A former prostitute dreams of her lost lovers fondling her body, lusting after their donkey-sized body parts and sizable…emissions.
No, that’s not the start of a very lewd pornographic film... it's straight out of the Bible (Ezekiel 23:20).
Now, citing passages such as that one, a group of online activists is trying to use Virginia’s newly-passed anti-pornography law against websites like Bible.com.
Here's what you need to know.
Anti-Porn Laws Spread
Designed to shield children from material “harmful to minors”, “anti-porn” laws require certain websites which host decidedly unwholesome content to verify the age of every visitor, ensuring that they are 18 years of age – or else they’re kicked off the site.
Under the Virginia law, any website that displays pornographic content must require its users to verify their age before entering.
In response to the law in Virginia (and others in Mississippi and Utah), websites like Pornhub have had no choice but to ban all users in those states, lest they be held legally accountable for minors bypassing the age verification and viewing pornography.
But here's the catch: internet users noticed that the anti-porn laws don’t only apply to video hosting sites. And thus, a movement was born.
Is the Bible Unfit For Young Eyes?
Rape, infanticide, bestiality, incest… is such imagery appropriate for children? Most would say no.
Well, activists point out that such content is readily available in the Holy Bible, which sits ready for impressionable young eyes to stumble upon on the internet.
The activists – perhaps cynically – argue that young people should be protected from such offensive biblical content.
They say websites showing Bible content need to require age verification, just as pornographic websites must.
Bad Stable Manners
Does this movement have any chance of succeeding in banning biblical websites? That much is unclear. But they're sure trying.
Prompted by a Reddit post, concerned citizens have been filing complaints with the Virginia Attorney General's office over its failure to properly verify users' ages on Bible websites.
The post quotes the passage from Ezekiel 23:20 as listed on Bible.com: "She lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose semen was like that of horses. 21 So she longed to do the sinful things she did when she was young in Egypt, when young men caressed and fondled her breasts."
The post concluded: “They ALL need to follow the law! Think of the children."
Many view the post as pretty clearly tongue-in-cheek, but the idea behind it is far from a jest.
Part of a Larger Fight
Across the country, critics are raising the alarm about what hey see as the growing influence of religious beliefs in everyday public life – from more restrictive abortion laws, to libraries losing funding over LGBTQ+ books, to chaplains becoming school guidance counselors.
Some of the efforts to push back have been (partially) successful. Earlier this year, parents succeeded in getting the Bible pulled from school shelves in Utah. The decision, however, was later reversed.
Through that lens, this effort to enforce age verification for biblical websites – however satirical – is reflective of a pushback against religious influence in the public sphere.
It also encourages a broader debate: to what degree should religious beliefs guide public policy?
What is your take?
This is a comment towards the Police hijab removal for a mugshot, my thought was the police officer or station may have been offering respect to the Muslim woman and her God.
Please do not remove Kjv bible.
Internet activist ... get a life and stop being the pathetic life forms of humanity.
I will no longer be responding to my old posts and no longer making posts. I find in this blog the articles are justly insane. They don't invite rational posts. Just idiocy. There is a large select few who just want to bash certain religions, namely Judeo/Christianity. No respect for others faith systems or their texts. Most are vehemently bullying those who are Christian, especially Catholic. So goodbye so called bashers. I have better things to occpy myself with.
Actually Vampire are in there Isaiah mentions Lilith Queen of the Vampires/Demons. Making her palace in the ruins of man's palaces. Surrounded by Satyrs riding unicorns. In the United States late 19th and early 20th centuries twice in Rhode Island the United States government exhumed bodies and had them beheaded ruled being "Vampires". In 16th century man named Peter Stump and his family executed found Guilty of being werewolves, and cannibals. The origin of little Red Riding Hood and Goldie Locks. All Myths and Legends are based in a core of truth. Be careful you know the difference between "Fairy tales" and Myths/Legends and Legends from Myths. Myths are legends with a element of spirituality to the story. Both based on factual history. Though you may not believe in the supernatural element the Scriptures do have Historically accurate details.
Eroticism especially the art appears in many historical artefacts, books, artwork, even bloody ceramic pots, by that logic should they be banned too? Besides where in the Bible does it explicitly (good time to use that word) say anything Pornography? Matthew 5:27-28 doesn't count, because that was an instruction for married men to not look at other women lustfully when married. Just like a great many things, that too has had it's context changed. Erotic art is not pornography. And the Bible has a lot of erotic art. I don't think banning bible websites is a wise proposal.
I speak 3 languages and basically a lot of times things are translated with a meaning that is quite different than intended in the original language. Some interpreters also interpret the main content of the spoken word but not the original statement. That may account for what is happening here. Some words can have multiple meanings in another language and have to be interpreted in the context of the whole to know which meaning to apply. If another meaning is translated you have a whole different situation. There are also some words that have no translation in other languages or do not make sense when translated unless you know the culture. (kind of like idioms) Also sometimes trying to simplify things changes the meaning. I read the Bible as a child and I do not think it had a bad influence on me at all.
I think the Bible has to be treated as other books are. Possibly, it will force some to evaluate how books/topics are being evaluated-Maybe even force them to question bias? Who knows. What I would love to see is intelligent, inclusive, empathetic discourse on the topic, among those who have the power and responsibility to make decisions. That would be a refreshing change.
One word: Context.
Amazing the lack of any intellectual rational thought used in.most of these statements. St. Thomas Aquinas most assuredly be yawning of boredom.
you are not too add our take away from the bible
Why not, Sir Robert? It's been done for years. The Emperor Constantine was pretty good at it. It would have been nice if someone had removed all the very naughty bits, like incest, stoning people to death, genocide, slavery, and infanticide. Know what I mean? There are much better works of fiction to read than the Bible, especially for children.
The Bible has been edited and retranslated for political reasons since the beginning of translation. Researching word origins and the chosen word replacements is very enlightening, especially in the USA.
All will kneel to the Lord upon his return. There will be no rewriting of the Bible. The Law is written in your heart. You know right from wrong and good from evil. God’s Word is free. I don’t care what book it comes from. Call out to the Lord. A Book is not needed for that. He’s already there. Why are you denying him. Your Relationship is yours. Ask Him Jeremiah 33:3 Genesis 1:3, Exodus 3:14, John 8:58. His is the only one you will see. He will show you. Ask him.
You’ve been reading too many books of fiction, Sir Michael. Just as a heads up, there are many other works of fiction out there.
Your Lord, whoever that is, isn’t coming back, if he was ever for real in the first place that is. I know it’s hard hearing that news, and I’m sorry I have to be the one that breaks it to you, but someone has to, and I think I’m up to the task. Just grab a stiff drink and accept it. Just look at it that it will be easier on your knees anyway, especially if you suffer with arthritis, so see that as a blessing.
God never wrote one single word. It is all done by humans!
Ezekiel 23
This chapter describes the spiritual infidelity of Israel and Judah, pictured as two sisters, to convey the gravity of sin in Judah. “One mother” refers to the united kingdom, while “two women” refers to the divided kingdom. Oholah, meaning “Her own tabernacle,” as she had her separate dwelling-place apart from the temple, represents Samaria. In the northern kingdom, Jeroboam had set up worship, which God rejected. Oholibah, “My tabernacle is in her,” represents Jerusalem, where God did establish worship.
To use this as an example of pornography only demonstrates the ignorance of those making that claim. As with anything, when making a point with a reference, one should truly understand the reference.
Unfortunately, those with little knowledge are the easiest to manipulate for just about any cause. And there are just too many without knowledge.
We need more teachers! Teachers free to teach. To teach other than the current political curriculum. Too many people are afraid to standup for the TRUTH. Too many people fear the mindless crowd.
I bet you believe the immaculate conception from a very naughty god impregnating a 13 year old is truth...right, Sir Robert? Do you have any supporting demonstrable evidence to back up what you like to see as truth, or is it just a feeling you get when you read about it in that book?
I personally think it's best if children read other works of fiction, like Harry Potter, or Robin Hood. They are much less horrific and bloodthirsty. Both of those books do have a brutal naughty man in them though, much like the god in that book you possibly read, but there's no genocidal floods in them, or killing infants, so that's a good thing.
Ezekiel 23:
This chapter describes the spiritual infidelity of Israel and Judah, pictured as two sisters, to convey the gravity of sin in Judah. “One mother” refers to the united kingdom, while “two women” refers to the divided kingdom. Oholah, meaning “Her own tabernacle,” as she had her separate dwelling-place apart from the temple, represents Samaria. In the northern kingdom, Jeroboam had set up worship, which God rejected. Oholibah, “My tabernacle is in her,” represents Jerusalem, where God did establish worship.
‘My tabernacle is in her.’ Let’s play hide the tabernacle?
I knew this was going to happen and I'm glad it did. You want to start banning things because YOU don't like them, then all is fair game. Its a slippery slope and now we have a snowball effect. Pretty soon everything including the internet and tv will be banned because, you know, all children have them. Unreal.
I am a Christian or at least I try to follow Jesus' example. I agree that the Holy Bible clearly contains pornography, as defined by Conservative Christians who are intent on banning books and allegedly protecting minor children from the Internet. I think that all Bible websites, as well as Quran websites, should contain the same restrictions and warnings that states like Virginia are requiring of so-called pron websites. Both the Bible and the Quran contain violence. The Bible contains sexual references along with rape and incest and more.
I live in Hellinois to. Guess what! The ban will continue on certain literature regardless. It is still.left up to the individual libraries when it comes down to it. It's just a fat man's excuse to let out a few necessary farts to make his pediphile decisions become law. It won't hold up in a lawsuit.
I am SO glad that I live in Illinois, now that our Governor Pritzker has BANNED book bans! It's so ridiculous in the first place, and that is how the Nazis were able to indoctrinate the average German into believing they were right and that all they needed to know/think about was what Hitler and his minions told them to think. And in the second place the ones who mostly have a problem with language/content of a publication are conservative Christians and others, and they should NOT hold sway over the rest of us with common sense. I have read both annotated versions of "Mein Kampf" and Mao's "Little Red Book" and -- surprise, surprise!! -- I am neither a Nazi nor a Communist. I say as often as I can nowadays: Knowledge is NOT the problem, Ignorance IS!! Knowledge is gained through education and reading everything you can, and ignorance is the opposite/lack of understanding/empathy, etc., etc. that knowledge proliferates. Spread THAT good word, Ministers!!
I have two words for y'all: Neville Goddard.
We can thank the FAR RIGHT and White Christian Nationalist' for what we are seeing today. They will find something wrong or sexually misleading in every piece of literature. Pretty sure they would find something sexually explicit in the first grade primer "Dick and Jane". These are not Christians, they are the rise of the Nazi, fascist army. The first thing, God forbid will come the book burnings. First to go the Bible.
JHS - I could not agree more!! I'm so glad that here in Illinois our Governor Pritzker has BANNED book bans!! Makes me very proud that our legislators (the ones that aren't in jail or on parole, ha, ha, ha) have the common sense to recognize what religious conservatives are trying to do, and plan to STOP IT. Knowledge is NOT the problem, ignorance IS!!!
Omg. Here we go Nazi gaslighting. A leftist actually using his own argument against the Christians.
Imagine what they would think about the reader entitled: "Fun With Dick and Jane"!
We can thank the FAR RIGHT and White Christian Nationalist' for what we are seeing today. They will find something wrong or sexually misleading in every piece of literature. Pretty sure they would find something sexually explicit in the first grade primer "Dick and Jane". These are not Christians, they are the rise of the Nazi, fascist army. The first thing, God forbid will come the book burnings. First to go the Bible.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. There’s a LOT of content in the Bible that is inappropriate for minors!
Whats wrong with some of you people? God never chose you to teach the world whats right wrong. Some of you act like you created the world. You guys want to sanction thoughts, and yet make opions the law of the land. The thing is, there one in the same: (thoughts and opions). Which is good for the goose is good for the gander: (The Law).
After reading the frothy mouthed thoughts of the anti-christs here I must say, y'all really really really want the bible to contain pornography. You want immaculate conception to be a pornographic rape scene. You want the vile sexual nature of Man(that's me and you) to be God's vile sexual nature which it is not. All these things you crave will not be found anywhere in the bible.
I dare say to those of you that repeatedly attack the bible in this way (some are extraordinarily vile) have done that old practice and made a god in your own image. The sexually perverse nature you apply to my Lord is most likely your natural thoughts applied to a deity not of the Bible but of your own making. Your very own version of "Ishtar".
Inappropriate materials for the youth does not necessarily equate to pornography. It really means material intended for adults. Could be pornography, could be many other things the youth ought not be exposed to in its raw form. Pornography, as we all know, it material generally produced for sexual arousal. That's it's function. That's something everyone knows even if they hate to admit it.
You will find no pornography in the Holy Bible no matter how hard you search. I recommend praying for understanding and start your search in Genesis. Pray and search every day if you need to.
If you apply the same standard you just listed to the books that have already been banned, you'd see that there is no reason to ban them. These books being banned do not contain pornography, just stories detailing the existence of LGBTQ persons or the struggles faced by a Black person in America and they're being banned simply because they discuss sex or sexual situations despite there being no intent for sexual arousal.
I think we should all be able to agree that book bans are never a good thing.
Comment removed by user.
I’m trying to understand why anyone would want to talk to a wall, floor, or ceiling every day, pretending someone is listening, to get an understanding of anything? I actually tried doing that once in my calculus class. It didn’t work! I blame Isaac Newton. 🙃
I do, of course, realize that you are under the impression that someone, or something, is really listening. That seriously does give me some concern, but that’s ok. I bet you’re not on your own 🤭. Many people have done the same thing and ended up believing in the Book of Mormon, and Quran etc.
I'm a real sucker for people in need. I can't help but help. Some call it a weakness, maybe it's a strength. The only reason I can think of as to why someone would talk to the walls or ceiling is because they've had a traumatic experience being interrogated by the police or FBI. They could have been spied on in a hotel room by a naughty hotel manager, that stuff happens every now and again I hear. That's bound to have a negative impact on someone's mental stability.
I hope that helps but I wouldn't spend too much time pondering it, you could end up in the same boat one day.
Thank you for that, Sir SOJ 🤗
I actually have done that very thing, talking on my own in the belief that something celestial was realy listening to me. Fortunately, I got away with anyone in white coats coming for me to take me away to a padded room because I included the words "God" or "Heavenly Father" and also "Amen" in my ramblings to the floor while on my knees. Those are the magic passwords for psychologists to not lock you away, so I dodged a few bullets there...big time...like many others do.
Oh...and one more tip to make sure you don't get carried away to a padded room: Make a motion with your hand to touch your forehead, navel, right shoulder, and left shoulder. It's like a secret Masonic sign that will always get you a pass from the white coated people. Make sure they see you do it and you'll be okay. I wish you luck! 🤭
Conservatives are whiners whenever it comes anything they don't agree with. The Bible is full of people doing all kinds of rated M acts. It always has been and they never complained when it suited them. In fact they endorsed it with their "because the bible says" mentality. This is just more proof that their belief system is flawed and doomed to fail every time.
Now will I point out a mystery : Many sinners shall turn and transgress against the word of uprightness.
They shall speak evil things ; they shall utter falsehood ; execute great undertakings ; ^ and compose books in their own words. But when they shall write all my words correctly in their own languages,
They shall neither change or diminish them ; but shall write them all correctly ; all which from the first I have uttered concerning them.
Another mystery also I point out. To the righteous and the wise shall be given books of joy, of integrity, and of great wisdom. To them shall books be given, in which they shall believe ;
And in which they shall rejoice. And all the righteous shall be rewarded, who from these shall acquire the knowledge of every upright path.
Anything the far left can do to stop children from God, it seems like they must try to do.
it is in fact, our duty to keep innocent children free from the evil that is your doG and your hateful beliefs. most of you care nothing about children other than; keep them alive so that they can be born and then 18 years later, make sure they are able to buy guns to kill people. in between and afterwards, deafening silence except for your blasphemous 'thoughts and prayers'. letting babies die in a classroom and you claim you doG is all loving, bull shjite, shame on you and I hope you all get the damnation you all most certainly deserve
That was nice of you to delete your post in my primary comment on the news article. It was nice for you that is, I'd already gleaned what I needed from it. I was quite satisfied when I read it and somewhat disappointed when you deleted it. Still, I can see you clearly now, thank you.
Regarding this post of yours, try not to wish destruction and damnation on innocence, it's generally a no-no in civilized societies. Although this country appears to be on the cusp of judgement, let's try and remain kind towards one another untill anarchy rules.
You can ‘wish damnation and destruction’ on anybody or anything. Works as well as praying. Which is not at all.
Satan is proud of all you people trying to get rid of the Bible. BUT, GOD is still on the Throne. HE will not be mocked.
what makes you so sure that it isn't in fact satan that you are worshipping? how do you know that this satan, in all his wileyness has convinced you people for 2000 years that he's the actual god and you worship is what's made him so powerful. maybe be sure to whom you pray
Shhhh! You’re about to spoil this!
some of you people are just adorable, how you worship the SheepHerder's Guide to the Universe, quote chapter and verse as if any of it were real, expect everyone around you to admire your religiosity and oneness-with-Dog. and here you are, apologists for biblical porn because your bible tells you that sometimes, somewhere, with someone, porn, rape, incest and even bestiality is okay when it pleases your malignant, homocidal, infanticidal, sociopathic, psychopathic, reage-jealous god
Revelation 22:18-19 King James Version 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
Finish that with a breathless ‘Yay-yus!’
Such biblical drama and fearmongering!
And then, again, are all of those "begats," the lead in to a new era of who is doing what to whom and why, and whether, afterward, hey were justified in doing it... because as the philosopher said (paraphrased) "The ends justifies the means."
There are a lot of stories in the "Bible" some happy, some sad, some attempting to explain why things are the way they are, and some trying to explain why they aren't. There are problems between all kinds of peoples religious, ethnic, sexual or otherwise. There is a lot of justification for war and even more justification for victimization. "Woe to us," and whatever. There is also a lot of licentious content: who did what with who, what, when where and why and whether there was a resulting victory or a resounding defeat, godly or not. These are just stories. The Greek Myths are no more or no less "whorific." Most kids see the same things or worse in their own homes or online whether they should or not... besides, they are smarter than we adults are and can find same with no help from us or the "Bible" at all. Stop pretending this is something new and abhorrent.
WoW ! I was brought up attending Sunday school and later was in the Choir . I never read the Bible outside of Church. I don't know of any that did. Even in Adult Bible I never ran across those kind of passages . I guess you can find filth if you dig deep enough. Freedom of Religion is a must have Right . The Church and Parents know how to keep age appropriate in teaching the Bible. The Government doesn't have the Authority to make laws ; Separation of Church from state is to protect our Religion Freedom. By the way, it's not written to separate State from Church. I find many are confused about that .
Did you leave something off when you wrote "The Government doesn't have the Authority to make laws" because that's actually part of the government's job.
Separating the state from church is what protects our religious freedom because it prevents states from giving preference to one religion over the other.
Not in those exact words perhaps but it's there if you really read it and understand it. It's meant to keep religion from forcing laws into government and to keep government from favoring one religion over any other. That's what separation of church and state means, that's what it is.
If a book about a little boy wearing an orange dress and playing pretend, until he eventually out-grows it, but looks back fondly on those days because he was a happy child is "porn" and "unfit for kids' eyes", then ALL bibles are most certainly 100% unfit for kids' eyes.
Yes, one of the books heavily banned in most schools is a children's book about a little boy who likes to wear a bright orange dress and play pretend.
Other books that are banned are a children's book about a kid who has two dads and how happy their family is, even though other families are sometimes mad at their daddies for being happy. And books about kids who are happy because their families are not the "normal nuclear families" in general.
Other books that are banned are books aimed at TEENS not little kids, that tell them it's ok if they are LGBTQ+ and that they don't have to hate themselves, because they are ok just as they are. And yet those books are considered "Porn" too. It's rather... disturbing to see how many books that are written by, or about LGBTQ+ individuals are banned by individuals who use their religion as an excuse to hate.
There's also books being considered "Porn" and "unfit for children to read" because they're about mixed race families. And about families where there's only one parent. He**, the Harry Potter books are considered "pornographic" by the "Mothers for Freedom" or whatever they're calling themselves these days. And they're pushing for all of those books to be yanked out of schools because they're "evil", too.
Libraries are being forced to close because they support non-white persons, non-white non-traditional (traditional == Male-Father and Female-Mother ONLY!) families and their friends and those who are just not the traditional missionary-positioned heterosexual whites.
I think libraries are closing because:
1) Google and company want control over information we are exposed to. We'll be spoonfed information until our brains turn to jello if we don't make phyisical or digital home libraries to share with others who are unable.
2) Artificial Intelligence is a tool being developed to assist with accomplishing that goal.
3) Fewer people go to libraries because the internets are easier to access, which makes it easier for 1 and 2 to occur.
Several libraries closed - at least for a time - over the past month because of violent threats against librarians and patrons. Gillette, WY has their library closed until further notice because they cannot get a new librarian, after the last several were hounded and threatened. The Chicago Public Library has received terroristic threats to their staff and patrons. Protesters threatening, or carrying out, violent acts are closing libraries. This is not the form of protest protected under the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution.
this is just another pitiful attempt to try and violate the christians 1st amendment rights
If the government isn't applying this law equally, they're giving preference to one religion over others which is actually against the first amendment. Nothing being done here prevents a Christian from practicing their faith so I don't see how this would violate the first amendment.
Ok Michael, then try and do or say the same thing about Islam and the Prophet Mohammud and how he supposedly married a child when she was six and then consummated the marriage when she was nine. If true that is child rape. Now try telling this to anyone from the Islamic nations and see what happens. You will have so many charges of violations of the 1st Amendment that you will be tied up in court for the rest of your life.
I can tell them that all that I want and it's not a violation of the 1st Amendment at all. In fact, I have the protected 1st Amendment right of free speech to tell them just that. I'm not preventing them from practicing their faith in any way so I'm not impinging on their freedoms.
Now, if we come back to the original point about the Bible violating anti-porn laws, look at the other books being banned for containing "pornography" and you'll find that the content is no more pornographic than the content in the Bible. Most of the banned books, though, happen to be written by or about LGBTQ persons or persons of color.
Personally I believe that banning books is always a bad idea and I don't think the Bible should be banned or kept behind an age verification check but neither should the other books being banned. If you are going to ban those books though, the content of the Bible would also warrant being banned.
No, it's trying to balance the First Amendment for everyone. It isn't an excuse to force everyone else to fall in line. It's reason for people to choose their own personal belief and practice for themselves. If one person believes it but cannot live it then what's the point of forcing it on those who have other beliefs and ways of living?
Good read
It's about time.
I can see by the previous comments that most of you seem not to be believers in God. Pity.
The Bible was not written for children. Having been a Sunday School teacher of both adults and children I can tell you that all the lessons are age appropriate. And as adults we take those sections you call porn and teach them as what not to do. Some historical sections are not for emulating but for teaching what is not acceptable. We don't whitewash the bad sections, we simply use them to show how far mankind can fall.
And please realize that the Bible is not truly a single book but a compilation of 66 books and letters that were gathered into one volume for easier reading. Maybe you should give it a try
What, you mean it’s a pity that other people have, uh, THOUGHTS? That they aren’t delusional?
Naw, more like someone being able to fly but won't because they think they can't.
Pity is the right word.
And what's your altitude, Mr. my way or HELL?
Kenneth, please. I've not told you once you're going to hell. I've not told anyone, not once. Please stop putting me into a box.
Tell me more about your pity.
Fear not Kenneth my time here is drawing to an end, you'll not need to cope with my ramblings soon enough. What I came here for is nearly satisfied, then I'll be on my way.
Comment removed by user.
In the name of JEZZ-ZUS,
go OUT!!!
And there are lots of antichrists in heaven, I'm sure.
Lady Colleen, are you trying to say that you never taught children to believe in the Noah’s Ark story? If you did, I bet you whitewashed over all the death and destruction that would have taken place with the drowning of babies, toddlers, children, pregnant mothers, etc. I bet you chose to tell them that it was a very loving God, and that everyone who died deserved it.
You of course will not have told them how Noah’s older daughter gave him wine to get him drunk to have intercourse with him, and conspired with her sister to do the same. But, hey…god loved them, but drowned everyone else who had been very naughty.
Thank goodness there is no real evidence that any of this horrific genocide was true, but I bet you didn’t tell the children that. I bet you did your best to convince their very innocent undeveloped minds that it was all real, much like you possibly taught them about the mythical immaculate conception with a 12 or 13 year-old female. I bet you left the age of Mary out though…right?
Lionheart, stay with me on this one.
That was Lot's daughters that gave him wine. Not Noah. Please quote the bible correctly otherwise you'll lose credibility.
Lot and his daughter were of Sodom, they were of the character of pre flood humans. What kind of child would get her father drunk to rape him? The quality of character that came from Sodom and the quality of character of pre flood humans, that's who would do this to their father. Your well placed disgust towards that perverse behavior is commendable and in agreement with God. God later completely destroyed Lots line because they never turned from sin after Sodom. God gave us that story so we would know the character of the society he decided to destroy.
If there is a God of the universe , immaculate conception is a trivial thing to do.
SOJ: Had it not occurred to you even a little bit that the story of Lot being raped by his daughter -- was TOLD by a MAN to other MEN, likely to cover his tracks of raping his daughter??!!?? And there is no proof of anything -- unless you call a story told long, long, long ago in order to control in some way the women of a village!!
Leigh Yes, that had occurred to me, that Lot raped his daughters. When I first read it I was shocked. For a man to be raped by a woman there has to be a certain level of cooperation by the man. Right? When I read news articles today of a female teacher raping a boy I get the same thought. The boy has to be in agreement at least enough to get the deed done.
That said, as written, the man and his daughters came from a morally bankrupt society where those things and worse were considered normal. Lot was drunk(no excuse) and may have been deceived by their appearance (or not). Lot was willing to have sex out of wedlock which puts the fault on him also. The seed of Sodom continued on with Lots family for a very long time until they became their own civilization. God finally destroyed them totally. That's how it's written anyway.
They found Sodom and Gomorrah in the 70's I think and around 2015 scientists found the cities were destroyed as described in the bible. A meteor exploded over the region vaporizing and burning everything.
Yep, keeping it clear which man’s daughters had sex with their father is a hugely important distinction.
I'd say it is, you wouldn't want anyone accusing you of having sex with your daughters if you have any would you?
Try to be sensible through your hatred.
Lot, Noah, doesn’t matter. Characters only. I’ll need to see birth certificates.
When is your official exit?
Thank you for that correction, Sir SOJ. 🤗
I don't see that. What I see is people actually reading and understanding what's in "The Good Book" for what it is. That is far different from belief in God.
I understand your points. Would you agree that the holy books of ALL major religions be available in libraries? I agree that books need to be offered as age appropriate within the classroom but I don't think much should be banned (where I currently live, they banned Shakespeare for a while for high school seniors.)
Honestly, as a former child, a parent, and a teacher, I've never come across a kid that was seeking any religious book outside of the church or home setting. Children tend to accept the religious practices of their family and generally don't question much until they are teens or pre-teens. Okay, my kid was a pest - he questioned everything from a very young age. All of that said, the "rights" of some parents to dictate the "rights" of other parents based on religious belief is wrong. Lucky people such as myself were raised in multi-racial/multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-religious, multi-socioeconomic environments, i.e. a city with a large university in town. It is hard for people like myself to hold everyone to one belief system.
I wish all peace, health and most importantly, harmony.
The Roman Catholic Church opposed pornography, because it wanted to ensure that each and every sex act, could have the possibility, of culminating in a live birth, nine months later.
Because pornography, fostered sex, without requiring another partner, other than one's own hand, it became a mortal sin to do so, and a crime against the Holy Ghost (who was the surrogate father of Jesus, and who disguised himself, as Joseph, (aged, 83) while impregnating the Virgin Mary (then, 12).
What would constitute rape today, was acceptable, in times of yore, which is the reverse of how pornography is death with today, which is in the eyes of the beholder.
so god raped an 8 year old mary with the help of an 83 year old man and you're good with that? yet porn and masturbation is wrong in the eyes of the church?
I'll say it this way then.
I'm startled that two adults find difficulty in comprehending what immaculate conception means.
Immaculate conception is where no naughty bits are used to cause a fertile egg spring to life and become a human embryo. Should be easy to understand.You both are intentionally attempting to ruffle feathers and poke chests of christians with grotesque comments like that against God and his character.
And you say you don't need a God to teach you how to be civil and nice....ppffft. yeah ya do....badly....
Speaking of being "civil and nice" - the truth is it is the religious that constantly insults others by shoving blatant nonsense down other people's throats.
And if you say you aren't shoving anything down anybody's throats, remember it is your religious "Holy Spirit" justification you are using for stealing bodily autonomy from millions of women - for ONE example.
And then you lecture everybody about needing a God to be "civil and nice". You just disproved your own God.
I'm merely saying what the Bible says and I always say you don't have to believe it. You keep trying to make me the Christian you want me to be. From day one I've been insulted, which I'm fine with. It's important to me that I'm treated in a natural way from those that don't believe in God. You're doing a great job and so is everyone else.
We're on a religious blog where religious topics are discussed. Am I allowed to discuss what the Bible says? It doesn't look like it but I'll keep on as I please.
Let's stay on track and save the abortion debate for an abortion article. This one's about pornography in the bible, which there is not.
Try to be civil and nice. If you need pointers on human behavior the Bible is an excellent source or you could turn to coke head and sex addict sigman froid or whatever his name is.
I only present the truth with facts, without wearing any religious glasses during the process. Now about that line where you say: "... where no naughty bits are used to cause a fertile egg ..." Please enlighten us on what "naughty bits" are used to fertilize an egg? In my Science and Biology class in school, we were taught that a sperm is needed to fertilize an egg to make a zygote when the two helical strands of DNA merge to form the zygote cell's nucleus. Then one has a potential for a fetus that may become a human baby after birthing, and when it takes its first breath, and can live on (sometimes needing external assistance for a time, especially if underdeveloped and is not full-term). Please tell us which of these are "naughty bits"? Thanks.
Oh Danny,
Lol. Well, ok. I'll bite. Lol. Ya see, the guy takes his um.. well, he takes his uhhh...thingie....and um... well, he uhm, well....he sorta ummm....puts it in a woman's err..uhhh....ya know...uhhh...her. ...umm..in her tootoo ..and they uhhh sorta..well, ya know...they uhhhmm they move back and forth ummm...ya know...untill...er..uh..well they move back and fort ya see..untill.... um well...they do that..and uhhh...the egg in her, ya know....in her tummy gets well, then the baby comes.
There ya have it danny. Naughty bits. Now stop being silly.
I am not the one being silly.
You're judging Scripture from a completely illliterate understanding of the texts whether you consider them sacred or secular literature. Wht can you atheists just once show sole darn respect. Do you get off bashing those of faith regardless of their religious heritage.? For once show sole darn respect. Because your constant bashing of any religious group is not only disrespectful but itself falls into the category of have speech which I really despise using that blameless old dead claim that leftists use.
You nailed it. I've been studying the superstars on this blog. I've been doing this to validate what our Lord said they would say to us. How they treat us measured against what the Bible says. Will they be hostile to followers of the God of Abraham only or all religions? There is a control group on this blog to my surprise and delight. They are most definitely hostile to only the believers in the God of Abraham and not the control group. Reliably, repeatedly and religiously the atheists are hostile as you've said. Some are politely hostile but they are rare. Most are intentionally vile and putrid towards God.
Indeed they have validated what the ancient book said they would do, 2000 years after it was written. How could the authors know this so reliability and accurately without supernatural knowledge? I can continue my study in Corinthians where I left off when I came here. Validating the claims of a most unusual book is why I came to this blog.
Is that why you are here SOJ? For validation?
You know, you could have gone anywhere for that. Right now, you can open up your front door and shout out at the world, and you will get that.
A pre-determined self-reinforcing worldview is not difficult to achieve. People have been constructing tautologies for millennia. Your 'document' is an explicit blueprint. In over 3/4 of a million words, that's not hard to do. Accept what you already agree with and regard the rest as the results of unseen forces working against you. All tied up tighter than a hangman's knot.
So you're welcome - for being used by you. The entire ULC blog, used by you to put the entire universe tidily into your box and then leave, smug and certain. You're welcome. That must be a wonderful feeling. Congratulations. That's quite an accomplishment - if a bit common - to use people like that. Supernatural knowledge? Have you investigated that through any other source? OH - your 'document' tells you not to? Well - it appears you haven't been the only one seeking a self-reinforcing worldview.
But anyway - just a couple ~small~ things. Of course you need read no further if you don't want to. You won't like it, most likely - because it's honest, and outside your accepted reality. It's somebody's opinions whom you don't agree with, so will undoubtedly be immediately cast into the "Antichrist" bin as soon as you've read it - as you've already done with so much I've written. That's unfortunate, as I actually went to quite a bit of effort to penetrate your bubble. But, no matter. You don't worry about the "Antichrist" bin at all, I'm sure. And I'm not saying you should. It's just friendly advice, that's all. Easy come, easy go.
KASE demands that everybody respect his "religious heritage", which you appear to agree with. It may surprise you, as it would KASE, to learn that most people, even liberals - especially liberals - do respect his, and your, religious heritage. If it makes you happy, that's GREAT! We love that. We live for that. We really do.
The conflict appears when you decide "respecting religious heritage" means we need to let you run everybody else's lives. Now, I know this will be a bit of a shock to you, but people tend to resent being FORCED to do what other people want, to live contrary to how they want to live, to deny the realities of their own lives, to give up control of their own bodies. Crazy, right? I know. But - and here's the friendly advice part - you are going to see that for as long as you live. As long as you choose to believe the propaganda, to judge others who are doing nobody any harm, to hate people simply because they - for whatever reason - dress differently than you, love differently than you, believe differently than you, assert control over their own bodies - you are going to get resistance and YOU ARE going to be judged for that. No amount of confidence in your own little box is ever going to change that. The universe is bigger than you, bigger than your beliefs, and that is never going to change.
And another, last thing. Don't worry, it's less unpleasant than the previous paragraph - I'm sure - and that is about the nature of a pre-determined self-reinforcing worldview. It inevitably requires that one constrict one's universe smaller and smaller. After all, for a self-reinforcing worldview to be successful it just won't do to have all these inconvenient facts disrupting it, now would it? What's the sense of that? It could ruin the whole thing, missing the whole point of the exercise.
For example, do you know who did not pursue a pre-determined self-reinforcing worldview? Great men of science, that's who! Do you think Albert Einstein or Marie Curie or Isaac Newton or Charles Darwin or Nikola Tesla or Galileo Galilei or Ada Lovelace or Pythagoras or Carl Linnaeus or Rosalind Franklin or Linus Pauling started out in search of validation of a pre-decided self-reinforcing worldview? Or did they LOOK with an OPEN MIND and search for UNDERSTANDING of what was out there in REALITY??? This is true genius - true courage - true STRENGTH in OPENNESS. And they will be remembered forever for achievment in advancement of knowledge.
But to possess the certainty of a pre-decided self-reinforcing worldview - that feels really good. Right?
Someone needs to tell you, so I have.
Peace be to you my brother.
I have tried this on other forums, they're too large and don't easily offer one on one interaction like this place does. They do indeed treat christians the same but without interaction you can't be sure the data is (I don't use are for data) good. Here I'm confident the data is good.
Thank you for your honest critique, it's much appreciated.
Thank God for honesty.
This crowd will not allow me to disprove the claims made in the Bible concerning treatment of his own by unbelievers. I repeat, this crowd will not allow me.
I wish the very best for you and hope you excell in everything good you put effort towards.
I'd be fine with blocking the bible due to sexual content. We'd need to block the entire internet porn industry completely also. That's probably be the best for everyone.
Shut it all down.
@ John Robert Milner After reading the Bible, I believe in porn just like you.
reading the bable is what started me on a long road of reading and watching porn
You know you've won the debate when your opponent lied to prove his point.
I'll take the win, thanks JJ
Much appreciated!
Omg. You're really in need of a psychologist. That's like saying listening to Rock n Roll like Black Sabbath leads one to worship the devil. Far from being true. Watching violent cop shows leads one to crime. Far from the truth. If it does for a few then it's common sense that those individuals have a very weak mind.
But I know people who believe that TV (and now the Internet) is a bad influence, even if truly funny!
The bible was my first exposure to porn. Maybe age 4 or 5?
At age 6, a Sunday school teacher made me sit out in the hall for asking how the immaculate conception happened, "because my Grandma already told me about the birds and bees". (The 5 year old version.) So...
I think all religious porno should follow the same rules the rest of us are expected to abide by. Including the writings and the clergy. No mercy ^ . ^
@Keith Allen Steele Eash
If you are referring to my comments, did you overlook the mention about being a very young child?
The Kama Sutra was a fascinating read. Certain practices were personally disturbing, like the involvement of children and asphyxiophilia. Or use of drugs, though with certain conditions that is (me pretending not to judge) perfectly understandable.
However, I don't consider the Kama Sutra was written as porn to incite a reader to engage in sexual activities or condemn the sexual practices others prefer. In my opinion, it is a collection of information intended to inform those seeking to learn more about all that is related to sexuality, not merely a base act. I also view the Kama Sutra as a means for people to become more familiar with their bodies by being comfortable enough to explore possibilities.
Other differences between the Kama Sutra and the bible are that the Kama Sutra directly relates historical sexual practices and does not pretend to save people, promise miracles, insist on telling them how to conduct their lives, or proselytize. The Kama Sutra is a writing someone would choose to seek out and engage with. Organized religions, not so much.
And the Kama Sutra, as more practical instruction manual, cannot be construed as an organized religion charging members with tithing to be told how they should live.
A favorite song is 'Feelin' Love' by Paula Cole, though I wouldn't recommend it for young children. What we call porn, possibly evolved as early as the earliest humans.
Specific to religious writings, here's a few minutes of an excerpt from a lively debate about porn in the bible: https://youtu.be/xYFl-mKrbK4?t=3
I think biblical references to what some perceive as porn, might have been efforts to justify this or that. To tell stories that teach lessons that the authors wanted taught. And I think those stories were written by men without thought to what age might be exposed to their words.
Maybe it's on the parents to monitor what their children are exposed to? How realistically possible is that? No, I think the onus was (is now) on the authors of biblical writings to consider how a lesson might be best presented to represent God's intended message.
Does anyone really think God told Ezekiel to describe donkey anatomy as he did If yes, this could be an even more fun discussion ^ . ^ Could Ezekiel not think of a better choice of words?
In short, I think biblical writings are stunted, God's words are really the men's words, sometimes ignorant, always manipulating, and intended for adults, not very young children.
Do you feel like a bashed christian because others voice different perspectives than yours or your religion?
Intolerance of differences and changes across time is like a scab picked at so often a wound can't heal. Leave the scab alone, so healing can commence. Which is also to say, religions don't occur outside our minds. Eschew intolerance of differences, the scab of dissonance can fall away.
If organized religions allowed others to come God's way - or your way - of their own accord, who could argue against that? But no.
Organized religions want to evangelize and proselytize without restraint or accountability. Isn't it natural that individuals prefer not to be enslaved by others' beliefs?
What is this about, really? "They don't do what I say, feel how I feel, believe what I believe." Is it not?
When these discussion arise, so does the ever present reminder that for all the money organized religions obtain and their lavish 'houses of worship' Jesus would likely prefer not exist, the poor are KEPT downtrodden by organized religions who use them for profit.
If you don't think so, why is it said the Mormon church has far fewer members yet far more money than the Catholic Church?
What do you think organized religions compete for?
Repeating ad nauseam, organized religions are less about saving sinners and doing good in the world, than controlling resources, people, and jockeying for power and status with impunity every possible opportunity.
Several years ago I was listening to a congressional report in which profit from homelessness was discussed. At that time it was suggested homeless shelters and homeless service providers could not keep their facilities and services available without receiving approximately "$1,500 per person" (verbatim) for those who stay overnight. That is why homeless people are supposed to sign in every day and encouraged to return. Why are so many short term services provided, leaving mentally incapacitated people to wander without appropriate care? They are not all alcoholics and drug abusers. Rather too many become prey for drug dealers. Too many resort to alcohol and substances because they are desperate for relief - or oblivious - from pains and challenges they don't understand.
- continued
Yes, then make illegal the entire sex industry. God's word will still spread.
FYI immaculate conception requires no body parts, it's not porn. It's a seed growing in the garden, no porn there either.
I'd say nice try but it wasn't.
Apparently women have "no body parts"
Sounds terribly inconvenient for giving birth.
I wasn't aware an egg was a body part.
The eggs in a woman's ovaries are literally a part of her.
Oh gosh, give it a rest, stop being silly.
Immaculate conception requires no body parts. Stop trying to make it what it's not.
You guys must wear silly pants.
Immaculate conception has never happened unless you believe the one time listed in the Bible, which respectfully, I do not. Otherwise, all conception involves body parts, one of which is the egg that is a part of the woman. I don't understand what is silly about biology.
That's ok Michael, nobody has to believe it. The Bible says it so if you believe in God and God's word you've got immaculate conception to deal with. I'm not arguing if immaculate conception is possible or not. I'm saying the bible says that's how Jesus came to be. Take it or leave it, that's how it's written.
Jesus the Christ was conceived via immaculate conception and can not be a target of anti porn tomfoolery.
Which Roman soldier was the real biological father of Jesus?
Nortius Maximus.
Sillius Soddus
You could be right. Nortius Maximus was Brian's father according to the Virgin Mandy.
Yep. God raped a teenage version so it would be possible to give birth to himself, as his own son. This would allow him to die (well, for a 3-day weekend) and then come back to life. And through all of this he could manage to forgive you so he could protect you from himself.
There ya go again, making God in your own image.
Ishtar rapes teenage versions....
Immaculate conception is a fairy tale. It doesn’t exist.
So it’s not that ‘It doesn’t work that way.’
It’s simply that it doesn’t work.
it’s really amazing, isn’t it, that immaculate fairly tails are still believed to be real by people that somehow claim to be intelligent? 🤷🏼
Ya don't have to believe it lionheart, but ya can't say God raped anybody. You guys are going goof balls.
I didn’t say god raped anyone. For him to do so he would have needed a penis. I wonder if he does? 🤔
I wonder if he has nipples as well? If he does, it would imply his mother gave birth to him. 🤷🏼
If he doesn’t have nipples, or genitals, or a navel, how do we know he’s a he? He must look really weird naked….right? 🤭
You're right lionheart, you didn't say that. It's hard to keep track, I get dinged from all sides at all times. My mixup. For real sorry.
Those are all legit questions. Pray for understanding and start in Genesis or leave your impression as they are. Such is the benefit of free will.
You get it from all sides SOJ?
Maybe your quaint antiquated worldview has gasp fallen out of fashion? Chin up buddy, you know what they say - if you wait long enough, all fads eventually come back around.
Maybe after another 2000 years.
"Free Will" and "Omniscience" are mutually exclusive. So either you are predestined if an Afterlife exists because Omniscience is a property of an Infinite Omnipotent God.
If Free Will exists, Omniscience is useless vaporware!
If you desire to limit yourself, have at it. As I understand the whole thing, animals are quite limited.
Thanks for your offer of reading Genesis. As an ex-Minister that preached from the pulpit, I've done that. In fact, by reading Genesis it went a long way towards my deconversion. The books that followed Genesis cemented my position. Thank you for your reply 🤗
You are the people that keep insisting God is a He. So does God have a penis or not? Why have one if He isn't going to use it?
You want it both ways - both with body parts and without. That's quite a trick - but then imagination is limitless.
If God exists, she must be a Black Lesbian with an Hispanic Name and Asian Eyes.
Why is that?
Because "God is Love"! And "Love always wins"!
Apologies. I shouldn't post when too short on time to be clear.
The two events mentioned are connected because curiosity about the first led to the second.
The 'porn exposure' occurred while standing outside church listening to adults discuss the sermon about Sodom and Gomorrah. One man enthusiastically shared his explicitly colorful perception of the story.
Later I asked Grandma about what I remembered he said. She went silent. Explained a little about the birds and bees. Said it's best not to repeat what I heard at church, and sent me on an errand without further explanation.
About a year-ish later - 5-6? - the Jesus' birth and immaculate conception was being taught in Sunday School.
I remembered what Grandma said, however the Sunday School teacher talked about Joseph and Mary having a baby without intercourse, who was really God's son. I don't remember her exact words though I do recall a few words she used called up things men and women do that I shouldn't talk about. Since was apparently okay to talk about at church, I told the Sunday school teacher what my Grandma said about the birds and bees, and what my little kid brain could remember about what the man the year before said about Sodom and Gomorrah. How accurate that was is not the point. This didn't end well for me.
Out in the hall. Spanked at home. No understanding of what happened. No one thought to explain anything about why I was punished.
My mother behaved as if she were terminally embarrassed. The Sunday school teacher didn't want me in her class anymore. So, I had to stay with my mother in the adult Sunday school class. Serious irony there.
So, no. I don't think young children need exposure to biblical stories they lack the means to comprehend and no adult is willing or able to discuss in an age-appropriate way. Nor do I think they should be admonished or punished for repeating what they heard and asking for help to understand. Adults should be more responsible and maybe they need to learn when that is.
I think biblical lessons could be better extrapolated with more mindful metaphors and analogies.
I think children, women, genders, and all ethnicities are due respect in biblical writings if those are to be held up as a beacon for all. I'm not a feminist. Only seems like common sense to begin by respecting all when respect is expected of all.
I think all religious doctrines and writings could be objectively updated to reflect the world we live in. I think not making this effort is another conversation.
Lady. Do you read 20th century literature. There is a heck of alot more porn in books written today and far more vivid in the use of words then the Bible. I hear no.mention ofvthe Kama Sutra. Very pornographic. The Bible is far from.porn. so.pkease for one darn moment could you all quit bashing us Christians. This organization is becoming more and more difficult to swallow with the constant bashing of Judeo/Christian hetitage.
As a (semi) professional reader, who reads pre-release books for review of lots of different genres, let me tell you that I don't often encounter vivid descriptions of sexual acts, nor encounter books which encourage incest or rape of prisoners of war or civilians in a war or soldiers on a battle field. I sometimes encounter tales of sex trafficking. More rarely of a parent selling their daughter into being sex trafficked, but the Bible has instructions on how to do just that.
Parts of the Bible are outright porn in its most violent, misogynistic sense.
@Keith Allen Steele Eash
hat can organized religions do about any of that with all their money? They could do a lot. So why don't they do more than maintain a facade that is no longer easy to ignore?
Organized religions profited (still do in some cases) from free labor in all manner of ways, including the Magdalene laundries that continued into the last century, convents, and prisons. Not to mention favors from members who tithe so they can volunteer to work for free. Not to mention free word-of-mouth marketing and advertisement. If this business arrangement were presented without a church involved, how many people would think this is not extraordinary snake oil salesmanship?
I think organized religions are a little preoccupied with lobbyists and business deals, and keeping the rest of us blindly following their leadership.
Back to the topic, I think exposing young children to adult sexual subject matter is inappropriate. And that some of what is explicitly written in the bible most certainly qualifies as porn.
/end rant
Yes the Bible is not fit for children to read.Let an adult read from it and censor the adult parts including porn.Dont let children have access to material until at least 18 when their considered adults Everyone is subject to porn but let's protect the children.
I agree, Sir Nicholas. Let’s also protect adults from reading such mythological rubbish that often causes the very well-known psychological illness that is called, Religious Trauma Syndrome (RTS).
Doesn't seem tongue in cheek to me, or at least it should not be tongue and cheek, I don't know any court that gives any leeway for cute jokes, winks, yucks, humor, or anything such. I have seen what happened in court when somebody tries to make a joke who is not the judge, at least a joke about a material matter that is before the court formally as a complaint action. There is no tongue in cheek or other editorializing or mugging, except when one of the attorneys is making an opening or closing argument and when that happens nobody is reacting...except on Judge Judy. Yukking around in court is a good way to lose your case.
What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. I wouldn't let my young one see that stuff. I'll bet even very young children don't get to go witness directly those donkey sex shows in Tijuana even if they're parents are bible thumping Christians or American state legislators.
It is of course mental abuse to teach children that biblical fairy tales are true just because many adults like to believe them, as is teaching them they will go to a burning Hell if they don’t believe it. Fortunately, we now have the internet where many children, and young adults, can more easily question what they are being taught, and as a result, many are quite rightly questioning these idiotic stories realizing that faith is not a true pathway to truth.
Slowly, bit by bit, religions are starting to recede in popularity, as the magical Wizard in the sky (just like Oz) is being shown to be as fickle and false as it truly is. Intellect and intelligence will always win out! Ask Dorothy, not the Tin Man. 🤭
As for those who think mankind cannot have good morals without believing in a deity of some kind, or even Harry Potter, or Robin Hood, it’s totally false. This is superbly evidenced by my dog. He has no concept of a deity, and he is still a good boy.
As for my cat? Well, that’s a different story, she believes she IS a deity, as all cats do. I wonder if she’s right? 🤔
My cat also believes she is a god. She may be right, she stares at the abyss frequently 😹
Most psychologists would tell you that mythical stories are good for kids and their growing minds. Nothing wrong with story yelling whether true or not. Sad to see people who can't have any faith in anything. Must really be a boring life to put faith in man when man constantly fails over and over in trustworthiness .
But don't people put a lot of faith in their god, Sir Keith, only to find that "it" also fails in giving its support? At least mankind can "actually" show up in reality, in living flesh, from time-to-time, which is more than can be said for any of the worlds gods that always fail to actually show up, apart from the imaginings in the heads of those that have been indoctrinally conned.
The bible is not suitable reading for young children. Christians are far too fond of trying to dictate what others do. It's good to see them getting a taste of their own medicine. "Do unto others...etc."
Ya think? You grown-ups can't comprehend it, how could a child? Hence the age of responsibility.......duh
I think we've already had a taste of man's medicine for over 5000 years up to the 20th century. I'm including the Jews in the persecution along with Christians.
The Bible is full of various fairytales made up by and "published" by men. And just like the Brother's Grimm tales, they can get way out there sometimes. In this case, what's good for the goose is good for the gander is all I have to say about that. These Christian extremist people can't have it both ways.
Obviously a non believer
You mean someone that is non-delusional? Someone that lacks faith in a bunch of Bronze Age nomadic goat herders that explained the universe with a finger snapping deity, biogenesis with another snap of the fingers and yet they still couldn’t explain where the sun went at night? Yeah, that sort.
You are not alone, Dr. Z. I am an atheist ULC minister and try to help people see how all the religions of the world are twisted in some way, made to hate the "others", etc., etc. The most heinous and horrific crimes have been committed by somebody in the name of their god.
That's it. Let's bash the the Christians again.
Nope, not bashing all xtians. Some keep their nonsense to themselves. You have the right to say you believe. I exercise my right to say that you willfully ignorant of scientific facts and that you are religiously delusional. Japan has divorce laws that strictly limit justifiable reasons for divorce. “Excessive religious activities” is one of 5 types pf behavior. Not sure but it may be listed under the mental illness section.
Only the vocally delusional on this site are getting ‘offended’.
I am far from a non-believer. I believe that the Bible has been replicated far too many times to even hold any truths from what the original intention was to be. I believe that men have twisted what is referred to as The Word Of God into what it wants it to be in order to have control over people. Nothing in the history of the church since the 300's is about anything other than control and money.
I agree with Joy, I feel the Bible has been re-written too many times, to suit the ideology, of those it suits. Growing up as a Gen Xer, I don't ever remember anything being written like THAT, in the Bible. It for sure was never mentioned in any of my classes in Catholicism classes. I personally don't feel something of that nature belongs in the Bible. If it was ever in there to begin with.
I TOTALLY agree with Joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You really don't know much about texts that exist dobson? The earlier texts we have thzt are not extant are equal to what we have today. Some of the texts found in the Dead Sea Scrolls were word for word in Hebrew.. so obviously you have done little research. I love it when people blow their mouth off when they know very little what they're talking about.
@ John Robert Milner After reading the Bible, I believe in porn just like you.
You don't believe in Shiva then obviously with a silly comment like that. Ugh, the immoral riffraff that come on here is getting overwhelming. Pretty soon it will be all non-believers like JRM
Mr. Milner; FYI, a belief, is something one claims to have, without being able to prove it, so those, as I assume you do, believe ( but can not prove) that the Christian God exists,
I, on the other hand, know that God exists, and can prove such a provable God, to anyone, Mr. Milner, including you.
Because God and nature are the same thing, called nature, in science classes, and God, whenever discussing the “pros” of having a provable God (as when running for public office, in areas, where self—identifying atheists, don’t stand a chance, in the Christian Hell.
Hell does not exist. The Jews, who created the Old Testament still do not believe in your version of Hell. It was created in the middle 1200s by the Catholics who needed a way to scare their parishioners into begging for forgiveness and throwing money at the religious clerics, being fearful of fire, the worst pain one could imagine back then.
"Free Will" and "Omniscience" are mutually exclusive. If your God can see into the future (Omniscience), then it is all already fixed and we are predestined to a fixed ending. If "Free Will" exists, then God cannot know everything into the future, and it does not have a fixed ending. Those are a contradiction, easily proving supernatural gods do not exist with omnipotence and omniscience.
Further, the 1st Commandment in the Christian Bible proves that your God fears the other 43 gods mentioned in the scriptures.
Next, who create you God? Who created the thing that created your God? Who created the thing that created the thing that created your God? ... Ad infinitum! ...
Nope! Gods are a construct of a warped human mind!
Joy, I don't remember reading anything about where wolves and vampires in the bible. Where's that at, I can't believe I missed it.
LOL!!! Nice try. I was comparing to fairy tales. I made zero mention of vampires and *WEREWOLVES.
So it's NOT like brothers grim.
I wasn't aware The Brothers Grimm wrote about werewolves and vampires.
Where wolves.
You know what you are? You’re a hoot, that’s what you are. But that laughter? People aren’t laughing with you.
First they ignore you, then they mock you, then they punish you, then you win.
Mock away but please try to be nice for the punishment.
Just so you know - this only works when you have a legitimate truth.
All the rest you've never heard from again - and for good reason.
Someone has clearly confused horror fiction with actual fairy tales.
And there SHOULD be a push back. Separation of church and state shouldn't be a joke, which sadly it seems to be currently. I don't want to be ruled over by right-wing fundamentalists of any breed. And you can take me to task for that if you want but I still say there should be people pushing back and personally I think calling a spade a spade is a good way to do it. There ARE portions of the Bible that are unfit for children. That's my opinion, take it or leave it.
Leave it
Please do leave then, non-believer
Glad to see you are a strong believer in porn, especially religious porn.
nonbeliever of what? So if someone believes in a higher power not called "GOD" or isnt the God that YOU approve of then, they are a non believer? Do you know how many "Gods" are out there in tons of religions? Where did they all come from? Who is to say which one is real or if ANY of them are real? Religion is about power and control, not love.
My teacher wrote a book that floored me and I suggest everyone check it out. Its about a gathering of all the different Gods and a man who demands answers from them all.
Its called "The Great Gathering of Gods Soul". by Sufani Weisman Garza.
@Christ-ine Leave? So all the people who got there plastic ‘Preacher Badge’ can have circle j…circle back pat sessions applauding their promotion in the hierarchy to, well, a person with a plastic badge? Maybe you turned an outhouse that fell into disuse into a little chapel and you give sermons every Sunday morning?
A large percentage of Americans don't want an alzheimer poop in his pants old demented crazy fart standing over us with the finger on the nuclear trigger either. So stop your gaslighting please. Oops I just smell a skunk.
As a lifelong Catholic, I believe that the Bible has, as mentioned above. The use of begat when reading the genealogies describes the act of copulation and is repeated many times. It is what it is. , ,There is, in my opinion, a major issue. A vital tenet of the Constitution is the separation of church and state. Henry VIII took the role of being the head of the church. Catholics and Jews were punished, people were evicted from the state. The King was sexual predator, adulterer, murderer of a spouse. Unfortunately, many Christians are trying to make Christianity a national religion. And just as history shows, the results are persecution of non-believers, attempt to force non-believers to convert or suffer severe consequences, and the disenfranchisement of these groups. I have often be asked if Catholics are Christians. If the nation is to become Christian what brand would that be.