Agents at the U.S.-Mexico border are requesting some unexpected backup: God.
Citing everything from clashes with cartels to witnessing first hand the plight of migrants to increased political polarization, the United States Border Patrol is training more chaplains to help agents deal with their spiritual health.
And though the Border Patrol has rapidly expanded efforts to hire and train chaplains in recent years, they say they still need more.
Chaplains on the Rise
There are about 240 chaplains in the Border Patrol now, assisting their 20,000+ agents with their spiritual and mental wellbeing. Chaplains are largely Christian, though there are also a handful of Jewish and Muslim chaplains. Recognizing the unique mental and physical hardships that come with being a border agent, the Border Patrol put a renewed focus on hiring and training more chaplains, nearly doubling the number of chaplains in just four years.
Trainings are held three times a year, each one at a different border station. Though almost all chaplains identify as Christian, they are trained not to bring up faith, unless it is brought up first by the person they are counseling.
It’s impressive growth for a program which didn’t exist until 1999. Following an unprecedented number of agent deaths in 1998, faithful agents started a grassroots movement to create the chaplaincy program, beginning with only six initial chaplains to serve the entire organization. By 2003, the official chaplaincy training program had fully materialized, and the academy signed off on their first formal graduating class of 17 chaplains.
What Do Border Patrol Chaplains Do?
Chaplains are trained to help Border Patrol agents work through some of the unique challenges of their career. Border Patrol agents bear first hand witness to the difficulties migrants face, and sometimes find dead or dying migrants in the desert. All Border Patrol chaplains are active Border Patrol agents, who have been endorsed by their own church. They all undergo a 2.5 week training, and can be called away from their normal duties at any time to provide emotional/spiritual support to their colleagues.
Agents also occasionally deal with violence, including from cartels, and they say they sometimes struggle with survivor’s guilt following the deaths of their colleagues. Many also struggle with public scrutiny. “The hardest thing is, people … don’t know what we do,” explains Border Patrol Agent Brandon Frederick, “and we’ve been called terrible names.”
In fact, agents cite public criticism as one of the primary factors they need help with their mental health. It's no secret that immigration is one of the most hotly contested political issues of the 21st century, and border patrol agents are at the center of that.
According to a recent Gallup poll, only one-third of Americans think the U.S. government does a "good job" handling migrants at the border. As the public face of border security, agents are often criticized from both sides, either for going too far, or not far enough, and many view them as worsening the situation at the border - not improving it. The vitriol for border agents is so bad that many claim to instruct their children not to tell others what their parent's job is, instead suggesting that they just say that their mother or father "works for the government" when asked.
What's Wrong With Them?
It all apparently takes a strong emotional toll. In 2013, an internal memo from U.S. Border Patrol Chief Michael Fisher detailed the detrimental effects border work has on agents, including increased rates of alcoholism. "The Border Patrol is averaging almost two alcohol-related arrests per week," he wrote. "This continued level and rate of alcohol-related arrests within our agency is alarming and detrimental to the overall well-being of our workforce."
Chaplains are trained to address alcohol abuse, as well as other common issues amongst border agents, including trauma and family struggles. And though numbers have increased dramatically in recent years, the agency still says more chaplains are needed to address the spiritual and mental needs of their agents.
But the chaplains they have now say they’re happy to assist their fellow agents in whatever ways are needed. “One tries to give them support within the limits of what your work allows,” explains chaplain Yaira Santiago. “I always have the biggest smile.”
Well, I'm not a Christian pastor but if I was I would be troubled by the fact that I was being asked to provide spiritual supoort only for Border staff and not for migrants as well. I imagine many migrants who have felt the need to leave their homes and communities to go on a long journey full of potential hazards and the threat of rape, robbery, violence and even death probably need some spiritual support. I don't know what the arrangements are, if any, to provide such support. And some may argue that it is not the responsibility of the USA government to provide it. But my understanding, though limited, of Christian ideology is that ALL people are supposed to be God's 'children' and, therefore, Christian pastors should help anybody in need if they can. I seem to recall some parable about being a good Samaritan making this point.
I'm glad to see someone expressing this sentiment. The prevailing attitude these days is so callous and dehumanizing toward migrants.
I retired a couple years back after four decades of being a miltary and civilian street cop. I obtained my ministry credential for just the purpose that this article illustrated. Officers who suffer through issues (job, family, substance abuse or societal et. al) seek someone to talk to who have similar experiences on duty and can express empathy for their feelings. I am not minimizing the need for professionals in psychotherapy by no means when appropriate but keeping in mind that doing so may cost the agent their job. A skilled "chaplain" can evaluate each person's needs in a non-threatening setting and suggest viable options to handle those stressors but immediate threats can be acted upon (think mandatory reporter) when it evolves into a safety issue of the person or someone in their circle. I admit upfront that I cannot quote scripture or bible lessons compared to those who regularly comment in these forums. I maintain a personal relationship with Jesus in my own way. To me, the title "Chaplain" conveys a religous component in itself. The idea that religion should not be breached until the person raises the topic seems a bit restrictive to a chaplain who can ease into the topic without being preachy.
I would like more information on how to apply to be a chaplain and the requirements for such position, please.
Beware this group slams me when I ask the same question
Frank Grieco Where can I go to find out more about the Chaplin program? I am a Minister, Certified Lay Ecclesial Minister, Lay Doninican, cetified Spiritual Director and a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist. I live in Southern Arixona about 20 miles from the border. Please forwared the information for my area to me.
What are the requirements, location and how exactly do I get started? Please send me all the info. Thank you
Here is what I propse, I live in the upper Midwest. I would float the idea of some of us put in Zoom line for the border patrol agents to have someone to talk to when they need it even when they are off duty. I being a pastor of Universal Life understands this. Getting support from mental health professionals is like setting up a doctor's appt. Saying I have appt next Thursday doesn't cut it. We don't take the place of mental health professionals. It is being able to talk where you have the confidence and security that it will not be shared anyone or anywhere. An avenue to vent and refocus. Can someone tell me how to get started? Thank You!
Where is the training available and is there assistance for Ministers who would have to relocate? I semi retired and free to travel but I could see this as more of a fulltime position. More info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and Merry Christmas to all.
One of the most important things I learned in Seminary: Every pastor/chaplain needs a pastor/pastoral care provider. One of the most important things I learned in my Master's in Clinical Counseling: Every therapist needs a therapist. One of the most importan things I learned doing case managemet: Every case manager needs a pastor AND a therapist. Law enforcement members see things that most of us cannot imagine and need ways to help them process them on both a logical/scientific/polictical level and a spiritual level. Making sense of the unimaginable requres help from someone trained in how to give them this type of care. Chaplains need to be CPE trained and have some background in mental health. Counselors need to have some understanding/respect for the spiritual. It's not one or the other, it's the two integrated. Not everyone who "hangs a shingle" as a therapist can help someone navigate theodicy, and not every chaplain can navigate a psychotic episode. I have no problem in sending chaplains to the border to care for the agents seeing attrocities we cannot even imagine, so long as they are properly trained and supported by mental health professionals as well.
Go thru the seminary are jumping through man-made hoops. Check your faith. I look at the prouduct of seminary, Mega Churches.
Unfortunately, most "mega-churches" are non-denominational and don't require seminary to become ordained and lead a church.
I would be happy to support morally and give guidance where possible I'm not sure what else could help prayer is wonderful but doesn't stop free will or bullets from the desperate
Unique & a great idea. Spiritual health & wellness is great success. Building God as your inner core creates greater empathy & understanding of you own perspective & that of helping other. It grows compassion & acceptance. Jesus loves.everyone.
I think this is a very good idea. I never worked border patrol, but I did do EMS and also Law Enforcement for many years and the stuff you see and deal with, takes a toll on a person.
It helps to have someone you can talk with that is not some shrink who pushes drugs, or does not understand the job.
It is like Veterans who deal with what they have seen. Many times they just need someone to talk with who understands what they have seen.
Many of the shrinks graduate from college, go into the field seeing patients, but have never seen or dealt with what those doing the job deal with.
I'm glad the border patrol is getting extra help. God bless them.
Nope, separation of church (lower case) and State (upper case). There should be no, as in zero, government employees whose job description includes religious hokum, mojo and/or woo woo. They have an insurance plan. If their plan includes psychiatric treatment, use it.
First of all, USBP has extensive contracts with private mental health providers to provide counseling to all agents and employees of the US Border Patrol-agents, supervisors and other employees under their Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Chaplains are not mental health therapists, clinical social workers or clinical psychologists and are not trained nor licensed as such. They are just another form of religious people trying to get a foothold in an area they do not belong to make money with no accountability. In addition to the EAP services, all employees are covered by federal health insurance to use once their specifiied number of no cost EAP sessions have been used. I was one of the contracted therapists while in practice both in Sierra Vista AZ and Yuma, AZ. USBP are great people who do struggle with what they have to do, especially Latino agents. All have to learn to speak Spanish and spend lonely hours in the field during nights out in the desert. High rates of stress, relationship problems, porn addiction, etc.
I can tell by your writing you have never been scared. When you are arrested and it is your first time whether or not you are an illegal or not the comfort of a pastor is very vital to keeping your sanity.
Mental health professionals are all great and fantastic but they have required reporting and that is why most people don't talk to them but a priest a rabbi a pastor, they will talk to.
I’m confused here. Or perhaps you are. We’re talking agents the mental health of the agents, not the people being arrested. Tell them to ray. Or call Trump.
You need to get your facts straight and re read what I posted. I was very busy counseling USBP personnel. Move on.
Before you disparage the chaplains, get your facts straight. A professional chaplain has extensive training in pastoral care and counseling, trauma informed care, and must meet rigorous psychological and thoeological testing. They are not there to indoctrinate, but to walk beside someone in a spiritual crisis, no matter what their belief system. They require 15 months of training beyond the MDiv required to become a pastor in most Christian denominations. When I did a chaplain residency, I was required to minister to all faiths and denominations, and if I was unable to work with a particular patient in a way that respected their religion, I was requred to call in clergy who could. I prayed with Jewish, Muslim, and Wiccan patients, always asked permission before I did, and called in priests for last rites and appropriate Hindu clerics for death rituals. I also respected their wishes if they declined. Certification for chaplains is done by one of three different acreditation bodies (I have another post here that describes the process for becoming a chaplain, so you can search on my name or scroll down if you want to read that.) Not any pastor can walk into a medical facility or war zone and call themselves a chaplain, and the ones who do without going through the proper certification process are the ones you have described, because it goes totally agaist all of the traning professional chaplains go through.
Once again you need to get yoiur facts straight and obviously you know nothing about the US Border Patrol Agents and the services they receive from contracted private therapists, not chaplains.Chaplians do not belong there.
I truly appreciate the benefits that the Border Patrol agents are given, and you are right that private therapists can be a significant benefit, but there are other thigs to consider. Do you really think that a mental help therapist is fully trained to deal with a spiritual crisis? How would they respond to someone trying to figure out why God would allow such an attrocity to take place? I have both Chaplaincy and Professional Counseling training so don't tell me what they teach us. Religion is not taught in Master's level mental health counseling programs nor should it be, unless it is specifically for pastoral counseling (and yes, they exist, and are acredited for mental health licensing). Most pastors and even chaplains have trouble navigating theodicy (the notion of an all loving, and all powerful G/god in light of "bad" things happening.) Many Border Patrol agents are deeply religious, and chaplains can bridge this gap. I'm not saying it's one or the other, but both can be helpful and of great benefit.
Glad you pray. Are you ordained? Do more Margaret Grigor
In addition to Chaplaims I believe what might be needed in this situation is trained therapists. For the patrol as well as the immigrants.
One suggestion for those who are not able to visit with a Chaplain. There are books on Amazon.com like Grief Poetry exemplifying military personnel or books on how to deal with Trauma. And if that doesn't help you could try meeting with someone from the American Red Cross who has Doctors dedicated to taking care of those in Disaster Response situations or they can refer you to one if you call them. Don't give up! Where there is a will there is a Way!!!!
How does one become of service and what are the job benefits.
How does one become a chaplain and what are the benefits.
To become a professional chaplain, it is like a ministry specialty (similar to a medical specialty). You first have to have a MDiv from an accredited seminary, and in some cases be ordained. You also have to have four units of CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) accredited by one three different organizations (APC, ACPE and there is another one specirically for Roman Catholic priests, monks, and nuns). This usually requires a one-unit summer internship and a year-long three-unit residency at an accredited hospital or other institution that is affiliated with one of the above organizations. Chaplaincy is a ministry that specializes in pastoral care and counseling. it is not for the faint at heart, and is immersed into many of the situations that a pastor that does hospital and shut-in rounds would seldom see. Hospital (especially children's hospital) and hospice organizations are required to have a certain number of certified chaplains based on their census. Military and many first responder organizations also utilize them as a means of helping the soldiers and first responders deal with difficult situations they have witnessed or been involved in. As a specialty, the pay is generally better than a pastor's pay, but there is a mental health toll. If you are considering it, make sure you have a pastor and a therapist you see regularly.
Aren't you already ordained?
Margaret, all of the requirements listed are beyond seminary and ordination. The point is, being ordained isn't enough. There is significant training beyond that and professional chaplains are interfaith, unless they specify an audience or subset.
I’m well aware of the troubles Christ had with the authorities, yet even he said that people had to submit to rightful authority. (Remember that part where he says, “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, render unto God that which is God’s. He’s talking about following the law.) We must patrol the borders. The people with those jobs need support, too. Had I been younger, I would have been their colleague…
Is this a joke? Do you know who had problems with police our Jesus of Nazareth and his disciples followers. In this day of age everything has become back wards and upside down….
Did you read that in a book somewhere? I’m just curious as to how you support your claim.
That last sentence is definitely true. Historicalally, Jesus was Not well known in his own time. He has his group of followers to be sure but he was no where near as well known as we perceive him after 2000 years of the church's published Bible according to their agendas and the churches control and manipulation of the populations. Pilot even did try to spare him and did his part in the plan to help him survive by planning the crucifixion so that Jesus was on the cross for hours instead of suffering the slow death of hanging for days. The Romans knew who he was and where he was but we're more concerned with more militant groups promoting violence and take overs. Not a man preaching love and forgiveness for all. Roman persecution of his followers was happening but they persecuted more than just Christians. Romans were just being Romans. Doesn't make it right just that they were who they were.
More power to them. Being a border agent is hard enough without adding additional stress. It's a good idea to have a chaplin for them to talk to if they want it.
Those trained in Religion won't know what the traumatized need; it's better to train the traumatized in Religion.
At first I thought they were hired to help the migrants. I’m sure they have experienced trauma.
In any case as long as the chaplains never bring up religion first I’m ok with it. At the first sign of abusing that caveat they are out.
It seems the focus of border patrol chaplains is on a person's well being, not on proselytizing. Having seen at first hand in Vietnam what influence a chaplain can have on the welfare of those who often deal with traumatic incidents, this can only be a good thing.
Too old and disabled and living in England otherwise I would help out
I’m too old to do that, but I would have done that when I was younger. It seems like important work to do!
Whqt's the use of being a chaplain if you can't bring up the faith. Liberal stupidity.
Did you mean religion? They are two different things most of the time these days. Religion is man made. Spirituality and faith come from the heart and live within you. It is true that a religious person can combine the two if they are guided by a Spiritual heart. Sadly, most of the time that is not the case these days.
I rather hold them up in prayer like I do now. If an individual wants prayer and someone to vent to. It can be done by Zoom. I volunteer. Send any finianical rewards to Universal Life Church to continue thier work. Thank you, Margaret Grigor
Are the chaplains uniformed are they paid if they are paid how much are they paid?
How about not worry about the benefits. It is going to get worse for them.
I'm not worried about benefits I am concerned that I would be able to afford to live if I went down there to help quit being a jerk
I am not a jerk. I feel some help can be delievered through technology like Zoom. Many of them may just want some one to pray with them and talk awhile so they feel rebalanced to go back and do a very tuff job. You don't need to move down there. Thank you, Margaret
Magic isn't going to help them. They need better mental health care coverage and support.
They have plenty of help and support in the forms of Employee Assistance Counseling services and federal healthcare which includes mental health treatment. EAP is free. Chaplains need to stay away.
Are you ordained by Universal Life Church and are you in good standing. If you are,examine the reasons you are. I became to follow my faith and help others. An outward sign that I am all in.All this training and the seminary was sett up by man. Go ask the aspostles what they think? These men and women see heinus circumstances. At 2am, they may just want a safe enviorment to vent where it doesn't leave that moment.
I completely agree with you Margaret. Remove all judgemental attitudes for these wonderful men and women enduring at the border. We need to take politics out of this war and bring the hand of God.
Thank You Elizabeth, We need to supportive and caring of people working job againist that can cause them to lose thier life and thier sanity. People in tough jobs needs to talk to someone whom they can feel safe with and knowing it is in great confidence and respect. Maybe they need someone above all to pray with.
I have worked as a mental health counselor off and on since I was 20 years old. What I found is that people want to express the traumas they have experienced. I was able to help a female SA victim go from feeling suicidal to feeling very happy with my non contact, no drug counseling method.
Although I haven't tried it, the most current scientific research shows that more veterans with PTSD have been helped with MDMA/ Ecstasy in supervised sessions than with any other form of therapy. Most of them feel they have risen above their traumas during the first session and they can go forward feeling happier than before. These MDMA sessions need to be made available to ALL victims of PTSD in order to improve the mental health of our society.
How to finance? A 5% state tax on all alcohol and drugs would easily finance these sessions because most PTSD veterans report being healed in only one session of Ecstasy!
Agreed Joe.
Neither will the voodoo of modern psychology. Since records have been kept mental illness has only ever increased. Against all countermeasures of modern science, prevention programs and pharmacology it only gets worse. Reliably and regularly you can trust cases of mental illness will increase and there's nothing modern man can do to alter its course except one simple thing- Get right with God.Help and support programs, lol, that's funny stuff. The cartels are cutting heads off and you guys are talking about support programs and insurance plans. Oh golly how flowery y'all sound.
Get out of the way and let God's people do their work.
"Magic" has helped a lot of people by providing them with tools they can use to create their own reality. Magic has been used for centuries with positive effects and this can be proven in the fields of medicine and military.
"Magic is the art of using charms, spells, or rituals to produce "supernatural" effects or control events. Magic also describes the act of making things seem to disappear.
Military forces have used "magical" camouflage nets to hide troops, tanks and planes from view of the enemy. When border agents use camouflage nets to hide from drug cartel criminals, then they are using "magic" for their protection. Some of them may wear or carry protective pendants that provide them with a feeling of supernatural protection by higher powers.
"Magic" is involved with the powerful mental forces we call "Placebos" and "Nocebos." If you know anything about Quantum physics, you know that just observing or thinking about someone or something will actually produce an effect on what you observe or think about. This is also a form of magic.
Uh, if you're suffering because of your job, quit and do something else that aligns with your values. "I was only doing my duty" is the lamest excuse for violent behavior ever. How about working for a charity instead? Perhaps starting your own church (ahem)? What the border patrol needs are professional providers trained in cognitive dissonance, not more "chaplains" who aren't:
Do you know that none of those Chaplins are not trained as well in this area? You are making a huge assumption.