enjoyable activities that do not just involve sitting at home.
Second, the issues I would have with the mixed camping is the same as with the singular gender, protecting the scouts from people who would abuse, molest, or harm them. Regardless of who is involved, the potential for children being hurt is high when you are not directly involved. However, no background check or other forms of "security" are going to protect children from bad actors who have either not been caught yet or have yet to commit the atrocities. Thus, it is on the parents, the scout masters and volunteer, and the agency to ensure that there are some protections for these children including having multiple adults in attendance, preventing potentially dangerous events from occurring by ensuring events occur in the open, following through on removing individuals who have committed such actions, and finally, screening individuals to filter out those who in the past have committed such acts. These are not perfect answers, but at least they are attempts to prevent harms.
Third, it is for the benefit of all of us that these boys, girls, and others (NB, Trans, etc) find these activities and excell. I know that I would rather work for someone who is motivated, cares, and wants to do good, than for someone who phones it in. People who have other activities in their lives for stress relief and relaxation are more productive, caring, and want to help others. The scouts, like other programs religion or non-religious, is an answer to getting children up to speed before adulthood. I would rather we had more good people out in the world than not.
Finally, Congratulations to the 1000+ women who have now joined the eagle scout rank. This was a hard and important journey and one that they earned with help from community members, friends, and family. The effort put in, the eagle project itself, and the time dedicated to helping others will always, at least in my mind, be worth the societal honor of the rank of Eagle scout.
Nevertheless, this is my opinion and a nuanced one at that so feel free to argue, disagree, or find me entirely silly. Rule #62 - Dont take yourself too seriously.
Best Regards,
Rev. Thomas C. Varkey
P.S. The earlier removal was to add a singular line in point #2. I appreciate the advice of the fellow minister to improve the strength of the argument and its thrust of protecting children from harms.
So, I think there is a few things that should be addressed here.
First what is the purpose of the Scouts BSA? If the idea is to provide a safe and fun experience for skill building, outdoors activities, and moral character development, then who cares? This is the explicit purpose of the scouting organization and the vast majority of the scouts from cub to eagle are trying to enjoy these activities and become, in a sense, better people and citizens. The benefits that many parents want to tap into (scholarships, rank, etc.) are secondary if the main goal is achieved - finding enjoyable activities that do not just involve sitting at home.
Second, the issues I would have with the mixed camping is the same as with the singular gender, protecting the scouts from people who would abuse, molest, or harm them. Regardless of who is involved, the potential for children being hurt is high when you are not directly involved. However, no background check or other forms of "security" are going to protect children from bad actors who have either not been caught yet or have yet to commit the atrocities. Thus, it is on the parents, the scout masters and volunteer, and the agency to ensure that there are some protections for these children including having multiple adults in attendance, preventing potentially dangerous events from occurring by ensuring events occur in the open, removing individuals who have committed such acts from service permanently, and finally, screening individuals to filter out those who in the past have committed such acts. These are not perfect answers, but at least they are attempts to prevent harms.
Third, it is for the benefit of all of us that these boys, girls, and others (NB, Trans, etc) find these activities and excel. I know that I would rather work for someone who is motivated, cares, and wants to do good, than for someone who phones it in. People who have other activities in their lives for stress relief and relaxation are more productive, caring, and want to help others. The scouts, like other programs religion or non-religious, is an answer to getting children up to speed before adulthood. I would rather we had more good people out in the world than not.
Finally, Congratulations to the 1000+ women who have now joined the eagle scout rank. This was a hard and important journey and one that they earned with help from community members, friends, and family. The effort put in, the eagle project itself, and the time dedicated to helping others will always, at least in my mind, be worth the societal honor of the rank of Eagle scout.
Nevertheless, this is my opinion and a nuanced one at that so feel free to argue, disagree, or find me entirely silly. Rule #62 - Dont take yourself too seriously.
Best Regards,
Rev. Thomas C. Varkey
Why not allow middle-aged women to join the Boy Scouts? Perhaps retired prostitutes. After all, we shouldn't discriminate against any female who wants to intrude on a traditionally male domain, right? Why should there be an age limit on any woman who wants to camp out and cavort with the boys? And become an Eagle "Scout" in the doing? Wouldn't anything less inclusive be discriminatory to the new feminist dominance of social discourse? What the hell - the boys would like it, wouldn't they?
As an Eagle Scout, I'm very disappointed in BSA. The girls have Girl Scouts and should beef up their program. Start doing what Boy Scouts do. Boy Scouts was intended to be a Male bonding experience to allow boys to be boys and grow into men.
How else are the girls going to learn about sex and trying it out. DUH
straight, gay ,lesbian , trans, bi, in the same tent? no way ! keep them seperate . now my rant is out of the way . They should co exist but don't . Now have Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and the rest merge but let them keep their seperate uniforms and ID all should be able to achive Eagle Rank.
Just an FYI. Girls can earn the Gold Award in Girl Scouts which is the equivalent to the Eagle. When GS first started in 1912 it was called the Golden Eaglet.
Growing up in New York, I never had the chance to be a Boy Scout. I have been a Scout Leader since my oldest son decided he wanted to be a Cubbie in 1979. Ever since then, I have been active in Scouting in various positions. That changed two years ago when girls were allowed in Scouting. As a grandfather of two beautiful, intelligent girls, I think what should have happened is that the Girls Scouts should have received ideas and suggestions from the Boy Scouts on how to improve their programs and make it more interesting for girls. Juliette Gordon Low envisioned an organization that would prepare girls to meet their world with courage, confidence, and character. If parents felt that something was lacking, they should have involved themselves more in their daughters lives and NOT acquiesce to allow to leave an established group and join the Boy Scouts. That decision was motivated by politics and IMO, it was wrong. FYI - my sons agree.
Girls and Boys are not the same. That's why it's called BOY SCOUT AND BROWNIES OR GIRL SCOUTS! UGH You have men sports and women sports for a reason . Just make a transgender sports where they can play in their own league. I'm sorry We are all from Creator, GOD made us different for a reason. It's called CULTURE and HISTORY for a reason. The the Catholic Religion does not believe in Gay marriage , we should respect it. Other religions do, DIVERSITY makes the world go around. Everyone is entitled to their own personal belief and opinion and should not be judged for it. Nor should others be forced to believe in something they don't Don't push it down peoples throat. I personally did not come form an ameba or ape. I believe I was created from GOD's thought. Others believe different. That doesn't mean I want them arrested, thrown in jail or have some freaking LIBERAL DEMOCRAT tell me I can't think for myself. It doesn't mean you're racist. Creator will destroy this world , cleanse it wipe the slat clean and start over. Mother Nature is doing just that. Creator is most probably shaking his head in disbelief. I gave them free thinking and free will, FREE is the key word . Unfortunately, we are losing our freedom ..of choice, belief thought, life
The Scouts BSA program is an entirely different offering then the GSUSA program. I'm speaking from personal experiance. I've been involved in scouting for 45 years: 10 years as a Boy Scout program participant; 10 years as a GSUSA volunteer (before males were viewed as bad rolemodels for girls; and 25 years as a BSA volunteer. The programs have some simularitirs, and some marked differences. My current volunteer role is eagle coach, in a female Scouts BSA unit. The first female scout I've had the pleasure of mentoring became an Eagle Scout with the innaugral class. She worked hard and through the proccess was transformed into an even more remarkable young adult. We're a long way from the days when gender roles were pre-assigned. Why shouldn't young people be allowed to choose the program that appeals to them, or both?
Dr. Jerry Moyes Eagle Scout, 1983
Its called THE BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA. If the girl scouts want to be Eagle Scouts... Then, THE GIRL SCOUTS OF AMERICA... Need to just copy the requirements and DO IT !!!!!
I think it was a great change.
It's a free Nation... Just make yoir own group of Patriot Scouts separate from any organization you do not agree with...
God-Family-Country, in that order, works for mostly all faith groups. Study your holy texts, nature and science, harmony, music and art as you see fit. It is your House of Worship. Folow your prayers and inspiration to set it as you see fit.
I’m looking at this as another choice. I was a Girl Scout, GS leader, camp counselor , and ambassador, along with other titles. I even worked at the council level. In other words , I was invested wholeheartedly. I have a lifetime membership. My daughters were Girl Scouts as were my granddaughters. My job with the organization entailed recruiting adult leaders. And that is a problem. There were plenty of girls wanting to be scouts but not enough adults to lead troops. We had to turn away so many girls. Allowing girls to join the boys could help with that problem. Now I’ve already said my daughters and granddaughters were in Girl Scouts but surprise, my oldest daughter and granddaughter have also joined Boy Scouts along with my grandson. This allows me a glimpse into the previously boy only organization. I’m seeing great cooperation and leadership being shared I’m seeing good things. I would like to see Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts Join forces and become one. It’s time. Within one organization there could still be individual troop choices of just boys, girls, mixed, it could be whatever individuals feel most comfortable with. There could also be times when everyone gets together. Think of the possibilities! Now, let’s just consider calling it just Scouting.
When them mix they can produce more of their kind. Now at camp out what was normal to tell jokes around the camp fire, will see that only the sound of wood burning.
As an Eagle Scout™ myself, I applaud both the young men and young women who attain this honor. I understand the need to change with the times, and am wholly supportive of this change, as well as the changes to allow transgender scouts as well. The requirements for Eagle have not changes, and the young women will meet those requirements.
You go Scouts BSA™ !
If this is good, I think the girl scouts should be opened to boys joining. And what about middle-aged men? Why shouldn't they be allowed to join the Girl Scouts? For that matter shouldn't adult women - perhaps retired prostitutes join the boy scout as well? After all, they are American citizens too, and this would include convicted Muslim terrorists, (seriously) who have paid their debt to society by serving a full ten years of a twenty years-to life sentence and are now free. Why shouldn't they be allowed to join the Boy Scouts - or the Girl Scouts? Girls want to join every single organization marked for boys - like the Boys Club, the Boys Ranch, the Omaha Home for Boys, the Boys choir, Boys wrestling and all other sports. But strangely there are virtually NO boys that want anything to do with girls sports, or girls schools or girls clubs. I wonder why that is. Could it be that boys are naturally endowed by their creator to not want to be where they don't belong and have no desire to intrude on other with whom they have little in common? The intrusive - nay, predatory nature of females who are driven to force incursions on male domains represents a socio-pathological imperative for dominance and appropriation on power that seems to infest the minds of certain discontented females. And we all pay the price for acceding to that.
Combining a slippery slope fallacy with xenophobia and misogyny I see.
That was... weird.
As an Eagle Scout I thought is was weird. We had a female in our cub scout pack and she crossed over into Scouts BSA. I am very proud of her for accomplishments into the troop. She is registered as a lone scout. Her rank currently is scout, she is working on her tenderfoot.