book entitled DEI strategy
Will the protest bring back DEI programs to corporate America?

A group of Black faith leaders are pushing for a boycott of Target over recent rollbacks of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs across corporate America.

From the steps of the historically Black Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C., Bishop Reginald T. Jackson urged Black pastors to encourage their congregations to stage a massive nationwide 40-day protest of Target.

“We've got to tell corporate America that there's a consequence for turning their back on diversity," stated Bishop Jackson. “So let us send the message that if corporate America can't stand with us, we're not going to stand with corporate America.”

What is DEI?

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs are initiatives designed to promote representation and fair treatment of historically marginalized groups within organizations and institutions. These programs aim to create inclusive environments by addressing systemic inequalities related to race, gender, disability, and other identity factors. DEI efforts often encompass policies such as affirmative action, diversity training, and the establishment of offices dedicated to fostering inclusivity. 

However, corporate DEI programs – many of which were created in the wake of George Floyd’s 2020 murder – have become a focal point of controversy in recent months. Critics argue that these initiatives can lead to reverse discrimination, asserting that prioritizing certain groups may inadvertently disadvantage others, particularly straight, white men.

They contend that merit-based systems should prevail, where opportunities are granted solely based on individual qualifications without consideration of demographic factors. Supporters of DEI, on the other hand, emphasize the necessity of these programs in combating entrenched biases and leveling the playing field for underrepresented communities. 

Upon taking office, President Donald Trump – a longstanding critic of DEI – issued an executive order titled "Ending Radical And Wasteful Government DEI Programs And Preferencing," which mandated the termination of all federal DEI initiatives.

The administration justified this action by labeling DEI efforts as "illegal and immoral discrimination programs" that deviate from merit-based practices. This prompted many businesses and retailers to shutter their own DEI programs in response.

A Target Bullseye

Target was one of many businesses nationwide which recently ended their DEI programs. Not only did that mean closing its corporate DEI department, but also ending programs which focused on carrying more products from minority-owned businesses and partners. 

Bishop Jackson criticized retailers like Target, Amazon, and Walmart for “kissing up” to President Trump by closing their DEI programs, and said that it’s time for Black Americans to ensure that “our money doesn’t go in their pockets.”

Black church leaders say it’s time to fight back and make an example out of Target, and hope that the bottom-line impact to Target will make retailers rethink their next move.

“If our diversity is not good,” said Bishop Jackson, “our money isn’t good.”

Will the Protest Work?

The boycott mirrors other politically-motivated boycotts in recent years. Target itself was the subject of boycotts from the other side of the aisle in 2023, when right-wing influencers called for a boycott of the company over their LGBTQ+ Pride clothing collection, which led to a double-digit drop in online revenue for the retail giant.

In that same year, Bud Light faced massive backlash over a brief partnership with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney, and some estimates say the brewing giant may have lost upwards of $1.4 billion in revenue in 2023 alone.

Could this boycott have a similar effect? Bishop Jackson is hopeful that the protest will extend not only beyond church pews, not only beyond the Black community, but across America as a whole. 

“I really hope that as we go forward… not only Blacks, but all those who are supportive of justice, will also join us in this effort to seek to redeem all that’s going on,” he explained. “‘I want you to do what’s right.’ That’s what we have to be able to say to corporate America.”

What do you think? Will the Target boycott work? And if it does, should corporate retailers reconsider their DEI rollbacks?


  1. Chris's Avatar Chris

    Good on them. I believe you shouldn't give your money to someone who wouldn't let you work for them. Any business who bowed down to an executive order was apparently just looking for an excuse to remove diversity, equity, and inclusion. I won't be shopping at or buying from specific places because of their policies and business practices.

    1. Carol J VanderMiller's Avatar Carol J VanderMiller

      so are you saying you won't be a customer at a business that hires only for race rather than qualifications to fill a job description & position? if a company or business has high qualification standards then why not accept it as a challenge to get the skills, education, experience needed so you can come back & get hired? a company has the right to hire who they wish & employees that do not like their job can walk. what's your problem?

      1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

        Why do you think these minority groups that are being supported by DEI initiatives are less qualified than their white, male counterparts? DEI initiatives don't instruct you to only hire based on race, it teaches you to be more considerate of other persons' lived experience and to not have a bias based on someone's race or gender. It's intended to ensure that qualified women and people of color aren't being passed over for jobs or promotions in favor of white men who may lack the same qualifications.

        1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

          And then there are the unqualified racist people hired only because of their skin color. I've met a few who threw all resumes into the trash if the applicant's skin color didn't match their own.

          A major airline hired one of those racist HR people and the company had to file for bankruptcy a few years later because the new hires wouldn't do their jobs of cleaning and maintaining the planes. When planes weren't ready for departure on time, passengers got angry and stopped booking tickets on that airline. The company executives were afraid of firing the incompetent crews for fear of being called racists, so they ALL lost their jobs! Lesson.. Hire only the competent people no matter their skin coloration.

          1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

            I appreciate that you never have any evidence to back up your claims. It's almost like they're completely made up...

    2. Clark Johnson's Avatar Clark Johnson

      Comment removed by user.

  1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

    Diversity - anybody, everybody.

    Equity - treated fairly.

    Inclusion - all are welcome to the table.

    Where's the problem?

    1. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

      The problem is that it's an excuse to openly hate and discriminate against cis-gendered heterosexual white men, even when they're the more qualified person for the job concerned. It also has fomented more racist backlash than it's eradicated, which is arguably part of the underlying purpose.

      These days (pre-Trump) if you say anything that offends the feelings of someone who is not a cis-gendered heterosexual white male, then you can in plenty of cases be literally thrown in jail. Whereas the other minority groups have a free pass to say the most vile and threatening things about that demographic with impunity.

      Moreover, the astroturf activist groups involved in promoting this ideology and policy, rarely if ever do anything positive to benefit the minorities they claim to serve, but more often end up embezzling the money into their own back pocket. A good example of that is the BLM leaders such as Patrisse Cullors and Dyane Pascall who instigated widespread violent riots which destroyed entire cities, while they bought themselves mansions with the money donated for the cause. Also ultimately it was backed by globalist oligarchs like George Soros who have anterior motives and use these tactics to destabilize nations and institute regime change (aka: color revolutions, et al). People who jump on the bandwagon based on the superficial saccharine platitudes are little more than useful idiots.

      1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

        Hate to burst your bubble, thunder, but your entire argument is nothing but misinformation and propaganda. To say that your ideas are off base is an understatement, and I think KoolAid isn’t your friend.

        1. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

          Your opinion certainly overrules my direct experience...

          1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

            I believe you are in error. Perhaps you were not qualified for the jobs to which you applied.

            1. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

              It was a case of listening to rhetoric from activists, not qualifications for a job. Though it is interesting that you've presumed I'm a white male when I never said so. Yet out the other side of your mouth you claim the prevalence of bigotry is just misinformation. Maybe a look in the mirror is in order for you.

        2. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

          For the sake of argument though, here're some recent examples of the so-called "misinformation" of which I speak which have increasingly effected the industry I work in over the past decade and change.

          Fyi, the above tech journalist is Jewish, but routinely is called a Nazi/fascist and receives death threats for deigning to cover this subject.

          This is another discussion of the trend as early as 2010. Having done my fair share of activism in support of civil rights issues on both sides of the isle, I can personally attest to the pattern described from first hand experience, and having personally been targeted by same.

          Here's a documentary about it from 2007 concerning increasing anti-conservative polices throughout academia.

          Here's another from 2016 produced by a feminist who studied the men's rights movement. The things which both she and they were subject to as a result of bringing the subject to light are not germane to speak of in polite company.

          She's just one in a long line of people who've had this experience. This for example is a discussion of the phenomenon as early as the 1970's by Erin Pizzey, who founded the first battered women's shelters in the world, and was driven from the UK due to credible death threats from other feminists. It's been snowballing ever since then, according to her as a consequence of Marxist radicals infiltrating government and academia. They simply moved the goal posts from economic class, to race, sex, sexuality, political opinion, etc.

          Most people who weren't living under a rock are familiar with Jordan Peterson's protest against Canadian Bill C-16, and the political and occupational backlash he received as a consequence. He's famous, but hardly the exception.

          It's a global phenomenon, in part thanks to NGO's funded by the organizations like USAID and oligarchs such as George Soros. DEI ideology and policies aren't limited to affirmative action policies at US schools and workplaces. In the case of Muslim migrants, you can also thank the Saudi Royal family and a host of others of that ilk, such as Justin Trudeau's friend the late Aga Khan. All across western Europe right now the socialist governments are virtually in lockstep actively jailing people who make angry posts on social media about the activity of foreign migrant rape gangs (a growing issue for over a decade), while they allow those very gangs to continue with impunity. Parties like AfD and MAGA didn't arise in a vacuum. Regular people who don't have their lived experience dictated to them by liberal media are frankly sick of it.

          This above is just a tiny selection of the stories along these lines. There are people who spend every waking moment simply following the news about this stuff in whichever country they're located in. It would take down the hosting service if I were to try posting it all here to help clue you into reality outside the far left propaganda thought bubble.

        3. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

          One more link, in this case another about Robert Hoogland who was jailed for challenging a Canadian hospital's decision to gender transition his 13 year old daughter against his parental objection. I add it for context since the national post article doesn't do the story justice. Also it's exactly the sort of situation Jordan Peterson had warned of and that the public were assured was nothing but a far right conspiracy theory.

          1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

            "The gentleman doth protest too much, methinks."

            1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

              Alan Turing was given chemical castration by the British courts for his crime of molesting a teenage boy. The liberals used that as an argument against chemical castration.

              Today the liberals think most underage children should be either chemically or surgically castrated even though they cannot legally make that adult choice until the age of 18 or 21. Children should never be castrated until they are at least 18 years old and not a minute before. It's a crime against children to do so before they can make an informed and adult decision.

              1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

                Lawrence, "Today the liberals think most underage children should be either chemically or surgically castrated..."

                I'll really need to see an example of your source on that sentence. (Or do you mean circumcision?)

              2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

                When patriots exposed several hospitals and doctors who were deliberately cutting off the genitals of underage boys, the media and the democrat politicians ignored them.

                Now that we have a new president in charge, the laws are being changed and children are being protected from psychopathic surgeons who castrate chldren for dollars.

                You are against unnecessary castrations involving underage children aren't you?

              3. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

                Which hospitals? Again you make a claim with no evidence to back it up. You fill the zone with so much BS that it becomes a near impossible task to counter it all. It's a classic disinformation technique applied by the far-right.

                And why does the conservative right constantly complain about boys being "castrated" and transwomen using women's bathrooms but never seems to say anything about the existence of transmen?

                Children are not being protected by this administration, they are being denied treatments that are backed up by data showing that recipients live happier lives after transitioning. Those denied gender affirming care are significantly more likely to commit suicide. I'd say preventing suicide is pretty necessary but it seems like you'd prefer transgender persons were dead.


              4. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

                Liberals do not think that most underage children should be castrated. That's absurdly false. Liberals want children who are transgender to be able to present as the gender they align with and identify with. A small percentage of children will go on to have gender affirming surgeries and some who are trans will choose not to.

                You are assuming that because someone is not 18 or 21, they are unable to understand themselves. In truth, people will have some understanding of their sexuality and gender preference from a very early age. I personally was in kindergarten when I found myself attracted to girls in my class. By 16, I was plenty informed about who I was and the kind of person I wanted to be. Transgender persons go through years of therapy before they take the step of receiving gender affirming care.

                What you are advocating for is having transgender persons begin puberty as the gender they do not identify as so that they will always be identifiable as trans due to developing traits of the other gender.

              5. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

                When my little sister was 3 years old, she pretended to be a cat, saying "meow" while we all laughed.

                Today some insane parents and doctors might take that as a sign that she would need to have her face surgically designed to look like a cat.

                Children cannot be trusted to make life changing decisions. That's why intelligent adults don't let them get drunk, use drugs or make decisions about castration until they are at least 18 to 21 years old.

              6. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

                A 3 year old pretending to be a cat is not equivalent to a 12 year old experiencing gender dysphoria. A 12 year old is significantly more aware of themselves than a toddler. No parents are saying that a 3 year old pretending to be a cat needs surgery to look like a cat. Again, you're presenting absurd examples as though they are actually happening when they aren't.

                We don't let minors buy drugs or alcohol because of the damage they cause to developing brains. Intelligent people would realize these things without needing them explained to them but here we are. Intelligent adults also listen to their children instead of blindly forcing them to be something they are not.

                We have to trust children to make life changing decisions every day. Whether that's trusting them to cross the street when it's safe or trusting them to not eat dangerous things.

                If you actually read testimonies from transgender persons, I'd hope you'd have more compassion for them. All they want is to live their lives looking like the person they want to look like. Children know who they are at very young ages. They are much more capable than you give them credit for and you are only advocating for them to continue being unhappy. You are wishing misery on children; shame on you.

              7. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

                No Lawrence, no parents or doctors would take that as anything but a kid playing. How do you come to imagine such things?

              8. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt


              9. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

                Of course if it says so on a left-wing news site based on the testimony of "experts" with a preconceived ideological opinion who are paid to promote the idea, then it must be true.

              10. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

                KQED is left-leaning, sure, but that doesn't mean their reporting is false. You also need to provide evidence of the experts' misconduct if you are going to accuse them of lying for profit.

              11. Jeremy Ellis Atwood's Avatar Jeremy Ellis Atwood

                Zero receipts or documentation to prove your post = made up MAGA bs.

              12. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

                Lawrence, the teenage boy Alan Turing was convicted of having sex with was Arnold Murray who was 19 years old at the time (1952), which as you yourself point out is beyond the age at which Murray was considered an adult and able to freely consent.

      2. Michael Howard Schrader's Avatar Michael Howard Schrader

        What entire cities were destroyed? None. You are spouting typical right-wing hyperbole, whereas the facts do not support your contentions. No entire cities were destroyed. None. Not even the majority of a city. A few buildings, that is it. There is more destruction when sports fans riot. The cisgendered white male, which I am, is not a victim of discrimination, but a perpetrator of it. Get over yourself.

        1. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

          > Get over yourself.

          Take your own advice. Below are a couple examples (not exhaustive).

          1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

            I don't see an entire city listed on those websites, Thunder.

            1. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

              "...affected properties in the cities of Minneapolis, Saint Paul, and Apple Valley in the U.S. state of Minnesota. Most acts of arson targeted commercial businesses, but schools, non-profit organizations, government offices, and private residences were also targeted by arsonists or indirectly affected by fire."

              I'm sure if there were a few trees left standing it would not count as "destroyed" in your opinion.

              "...arson, vandalism, and looting that occurred between May 26 and June 8 caused approximately $1–2 billion in insured damages nationally, the highest recorded damage from civil disorder in U.S. history, and surpassing the record set during the 1992 Los Angeles riots."


              The above represents about 50% of the total costs, since only about half of the destruction effected those with insurance policies.

              But of course some people taking selfies inside the Capitol Building on Jan 6 is domestic terrorism and "a threat to our democracy" worthy of furious arm waving for years after the fact, whereas the worst riots in US history which resulted in widespread destruction and the deaths of a couple dozen people are totally fine amirite?


              Anyway, this is rather off topic to the original discussion, but it does serve to demonstrate the ideological bias and blind spot which exists for people on the far left of the political spectrum.

              1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

                You falsely claim, "I'm sure if there were a few trees left standing it would not count as "destroyed" in your opinion." Nagasaki and Hiroshima were destroyed, the cities in the US experienced terrible violence and destruction, absolutely, no one is disputing that, but entire cities were not destroyed.

                You then compare the George Floyd protests and riots to the January 6 insurrection. These events are incredibly different from each other because of the events that inspired them. George Floyd was publicly murdered by a police officer, another in a long history of Black men killed by police, and people said "do something to stop this from happening" and for years nothing changed. When you subject a community to violence for generations, eventually they too respond with violence out of desperation. The January 6 insurrectionists stormed the capitol to stop the count of electoral votes because of a lie that the election was stolen from Trump. These are not equivalent reasons for violence.

                You're projecting your ideological bias and blind spots on the far-left for the sake of a far-right agenda by misrepresenting facts and history.

      3. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

        Thunder, I've read your post and subsequent replies, but haven't (yet) followed your links. If you are such a supporter of Equity and Inclusion, why are you so opposed to DEI? Nowhere does it suggest it is not a merit system (Equity takes care of that). Diversity and Inclusion do not equate to Affirmative Action (although I will admit that some companies have used that rhetoric and ideals) in the form of quotas and targeted minority hiring. The crazy thing is that if you read the diversity statements, most will talk about promoting and hiring based on qualifications and race not being a determining factor. Forgive me, but that is what I thought a merit system looked like, and in the wake of Trump's actions most merit-system statements read more like DEI than the DEI statements did.

        The problem, as I see it, is without some way to throttle the "good-old cic-gender white guy club," even though they claim not to use race or any other of the stated diversity groups, they will always find a way to like the white guy better. Interview and promotion decision results are based on highly subjective criteria and that's where the bias comes in.

        1. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

          I'm speaking from direct experience as someone involved in the Occupy movement and activism in general for several years within that surrounding milieu. I definitely uphold equal "human" rights. However my overwhelming experience is that while the label on the tin (DEI) is all well and good based on the dictionary definition of each of those words, it is most often being implemented by people who are pathologically hypocritical in respect to their own attitudes and behavior. This is an observation that's attested by many of my peers, irrespective of their race, sex or sexual orientation. It's a fact on the ground that anyone with any degree of experience and personal integrity cannot fail to notice.

          Things are not what they seem on the surface, and are certainly not what the media and politicians present them to be. A high degree of critical thinking is in order, because many of these feel-good left wing liberal causes célèbre which people are so prone to enthusiastically jump on the bandwagon of are by far not what they appear to be aimed to achieve on the surface. Nor are the people involved necessarily as well meaning and egalitarian minded as they pretend in front of the camera.

          Even in this thread of discussion it's notable that in a lot of cases where the implementation of DEI is being criticized, the commenters who disagree with said criticism (yourself included) respond by vilifying white men in some form or another, as though that goes without saying as intrinsic to the concept. If one were to point out the existence of exclusive all black colleges in the USA, that is perfectly acceptable. If there were such a thing as an exclusive all white college, people would lose their minds. If one were to point out that in many instances those supposed white men are in fact disproportionately Jewish, people would lose their minds (including when recounting historical crimes attributed to said demographic). You can't have it both ways. You either want equality of opportunity, or you're using that as a veiled excuse to discriminate and seek revenge in the guise of same. Take your pick. However if you choose the latter as so many do, don't expect anyone to be fooled unless they're fools.

          1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

            Thunder, I'm just curious, what about the "merit system" will dismantle the injustices you have seen with the former "diversity" systems. Hearts and minds have to change, and I see nothing in the Merit System that addresses that.

            1. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

              The purpose of judgements based on "merit" isn't to dismantle anything. It's to build using the best expertise available.

              Hearts and minds may well need to change, but forcing diversity and equality (ie. the lowest common denominator) through inherently discriminatory policies and rabidly enforced ideological indoctrination has had the polar opposite of the intended effect. It's time to recognize that fact and rethink the attitudes and approach which have given rise to it. Continuing to foment an antagonistic and divisive culture war over these issues is not going to resolve them. It has not, and it will not.

              1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

                It's not the "lowest common denominator" because it is a subjective process. You have 2 positions with 20 applicants. Five are black, 15 are white. Two of the five Black applicants and five of the white applicants check off all the boxes on the job description, and all are seven are called in for interviews. Obviously there are different levels of personality, skills, and experience but all seven meet the minimum. Whichever two are hired does not equate to the lowest common denominator, but the cream that rose to the top. This, by the way, is the process that the federal government has been hiring folks, no scraping those with the least amount of skill and experience and giving them chances while passing over better qualified candidates.

                If giving a nod to one who checks all the boxes of requirements and interviews well because they are underrepresented is the "lowest common denominator," then I wasn't paying attention in math class. Were all of them highly qualified. Yes. Were there more qualified people who applied than there were positions available? Yes, again. Sometimes the "subjective" of the decision has to favor someone who is overlooked in other situations.

              2. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

                That's a nice hypothetical scenario, but it's not how things actually work in practice.

              3. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

                Comment removed by user.

              4. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

                Yes it does, because I've experienced it. I was part of the WRP in the federal system, as I am disabled with a fresh Doctorate that accounts for some of the experience required, as did my doctoral project and some of the coursework. Even though I was fasttracked under a DEI program for handicapped persons, and checked off all of the skills requirements, I was rejected several times because I either still didn't have enough experience or wasn't already in the federal workforce/system.

                It happens all the time in the private sector and the state systems as well.

          2. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

            Historically Black Colleges and Universities exist because many educational institutions denied access to education to Black people... it's literally because of racism that these schools exist. They are also not exclusively for Black people. About 11% of undergraduates at HBCUs are white.

            1. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

              I did a little looking into this too, and it seems that in the USA there are over 100 such colleges, on average established over 130 years ago (the oldest established in 1837), and receive the majority of their funding from federal and state appropriations, grants and contracts. Seems like USA has a long and storied history of preventing African Americans from receiving a proper education. N'est pas?


              Supposedly you're right about the 11% figure, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they're welcomed with open arms.


              Incidentally, looking at the schools which are regarded as Predominantly White Institutions (50% or more "white" students), it turns out the vast majority are actually Jewish. Imagine that.


              So it begs the question whether the 11% figure actually represents white people or not, particularly given that many (if not most) Jewish people will repudiate the claim that they're white, at least when it's to their own advantage.


              1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

                HBCU's did not receive any federal funding until the Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965. They still receive less funding than non-HCBU's today. So yes, for over 100 years since the first HBCU was established, those schools did not receive federal funding.

        2. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

          Incidentally, the above is just in relation to my experience of the activist crowd. There's also the matter of how the same attitudes have stemmed from a decades long shift in the demographics and educational policies within academia, and then subsequently metastasized within the tech industry and other industries, including politics. I have a lot of experience within IT in relation to this which is identical in nature to what I've experienced as an activist on the ground. Thankfully I've spent the bulk of that time as an independent contractor, so it hasn't effected my career directly. However it's impossible to miss the cultural shift which has occurred over the past 10-15 years, as it's effected nearly the entire tech industry, especially those heavily involved in the Free and Open Source Software movement, and associated online communities. It rather amazes me that so many people remain oblivious or in denial of this reality by now. I can only presume they've been living under a rock and feeding on a steady diet of far left propaganda the whole time. Either that or they're complicit.

          1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

            Oh yeah, the IT departments of major companies with their "know nothing" DEI hires.

            US companies were hiring DEI recruits who had no knowledge of the job and then tell the White and Asian tech workers, "You will be training these "know nothing DEI recruits" on how to do your job." That's when I walked away and the DEI results destroyed the company's reputation forever.

            The DEI recruits were the primary reason for leaving their computers open so that the company computers and data could be hacked. One DEI recruit actually failed to update security on his work computer for over one year, thereby allowing just one hacker to gain access to the entire network and steal all of the company's data for sale on the dark web. Another DEI recruit for a major tech firm in Seattle copied credit card data and put the information up for sale on the dark web. He's now in prison. Kim Komando has many more true stories of how DEI has been DEstructive.

        3. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

          D.E.I. = DIDN'T EARN IT.

          The difference between a DEI employee and an employee based on merit and qualifications is like the difference between hiring a blind DEI pilot to fly a passenger jet versus a pilot with 20/20 vision who can read, understand and respond to all instruments and warning signals in the cockpit so that everyone arrives safely every time.

          DEI has killed people, like those inside the exploding mini-submarine that was diving on the Titanic after it was designed and built by a DEI crew after the sub owner fired the professional team with years of experience of building mini-subs.

          1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

            So DEI hires are inherently less qualified than their white male counterparts? Where in DEI does it say you should ignore merit or expertise? I'll help you out there: it doesn't. It's meant to ensure equally qualified candidates of traditionally discriminated groups are not being passed up for less qualified white, cisgender men. There is zero evidence that DEI policies have killed anyone. That's an absurd claim.

            1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

              I've seen what DEI recruits do as they are hired under the false promise of "diversity, equity and inclusion." Once they take over the Human Resources departments, they EXCLUDE everyone who doesn't match their skin coloration and gender identity.

              So while you can claim they have only the highest intentions, there are countless examples of small and midsized and large businesses destroyed or driven into bankruptcy when they let DEI take over HR.

              1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

                Provide any examples of those businesses then, Lawrence. Still you have not provided any evidence to support your claims. I can just as easily say that I used to work for a company that only hired white men and now they're bankrupt because of it but that doesn't mean it's at all true.

                While you claim there are "countless examples" of destroyed businesses due to DEI, I can't find one. I can, however, find plenty of examples of companies who have experienced a benefit in their workforce due to DEI policies.

                I've seen the benefits of having a diverse and inclusive workspace at my job. I can't prove that to you, unfortunately, but I do know it's true. I also have a much better track record with the truth here so you can choose to believe me or not.

      4. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

        I was just reminded of this essay by a Marxist Harvard professor back in the early 1990's which seems pertinent. It's an example of the ideological roots of this issue, along with other theses like "The Invisible Knapsack" and so many others.

    2. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      Rev BH,

      You're right, those things, diversity, equity and inclusion are good things at face value. In principle so is MAGA. Why would a US of A citizen not want to Make America Great Again?

      It's the method in which we do these things, no?

      1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

        SOJ, "It's the method in which we do these things, no?" Yes.

        But the current Musk Method, no.

        1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

          So you're not going to buy a new Tesla from Elon? I'm sure he's all broke up about it.

        2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

          Corrupt politicians have been in charge for the past 100 years and we've seen the national debt multiply to unsustainable levels.

          Since absolutely NOTHING was being done to expose and cut the waste and fraud, thefts and embezzlements from US taxpayers, then it was high time for someone like Elon Musk to come in with spotlights, auditors and detectives to do the job that no democrat or republican had ever done before in our history.

          You ARE against fraud, waste, theft and embezzlement of US taxpayers money aren't you? Who has cut all the above faster and more efficiently than Elon in the past 100 years? Nobody. Stand back and let the adults take over the financial books to expose the criminals.

          1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

            I'm all for cutting waste and exposing fraud. That's a non-partisan stance. What Musk and Trump are doing, though, is taking a chainsaw to government agencies and mass firing hundreds of thousands of employees, which will do very little to slim down the budget or lower spending at all.

            There are plenty of things we could do to slim down the budget, such as rolling back defense contracts that cost us $609.2 billion a year, eliminating tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, closing capital gains tax loopholes, etc. but all Musk and Trump are doing is making our government less effective and less capable while consolidating power in the executive branch.

    3. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

      Comment removed by user.

  1. Echo's Avatar Echo

    Joined, as a native american here to support.

    1. Rudolph M Garza's Avatar Rudolph M Garza

      Comment removed by user.

    2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      What is your tribal location? I have a few ideas to bring businesses to a few reservations that will help your young people rise above their circumstances and give them hope for a better future. I'm not talking about more casinos but activities that young people can engage in that will elevate them and their families.

  1. Anisahoni's Avatar Anisahoni

    Good and they are not the only group boycotting businesses. February 28 is the National Do Not Buy day. The sad thing is that most people do not realize what DEI includes- Women of all races/ethnicities, Veterans, Disabled including seniors, Learning Disabled people, Blind and hearing impaired, mobility issues are a few. Businesses benefit in the long run yet only ignorant people are offended by DEI.

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Everyone should be offended when DEI recruits deliberately throw out all job applications that don't match their skin color. I know because it happened to me and to thousands of other people who were applying for work at a major airline that eventually filed for bankruptcy because the DEI recruits destroyed that once profitable business.

      1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

        Of course it's wrong. Unfortunately, for decades, those applications getting thrown out have been minorities and women. Maybe if you provided some evidence of this airline filing for bankruptcy because of DEI recruits I would believe you but you never do so there's no way to validate the truth of your claims.

  1. Najah P Tamargo's Avatar Najah P Tamargo

    Najah Tamargo-USA

    I say boycott all companies that refuse DEI employees!!!

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      D.E.I. = Didn't Earn It.

  1. Stephen P Singleton's Avatar Stephen P Singleton

    "Will the boycott work"??? That is NOT the Question! The whole concept of "Diversity and Inclusion" is to take one more step toward stamping out racial prejudice against non-whites. The very idea that PRIVATE companies can feel justified in taking steps backward toward Jim Crow apartheid just because The Clown King decrees it to be no longer mandatory turns my stomach. AND I'M WHITE AND I HAVE A TARGET RED CARD! I'm boycotting Just upon hearing this. I took that Oath when I accepted that commission as a 2nd Lt, to defend the Constitution. THEN for 40 years after I got out, worked with "at risk youth" (non profits that would surely be considered "waste" by Musk) teaching kids to NOT (continue) to be racist bullies. Diversity and Inclusion. People have to be mandated to treat everybody the same??? Are we not allowed "Children of the same God"? Or at least members of the same Human Race? Let's let Target and all the other businesses and Govt agencies that no one should have to be FORCED to do the right thing; that Good Will, common decency and Mutual Respect should just be the way we treat each other. Period. Thanks for letting me vent. Apologies for the Offended. ALOHA!

    1. Stephen P Singleton's Avatar Stephen P Singleton

      (don't know how the word "allowed" got into the comment about being children of the same God)(Oh! It's supposed to be ALL)

      1. Elizabeth Jane Erbe Wilcox's Avatar Elizabeth Jane Erbe Wilcox

        Stephen I love your reply. Just wanted to add that DEI is about so much more than racial bullying. It’s having rsmps and curb cuts along with automatic doors for people with physical limitations. Lots of other things, too.

    2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      "You have a red target card? Well aren't you special?" - The Little Old Church Lady from SNL

  1. Elizabeth Jane Erbe Wilcox's Avatar Elizabeth Jane Erbe Wilcox

    Many people have no idea of what Diversity Equity and Inclusion mean. They falsely think it’s about hiring a lesser qualified individual to fill an arbitrary quota. It’s much bigger than any individual characteristic such as color. It can mean hiring someone in a wheelchair, or someone who has no college degree. It could mean hiring a Spanish or French speaking person. It can mean hiring a woman or a transgender individual. It means kids seeing themselves represented in toys, games, books, movies it’s a big deal.

    I have cut way down on shopping at Target because they are no longer committed to the values I hold.

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      "Well aren't you special?" the little old church lady on SNL.

  1. Cynthia Mandello's Avatar Cynthia Mandello

    I find it humorous that a student of ASIAN descent was denied entry to Columbia not long ago because there were "too many Asian matriculated".

    Wait until all those "straight white men" have to compete across a level field for entry into the top colleges (ignoring for the moment Alumni preference) and cannot beat the scores put up by persons of Asian or India descent.

    They'll be screaming, and all I will say to them is, "there's plenty of opportunity for you doing roofing and in fields doing the stoop labor now that you systematically drove out migrant workers."

    1. Reverend Paula Copp's Avatar Reverend Paula Copp

      Well said.

    2. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      Those colleges are for money folk Cynthia. Places of learning for us normals don't have a cap for whit race asian or anything woke demands. Money folk will simply buy their way in anyhow.

      I once read that the woke hive mind considers Asians somewhat white when it comes to privilege.

      Doesn't surprise me they'd get bumped for an elderly black female native American who prefers to be recognized as a middle aged heterosexual Caucasian male.

      1. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

        > the woke hive mind considers Asians somewhat white

        That would be why the MSM insisted on labeling Elliot Rogers a "white man". When they're a victim, the tiniest amount of ancestry from a minority group is enough to qualify, but when they do something wrong, they're instantly "white". Funny how that works.

    3. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      There have been lawsuits and they have been won in the courts. UofC vs Allan Bakke.

      In 2023, the Supreme Court revisited the issue in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard and Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina, ultimately ruling that considering race in college admissions violated the Fourteenth Amendment.

  1. Rev. T.L. Hurd's Avatar Rev. T.L. Hurd

    If diversity leads to better results how come almost all pro basketball players are black? Those pro BBall managers pick the best, always, That's meritocracy.

    1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      Yea, let's get include some dwarfs on the basketball team. Be Fair and equitable about it but do it. I'll bet that dwarf that played the only dwarf in Snow White and the 7 Dwarves would love the chance.

    2. Michael Howard Schrader's Avatar Michael Howard Schrader

      So LeBron's kid was the best? Hardly. It's always about being of the correct group. DEI works for all, including white people.

      1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

        Mony folk ALWAYS get ahead of the line, DEI don't mean crap when u got the cash.

        Yep, even rich black folk ain't got no problem cutting ahead of poor black folk, it's a human problem.

        1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

          You're right. I was at the airport the other day waiting for my friend to pick me up on the curb. I saw a line of taxis and the first one in line was a black guy who was waiting for a passenger.

          Suddenly an older black couple came out with 3 big suitcases. They walked over to the black cab driver and said, "We need a taxi." Believe it or not, the taxi driver told them, "I don't take no black people in my taxi!"

          They were stunned and walked to the next driver, a White guy who helped them load their luggage into the trunk of his taxi and opened the door for them to get inside. As they drove away, I casually asked the black cab driver why he didn't take them. He replied, "The black people never give me a tip!" Strange but true.

    3. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Nailed it! WHY don't these people who claim to be all for DEI demand that the NBA hire more Native Americans, more Asians, more Latinos and more White people to play professional basketball? Hyp-Oh-Crites?

      The same goes for the NFL. They need more players from the Asian, Latino and Native American minorities or they should be called "racists"! DEI lovers, raise your voices and demand the NBA and NFL teams step up and hire more minorities! Or are you all "afraid"?

  1. Jimmy Moon's Avatar Jimmy Moon

    dei means hiring less qualified people to fill a role. Do you want a fully qualified airplane pilot or a less qualified dei hire? Only hired because of color or sex orientation. Isn't that racist?

    1. Cheryl Pettijohn's Avatar Cheryl Pettijohn

      Only badly run DEI policies hire less qualified folk. DEI means that everyone has a chance to be hired based on their abilities. We have already seen this administration hire less qualified people just because they are white,

      1. Carol J VanderMiller's Avatar Carol J VanderMiller

        please state your exact examples rather than the dark media gibberish. hiring should be on qualifications, job experience, past job performance, & meeting the needs of the job description rather than race. We have had affirmative action in years past that cost the companies dearly which is what is happening with dei. there are so many bogus programs that waste taxpayers money. would you want a doctor, airline pilot, or other positions critical to expertise qualifications or a dei hire where standards are lowered to meet a certain quota.

        1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          Why do you think a woman or person of color, someone who a DEI initiative seeks to help, is less qualified than their white male counterparts? What proof do you have that standards are actually being lowered? You clearly don't understand what DEI initiatives seek to accomplish and who exactly they help.

          1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

            There were two brothers in Massachusetts who applied for and earned jobs as firefighters. However, since the city (Boston) was favoring black people, the two brothers were passed over by two black men who had taken a downgraded version of the same test designed so that they could pass with a lower score of 75 percent instead of 95 to 100 percent.

            The brothers considered suing, but then one of them had a genius idea. He claimed that one of their great grandmothers had been black, therefore allowing them to claim they were now highly qualified for the jobs as firefighters. They were hired. Everyone should take advantage of this loophole if they have been discriminated against by their skin color or pedigree.

          2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

            There were two brothers in Massachusetts who applied for and earned jobs as firefighters. However, since the city (Boston) was favoring black people, the two brothers were passed over by two black men who had taken a downgraded version of the same test designed so that they could pass with a lower score of 75 percent instead of 95 to 100 percent.

            The brothers considered suing, but then one of them had a genius idea. He claimed that one of their great grandmothers had been black, therefore allowing them to claim they were now highly qualified for the jobs as firefighters. They were hired. Everyone should take advantage of this loophole if they have been discriminated against by their skin color or pedigree.

      2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

        Yes, Biden hired some very incompetent people because they were White.... Pete "I ignore toxic chemical spills" Buttigieg, Alexander "I send fbi agents to harass parents at school board meetings" Mayorkas, Jen "Dementia Joe Biden was sharp as a (flat) tack" Psaki, Anthony "I like to Torture Puppies" Fauci, Janet "How I Ripped off Taxpayers of $8 Billion" Napolitano and Sam "I like to steal women's luggage at airports" Brinton.

        Sad to see so many incompetent people destroying America when dementia Joe was in charge.

    2. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      All the passengers can hang upside down from their seatbelt straps on the runway knowing they did the right thing by buying tickets from such an outfit Jimmy. The ones that don't make it won't have to regret their decision very long. It's a win-win.

    3. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

      So what you are saying is that women, the poor, and people of color, the types of people DEI initiatives are intended to support, are inherently less qualified than their white male counterparts? These initiatives are intended to ensure that equally qualified candidates are not being passed over because of their race, gender, economic status, sexual orientation in favor of a white man who may even lack the same qualifications.

      Show us some proof that DEI initiatives are actually leading to companies lowering their standards in order to accommodate these groups.

      1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

        Many examples come to mind. Like when the Boston and NYC fire departments deliberately lowered the qualifications that demanded strength, agility and performance for fire fighters who would be called on to rescue overweight people from burning buildings.

        Like when NYC lowered standards for minorities because they couldn't pass the physical and mental tests and background checks for police officers, prison guards and administrators.

        Like when a state office I worked for hired a black high school drop out who claimed he had a degree in computer science and yet he didn't know how to write software, check software code written by others in office, and couldn't provide any evidence for his claim of a computer science degree. His claim was that because the state hired him without doing a background check, he had the right to keep collecting a paycheck even though he was never able to do the job.

        1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          More misinformation and racism from Mr. Pearce, I see.

          Boston and NYC fire departments did not lower the qualifications, for firefighters. They did change the physical requirements for being hired, requirements that had been implemented only 2 years before, so that women are not being disproportionately prevented from graduation when they could still be plenty capable of fighting fires.

          The NYPD did not lower physical and education standards for minorities, an assertion that suggests you believe that minorities are less capable than white men. The reality is that they only lowered educational standards for all candidates due to combat the hiring crisis they have.

          Your last anecdote has nothing to do with a person being hired because of their race and everything to do with the person lying about their educational background. He was hired on false pretenses, not because he was a black man who had to be hired over a more qualified white person. It's the employers fault for not doing their due diligence during the hiring process, not DEI.

  1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

    Legislating a utopia has always failed and will always fail. Man is corrupt and any thoughts of purity gifted by our flawless Creator will always perish in a quagmire of human filth. Just check the history books if you doubt that fact.

    Inequality will always exist as long as there are two living humans in contact with one another. Inclusion excludes and diversity creates favoritism. It's all folly of a fools errand.

    I stopped using the trash peddler called Target when they turned their back on USA over a decade ago. It's pleasant to watch the woke hive mind punish and cannibalize it's corporate drone into oblivion. The hive mind is angry. The hive mind must punish. The hive mind will not forgive.

    It's comforting to see the drones here happy to oblige my desires. Crush Target, for the hive, long live the hive. The hive loves you.

    1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

      Don't you blindly follow a 2000 year old book as ultimate truth despite plenty of the Bible being debunked? For someone who's constantly harping on the "woke hive mind" you might want to look in the mirror. Pot, meet kettle.

      1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

        Do you suppose that if we dug deep enough into your background, we might find some dirt that would send you to prison? Be careful how you judge others. The bible may have mistakes but it also contains some very positive words and phrases used by great men and women through history.

        1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          What is the relevance of your comment to mine? I'm pointing out that it's hypocritical to accuse liberals of being apart of a "woke hive mind" when a member of a religious hive mind who blindly believes a book to be ultimate truth. I never claimed there weren't positive words in the Bible. I never claimed that SOJ had some dirt in their past that would send them to prison. Do you have reading comprehension problems?

          1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

            As an author of ten movie scripts and over 100 books of almost all genres, I have no problem with understanding the English language. I also have no problem understanding sane, logical and rational people.

            1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

              If you have no problem understanding the English language or sane, logical, rational people, enlighten me on the relevance of your comment to mine? Your reply does not seem to be at all related to the original comment.

              Since you're such a prolific author, maybe you'd care to share some of the 100s of works you've published? I'd expect someone so prolific to be easily findable on the internet but the best I've found is a British author with 3 published books. There's also this guy who comes up when I search your name. This you?

      2. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

        That's a fair statement Michael. We're all in danger of following the cosmically wrong ideology and I couldn't argue with you against that point.

        I do test the document as it promises we can. The document understands deep human psychology and says we can delude ourselves into believing falsehoods made of our own desire. That on its own is somewhat mind blowing. How could one ever know they're interpreting the thing correctly? We should be able to prove ourselves right or wrong elsewhere in the document. That means a life long study. I'll admit it sounds dicey ground to be walking on.

        I've found that areas deemed as mistakes are misunderstandings by the reader. Lol, then again I'm human so perhaps I'm deluding myself. Were quite unlike the animal we claim to be. Rather, the Human the Bible documents us as being.

        Most of my opposition here can be quite brutal and downright nasty. Every time I play nice, I end up holding my own entrails. You might say I've grown teeth where there need not be any. I wish it were different.

        Thank you for your honesty and your critique. That is sincere.

        1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          You're welcome. I hope my critiques do not come off as personal attacks too frequently. I only wish to challenge beliefs in order for people to better understand their beliefs.

  1. Reverend Thom's Avatar Reverend Thom

    DEI is racist. DEI is discrimination. DEI is NOT inclusion, it is EXCLUSION. How ridiculous.

    1. James Richard Norby's Avatar James Richard Norby

      Balancing the scales is hardly racist or exclusionary. How ridiculous!

      1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

        You cannot balance the scales by forcing racist practices on young and old people who were never born.

        It's like telling a psychotic nutcase to beat, kick and punch a baby for something that his great grandfather did in the 1920s. It's wrong and illogical. Yet there seems to be a few psychos who think it's the thing to do.

        1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          So if a black family was denied the ability to purchase land, receive an education, or even be served in the same building a white person, they will inevitably fall behind white families who are permitted to acquire capital and build wealth. Initiatives meant to reverse the damage done by racist policies that existed as recently as 60 years ago are not racist. If you have 2 students, and one student has straight As while the other has only Bs and Cs, you wouldn't need to help the A student while the Bs and Cs student would benefit from additional help. Providing assistance to historically discriminated groups is incredibly different from beating a baby for something done by their great-grandfather.

    2. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      You are so right, Thom. 🙌🏻


    3. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

      Who is being excluded by DEI initiatives? Who is being discriminated against? Why are initiatives intended to support groups who have been historically discriminated against racist?

      1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

        What happened in the past is gone. We are dealing with now. There are more black millionaires today in the USA than ever before.

        Add up the total number of black millionaires and billionaires from Oprah to NFL players to NBA players to MLB players. Maybe it's time for them to share their wealth with their fellow poor black people instead of living in gated communities among the rich and famous!

        1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          The past has a significant effect on the present. If you ignore the past, you're doomed to repeat it. By ignoring the past, you are whitewashing history so that you feel better about yourself. You're denying that discrimination and racism has been a significant cause of the racial wealth gap by ignoring the decades of racist policies that prevented families of color from having the same opportunities as white people.

          You want to roll out the black millionaires card as though it's some proof of equality but only about 8-9% of American millionaires are black while about 13.7% of the population is black. By your standards, shouldn't those two percentages be much closer? Additionally, black Americans donate more of their wealth than white Americans so they are sharing their wealth with their community.

    4. James Richard Norby's Avatar James Richard Norby

      Comment removed by user.

  1. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

    The following succinctly exemplifies the types of people involved in modern activism, whether it be feminism, PoC, LGBTQ, or any other. It's certainly not limited to "coloured people".

    "There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs."

    -- Booker T. Washington

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Oops. the racist DEI commenters don't like it when you point to the facts spoken by any famous black man or woman. Notice you only got one upvote before I gave you one for speaking the truth to hypocrisy.

  1. Colleen McAllister's Avatar Colleen McAllister

    Another reason for me to not shop at Target. DEI is needed whether a government sanctioned act or not.

    1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      Right, we should encourage our daughters to take a pee with a big fat dumpy hairy white guy called Fanny that thinks little girls are cute.

      It's the right thing to to and Jesus will love us for it. He gets us.

      1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

        Once again, slandering the transgender community with a ridiculous example that doesn't actually exist in reality. Transwomen are not raping little girls or sexually abusing them. Transwomen using women's bathrooms is a non-issue because, 1) last I checked, bathrooms have stalls separating toilets, 2) transwomen just want to use a bathroom and I'd find it much more concerning if someone who looks like a women was using the men's bathroom. You just want to out transgender people so that you can continue to attack and discriminate against them.

        1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

          Do you believe in safe spaces for women? I hope so because some women and girls have been molested by men and they want their restrooms to be safe spaces apart from all men, whether those men wear cowboy outfits, suits or dresses.

          There is absolutely no reason why a man in a dress (Scottish kilt) should invade any girl's or women's safe spaces just so they can pee or poop. They have their own men's room where they are safe to do their toilet business without intimidating, threatening or invading the women's safe spaces!

        2. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

          Louden County Virginia Michael. Yes it does happen and not just once or twice and not in one place by one person friend.

          I'd like to propose the concept of a dude claiming to be trans gender to get the free pass and access to girls. All a perv needs to do is claim transgenderism, get the free pass from the woke hive mind and hope the girls keep quiet about it. Hell definitely get the support of the lbtqia++map community, their lawyers, judges, politicians and crappy corporations like the junk store Target.

          I'm a Christian but I sure ain't naive like these stuffed up sweater wearing, soft spoken timid little mice afraid to offend.

          I was pleased when I first read Jesus wants us to be hot or cold, not warm. That's me, I'm hot and I'm cold.

          If a brother gots a whang dhang, he can wiz standing like the rest of us men, in a urinal, toilet, outside behind the bushes, in a bottle on the highway, in the snow but sure as heck not in the girls room.

          No sir.

          1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

            The Louden County Virginia case was not a transwoman, nor was there any evidence that the boy identified as female or even wore a skirt or kilt to access the restroom.

            Once again, blaming transwomen for the actions of cisgender men. You do not exemplify the qualities of a Christian and you are incredibly naive.

        3. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

          "Transgenders rape females" in the headlines...

          Let's keep safe spaces for all females and all males, shall we? It's the right thing to do to prevent more PTSD in our society.

          1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

            Says the guy who wants to deny gender affirming care to minors despite the overwhelming evidence it leads to happier outcomes for transgender people. You don't actually care about creating safe spaces; you probably mocked liberals over them in the past. If you really cared about trauma and the mental health effects of trauma, you'd support gender affirming care, but you don't.

            1. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

              The original source of that "overwhelming evidence" and the ensuing ideological movement lead to the suicide of both the patients involved.


              A fact which continues to be strikingly true for transgender people today.


              In fact in Canada for example, gender affirming care is funded by taxpayers on the basis that it's compassionate care for the mentally ill, precisely due to the prevalence of suicide. Yet it's simultaneously illegal for anyone to refer to it openly as a form of mental illness. Go figure.

              It's illegal to put adds for tobacco products on television because it might convince sexually immature children that it's cool and entice them to make a potentially destructive life-altering mistake, but drag queen story hour in kindergarten would never have that effect amirite?

              That would be why in spite of people with biological intersex conditions numbering around 0.02% of the population (most of whom will remain unaware of it unless medically diagnosed), the prevalence of self-identified transgender individuals of 18-24 years age quadrupled between 2014 and 2022 from 0.59% to 2.78%. For younger children there's a dearth of evidence, but it's estimated to be over 2.5 times the prevalence among informed adults, the figure having skyrocketed in recent years.


              But yeah, why wouldn't 1/36 or more of all parents want to relinquish their power and responsibility for decisions which have a 2/5 chance of leading to the self-inflicted death of their child? Much less the fact that it will involve irreversible sexual sterilization of their minor children who by all other metrics lack the capacity for informed consent. Their objections are clearly evidence of fascism!

              1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

                John Money sexually assaulted the two children who eventually killed themselves and neither of them were transgender. David Reimer lost his member at 8-months due to a botched circumcision, and Money wrongly convinced his parents to transition him to female. David never identified as female and never wished to transition. The psychological damage Money did was horrible but it was not because he provided a transgender person with gender affirming care. Additionally, the trans community has a negative view of Money, not a positive one. All of that information is in the Wikipedia page you provided a link for.

                The Williams Institute link you provided states nothing about rates of suicide after gender affirming care. It simply states that transgender people have higher rates of suicide. Per that link, “A lack of societal recognition and acceptance of gender identities outside of the binary of cisgender man or woman and increasing politically motivated attacks on transgender individuals, increase stigma and prejudice and related exposure to minority stress, which contributes to the high rates of substance use and suicidality we see among transgender people.” They specifically outline reasons for the higher rates of suicide in this community and nothing here states that it is due to gender affirming care. Here's another link from the Williams Institute which found that suicide rates decreased among those who received gender affirming care compared to those who did not.

                As far as I've been able to find, it is not illegal to refer to being transgender as a mental illness in Canada. It is illegal to intentionally misgender or dead name a person in an antagonistic and discriminatory manner in attempt to deter hate speech against transpersons. It's funded under compassionate care because suicidal ideation is a mental illness and gender affirming care lowers rates of suicide.

                I'm not sure what the prevalence of intersex persons has to do with the prevalence of trans persons. You seem to be making the point that the rate of people identifying as trans is increasing due to some nefarious motives but the reality is that more people are becoming aware and accepting of the trans community and more people are becoming comfortable identifying as trans today because of this. We see the same changes in the rates of people identifying as homosexual over the past century. Because our society is no longer discriminating against and demonizing this community, more people feel comfortable enough and safe enough to publicly come out.

                Parents today are not relinquishing their power and responsibility to anyone. They are making informed decisions about how they can provide the best care to their child.

              2. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

                John Money was the primary original instigator for promoting gender reassignment surgery, and his fraudulent research almost single handedly spawned the ideological movement within psychiatry/psychology et al. The fact that his malfeasance has come to light since then has certainly caused people to distance themselves from him, but it hasn't done anything to abate the onslaught of "experts" whose careers were built around promoting it.

                > You seem to be making the point that the rate of people identifying as trans is increasing due to some nefarious motives...

                Apart from the Malthusian eugenics ideology which is popular among climate activists in organizations like the WEF, it also promises to produce life long dependency on pharmaceutical drugs (HRT, SSRI, etc) for those effected (ie. there's reliable money to be made off it). To say nothing of the job opportunities for ridiculous number of people with otherwise useless degrees in the humanities.

                > Parents today are not relinquishing their power and responsibility to anyone.

                I know my share of parents with self-identified transgender children (and have several trans friends myself), and I can tell you none of them are particularly thrilled about the prospect of their children being castrated. Nor did they have any say in the indoctrination involved. Nor have they power to effectively push back against it without onerous legal consequences, to say nothing of the repercussions to their familial relationships. Short of cult-deprogramming of some sort, they're up shit's creek.

                It is possible for both things to be true. On the one hand, yes it's good to be compassionate towards people who are suffering mental illness. On the other hand, it's not tolerable for publicly funded institutions to be promoting this as a lifestyle to minor children against the wishes of their parents, much less preventing said parents from putting a stop to it. If you think it's a black or white situation, I suggest it's high time to spit out the Koolaid and start taking the other side of the story a bit more seriously.

              3. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

                Gender-affirming surgeries were being performed in Europe during the 1920's and '30's. Claiming John Money was the primary, original instigator just isn't true. Furthermore, his misconduct does not invalidate all of the other research and study done by others.

                I'm not surprised that there are parents who aren't thrilled about their child transitioning since there are still plenty of parents who have negative views of the transgender community. I too know parents of trans children and have friends who are transgender and none of them have ever expressed that they felt pressured in any way or that they had no power to push back without legal consequences. Being transgender isn't a lifestyle, it's who a person truly is. It's not indoctrination.

  1. Doctor Loyal's Avatar Doctor Loyal

    DEI sounds good, but used as a tool to cause reverse discrimination is unacceptable. What is wrong with competence, ability, and experience ?? LA burned because reverse discrimination was used to hire incompetent people without experience and knowledge !!

    Loud, and forceful idiots pushing DEI mindlessly made inexperienced, people without the knowledge to perform their responsibilities becoming placed in responsible Leadership positions where their incompetence caused needless deaths and wholesale destruction not only possible, but inevitable.

    1. James Richard Norby's Avatar James Richard Norby

      Every time a problem occurs and a woman and/or a person of color is in charge is not incompetence. The Delta plane that landed on it's back was piloted by a white male. Therefore white males are incompetent!

      1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

        The landing gear of the plane collapsed and it was probably maintained by DEI employees who failed to do their jobs correctly.

        All evidence shows the White pilot took action to get the passengers safely onto the ground and prevent the plane from catching fire or burning up. So we need to find out who were the incompetent employees who failed to secure the landing gear bolts from snapping off! Very likely it was DEI.

        1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          So it's not the white pilot's fault, it's the maintenance crew who must be DEI hires. Your racism is disgusting. You have no evidence that minorities were responsible, you just immediately accuse them of being the problem. Did you know that just over half of airline maintenance workers in the United States are White? So much for DEI hires being the problem. Take your hateful racism and sexism somewhere else.

    2. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

      Nothing is wrong with competence, ability, and experience. Why do you believe that the groups supported by DEI initiatives are less qualified than their white male counterparts? The LA fires had nothing to do with DEI hires or reverse discrimination. There is zero evidence that incompetent people lead to the destruction caused by the fires.

      1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

        Wow. Obviously head up rear end if you didn't see all the evidence against the DEI mayor who was warned about the fires, but she chose to fly off to Ghana and let the city burn down.

        Or the DEI fire chief who failed to inspect the empty reservoirs that were supposed to be filled with water to fight the fires. She also failed to have fire crews check the fire hydrants to make sure they were working because when they were needed, the hydrants failed to work and there was no water flowing through the pipes! DEI means DIDN'T EARN IT and EVERYONE DIES.

        1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          So because Karen Bass is black, she's a DEI hire, despite being elected by her constituents? And I'm the one with my head up my butt? Even the slightest bit of critical thinking disproves your assertion.

          Former fire chief Kristin Crowley, a LGBTQ woman with 22 years of experience in the department, is an unqualified DEI hire? It seems to be the problem has more to do with the fact she's a queer woman than her clear qualifications. It's not her fault that a reservoir was undergoing construction and therefore low. It's not her fault that the city did not notify the fire department of that construction, nor is it the fire chief's responsibility to ensure reservoirs are full, that's LA Water and Power.

          You're full of lies.

  1. David Wakefield's Avatar David Wakefield

    Boycott is useless. 99% of Americans don't want men in women's locker rooms and showers. The end..

    1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

      What does the transgender community have to do with black faith leaders boycotting over DEI rollbacks? And where did you get that 99% of Americans statistic? I'd bet my life the real percentage is much, much lower than you claim.

      1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

        DEI embraces transgenders over the past four years, that's what DEI has to do with the 1861 black preachers still stuck in the past while trying to line their own pockets with false victimization claims.

        Look at the rich mega black church pastors, black millionaires in the NFL, NBA and MLB along with the black billionaires Oprah. They are not victims of racism and yet some of these preachers are trying to pretend they are victims.

        Tell the rich black preachers, players and celebrities to share their billions of dollars with their fellow black folks. We're tired of listening to them whine and dine in luxury resorts and hotels while claiming to be victims.

        1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          Black preachers reach out to a historically discriminated against community and yet they're stuck in the past? The past when being trans or even gay could be a death sentence? You do realize the civil rights movement was about 60 years ago. The first black girl to attend an integrated school is still alive and well. There are still documented racial inequities in America that are not stuck in the past.

          1. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

            Mary Jane Patterson received her B.A. from Oberlin College in 1862. If she were still alive today she'd be 181 years old.


            Alexander Lucius Twilight received his B.A. in 1823 from Middlebuy College. He'd be 230 years old if alive today.


            1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

              I should have been more specific as I was referring to the newly integrated schools after the Brown v Board of Education ruling which ended the "separate but equal" policy that lead to the racist laws of the Jim Crow South. The fact that there were Black people who were able to obtain an education does not negate the fact that thousands of Black people were denied access to equal education and equal treatment in America up until the 1960s. Are you going to claim that Black and White communities received equal treatment in America 70 years ago?

  1. Billy Heckstall's Avatar Billy Heckstall

    I have experienced racism in some form or another across the board for the past seventy odd years, that I’ve lived on this planet. But, that’s not the point!

    I’ve tried to measured all comments made by everyone I’ve met in the past month with this one point in mind.

    In reminisce my childhood morning devotions from preschool, mainly the Pledge of Allegiance.

    In what way does this present government and its course represent that oath I took then, and the one I took upon entering the military?

    Which final lines ended with, “one nation under God with liberty and justice for ALL.”

    I try to judge all forms of governmental representation by those final lines. I suggest America might attempt to return to that age old pledge that seemed to encompass all human beings. Whatever their walk in life!

    And as the kids of this generation often say and I quote: “Stay in your own lane”.

    And I’ll add, let freedom ring!


  1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

    This topic is so farcical, right? How many here would like to see female coal miners hacking away at small coal seams with pick and shovel damaging their finger nails? Perhaps there’s not enough disabled people in wheel chairs working down the coal pit.

    And as mentioned above by my friend of logic and reason, SOJ, let’s have dwarfs in basketball teams, and also those possibly mentally challenged playing for professional American football teams. Has anyone seen any men in wheelchairs working at Hooters lately? Let’s boycott Hooters. 🤪


    1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

      LH, DEI was never about hiring unqualified people, just because they have a disability. I have been rejected under the WRP (a DEI initiative that I am assuming is now dismantled for federal jobs for people with disabilities), simply because I didn't check off all the boxes listed in the job description. The reason wasn't the skill level, as my education fulfilled all of that, it was because I didn't have enough experience or wasn't already in the federal system.

      Actually I am quite offended by your comment about female coal workers. I know many single mothers who work in the coal mines because that is the primary employer in the area, it pays well, and there are very few other jobs available. Would you rather they be on the welfare roles? If women can do it, want to do it, and have the physical ability, why would you deny them the chance or the choice? Have you seen any men hanging out and wanting to perform in gentlemen's (strip) clubs lately? Probably not, because they wouldn't get very many tips. People who are qualified for jobs, want them, and can do them ought to be given a fighting chance of getting them.

      1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

        It’s totally okay to be offended, Patricia. Being offended seems to be a very easy trait by the “woke”. I’m wondering if you are one of them, it’s okay if you are not. I had 4 years of working hard on not being offended by the stupidity of the last administration. I succeeded in not letting things bother me, knowing that there was no way Kamala Harris was going to win the election. All hail to democracy! I am now “unburdened by what has been” 🤭. Thankfully, USA dodged a huge bullet there. Hopefully, now that we don’t have DEI, the “best” people qualified for jobs on merit will win out, irrespective of skin colour, or disabilities.

        If I see you in Target, or Hooters, or down the coal mine, (and I have frequented all three, have you?) I’ll say ‘Hi’.🤗


        1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

          Even though you didn't answer my questions, I'll answer yours. Yes I have. And yes, I am as proud to be a "woke" individual as you are to be a MAGA(t).

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            That’s totally okay for you to be woke, Patricia. Thats the beauty of living in a free democratic country. Don’t you just love knowing that we had a democratic vote where the majority voted for the current Presidency and its election manifesto? Thats what happened last time in the last election and the people decided that they didn’t want the same thing again that we have just had over the last 4 years so the electorate voted differently this time around. Thats how Government elections work in a Democratic Republic. If this current administration doesn’t do as it has promised there will be another election in 4 years to change things.

            I’m all for offering jobs to males and females as long as either sex is totally capable of doing the job. I’m all for a merit based system. Does that answer your question?

            As for wanting to make America great again, I don’t have any embarrassment of wanting that for all Americans. Crime needs to go down big time. Illegal immigration needs to be completely stopped. DOGE needs to do its job in making sure our Federal employees are gainfully employed and that our Tax dollars are being put to better use for US citizens first, especially to help in housing our own homeless, especially our homeless vets, before giving our money away to other countries. I’m sorry if you see that differently.


          2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

            Sad to see that Patricia couldn't resist showing her hatred for someone who disagreed with her by calling the person an ugly name. Patricia, until you can respect everyone, you have no right to be called a "minister" who unites all instead of denigrates other people who have never harmed you.

            1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross

              LH, I'm sorry you were offended by my typo mistake. Now that I look back, I see that that the (t) could have been assumed as adding to MAGA, when my objective was to give credence to Trump, since I had assumed he had trademarked it. Perhaps I should have put (tm) instead? I guess I'm an equal opportunity offender, and apologize if I ruffled your feathers. BTW, it's ok if you are offended. I guess our skins both need to get a little tougher to survive the next few months/years.

            2. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

              And from you who is always so thoughtful and gentlemanly.

          3. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

            Thumbs up for name calling?

            Are all y'all's sure you're being diverse, equitable and inclusive? You only call Christians and conservatives names.

            Not very loving either. You might not be who you think you are.

            See how nothing will change Human's nature of bias? Not rules, principals, mass movements, laws or name calling.

        2. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          Lionheart insults women and then blames them for being offended? He completely misunderstands how DEI initiatives work? Claiming to be not bothered by the Biden/Harris administration yet constantly complaining about them and lying about what they are doing? You make me laugh, LH.

          1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

            As long as I make you laugh, or smile, I’m totally okay with that Michael. Life is often taken too seriously.

            Please read my post properly, you will see that I did not blame anyone for being offended, I’m actually saying it’s totally okay to be offended, whether they are male or female. Do you see the difference? Perhaps you have been reading CNN and the way its journalism works. You might be falling into the same mindset trap, and it’s okay if you have. Many do!

            Thank you for your comment. 🤗


          2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

            85,000 children are reported missing from the Joe Biden/ Kamala era. Where are they? Why aren't any democrats up in arms about finding those missing children? Could it be they know the children were diverted into sex trafficking?

            Even worse, we know that more than 300,000 Americans were murdered by deadly fentanyl smuggled into the USA while Joe and Kamala gave their silent approval. Why didn't they call attention to those deaths from the drug cartels? Could it be they were receiving bribes from the cartels to look the other way?

            Enquiring minds want to know why Joe and Kamala let 300,000 Americans be murdered by drug cartels and 85,000 children be sex trafficked inside America.

            1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

              Lawrence, enquiring minds want to know, as usual, where you get your figures.

  1. ronald wolfe's Avatar ronald wolfe

    Jobs should go to the most qualified person not based on race color or creed. however DEI shows favoritism to minoriites. colleges have lowered there standard qualifiacatons to allow minoriites to bring there numbers up to satisfy DEI. instead lets have minorities take additional education and bring there test scores up. this same principle is applied in the work force even the military has succombed to pressure.

    1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

      Where in DEI initiatives does it say to hire less qualified people if their are women, or persons of color, or poor, or disabled? Let me help you here, it doesn't. DEI policies are meant to ensure that qualified candidates of all races, genders, and economic status aren't being passed over for less qualified white men. Provide examples of the military lowering their qualifications or work places lowering the qualifications for new hires.

      Do you believe that the groups that DEI initiatives help are inherently less qualified than a white man?

      1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

        Have you been living in a cave for the past 20 plus years? DEI was promoted as a way to force companies to hire less qualified people only because of their skin color or gender preference. It had nothing to do with merit or it wouldn't be needed... the best qualified person should get the job and there are laws that prevent discrimination on the basis of skin color and gender preference. Don't pretend otherwise.

        1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          You're right, the best person should get the job but time and time again, study after study, has found that minorities are often passed over for jobs in favor of white male applicants.

          DEI shouldn't be necessary but decades of racism and sexism in America has made it necessary to implement these initiatives. It was not promoted as a way to force companies to hire less qualified people. That belief is rooted in the racist, sexist idea that women and people of color are inherently less qualified than white men.

          Time to step out of your cave for once. I hear decades of being in the dark really mess with a person's head.

  1. James Richard Norby's Avatar James Richard Norby

    I am already boycotting Target.

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Bless your heart. Please get well.

      Please know that you are loved. 🤗


      1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

        Many people began the boycott of Target when their management let trans invade the formerly "safe space" girls restrooms inside their stores.

  1. James Richard Norby's Avatar James Richard Norby

    The notion that only white men are competent is extremely disturbing.

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Well that's what the guy who fired the competent White engineers and then hired DEI to build his mini-submarine "Titan" to dive on the Titanic. We all know how that turned out... DEI turned into DIE.

      "On 18 June 2023, Titan, a submersible operated by the American tourism and expeditions company OceanGate, imploded during an expedition to view the wreck of the Titanic in the North Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada."

      1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

        What a blatant lie. OceanGate did not hire DEI candidates to build their subs over more experienced engineers. There is no evidence to support that. The owner did talk about wanting younger people operating the submarines because he believed they would be more inspirational, but I have failed to find any other evidence to suggest that the builders were less competent due to being DEI hires. The truth of the matter is that the Titan submarine failed in part due to OceanGate cutting corners in the development and construction of the submersible. They were warned by the people developing the sub of its flaws but proceeded anyway.

        1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

          Your "theory" about DEI was destroyed by your own post. You admit the owner of OceanGate fired the experienced engineers and hired a diverse, equal and inclusive group of people who had never designed or built a submersible vessel that could dive to the level where the Titanic was sitting.

          In other words, you trashed the idea of MERITOCRACY so that a group of diverse, equal and inclusive grads could build a deep sea diving submarine. The DEI cult is getting smaller every day as DEI kills off everyone who joins their cult on board planes, subs and other things designed and built by DEI recruits. I'll take meritocracy any day over DIE deaths.

          1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

            Again, work on your reading comprehension, Lawrence. Reread my comment and then come back to this one.

            I never said OceanGate fired experienced engineers in favor of DEI hires. I said they wanted younger people OPERATING the subs. There is no evidence that I can find that the builders were somehow less competent because they were DEI hires. On the contrary, I found evidence that the builders told the company that there were problems with the sub's design and they were ignored by the owners. I provided you with links to said evidence.

            Your stances have so little to stand on that you have to resort to twisting the words of those you disagree with to make yourself look competent.

  1. Brian Patrick Molloy's Avatar Brian Patrick Molloy

    We are all children of the same universe . God bless , keep you safe , and give you peace . ✝️

  1. William B. Belcher's Avatar William B. Belcher

    DEI is just a remake of the failed affirmative action edict which further drove a wedge into racial and social relations. We don't need government manipulation to address issues which were, over the decades, moving in positive directions. Change takes time, and will resist being rushed by the will of bureaucrats. Good people will always get things right in the long term. Remember that "all men are created equal." Let's put accomplishment, attitude, abilities and faith into the forefront.

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Reverend Ike was a black preacher who told black people to stop blaming everyone else for their problems. He would claim, "I grew up a poor black kid who couldn't afford 7 cents for a school lunch, but I made up my mind I would become important and help other people break out of poverty." and "The only color of power in America is Green for Money."

      "Get off the welfare plantation and make something of yourself," he would say, "Some of you can make better fried chicken than Colonel Sanders of KFC and most of you can make better hamburgers than McDonalds, so why aren't you rich?"

      He would share testimonies of many black people of all ages who listened to his words and started their own businesses, restaurants, trucking firms and advertising agencies. Many of today's preachers want to keep black folks down on the slave plantation instead of showing them how to set and achieve goals for themselves.

  1. Merlin's Avatar Merlin

    Economics is a powerful motivator for those in power. It can take down any administration. Economic loss in any form (as happened in the 60’s and 70’s) can change any harden positions, ie. civil rights and war in Vietnam

  1. JT Sunrise's Avatar JT Sunrise

    Interfaith Unity Against Exclusion and Division

    We stand at a crossroads where modern policies—those of exclusion and division, often promoted under the guise of MAGA politics and corporate self-interest—threaten to tear apart the very fabric of communities. These policies, which reject the principles of equitable inclusion, are not mere political missteps; they are a manifestation of satanic evil, a betrayal of our sacred duty to righteously uphold justice and unity.

    In the Book of Proverbs, we read, “If a ruler listens to lies, all his officials become wicked” (Proverbs 29:12). This timeless warning exposes the destructive consequences when leaders embrace falsehood and selfish ambition. Such corruption mirrors the ancient sin that brought about the downfall of Sodom and Gomorrah—a city consumed by iniquity and selfish indulgence. When modern institutions choose to marginalize the vulnerable for the benefit of the few, they echo that very darkness.

    Our sacred texts across traditions call for unity and justice. The Christian commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39) stands in stark contrast to policies that sow division. The Quran instructs, “O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice” (Quran 4:135), urging us to oppose any form of injustice. The Torah reminds us, “The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as one born among you, and you shall love him as yourself” (Leviticus 19:34). In the Bhagavad Gita, we are taught to act without attachment to selfish gains, dedicating our deeds to a higher purpose (Bhagavad Gita 2:47). Even the Buddha, in the Metta Sutta, exhorts us to cultivate boundless love and compassion for all beings. These interfaith voices converge on one essential truth: our strength lies in unity, compassion, and the pursuit of justice.

    Yet today, corporate and political forces revert to the known historical evil of championing exclusion and division to manipulate our common destiny. They prioritize division, profit, and power over the sacred dignity of every individual. Their actions serve only to deepen societal rifts and invite the very retribution our scriptures warn us about. The Lawless One, that embodiment of gospel rebellion and deceit, works tirelessly to divide us, feeding on our isolation and our refusal to stand for what is right. This is the work of Satan.

    The Redeemer’s call is urgent. As James 4:7 commands, “Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” We must reject the false promises of those who profit from our division. We must stand as one—Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and all who seek truth—and declare that our duty is to honor every human being as made in the image of the Divine (Genesis 1:27). To allow exclusion to prevail is to forsake our sacred responsibility.

    Communities must unite in interfaith stand against modern manifestations of evil. Let our collective voice rise in a call to repentance, demanding that those who spread division and marginalize our human brothers and sisters be held accountable. The path to righteousness requires us to confront these sins boldly and to work relentlessly for a society where truth, justice, and inclusivity reign supreme.

    Repent and turn from the ways of deceptive ambition and exclusion, for the Redeemer is at hand and you will be judged. The time is now to act and correct the ways of known evil. Darkness that is tolerated condemns humans for eternity. Seek the light. Apply your faith to restore dignity and honor to every person and every community.

    Rev JTSunrise

    1. Patricia Ann Gross's Avatar Patricia Ann Gross


      Although I don't cherry-pick scripture, as it distorts the message, I agree with most of your summation. The way I see it is DEI was created by the "woke" left and Merit System by the "conservative" right. If you boil both down, they are saying the same things, only in different words. For example, a "merit system" is described as evaluation based on performance and skill (equity) without taking race, sex, or any of the other items protected by the Civil Rights Amendment and upheld by the Supreme Court, into account for decisions of hiring or promotion (diversity and inclusion). It is crazy that companies that are claiming to have dismantled their DEI programs have reworded their employment systems/web pages with the "merit system" described above. They both say basically the same thing, just have different authors. The main difference is that "merit" emphasizes "equity" before diversity and inclusion.

      DEI was never about "little people" playing pro basketball or a high school dropout being licensed to perform brain surgery. The upheaval is all about who gets to define the system, regardless of what it is called.

    2. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      JT said:

      "Let our collective voice rise in a call to repentance, demanding that those who spread division and marginalize our human brothers and sisters be held accountable."

      You're declaring what's is and what's not sin, what requires repentance wat doesn't. You're placing the community in the position of receiving al persons repentance.

      I'm curious, now that you've assigned the woke community the position of God, what will this new Hive God do to hold the so called sinner accountable? From what I've seen from the Hive, forgiveness can't exist there, hence the 'holding the repentant one accountable'. The Hive must punish.

    3. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Jesus taught at least two parables where he praised the ideas of exclusion by separating the sheep from the goats, the good fish from the bad and the good grains from the weeds. I'm sure you can find those in your gospels, can't you?

  1. Jannetje Eleanore Van Went's Avatar Jannetje Eleanore Van Went

    This is something that must be done if these types of oppressive attacks are to be circumvented and people are able to come together over fighting oppressive tactic to bring us closer.

    Thank God for those who stand up!

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      When D.E.I. means DIDN'T EARN IT, then we've lost the plot. Meritocracy should be the only requirement, not skin coloration or gender preference.

  1. Ray Ray Ray's Avatar Ray Ray Ray

    We are all involved in a soft civil war. Pick a side. Its going to be a long one.

    1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement

      Dunno ray, one side burns cities down, shoots at presidents, kills CEOs and says the other side is filled with hate.

      The other side gets called insurrectionists when the fuzz opens the doors to the capital, gets called murderers when the get shot by cops, gets called racist when they shoot someone trying to stomp their brains in and gets called hate mongers when they want girls to be in girls sports.

      Not too awful soft. Not at all.

      1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

        I'm assuming you're referring to the assassination attempts of Trump here. The perpetrators did not express liberal views but instead identified as conservatives.

        The assassination of the healthcare CEO was celebrated by people on both sides of the aisle, not just liberals. Many young conservatives had similar sentiments.

        Last I checked, the cities where riots and damage occurred to structures are all still standing. Portland wasn't burned to the ground, neither was Minneapolis.

        Your revisionist history of the January 6 insurrection is staggering. Rioters broke through windows, assaulted around 140 police officers, and there is no evidence to support the idea that they were "invited in." There could have been some officers who did but they would have been a small minority. This was not a widespread policy of capitol police to let people into the building and in reality they fought for hours to try and keep them out.

        Statistically, you are more likely to be killed by a far-right domestic terrorist than a far-left one.

  1. TBG's Avatar TBG

    Namaste, It amazes me how people identify as Christian, are far from the life that Christ lived, whom by the way, was not a Christian, he was actually from the genealogy line of Abraham, who was not a practitioner of Judaism, rather Islam. And that's a whole other topic. Jesus even said that he did not come to abolish the Judaic Law, but to fulfill it by bringing the energy of love and inclusion. Yet, people choose to ignore this simple message and go for the divisive rhetoric of the Apostle Paul, which is the antithesis of what Jesus spoke. And remember, there are very few recorded words that he spoke. Paul, on the other hand, taught exclusion, sexism, racism, and mixing politics with religious law - again the polar opposite of what Christ taught and lived openly (this is found throughout all his writings, and why patriarchy fully embraced it because it supported male dominance and capitalism). If Jesus were alive today, he would be received the same way, not that well (And he came onto his own, and they received him not. KJV John 11:1-2). Love is not exclusive, it's not destructive of anyone's right to live in peace, love supports expansion and abundance, it is one expressing their authentic self (divinity) without shame as long as they do no harm to another. So who are we to cast judgment on others who don't look, sound, eat, dress, and fit into our narrative of life? Didn't Jesus ask the Pharisee's the same thing? (John 8:7). The Divine is the ultimate judge of one's character and content; not man. That what the cosmic law of karma is all about. What you cause another to experience, so shall you. Buddha said this two years before Christ came on the scene, so like all spiritual teachers who came before and after him, they know this is the basic principle of coexisting peacefully on this earthly plane. What goes around, comes around. What we think and feel about ourselves in relation to life and the Divine, we will manifest it. Look around. Money has become worshiped as God. And we hold those who have more than enough of it to spare and share with humanity in high esteem. And here we are spiritually bankrupt, paying the price for willfully neglecting the fact that we are infinite spiritual beings having human experiences. It's time to stop recycling this toxic mindset and behavior because nothing good has come from it. We need to lean into our fear-based conditioning with love and light and start healing our ways and embrace unity. After all, we come from the same source - star dust. It's time to lead and be in service to the Divine (God, Allah, Spirit, whatever higher power term works for you) and help in healing and advancing our global community. Love is the answer, the cure, and the only way forward.

    1. ServantOfJudgement's Avatar ServantOfJudgement


      If The Jesus was/is real, he existed before Islam existed by several trillion years. Jesus can't have practiced Islam, nor would he as it is in opposition to the law he came to fulfill.

      When you quoted Jesus saying he came not to abolish the law but fulfill it, you added "by love and inclusion". That's not in any of the better manuscripts. It's not on any at all.

      If you doubt the authenticity of the bible as written, my advice is to stop reading it, definitely stop adding to it when you repeat it.

      God=Jesus=King and Judge of Man.
      Judges separate Men from what they have, who they're with and where they are.

      You know he's the guy that flooded the earth and told the Israelites to eradicate the Canaanites and Palestinians right?

    2. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Judaism founded in 3,000 BCE.

      Jesus founded Christianity in 30 CE.

      Muhammad founded Islam in 622 CE.

      How could Jesus have been a Muslim when Islam didn't exist until 500 plus years after he died? Are you living inside a suicide cult that changes history for itself?

      1. Rev. BH's Avatar Rev. BH

        Gee Lawrence, you were doing pretty good historically until the "suicide cult" line.

        Oh, yeah. You always need to top things off with an insult - even a senseless one at that.

      2. EnjoyYourMilquetoast's Avatar EnjoyYourMilquetoast

        There's zero evidence of the Torah being practiced, much less by a people identifying themselves as Jews, until roughly 150 BCE. Prior to that the entire Levant was polytheistic with the bulk of iconography relating to the Hellenic pantheon.

        As to Jesus being Muslim, that's obviously false. However the Ka'aba in Mecca was originally a Pagan multifaith temple housing 360 shrines to deities of the surrounding tribes, including shrines dedicated to Abraham, Jesus and Mary. It was an emblem of the religious tolerance and fostering of mutual respect and cooperation which the Abrahamic superstitions have all but eradicated since their unholy megalomaniacal delusions predominated.

  1. Frank Leogrande's Avatar Frank Leogrande


    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      I’m actually not sure what a facist is. Is something to do with beauticians? Please educate me.


  1. Steven Ferrell's Avatar Steven Ferrell

    To me all DEI is saying is that blacks are not as smart, not as capable, not educated enough to achieve without special treatment and advantages being given. Which is a load of garbage.
    There are many educated, successful blacks out there who have and are doing very well. What happens sadly however is blacks are fed this nonsense of if they try hard in school they are somehow a Tom or they are trying to be white, or they are caving in to the white man world.
    I have seen it for decades in the inner city schools I grew up in, my children grew up in and in the inner city churches I have been part of.

    STOP selling blacks short on being able to be educated, hardworking and successful and that they can never amount to anything on their own.

    1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

      DEI does not say that at all. DEI initiatives are intended to ensure that these groups who do have the qualifications are not passed over because of racist, sexist, or ablest biases. People who are claiming that DEI initiatives are somehow leading to less qualified people getting hired are the ones who are saying that black people are not as smart or as capable. DEI says these groups are capable and you shouldn't overlook them.

      1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

        There are laws on the books against racism. DEI tries to run around those laws by falsely claiming that blacks are unable to pass the same physical, mental and emotional tests required of every job occupation. Meritocracy destroys DEI racism and sexism in the real world.

        Like one small black female hired as a NYC firefighter said when asked if she could physically rescue an overweight person from a second story building that was on fire... "It ain't my job to rescue any fat person from a burning building. It's their fault they are inside the burning building!" Disgusting psychopathic response.

        1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

          DEI claims no such thing. It simply seeks to ensure that all candidates are given equal opportunities. You're the one here making claims that DEI hires are somehow less qualified despite bringing zero evidence to back up your claims.

          If a NYC firefighter actually said that, it would be somewhere on the internet. Since I can't find any evidence of it, you're probably lying. I'd love for you to prove me wrong here.

  1. Mark James Hogan's Avatar Mark James Hogan

    Interesting that a group that preaches inclusion is advocating exclusion.

  1. Paladin Trevor's Avatar Paladin Trevor

    It's a slippery slope. On one hand, there are people not being hired on account of their race; on the other, people are not hired because of their race. I don't know what the solution is but DEI in general is very divisive.

  1. Irma Dell Wilson's Avatar Irma Dell Wilson

    All I can say, as A Nation and Country it seems; We cannot moved Forward. WE are forever Re-Living the past experiences I wished we truly loved, each Other as; God intended. Instead of worrying about Still the Race and Color of a person's Skin. Haven't we been through Enough Pain and Hurt?? Why we Can't Come Together as, People. Brothers and Sisters of Our Faith and love. I Pray that we can but, it seems it's getting Worse. Even with the Ones in Authority. America was So, Beautiful and now, it's So, Ugly. It's sad but, True. WE are Still Stuck in Our Old Ways. When we Need to allow God, to Lead the way and FOLLOW. GOD IS LOVE‼️ 🤍🕊️🙏🏽🕊️🤍We Need to be as, well. WE attend Church but, Still do not Love. When will we Give God the Praises and Glory⁉️ United We STAND‼️ DIVIDED We FALL‼️ AMEN Praying for Us All. 🤍🕊️🙏🏽🕊️🤍

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Please don’t worry, America will be great once again now that the last administration has gone. 🤗


  1. Walter J. Holbrook's Avatar Walter J. Holbrook

    The problem is this is not just a black issue, a native American issue. It affects white America more than any other ethnic or racial group. This was founded to preserve the rights of white women when it was starting. Children in schools. We all should be boycotting

  1. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

    Target is more flip-floppy than a dead fish. I ignore them now, after they chickened out about LGBTQ+ support. They have no moral stance, it's all just money. The only big corps that stick to their guns about a moral stance are the ones that have an evil stance and are standing up for their hate.

  1. Jennie McKenzie's Avatar Jennie McKenzie

    I'm on the fence with this subject. I truly believe we are ALL created EQUAL. God sees us all the same. That's the way we were meant to do and be. I am so sick of all the labeling, judging and hate. There should be no need for DEI. EVERYONE should have a chance at a job based on their skills, knowledge and experience. NOT COLOR OR SEX!!! I worked for Tyson foods chicken plant in Eufaula Alabama. The workers are ninety percent black. I have no problem with that, I got along with my coworkers just fine. I watched the two head supervisors one by one get rid of the white workers. Two female and two male supervisor and six workers all white. I watched them lie, manipulate, and cheat to get rid of the white workers. Finally my turn came. My supervisor went through the all black union to switch up my job duties. I now had to do a job that was beyond my capability and they knew it. They set me up for failure and I got hurt as a result. HR knew I needed my job to make my house payment since I was the only one working. They claimed they had no position for me and offered me eight thousand dollars and end my workers comp claim and one hundred dollars for my resignation. Tyson said if I tried to fight for more I would have to pay all that back. They knew they had me right where they wanted me. I had no choice but to take the deal. Tyson chicken plant in Eufaula Alabama is not white friendly. I was very qualified, just the wrong color. Racism and hate goes both ways. We ALL need to grow up and get along.

  1. Rudolph M Garza's Avatar Rudolph M Garza

    How DEI is applied, measured and how one group advances over another can lead to many different opinions about whether it is "good" or "bad". For the corporation does it lead to more revenue or innovation? As you can see, these are not easy questions to answer.

    Meanwhile, I will always shop based on the best quality for the price I am willing to pay regardless of their hiring practice or politics. Life is easy in my corner of the universe not minding the things that don't matter to me.

  1. Douglas Robert Spindler's Avatar Douglas Robert Spindler

    This is anti-Christian and is most certainly NOT what God tells us to do in the Bible. Jesus would never approve of this.

    This is the work of the devil and an attack against American democracy. Anyone supporting this is NOT a Christian or an American.

    1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

      Jesus actually APPROVED of discrimination and exclusion! Read his 3 parables telling us "separate the sheep from the goats" and "the good fish from the bad caught in the fishnets" and "separate the wheat from the weeds" before making bread. All 3 parables easily found on when you type in those headlines.

  1. Travis A. Lee's Avatar Travis A. Lee

    IF YOU who are commenting HAVE NEVER Worked or Shopped at a Target, Who the Hell are YOU to comment? Seriously. I WORKED for a Target and they hired THE BEST PEOPLE for the job, not because of some "DEI" crap. I boycott boycotts. When I worked at Target I Saw a huge diversity of People. Mostly women who were paid the SAME as a man who was hired. This is what YOU who are supporting boycotts do NOT SEE. Target ALSO pays ABOVE the Minimum Wage. Now, as a person who CARES about others, I am thinking and feeling for ALL those people who WORK for Target in the Stores. That people are boycotting. IF you do NOT know how retailing in these stores work, you are sadly hurting those you profess to be assisting. LET ME BREAK IT DOWN. There are the Sales, Supervisors. Then the Salaried. Then Regional Management and then Home Office. That's it. Now, in that Line who will be hurt the most by the boycotts? Home Office? Hell no, they can relocated funds if needed. THEY don't Care. They can be losing Millions, but guess what, its Fugging WRITE OFFS! So it Must be the Regional Offices that get hurt, right? Nope. They get paid no matter what or they transfer. So nope. DO YOU SEE WHERE this is GOING YET? So the Salaried people? Nope. Now we Finally get to the Sale/Supervisors who are NOT salaried. When a Store closes, they LOSE their Jobs, due to the store NOT making money. THAT is what a Corporate Conglomerate does. THEY CLOSE STORES. People who boycott are selfish and cruel, basically the same as those who voted for the Fascist regime we now have ruling the land. People who boycott need a serious education in HOW Trickle Down Economics works. They are putting people out of work, that is what the boycotts do. They THINK they are doing something, but then again, what is that long saying about Good Intentions? I'll also not be coming back to this topic or receive any emails about this, so do what you will, say what you will. I have NO Reason to Support Target as we parted on not so good terms.

    1. Frank Leogrande's Avatar Frank Leogrande


    2. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

      Trickle down economics don't work, that's part of the problem. Money doesn't actually trickle down to the little guy, it all gets kept at the top. If Target began displaying Nazi merchandise in their store, would you continue to shop there or would you boycott the company for supporting Nazis? In a capitalist society, consumers vote with their dollar. If a company doesn't eschew a person's values, they have the right to stop giving that company their money.

      What you are arguing for is acquiescence to corporate interests. Boycotts challenge the company to make changes to their operation.

  1. Michael Joseph Cheney's Avatar Michael Joseph Cheney

    DEI is institutionalized racism against White males. Plain and simple. Hiring should be based on merit and qualifications where sex and race are not a factor, unless it pertains to the job.

    Such as only biological women, (how insane is it that I even have to specify the word biological when attaching it to women. As if in reality anything other than a biological woman is a woman), should play in women's sports.

    You never see a zebra in a horse race.

    I am a 60 yr old, 170 lb, 5'9" male. I would never apply to be a jack hammer operator because my frame can't take it. Small frame, old bones. There are better people for the job and I am better equipped for other tasks. I would never accept being hied because I'm a White male if a Hispanic female could do better. Thats because I have pride and dignity.

    Ever Watch a road crew where a woman holds a sign all day because that's the only thing she can do? When does that poor jackhammer operator ever get a rest? He doesn't, because he has to carry her weight.

    DEI takes common sense and quality and turns it on its head. I don't know about you but if I was going under the knife in surgery, the last thing I would care about is if the surgeon was hired because of their race or sex rather than their qualifications. If you say otherwise, I'm gonna say right now you are a liar or a complete moron. Either way, your opinion is null and void in any common sense reality.

    The current administration, Trump 2.0, is gonna be the most effective administration anybody has ever seen. Just look at his press secretary compared to the last press secretary. She's light years ahead of they /them in every valuable way. A vulkryie vs a dim bulb.

    Anyone who accepts a DEI hire should be ashamed of themselves. Because it means they didn't get the job on merritt, they got it as racist welfare.

    Don't expect me to return comments. I won't even follow this thread because what I said is the true gospel. No need to update that.

    Jesus doesn't defend his words because there's no need. 🤣

    1. Ari Joseph Bertine's Avatar Ari Joseph Bertine

      DEI is not affirmative action. It's not even about race--it's primary founding focus was warveterans, and then blind people. You are not railing against actual, real DEI as it exists, but against a boogeyman created by white nationalists and called "DEI" in order to deliberately cause confusion and division. Clearly this effort worked.

      DEI does not mean underqualified job prospects are given preference because of veteran status, disability, gender or race. It means that preference cannot be shown to equally qualified prospects simply because they are young, physically fit, male and white. That's the whole point of it, and that's why white nationalists have redefined it into something that it isn't, because they don't want the bias to go away.

      1. Michael Hunt's Avatar Michael Hunt

        Spot on!

  1. Debbie L Smith's Avatar Debbie L Smith

    Rev. Debbie Smith I'll stand with you

  1. Lawrence Pearce's Avatar Lawrence Pearce

    Reverend Ike, the black preacher who did more for the black community than any other preacher, opposed these "stay on the slave plantation" black ministers.

    Example... When the "slave plantation" black ministers were calling for "the poor people"s march" in the Sixties, Rev Ike was telling black people "don't join any poor people's march because you are only as poor as you want to be." He added, "These race hustlers (black preachers) are trying to keep you down on the welfare slave plantation where you have no hope, no dreams and no goals to do any better." Thousands of black people heard his radio ministry, now on youtube and began making a list of their wishes and then taking action to become business owners with increasing wealth.

    It's too bad that the black ministers of today failed to learn from Reverend Ike and the people he inspired to multiply their incomes by factors of 10, 30 and 100 times more.

  1. Stuart Clay Curtis's Avatar Stuart Clay Curtis

    DEI must be reformed and rebranded to ever return to relevance. DEI went too far in reverse discrimination and spawned divisiveness instead of unity. DEI is effectively dead, or at least on life support with many hands on the plug.

  1. JT Sunrise's Avatar JT Sunrise


    “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.” —Matthew 3:8

    Some here may ask, “Who are you to declare what is and is not sin?” Let me tell you who I am—I am a witness. I am a Reverend, a servant of the Most High, and I will not stand silent while injustice parades as virtue!

    Sin is not merely personal immorality—it is oppression, division, and the elevation of the powerful at the expense of the weak. If I call for repentance, it is not because I claim the throne of God, but because I stand upon the rock of His truth, and His truth demands justice!

    🔥 Commitment: If you claim to repent, then your actions must show it. • If you have benefited from an unjust system, commit to dismantling it. • If you have ignored the cries of the oppressed, commit to listening and standing beside them. • If you have wielded scripture to justify exclusion, commit to using it as a balm for the broken.


    “Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.” —Matthew 25:45

    Some come with scripture in hand, saying, “Did not Jesus Himself preach exclusion? Does He not separate the sheep from the goats?”

    I say—be careful whom you cast as the sheep and whom you call the goats!

    Jesus did not cast out the sinner who came in humility—He cast out the proud! He overturned the tables of the moneychangers (Matthew 21:12). He rebuked those who wore holiness as a mask while oppressing others (Luke 11:39-44). He did not say, “Blessed are the comfortable.” He said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” (Matthew 5:6)

    🔥 Commitment: • If you have used scripture to justify keeping others out, commit to welcoming them in. • If you have stood with those in power against the weak, commit to shifting your stance. • If you have judged others while excusing your own faults, commit to humility before the Lord.


    “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” —Ephesians 6:12

    Some speak of DEI and merit, of the left and the right, as though they are eternal truths. But I tell you—these are false idols! The division of humanity into “sides” is not from God, but from men who seek control!

    The powerful have always used such divisions to keep us blind to the truth: ✅ Justice is not partisan. ✅ The oppressed do not need permission from ideology to demand dignity. ✅ Systems do not dismantle themselves willingly.

    And let us be clear—the same corporations that claim to abandon DEI have simply rebranded it under another name, serving their own interests while the people remain blind to their deception.

    🔥 Commitment: • If you have been caught up in the lie that justice belongs to one political side, commit to breaking free from that illusion. • If you have dismissed cries for equality because of labels, commit to listening with an open heart. • If you have been passive in the face of injustice, commit to standing for what is right, no matter what names the world may assign to you.


    “Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.” —Deuteronomy 30:19

    Shall we continue in the ways of division, empty repentance, and scripture twisted to defend injustice? Or shall we rise, as Christ commanded, to stand with the poor, the oppressed, the broken? Shall we be the sheep who follow the Shepherd, or the goats who deny the suffering at their own gate?

    This is not about left or right. This is about righteousness or wickedness.

    🔥 To those who twist the Word to defend their power—repent! 🔥 To those who mock the cry for justice—repent! 🔥 To those who seek cheap grace without accountability—repent!

    For the fire is coming, and it will not spare those who stand in opposition to truth.

    But to those who hear this call and answer—to those who humble themselves, not in false words but in action—there is grace, there is restoration, there is redemption.

    🔥 Commitment: • If you have held back from standing for justice, commit today to step forward. • If you have watched oppression from the sidelines, commit today to intervene. • If you have hidden behind comfortable silence, commit today to speak.

    Do not delay. For the fire is at the door.

    —Rev. JTSunrise Celestial Nexus Church

    1. Lionheart's Avatar Lionheart

      Despite your rather long missive, the word “Sin” is still a human construct. You have been totally deluded, but that’s okay, you’re not on your own, if that helps.


  1. Ronaldo's Avatar Ronaldo

    Target employs about 450,000 people in the United States, and the great majority of them probably don't care much about DEI or LGBTQ ideals. Boycotting the entire company because of what a couple of executives decided will hurt these workers far more than it will hurt the executives. Diversity is great if it is needed, but can be a hinderance if it requires that you hire people lacking the skills needed for the work. Our government tried the racist Affirmative Action decades ago, and several Black friends of mine, all qualified for their technical jobs, hated it because they feared people would think they were handed jobs, rather than earning them. Some think the same way about DEI, which purposely ignores the concept of hiring based on merit and skillset.

    1. Jennie McKenzie's Avatar Jennie McKenzie

      Ronaldo is right. Boycotting will only hurt the workers. The rich are going to stay rich no matter who they have to step on and hurt.

  1. Noe Domingo Martinez's Avatar Noe Domingo Martinez

    All I know is that i would not want an unqualified surgeon to operate on me who got the job because of DEI because I might just DEI!!!!

    to all those that support DEI, would you take any advice from a DEI employee??? say an attorney, accountant, DOCTOR, mechanic??? I would not.

    Mind you there are workers/professionals who got the job because of DEI who are very well and capable of doing the job itself.

    change my mind!!!!

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