Is trust in Jesus necessary to bake a bread bowl? That is the question at the heart of a lawsuit in Pennsylvania, where a Pagan woman alleges she was fired from Panera Bread due to her religion.
Tammy McCoy claims that she lost her job as a baker at a Panera location in Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania after her supervisor learned that she held pagan beliefs.
According to the lawsuit, McCoy respectfully kept her religious beliefs to herself, until one day she asked about her faith by her supervisor. Upon hearing that McCoy is Pagan, the manager allegedly told her she’s going to hell.
The location’s general manager, who witnessed the incident, reportedly nodded in agreement. And that was just the beginning.
A Heaping Helping of Discrimination
A few days later, McCoy was given a reduced work schedule. When she asked about it, she alleges that she was told directly that “your hours are being cut until you find God.”
Sure enough, later that week her schedule was reduced to three days a week, and she was sent home early on the days she was scheduled to work.
McCoy further claims that she was subjected to a hostile work environment, and was also told that “her religion is false, that she needs to believe in God, that her soul will be condemned to hell and that they would pray for her soul.”
When she asked for the corporate phone number to file a complaint with HR, she was allegedly told by the district manager “If you call HR about this, you’ll be fired on the spot.”
She did call HR, though, left messages every day, and never heard back. However, despite not telling anyone that she was making regular calls to HR, the supervisor seemed to know something was afoot, asking her “how those phone calls” were going for her.
McCoy was eventually fired, as was her husband, who also worked at Panera.
The Bread Bowl of Life
The lawsuit summarizes the case in clear terms:
"The plaintiff was subjected to a hostile work environment because of her religion. She was treated differently in the terms and conditions of her employment because of her religion. Her employment was terminated because of her religious beliefs. Finally, she was retaliated against for raising issues and concerns with managers and attempting to raise issues and concerns with HR regarding harassment and discrimination based on her religion."
It’s now up to the court to decide if Mrs. McCoy was discriminated against. Ultimately, one wonders what the supervisor hoped to gain from the question about faith. That is both a very personal and very touchy subject, particularly in the workplace. Why bring it up, especially if you’re going to have such a strong reaction to an answer you don’t like?
What do you think? Teachings say that Jesus is the bread of life, but is a Christian faith really required when baking bread?
That is such a shame and blatantly wrong. But I am a Pagan and have faced backlash myself. I hope that this is an incident that is just related to that store but until I find out I won't be stopping at Panera.
I'd say it goes beyond just one store. If HR was not responding to her but the manager knew about the calls shows that.
This is a bunch of b*******. How did her religion effect her work?
Last time I looked, relgious freedom is an american right. Im sure there was not a sign at the store that said non-christians need not apply.
I would have kept an extremely low religious profile knowing the history and ownership of the franchise. Not the place to wear my faith on my sleeve.
Nevertheless, she's right, they are wrong and I bet they will make and or display Easter themed stuff like eggs and bunnies. Hahahahaha!!!
Religious freedom is a Constitutional Right! The question should never have been asked.
If the manager was such a "good Christian" then he should have asked the same question of his customers or placed a sign indicating that only Christian customers would be served. I boycott any business that touts a religious preference.
If the manager was such a "good Christian" then he should have asked the same question of his customers or placed a sign indicating that only Christian customers would be served. I boycott any business that touts a religious preference.
If the manager was such a "good Christian" then he should have asked the same question of his customers or placed a sign indicating that only Christian customers would be served. I boycott any business that touts a religious preference.
If the manager was such a "good Christian" then he should have asked the same question of his customers or placed a sign indicating that only Christian customers would be served. I boycott any business that touts a religious preference.
If the manager was such a "good Christian" then he should have asked the same question of his customers or placed a sign indicating that only Christian customers would be served. I boycott any business that touts a religious preference.
If the manager was such a "good Christian" then he should have asked the same question of his customers or placed a sign indicating that only Christian customers would be served. I boycott any business that touts a religious preference.
If the manager was such a "good Christian" then he should have asked the same question of his customers or placed a sign indicating that only Christian customers would be served. I boycott any business that touts a religious preference.
If the manager was such a "good Christian" then he should have asked the same question of his customers or placed a sign indicating that only Christian customers would be served. I boycott any business that touts a religious preference.
If the manager was such a "good Christian" then he should have asked the same question of his customers or placed a sign indicating that only Christian customers would be served. I boycott any business that touts a religious preference.
If the manager was such a "good Christian" then he should have asked the same question of his customers or placed a sign indicating that only Christian customers would be served. I boycott any business that touts a religious preference.
If the manager was such a "good Christian" then he should have asked the same question of his customers or placed a sign indicating that only Christian customers would be served. I boycott any business that touts a religious preference.
If the manager was such a "good Christian" then he should have asked the same question of his customers or placed a sign indicating that only Christian customers would be served. I boycott any business that touts a religious preference.
If the manager was such a "good Christian" then he should have asked the same question of his customers or placed a sign indicating that only Christian customers would be served. I boycott any business that touts a religious preference.
Since Wicca is the fastest growing religion in America, that might just be a very good idea.
Wicca is growing.
Do pagan loaves have ganja in them?
I don't believe that's pagan specific. Most often bread loaves are just bread loaves.
I will go to that store
The Employees involved need to be dismissed and HR needs a total overhaul, This kind of stuff is way out of line.
Oh boy! Now I'm triggered. They most certainly discriminated against Tammy. First of all, when her supervisor asked about her religious beliefs, Tammy was not required to give an answer. She could have told her supervisor, that her religious beliefs were private. Tammy did give an honest answer, & suffered for it. What does baking bread have to do with religion? Baking bread has nothing to do with religious beliefs. I hope Tammy wins her case. Second of all, when business is Tammy's religious beliefs to any employer.
Christ taught : Love is 'god'. Love LOVE with all your being. Love All Beings. Love Your Self. Love enemies and create new friendships. The Good Samaritan didn't question the injured man about religion, he applied first aid, transported him to safety, paid for his stay & care, and promised to pay any additional expenses later.
Pagans are to be loved, not harmed. Yahshua Messiah teaches the Way of Love. Faith, Hope, and Love.
Yahshua says, "A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you also must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.”
It is Christ's most simple, and most challenging teachings : LOVE ALL.
Go, and Be a Disciple of Love.
Is this the same god that killed babies, and had a man stoned to death for picking up stick on the sabbath? Just asking for a friend!
Kinda weird isn’t it?
It doesn't seem like it, it is a new way: The Way of Love.
Empathology is quite a different upgrade from mythology.
Loving Compassion and Mindful Mercy doesn't really require religions, rituals, or regulations.
When you realize everything Christ teaches simply and directly negated all organized religions, pantheons, and mythology - you see why the professionals of his time took great exception to his Libertarian views.
Being a Good Samaritan does not require you to pay anything to anyone !
Just be Kind. Love is all you need. Someone should write a song or two about Love ? :-)
May your Loves Bless you with Joy and Gladness !-
What is troubling is that this Jesus fellow is supposed to be the God of the Old Testament that caused those atrocities. He then is supposed to have come back in life form, but didn’t denounce slavery when he had a great opportunity to do so. It’s something I would have done if I was deity, but I guess my morals are better. Just saying!
Oh yeah, CHL, your "morals" are "so much better than God's or anyone's" that you don't even denounce Trumpelstiltskin's and conservatives' immorality that is very obvious to everyone else, who isn't hypnotized and brainwashed by him and them, but only very one-sidedly and not even-handedly harp on Jesus' or God's or the Bible's immorality, while your guys get a pass!! Jesus didn't mention lots of things, such as abortion, sex trafficking, political corruption, torture, homosexuality, and espionage, not just slavery, which existed in his time, because he couldn't get around to everything, the same as you and I can't, but that doesn't mean that he had no thoughts about them. Many people "think" that they could have "made or run the universe better than God did or does" because they don't think at all, since they couldn't even begin to know how to synchronize, coordinate, calibrate and maintain everything in the universe as God does. That is merely human egotism! I have told you already that God no more told people to do all those rotten things in the Bible that people have ascribed to Him than you have told anyone to do any rotten things, even if they said that you did to scapegoat you for their own actions. Neither is God non-existent because He won't jump through hoops or do tricks than anyone else is non-existent because he won't do so, either.
If he exists, the God of Abraham allows children to be born with debilitating diseases and to live in horrible conditions, allows adults to abuse them, and allows them to die of starvation and dehydration. If he exists, he's either weak or the most immoral being ever.
CHL, you know from your own Christian faith, no matter what you pretend that you are in here, that God was misrepresented quite often in the Old Testament by some Bible writers putting their words into His mouth and ascribing whatever they wanted to Him to scapegoat Him and "justify" themselves, and that Jesus cleared up all that misrepresentation and presented the truth and true face of God to people. Jesus didn't get around to condemning everything that God actually considers wrong because He was advocating their opposites of right things and knew that those who could understand and hear the truth would understand and hear it and not need everything to be spelled out for them and those who couldn't understand or hear the truth (atheists and their ilk) couldn't understand or hear even if everything were to be spelled out for them. "I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly" excludes slavery and all other wrong things, which aren't part of abundant life, for all those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. "Not one jot or tittle of the law shall pass away until all shall be fulfilled" says that, too, to the same people. So, Christ's morals are obviously far better than yours, as you already really know, but you will get to professing your Christian faith here very soon!!
It sounds like Chris must be a real masochist, doesn't it Lionheart?
You are always harping on the examples of rotten behavior and commandments attributed to God in the Bible as your reasons for dismissing belief in God, but you just don't think consistently or logically about that at all!! Because if other people say that you or still other people have said or done any rotten things that they want to accuse you of doing, do their accusations make you actually guilty of all those things, though you didn't do any of them, or make all of you non-existent?! Why, consistently, fairly or logically, then, should anything that any people want to attribute to God, in order to scapegoat Him for what they want to do or for their own actions and thinking, make Him actually guilty of any of that or make Him non-existent?! You accept mere allegations of "God's immoral actions and statements"in the Bible, but actual evidence of the Donald's immoral actions and statements from his own mouth and right in front of you never convinced you that any of that evidence against him is true!! That is just wildly contradictory and a double standard!! As I have told you many times already, God isn't going to stop people from lying about Him, anymore than He stops them from doing any other wrong things, because that would just be His deciding that for them, instead of their deciding that for themselves, which wouldn't prove anything about them or do them any good. God is what He is, no matter what anyone says against Him, the same as you and others are what you are, no matter what anyone says against you. It is the Golden Rule not to believe just anything that anyone wants to say about God in the Bible or outside of it, the same as you don't want everything that anyone wants to say or make up about you to be believed! The proof that God even exists, as you are always asking for, too, apart from all the stories and lies about God in the Bible or outside of it, is the order, calibration, synchronization, and maintenance of the Universe, which blind and unthinking nature is incapable of doing!! If you can even believe in love or any goodness at all in the world, then you can believe in God, since Scripture says that God is love!! Not an old man with a long white beard and sandals and robe, but just love! Even atheists can believe in love and so can believe in God!!
Well you know how folks like these particular Panera franchise owners see it, by employing someone who doesn't believe as they do is helping them go to hell or not try to stop them from going to hell, both of which would be the opposite of loving them...see, people will convince themselves of anything and then say "Wasn't me, it's God and God's will. Can't be helped, have to do it. (Besides, it feels good.)"
I really can't believe it. That is pure ignorance, she has the right to follow her Faith in the way she thinks is right. If you are Christian, Muslim, Wiccan, it does not matter and make no mistake, God through the centuries, places and cultures, the way of seeing the Creator has been very diverse. I would be very arrogant if I say that my religious belief is better or more correct than that of others. It is certainly disrespectful, and yes, I hope she receives a good compensation.
In my senior year of high school, in 1981, I was already out of the broom closet, as we say in Wicca, and I was repeatedly discriminated against by christian students. I reported it to my school counselor, Mrs. Bolton, who only said she didn't think Wicca or Witchcraft was a religion. That's why I quit school. And forty years later, I still don't regret having done so. I'm still out of the broom closet, but within reason. When in Rome, I do as the Romans.
There are many truths to everything, depending on our point of view.
I hope she was smart enough to keep notes and discuss her findings with someone other than her husband. Is she did I think it's safe to say she'll have at the least a lifetime of free bread at Panera. Amen!
That's not exactly a winning Christ conversion formula!!
By their actions, the management team seems to be more than likely following the Antichrist in the name of Jesus. It is a much more prevalent pattern amongst Christians than most realize.
I hope they eventually see how their actions and feelings affect those around them.
I pray they find peace in their souls.
If my boss decided I was not Christian, or not Christian enough to suit him, and tried to force me to accept Christ, I would be less likely to do so, and more likely to realize that he has no clue about Christ's purpose. It is not a Christian's job to make more Christians. Instead, it is their job to plant seeds, and let God do His Work. Being a Christian only counts if you accept Christ with a free and willing heart, not if you are forced to accept Him out of fear. Instead of planting seeds of love, Ms. McCoy's superior decided to follow Satan's approach, and planted seeds of fear. This is definitely not acceptable behavior for a Christian, so I suspect this manager is a ChINO, a Christian In Name Only. While the Word is one thing, the Work is what really defines a Christian. Wicca, the modern form of Paganism, is a worship of nature, not Satan. God created nature, and many Christian songs extol the seas, the skies, the mountains, the trees, and all of God's Creation. Should all Christians just turn away from another group that appreciates the same things, or should they point out the similarities in their beliefs, and at least accept them as fellow human beings?
There are way too many Bible quoting hypocrites preaching the word. But not nearly enough doing their best to live it.
Most if not all of our holidays are based in Pagan traditions, rites of Spring, and the Solstices.
That’s what many so called Christians don’t understand.
"Judge not lest ye be judged!"
Yes! From Matthew 7:1-2, which goes on: "Judge not, lest ye be judged by the same measure, and found wanting." Exactly!
Also, Matthew 7:3-5 - "Do not say to your brother, 'Here, let me take that speck from your eye,' when you have a log in your own You hypocrite! First take the log from your own eye, then you will clearly see the speck in your brother's eye."
Which does Not seem to be the way the Evangelicals think. Most are quite judgmental to the point of rudeness. They have to have the 'last word' in any conversation/disagreement.
Ask management if they celebrate Easter. If so that is a pagan holiday.
Yes it is pagan holiday...representing Animal fertility. The Christians took it straight from the Pagans because of the calendar timing which made it fit their own myths about Jesus.
I lost a job because I wear a pentacle with a cadets. The acting CEO made up a cocktail and bull story that I tried to recruit a patient when I was with another nurse to learn a procedure. The person was a friend of mine and stated emphatically that this person never asked me if the event occurred. The CEO lied about so many things. I stupidly stayed because the patients didn't want a good nurse to leave. I was eventually fired when they took away my friend and I had 50+ patients. As one RPT said, You are the nurse to God." This is America. A person's believes should not be grounds for dismissal. It is against first 4amendment and the reason this country was formed. The laws or rules that Wiccan and many pagans follow are more strict than judeo-Christian beliefs. While there is the Golden Rule, the pagan version states the law of 3's and puts responsibility clearly on the person. ID you put out good, it comes back x 3. You put out bad, in cones back x 3.
Don't you think a good nurse is someone who believes and trusts modern medicine and not God? The CEO should fire you if you put you belief in God over modern medicine especially if you are treating others. We know God kills good devoted Christians and non-Christians every day, cemeteries are filled with people put their faith in God to cure them instead of modern medicine. I would be horrified if a nurse or doctor told me to trust in God if I was receiving medical cared.
I'm glad the Catholic church is more tolerant. I worked in an office in a convent for 22 years, and from the first week they knew I was an atheist. It was never a problem.
Thanks for your comment. I went to Catholic school for 12 years and learned about all religions without judgement or hostility from the nuns. Some people have a big problem understanding that Catholicism is very open to other faiths unlike hardline and evangelical christianity, who force feed Jesus to everyone they meet. I don't talk about my faith, it is a personal thing, and I don't ask anyone about theirs. I believe that's how things should be. I hope this girl gets a huge settlement and these folks in PA learn to shut their pushy christian mouths!
I was confirmed, and completed CCD, in a/the Roman Catholic church. The views of the pastor, though he was a kind and forgiving soul, were that the Church (and all Christian apostolic churches) were the "true way", and others were misguided and God would judge them himself. So while tolerant, he was still judgy.
Personally, I believe that their lack of Christian faith caused both of them to be fired, period. I too have worked for a shop that had 'prayer meetings' before work (unpaid lol), bible questions were regularly asked during working hours and I was asked repeatedly about 'What faith was I'. I told them it was personal and private and didn't appreciate their questions. This was an electrical contractor and at the time, I had 20+ years in the field. I asked for a layoff after 2 weeks and when I was asked why I stated "This is a hostile work environment and you are using your religion to bully and harass me." I had my money that evening and was glad for it. It was a good shop, except for that. My opinion is they are better off for not working in an environment of intimidation. Let the management find someone of their faith, so it's a more harmonious work environment there.
We are here to learn to love, not to hate for any reason. They are showing us how much they care and how much of a christian they are. Would Jesus fire her for not distributing loaves of bread? Just love one another. That is what we are hear to learn.
When Rick Perry was the Governor of Texas, he once said, “There is freedom of religion, not from religion.” We live in a f‘ed up world! I hope she and her husband get a huge reward from this! I used to like Panera, but now, it’s time to BOYCOTT PANERA! #boycottpanera
We are to Love em to heaven and Christ, not to condemn them to hell.
One person's heaven is another ones hell.
If Panera were a Christian company then I believe they should be allowed to hire only Christians, but Panera is not a Christian company as far as I know. I believe private companies should be allowed to hire and fire anyone, for whatever reason. The discrimination laws are unconstitutional. Government organizations are different. But, these are the kinds of things that happen regularly in multi-cultural, low-trust societies. The US empire is falling. It is essentially a corpse walking now.
Many of us are joining the retro-culture. It is time to form new nations.
So we heard one side of an accusation, I live near this Panera's, there is more to the story that is being reported in the media.
Can you offer a cite for that, for those interested in other media reports?
Such as?
Dr. Tuman -
What is it that the media is not reporting?
That's not exactly a winning Christ conversion formula!!
By their actions, the management team seems to be more than likely following the Antichrist in the name of Jesus. It is a much more prevalent pattern amongst Christians than most realize.
I hope they eventually see how their actions and feelings affect those around them.
I pray they find peace in their souls.
This is absolutly horrible, the actions of the supervisor and manager are not only unlawful, but not in keeping with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
As a UNION shop steward. That manager is fired. It is against the law to ask questions like that. If it is true... I've gone into two panera shops in my life. I've left both times just because i saw cross contamination. Not changing gloves for each customer. Not properly cleaning utensils and nasty unkempt employees. So... I am not surprised this happened.
If Hobby Lobby and Chick-fil-A can do this why can't Panera Bread?
Do they do this? (Seriously; I wouldn't know as I refuse to patronize either business.) All I know is they don't need to pay for medical interventions that violate the owners' religious beliefs. (And I'm not saying that SCOTUS was correct in that ruling.)
They sure do. And Forever 21 had bible versus printed on their shopping bags. Guess God didn't like that as they are bankrupt. There are many companies which advertise Christianly such as Tyson Foods, In and Out Burgers, Mary Kay, Timberland, Alaska Air, Jet Blue, Tom's of Maine, and Weapons-sight maker Trijicon. Bullets used to kill people had bible versus on them.
We ought to crucify those evil Christians at Panera bread. Or atleast stick pins in our voodoo dolls, in their images. I have a strong feeling my Pagan sister and brother are going to o win this case, and be too rich to ever have to work again. If they don't win the whole chain in court, I think it might be a good idea for lots ofother non-christians to get jobs there, be discriminated against, fired, and s ue the socks off of them! If you don't want to go through all that trouble, you might keep in mind that "When in Rome, do as the Romans." I'm sure it won't cause any karmic debt to tell a little, white lie to save our asses. And if I'm wrong, so be it. I'd much rather pay off the karmic debt, and keep my job. I carry a crucifix on a chain in my wallet, just in case accidentally venture into a crowd of christians, or hear about free food at a revival. Of course, I'll also wear my ULC ministers cap, and praise the Lord!!! I was already burned at a stake in one incarnation. Y'all can form a long line of Pagans, hold hands, and in unison wallk into the ocean in the name of Paganism (or even Wicca), but don't expect me to come along. I'd rather stay home, and watch a good movie on TV. I won't even pray for fools. And, "With a fool no season spend, or be counted as his friend." Blessed be!
Is this truly the way of the Rede? To direct malice toward others by those means only serves to let malice fester in your heart, which harms yourself. Or at worst, releases negativity aimed toward them, which could harm them. Correct me if I'm wrong, but does not the Rede teach, "An ye harm NONE, do as ye will"? Or using a Christian parable - if you direct hatred toward them in thought, your thoughts may turn to prayers, which violates the Golden Rule. Unless you wish others to hate you, hating isn't really the way. Better to lead others by example, and boycott those kinds of businesses, even demonstrate against them. Whether pagan or Christian or other.
I must disagree about the voodoo dolls.The idea is against both pagan and Christian teachings, and here's why. I have a few Wiccan and other pagan friends who have taught me the Witches Rede (or Code). The last line is similar to the golden rule: "An ye harm NONE, do as ye will." Translated - "So long as you do no harm, either to yourself, to others, or to the earth, you are free to do whatever you wish." Sticking pins in a doll aimed at the management of that Panera, while not specifically causing anyone harm directly, still forms negative feelings directed at them, which can fester in your own heart, hurting yourself. And in doing so, you would not be doing unto others as you would have them do unto you - unless you WANT others to hate YOU.
Better to pray - to whatever deity you prefer to worship - for the poor souls to have the logs taken from their eyes.
I prefer the saying " You have the freedom to try and take my life, but know in so doing you give me the right to take yours first."
Not all witches are Wiccan. The Rede is a Wiccan belief. There are many different types of witches, and hexing and dolls are perfectly fine in certain situations to them.
In these cases there is also something else going on. She probably had blue hair and a bunch of nose piercings.
Honest question - why would that matter? They are not necessarily what I should prefer, but to each her own. Are you pointing out that many discriminate based on these personal affectations?
And her body decorations matter because.....?
In America, "religious freedom" only applies to xtians
What are they afraid of? If your faith in God is strong, you have nothing to fear. Isaiah 41:10 New King James Version 10 (A)Fear not, (B)for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ Besides, religious believes has no place in your work environment. However, faith in God has a place everywhere and it seems that these so called followers of Christ has neglected to practice what Jesus tought us in John 13:34 ESV / A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
A clear case of discrimination.
Well....is anyone surprised that the religious are persecuting others while claiming they are the ones persecuted? Panera will never get a penny of my money and the people that did this are hypocrites and if their beliefs are real then they have condemned themselves by judging others and defying their dogs commandments...I mean gods commandments, I think...
I am a Catholic. I have a relationship with my God and His son Christ. I worship in my own way and try to live by basic “do unto others” rules in my relationship with the Universe and everything that dwells within in it. That being said, I feel that everyone in every walk of life has a right to believe what they wish. It is a basic human right to profess and practice ones belief system as one sees fit. This woman had a case against Panera the moment the first supervisor told her she was going to Hell. She had a really good case the moment the manager nodded in agreement. Every action taken against her from that moment forward was text book discrimination. Being hostile to her, threatening her in regards to contacting HR, telling they were reducing her hours until she found God and then actually cutting her hours created a hostile work environment is blatant discrimination. Firing her was just the cherry on top of the proverbial sundae. If these idiots treat employees so egregiously, imagine how they treat their customers. The managers that bullied her should be fired and made to pay restitution to the woman for lost wages and a settlement to her for the grief she suffered under these mouth breathers Panera needs to be held accountable for this as well. There’s a reason she couldn’t contact her HR department......they hoped that if they remained silent on the issue it would make it all go away. So tell me Panera “how’s that cooperation between you and HR workin out for you now.”
God gave us FREE WILL. I am Christian/Buddhist, but accept all, as long as they do not cause harm to others, or themselves! NO ONE deserves to endure hostility because of their beliefs, and discrimination/violence in the workplace is absolutely illegal and punishable in a court of law. The folks at Panera do not seem to be very intelligent! I only eat clean, organic food anyway, so I would probably not eat there. I will, however, share this with my thousands of followers on all my social media accounts. Perhaps it will create a hydra effect, and a large number of the populous will boycott this horrible company!
God gave us FREE WILL. I am Christian/Buddhist, but accept all, as long as they do not cause harm to others, or themselves! NO ONE deserves to endure hostility because of their beliefs, and discrimination/violence in the workplace is absolutely illegal and punishable in a court of law. The folks at Panera do not seem to be very intelligent! I only eat clean, organic food anyway, so I would probably not eat there. I will, however, share this with my thousands of followers on all my social media accounts. Perhaps it will create a hydra effect, and a large number of the populous will boycott this horrible company!
This is the epitome of the cancel culture that those very people rant about. If a person or people don't fit into their brainwashed idea of the world, they need to go. Shame on Panera for not immediately stepping in. I hope the 2 managers not only lose their jobs but are part of a separate suit. $5 million plus all legal fees seems like a fair settlement to me. I'm betting this will be settled out of court for an "unspecified" amount.
That is not very Christian like to judge her and then fire her. We are supposed to share the good word in hopes that someone someday come to Jesus and believes in the almighty God. She will win her case most likely.
Everyone believes in their own way!
Comment removed by user.
When someone is Semitised for either their faith or opinion; this is not necessarily about the destruction of Christ? Capitalism with deception has always walked hand in hand with God. Jesus Christ spoke out openly about corruption. ''Jesus Christ'' was Semitised, never let this fact be un-written. Do you need Jesus to serve bread to customers? You should ask Tammy McCoy this foolish question? This should be your $$$ answer! In God we Trust: indeed.
"Semitised?" What does that even mean?
I did
The corporate Twitter account for Panera sent out a tweet on March 26th that said “shh, we’re manifesting” with the words “pepperoni flatbread” encircled with white emoji candles. An action that is associated with New Age, Pagan and Wiccan spiritual and religious practices, taken and made light of in the name of advertising.
This tweet was remarkably insensitive and tone deaf in general, and even more so concerning the lawsuit, and there is no way corporate Panera was unaware of the situation at the franchise, or the lawsuit.
The tweet still stands, and Panera still has not made any comments on the situation.
I entirely support the decision and actions taken against this minion of Satan. Worshiping evil means you are a BAD person. The elimination of BAD people has to start somewhere!
Pagans don’t worship Satan
You need to research before you open your cakehole, Dick.
You don't seem very well informed and your thinking is not clear either.
God gave us FREE WILL. I am Christian/Buddhist, but accept all, as long as they do not cause harm to others, or themselves! NO ONE deserves to endure hostility because of their beliefs, and discrimination/violence in the workplace is absolutely illegal and punishable in a court of law. The folks at Panera do not seem to be very intelligent! I only eat clean, organic food anyway, so I would probably not eat there. I will, however, share this with my thousands of followers on all my social media accounts. Perhaps it will create a hydra effect, and a large number of the populous will boycott this horrible company!
And you are not a true Christian. I've seen your type, usually the most hypocritical and narcissistic people on earth. We as TRUE CHRISTIANS are supposed to lift others up and educate them, not tear down and belittle. The only bad person I see here is YOU.
Richard James Clay, that last comment was for you! I do hope you learn, that hatred for another is the true evil, and only brings hate back to you. God gives you back what you send out.
Blessed be!!!
Sorry if this is a repeat, seems to be some problems with the website.
Many Christians believe their job is to hound people into their religion and then their particular, peculiar fundamentalist Protestant "liberal" (i.e., liberal in the sense of giving themselves license to interpret God, whether or not they've even read the bible or care to) version, and that therefore aggression and persecution is somehow Godly or their duty. It also fits with their instinctive animal paranoia and drive for conquest, especially when in a group that unleashes their animal agression...i.e., if you observe animals that hunt in packs, such as wolves or hyenas, their mental state is something like that).
Even the Catholic Church (the "high" church) has given up torture and murder and stealing/robbery/confiscation, and imprisonment, shunning and banishment, and really the only ones practicing are the relatively uninformed, or misinformed, Protestant fundamentalist groups that stray far from the Bible and the recorded, attributed words of Jesus and his Disciples. As such it they have chosen to reduce, and alter, the original theology given to them to a roughly primitive state far from the more divine inspiration of the original Christians, who today we refer to as Catholics. In effect they have created their own peculiarly idiosyncratic religion and use the label of Christianity to further justify what is really just base, willful ignorance...sadly. So this is the context in which to react to their behavior. Psychiatrically, the behavior is a form of narcissism or autism, except that is "elective" or "acquired."
The only answer today that has much effect is not as religious persuasion, but as secular justice, period. Thus criminal and civil justice, returning to Caeser what is Caesar's (as Jesus is written to have said), really is the only reasonable response.
@Rev Mark D How ill informed your are when you say, "Even the Catholic Church (the "high" church) has given up torture and murder and stealing/robbery/confiscation, and imprisonment, shunning and banishment...." They still condone priest who are pedophiles and rapists.
Sorry, you are commenting about something I didn't say and then you attack me ad hominem for your own mental phantasy. Are you ok? Youu wouldn't be one of those psychotic Fox News Republican trolls would you, that's exactly how they behave, it's called gaslighting. Hoping you recover from your strange perception and outburst. Maybe you could talk to someone.
There is something very wrong with your thinking. And you don't know "they," you only know of the few priests and their superiors who violated their oaths as priests...and if you think they "condone," today you are as mistaken as you can be...plus sending insults my way without cause. As for what I know, I think you have shown that you are the uninformed one. Perhaps you will learn, with God's help, to overcome your prejudice...pre-judge. Meanwhile, hostility will eat you up, and you alone.
Mr. Rev. Mark D I was just stating the fact of how uninformed you are about the Catholic Church (the "high" church). What you believe to be true is the experience of millions of others. The Catholic Church, protestants, fundamentalist Mormons and fundamentalist Christians all seem to think clergy raping and sodomizing young boys and girls is all acceptable in the name of God. Why would you say this in not happening when it is. Or are you one who believes clergy rapping and young girls and boys is acceptable?
Thanks for the lesson, though I'm sure you think it's needed, as you avoided twice now what you did...this is just to warn others to take note of your pattern of presuming that people who don't offer first a dissertation to pass your initial discrediting of people are in desperate need of your kind help. You're in MY bible at 301.81. Cheerio.
Rev Mark D you are in my bible as well, Ezekiel 23:20. The Bible is such a wonderful book.
I am Pagan and I endured the same sort of treatment once. It turn out to be a good thing for me tho. I now have the job I have always wanted and a Bachelor of Science degree to boot. I must admit, what she endured was quite a bit worse that mine.
Let me get this right: You have a Bachelor of Science, and yet you are following rites and rituals that have no scientific based demonstrable evidence to be real or true? 🤔
Your funny witchcraft has been around longer then Christianity
Lionheart, have you participated in the rites and rituals of different pagan beliefs? Many pagans are actually staunch supporters of science. As a broad overview, the different pagan faiths generally hold respect for and reverence of nature as central to their system of faith, and that does include science as the explanation for the hows and whys of the natural world. Even among those for whom there may be some aspects of supernaturalism to their faith (I.e belief in Deity forms), science is still accepted as real and the functional way in which things work.
Would you ask this question of Christians who work in scientific fields or hold a degree? Or Jews, or Muslims? Faiths that all have a long, documented track record of belief in and acceptance of the supernatural as fact? Or is it just an assumption that someone who is a member of a minority faith must believe in supernatural stuff?
Thank you for your question and the answer is yes, I have participated in pagan rites and rituals when I was involved with Wicca. I have also participated in Christian rites and rituals as a High Priest. I have now moved on from those practices for I now see them for what they truly are. Thank you for your question.
There is a definite dichotomy of those who profess to be of science, and then totally disregard science for faith. So your argumentum ad populum just doesn’t wash for me where true science is involved.
As for supernaturalism, whatever that term truly means, there is a well known phrase “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” I have yet to see any to convince me otherwise.
Thank you for replying.
Good catch. Maybe something to consider there. 👍
I smell money coming to her and her husband. Maybe they can open their own Panera Bread restaurant. It is okay to voice your own beliefs and to pray for someone's soul when they aren't a believer. However, people have the right to have their own beliefs and adhere to their own religions. It's a part of our country's foundations of rights, like freedom of religion. We have God's laws, but we also have our country's laws. This Panera supervisor and general manager have trampled on the rights of this couple.
I think she's making the whole thing up. Bet she was just a bad employee who got fired and is now making this story up for a lawsuit.
Sorry but if you knew the company rules and still went to work for them you cant complain now. I can introduce to a Post Judge Advocate whos own grandson is a transgendered person and was told he would never get a managers position or or own his own business, he took it to the US DOJ and the DOJ told him he was screwed. If he still went to work for the company knowing they would never give him any kind of promotions, then there is nothing they can do as he SIGNED the employment application knowing what it said.
All I can say is tough too bad, maybe they should have read the application a bit more carefully before signing it The name of the company is Chick-Fill-A and they have won every case every brought before them on cases like this.
That sounds like it's already been through the federal system and rules by the Supreme Court. True?
I wonder whether Panera sells franchises and this is one of them.
Why do you believe pagans to follow hollow dead rituals, like many Christians? My own method is very scientific and either produces verifiable results or is discarded. There is a reason a tree resembles bronchi and alveoli and does gas exchange for organism earth.
Nature is a series of rules and patterns. As above so below.
Another example of the "Ugly American Christian." Unless she was putting spiders in the bread or casting evil spells at work (which my Pagan friends do with regularity just to piss of the righteous ones), only kidding of course, Then I hope she and her husband sue their butt's off. This is the kind of action that tears at the fiber of our country with the ongoing racist, bigoted, beliefs that take away opportunities from well meaning hard working people that want to give of themselves only to be crucified by those that claim to be Christians. Nothing different here than happened to Christ at his crucifixion.
Even asking about her faith was wrong. Unless she was openly pushing it on others it is no one's business.
Actually someone questioning you about your faith justifies "Stand your ground" and permits the use of lethal force since one can simply point out several mass shooters who began their sprees by asking that very question.
If someone ask me what my faith is, my response is to end their ability to offer threat, not give them the chance to take my life if they dont like my answer.
Yep, it's kind of a red flag signal that you would be almost be asking for trouble anyway if you didn't catch it. Although in this case, why they didn't just figure it out before hiring, it's not hard to do so without triggering the rights laws if you are just a little subtle or clever as an interviewer. They could have just declined to hire her without going into it and she'd never have a basis for action that could stick. But either way if they have secular legal protection like someone said, better off if you can find work somewhere else. But these folks screwed a whole family, husband and wife, put them out on the street. Good Christians, eh?
Remind me not to ask you about yours. :)
Happy Eoster 😏 Look it up.
has anyone found out how management knew she was not a Christian?
I don't think they were interested in that. Everyone who does not walk in pronouncing what they are about elicits inquiry by the absence of what key language and readiness they show before even being asked. I can tell you this from being a psychologist for 40 years. They wanted her to readily and immediately say certain things and do certain things, period. Put yourselves in the managers's place, and who you think they are, what it was about. They didn't need to "know" anything from some clear declarative statement, all they had to do was astutely observe her behavior and speech from casual conversation, it's pretty easy to do by just appearing friendly as anyone who hires and works with you would naturally be.
Roman 14:1-23 As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstain, and let not the one who obtains pass judgment on the the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands and falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand. One person esteem one day as better than another, while another esteem all day alike. Each one should be fully in his own mind......For none of us lives to himself,and none of us dies to himself. Why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise your brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God, for it is writen..so then each of us will give an account of himself to God....DO NOT CAUSE ANOTHER TO STUMBLE
Faith is an individualRoman 14:22 The faith that you have, keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the one who has no reason to pass judgment on himself for what he approves.
I would be interested to know what “right“ religion her employers practice. It’s certainly no sect of Christianity that I have ever run across. Rev. Tom
As Pennsylvania is NOT a "right to work" state the employees have far more federal protections. Proselytizing in the workplace is adamantly prohibited not only in federal law but by most if not all businesses. Asking a person about their religion is as strongly prohibited and protected by federal law as the aforementioned proselytizing. I have personally experienced this form of bigotry and backlash at places of employment.
I want to applaud them for fighting. I didn't for various reasons and I still regret it; for that I want to say THANK YOU!
yes it has and the person suing lost. They knew what the company rules were so they cant complain when they break them.
The latest news these days is the Taliban and their wicked ways plus their fanatical implementation of Islam. I ask you how, in which way are these Panera people different from the Taliban? America is becoming a religious intolerant place in which people want to impose their beliefs on every citizen and if you do not agree they will fire a volley of psalms and other Scriptures at the culprit for defying their authority. Many Americans are Christian but there are also Jews, Sikh, Hindu, Budist, Muslim, Wickans, Atheist, etc, each and everyone a worthy citizen deserving full respect and job security. As a believer in Jesus´ teachings I’m convinced that everyone else is my brother/sister and that it is my duty to respect, accept and protect them regardless of what they do or don’t believe and above all I don’t want to become a Taliban.
I'm not a lawyer in any sense of the word, however, I feel confident that I could win this case hands down, to include monetary compensation. So long as she is not prostelyzing to her students during school time and against their will, there is a thing called "freedom of religion."
I haven't heard of Panera Bread cutting off anyone's head. That would be the first difference Panera has to the knuckle dragging Taliban.
The differences between Panera and the Taliban are too many to list! I would start with I don't recall Panera cutting anyone's head of or burning them alive!
Bad comparison.
What happened to "freedom of religion?" If this does make it to the courts, I believe this Pagan has a very good grounds for a lawsuit. I'm not even a lawyer and I am confident I could successfully litigate this one!
Sue the holy crap out of them. My husband is a pagan who worships mother earth and father sky. What is more beautiful
Lawsuit should be a slam dunk. Can’t discriminate on religious grounds. This will settle out of court. I’d personally demand the general manager and the supervisor be terminated as part of the settlement.
This is where I keep religIon very private in a workplace. I would be curious to know what prompted the supervisor to ask about her belief if she kept everything quiet.
In this particular church, as in medicine, "First, do no harm.".
It really doesn't matter how you approach your particular Supreme Being (or collection thereof). What does matter is what you do with your life, and if you strive to leave this world a better place than when you came into it.
And for this reason religion gets parked at the door when you go to work.
As it should be.
Last I knew this is America freedom of religion. God doesn’t discriminate. Her supervisor may not approve of her choice but he has no stand for discrimination
If all Panera stores are like this one, well, they lost several customers. I enjoy eating there, but if this is how they treat their employees, they don't need my business or any of my friends. I think they need to fire those who made the work enviroment hostile. It's no one's business who any of us pray to, same with the ballot, no one should dictate who we vote for. Whatever happened to Freedom of Religion no matter who we worshiped?
It's a travesty that the managers who discrininated against her will not likely have to personally be responsible. The corporation will settle snd the wrongdoers will probably be promoted.
God doesn't allow all the suffering in the world. Our corrupted natures and corrupted nature, generally, allow this suffering and evil in the world!! As George Burns playing God in "Oh, God!" says in answer to John Denver asking him why he permits all the suffering in the world: "Ah, how can I permit the suffering? I don't permit the suffering. You do. Free will. All the choices are yours. You can love each other, cherish and nurture each other, or you can kill each other. Incidentally, 'kill' is the word. It's not waste. If I meant 'waste', I would have written 'Thou shalt not waste'. You're doing some very funny things with words here. You're also turning the sky into mud. I look down, I can't believe the filth. Using the rivers for toilets, poisoning my fishes. You want a miracle? You make a fish from scratch. You can't. You think only God can make a tree. Try coming up with a mackerel. And when the last one is gone, that'll be that. Eighty six on the fishes, goodbye sky, so long world, over and out!".
In our Christian life, Jesus teaches us to walk the walk not just talk the talk. He also teaches us the "you will know my disciples by their "Agape" love for one another. In my own lifetime, I saw and hated discrimination and hateful words and actions of even my own Poppo (who adopted me when he married my mom. She had been widowed suddenly the previous year.) He was so prejudiced it was very embarrassing and I stood up to him and told him that he needed to change his wicked ways!! He was destroying his witness! But needless to say, he never did! He died a young death at age 48 from a triple heart attack!!
I am very happy to share that my sister and I love people for whom they are. My children were never allowed to even think of being racist in any way!! My daughter's children are such wonderful people! My grandson has 2 children whose mother is at least 50% Chilean! My granddaughter is living with a wonderful African American young man. They now have a 2 y/o and a newborn!! I am proud to say we are a multi ethnic multi cultural family!! I am and have been in ministry 50 years! I know that the hatred that is so strong in our country is like a black mold snuffing us out!! Perhaps I got off subject, but had her boss just accepted her for who she was and he lived his faith in front of her with "Agape" love, things would be sweeter than before! It is supposed to be illegal to fire anyone because of their, gender, race or religious preference. I don't necessarily agree with her as to go that direction though there are many circumstances that would help this situation, we as Christians need to learn how to speak what the right thing to say at the moment that we need to say it. If we will just simply love people, and don't try to Badger them down in order to convert them. We will accomplish a whole lot more with our love then we will with our hatred! I watched my husband for two years sit at home not wanting to be anywhere close to a church life but he was changed one day before I went forward with him. We been married 3 years when he decided to go see my supervisor my mentor and long story short he prayed the prayer of faith, and decided to accept Jesus as his Saviour.
Two years prior to this conversion, Lord spoke to to my heart then I had to keep silent at home and I was not allowed to share any of the Glorious things the Lord was doing in my life at the ministry. I had to walk the walk not talk the talk and I had to wait on God to bring him into my part of the world. He considered himself agnostic at the time but yet, he encouraged me to go back in the ministry. He encouraged me to go back to church prior to me going. Then he became one of the most loving individuals I ever saw he's already pretty wonderful but he changed the day he took Jesus as his Saviour!!May the Lord walk before you and show you His ways! May the Lord walk behind you and guard your back! May the Lord walk beside you and hold your hand! And in those deep, dark moments in your life, may you look down and see two Footprints .
in the Sand "as He carries you through it all!!!Thanks to all who takes time to read this letter and comments!! I am Always and Forever Renewed by His Love, Rev. Dr. Vicki Tonini
I hope she get's a huge settlement.
I'm with you. This is blatantly illegal and outrageous.
Sounds like a lawsuit to me.
Agree with you 100%.
Religion has nothing to do with one's ability to be a food server. This company is in dire need to learn how to treat people.