A group of atheist activists is demanding the removal of a cross drawn in sidewalk chalk at the Arkansas Governor’s Mansion, renewing dialogue on religious expression by government officials on government property.
Does this religious imagery being displayed on government property... forgive us... cross a line?
Separation of Chalk and State
The controversy began late last month, when Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders posted an image of what appears to be the entrance to the Arkansas Governor’s Mansion on Facebook.
The ground in front of the doors is covered in a massive chalk-drawn cross:
Unsurprisingly, not everyone was a fan of the faith-inspired artwork drawn outside a government building.
Americans United, an activist group promoting separation of church and state, sent the governor a letter, informing her that she was stepping over a “constitutional line.”
The chalk art “violates the Establishment Clause because it sends a message that the Governor’s office – and by extension, the state of Arkansas – favors one religion over others,” the group wrote. “Such favoritism is unconstitutional.”
The letter continued, informing the governor that her and her family are more than welcome to express their faith, but that a cross – even a chalk one – plainly visible on state property sends a message of government endorsement of Christianity.
They asked her to wash the cross off.
Supporters Line Up
The governor's response? “My answer is no,” she wrote.
“I will not erase the beautiful cross my kids drew in chalk on the driveway of the Governor’s Mansion or remove my post on social media, and I will not now or ever hide that I am a Christian, saved by Christ.”
“We won’t let you power-wash our kids’ chalk drawings off our front steps,” she continued. “We won’t let you tear down Christmas decorations and stomp our traditions into the dirt. We don’t live our lives in fear of strongly worded letters coming down from Washington.”
“I am offended by the implication that, just because I am a Christian, I am somehow a bigot,” the response concluded. “All people, of all faiths, are welcome in our state.”
Many of the governor’s fans on Facebook applauded the artwork.
“How beautiful! Awesome job and may Jesus be praised!” wrote one.
“Ms Sarah, it's great to know that Christ has a major role in your political and private life,” wrote another.
However, not everyone was a fan. “That's wrong and you know it,” wrote one Facebook user on the governor's Facebook page. “You're just trying to create controversy. The opposite of good governance.”
Chalk It up to a Difference of Opinion
Does a chalk drawing on the grounds of the Governor’s Mansion violate the Constitution?
On the one hand, this is a religious symbol on government property. For critics, it's the principle of the matter that counts. As America sees growing Christian influence in government and public policy, each new example of religion mixing with state power becomes another reminder of the ways faith guides the direction of the country.
But on the other hand, the artwork in question is a chalk drawing done by children – it’s not as if this is a permanent installation. It also seems likely the elements will take care of the cross soon, if they haven't already.
What do you think? Was the atheist group right to demand the cross be removed, or are they making a mountain out of a molehill?
I am not Christian yet I see that cross as a beautiful piece of artwork created by children to add beauty to the surroundings.
Created by children? I call BS on that. That said - its chalk. If it ever rains again in Arkansas, it'll wash away - giving space for the next religion to have their "children" do an art piece
It is a lovely piece of artwork. It belongs on her private property - and I agree "the children created this?"
All people are the children of God.
Haha, let's just say the children helped.
According to the article is sounds to me like it was the Governors children who drew the picture infront of the Governors Mansion. If the Governor and their family, of any state, is required to move into a home provided by the State Government, then it is their home for the time they occupy it. These children might have created the same artwork infront of their own home, wherever they live, so why not this one? It would mean if A state elected a Governor who practiced Judaism then they could add a Mezuzah to the front door while they occupied the house.
I am over 70 and still believe in live and let live. If the TV channel you are watching airs something you do not want to see or hear, then switch the channel and stop complaining. YOU, individually, will not solve your problem and no group you join will be perfect in your eyes. Count your blessings, get out and be a better person, and eventually you may even become a better citizen of your community, county, state, country, and planet.
@ Daniel Hatch Are you saying if you don’t like change it? With TV one can change the channel but on public property wash it off with a hose?
Douglas Robert Spindler ...or move your eyes to a different place/channel. TV broadcasts are for the public, as is government. Constitutional freedom of expression does not suddenly cease to exist if you have a different viewpoint. If it did, there would be no expression at all because there are always differences of opinion. Even if the governor of Arkansas became a Satanist and chalked up an image of Satan on her entryway... Again, the people can simply change the channel by their vote. .
@ Sherrell K Zitting Your argument is flawed, THe governor’s mansion is not a TV channel or a private enterprise. THe Governor’s mansion is owned by all the people. The constitution and the Supreme Court have ruled people can praction whatever religion they choose but cannot use government resources/property in doing so. In your schooling you I hope you were taught about separation of church and state. If not our education system failed you and why you don’t understand.
Apparently, I used a word that triggered a pause or hold "pending approval. Let's try this, and hopefully the duplicates can then be deleted. Repetition is good in learning. however.
Douglas Robert Spindler, your arguing is flawed and disorderly chaos. I will remind you that you said. and I quote:
"@ Daniel Hatch Are you saying if you don’t like change it? With TV one can change the channel but on public property wash it off with a hose?
You see, if you don't like God who rules EVERYWHERE, especially in the governments of the earth, like TV, you can simply change the channel or direction of government with your vote. Vox Dei Vox Populi. This is the legitimate way in free societies, to Vote, NOT to flail and scream and be a public nuisance and a criminal to society, demanding atheism to rule the land. That is asinine. Order my Brother, not chaos.
- HER HOUSE As a governor lives in her house, just because it is publicly provided does not mean that her Constitutional right of free exercise of religion ceases to exist. That right continues both in and out of government. If her religion isn't yours, prove yours to be better by your example of compassion and good order, not atheism and chaos. A (wo)man's house is their castle, however it may be provided, and like you specifically state, when God so chooses, He can simple wash away the Cross with His rain, or His blood, and Sarah can also allow her children to chalk it right back up as the Cross, with chalk or even with permanent paint, or even a statue of Christ's generally accepted likeness: Freedom of religion for ALL, see? If you don't like that, just change the channel or direction of government without any chaos which confuses the mind, but rather by your vote. Vox Dei Vox populi.
The governor's mansion, as all things in the entire universe, is owned by God, by God, so God has the right to be there. It is NOT owned by other people. It is provided by the support of the people, but remains her castle because it is her home. No sane mind would demand her to convert to atheism or any other religion while she lives at home. See the stupidity?
- THE SUPREME COURT You speak of how the Constitution and Supreme Court have ruled. You should have been informed that they ruled completely opposite of how YOU interpret your apparent desire for atheism in our government, which is of God, quite the opposite of atheism, to wit:
Furthermore, God is the Most Supreme Court.
YOUR SCHOOLING In your schooling, I hope you were taught about logic, faith, as well as grammar and punctuation, which you have failed in this response. Edit it, Brother, and you're welcome. Happy to help. God bless (Yes, GOD: He is both omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, not just ALSO in government, but ESPECIALLY in government, for He governs the entire universe, does He not? Ask Him. He will tell you that it is so.
GOD IS IN ALL THINGS Is there evil? God is in ALL things:
(Is 45:5): I am the Lord, and there is none else. There is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:
v6. That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none else.
v7. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
God speed, Brother. Come to Order.
AN ADDENDUM Re: My stated article above, from the ACLU:
The ruling in Kennedy is particularly disturbing because, until now, the court has repeatedly recognized that students are impressionable, much more vulnerable to religious coercion, and, thus, deserving of the highest levels of constitutional protection. Instead, the court subverted students’ religious liberty to the religious demands of school staff.
The truth and nothing but truth: It is the very purpose and nature of schools to impress on the impressionable, and it is far from any coersion. Students and/or parents can and often do simply opt out. But the instruction or impression must be offered in reference to science, math, language, etc, and to the very author of these and of all things, God. A godless society is a hopeless society. Freedom of religion is not provided if it is withheld, and ALL religions have much to contribute, for they all originate from God, the source of all things. It must at least be offered in government and schools, which all are of God, Allah, Jehovah, Brahma, Krishna, etc, the same God from the beginning, with these various names, "99 names of God".
I am self-correcting and will correct myself here: Atheism is also a protected class. It is just not to be forced on non-atheists:
The Supreme Court has recognized atheism as equivalent to a “religion” for purposes of the First Amendment on numerous occasions, most recently in McCreary County, Ky. v. American Civil Liberties Union of Ky., 545U.S. 844, 125 S.Ct. 2722, 162 L.Ed.2d 729 (2005). The Establishment Clause itself says only that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” but the Court understands the reference to religion to include what it often calls “nonreligion.” In McCreary County, it described the touchstone of Establishment Clause analysis as “the principle that the First Amendment mandates government neutrality between religion and religion, and between religion and nonreligion.” Id. at *10 (internal quotations omitted). As the Court put it in Wallace v. Jaffree, 472 U.S. 38, 105 S.Ct. 2479, 86 L.Ed.2d 29 (1985).
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Daniel, we are not much different in age, so we were perhaps better schooled about the Nazi's in Germany than youth today might be. So, I'm wondering if you would think the same if you'd been in Germany when Nazi power and symbolism began to grow and take over the German government and society. Or would you have raised your voice, sounding the alarm of a growing crisis for your beloved country?.
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Is Nazism evil. God is the doer of both good and evil, for His own purpose (Is. 45:7).
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As long as all other religions including atheists get their turn to add their symbol to the governor's mansion, then I don't see a problem.
@Charles Leroy Good 3.
Exactly. It's an affront to every other religion not just Atheists. Especially since I am sure people of different religious persuasions voted for the governor too.
Of course, freedom of religion is not an affront.
@Sherrel K Zitting
Since Christianity in not the first nor oldest religion on the planet whenever you discount other people's religion it is an affront to think they have to acknowledge Christianity only. Respect is acknowledging everyone else right to worship as they choose and not to force one religion only onto anyone. Every Jesus said that. You are on this forum however have you read the Bible in its entirety? If you had you would have surely read that part too.
Right. That is exactly the point, as you just well said, and I will quote you, bad grammar and punctuation and all, to:
""Not discount other people's religion it is an affront to think they have to acknowledge Christianity only. Respect is acknowledging everyone else right to worship as they choose and not to force one religion only onto anyone. Every Jesus said that"".
So, ""do not discount the governor's religion, as it is an affront to think she has to acknowledge other religions"" in her home.
""Respect is acknowledging her right to worship as she chooses"", as you just said, ""and not to force other religions on her"" as you just said. Well put son. By twisting the Constitution to force some of its constituents, just because of where they live or work, is the height of insanity. Even you agree to that.
By the way. ""Every Jesus said WHAT"" ??? There is only one Jesus. Read the Bible. Blessings brother.
Sherrel K Kiting, as with most fake Christians you would rather argue Ad Hominems instead of just reading as I said the scriptures. So here it is for you. Matthew 10: 14. Now you don't have to look it up.
I make zero apologies for stupid auto correct and this tiny print. So I need larger font to see. However, you still need to read the Bible in its entirety.
That is just one example. Again, I repeat no where in the New Testament does it say to force Christianity on others. Especially, since Jesus was a Jew if, you want to get technical. Jesus was not a Christian.
Everyone who wrote about Jesus in the New Testament never knew him as Luke says in the first 4 chapters of his book.
Wilberta: Let's take this one paragraph at a time, even pieces of paragraphs at a time, so as not to confuse you, but rather spoon-feed you, so you don't choke on it. Fair enough?
"Sherrel K Kiting? See, from the very start you don't even know who you are talking to. You make up names.
Then you say: ""As with most fake Christians you would rather argue Ad Hominems instead of just reading as I said the scriptures"".
Anyone who demands others to stop worshiping Christ, especially if they are a governor or any public servant, and in the same breath proclaims the Bible without specificity, is the height of fake. Just read the Bible, you say, but a public servant cannot worship Christ where they are living and working because someone might object, and because the public servant lose their Constitutional rights like common criminals. I guess Christmas is also banned, and even reading the Bible that you demand must be read, but not by anyone who works in public or passes by a public building. It seems like you need help.
- Then you say: ""So here it is for you. Matthew 10: 14. Now you don't have to look it up"". Guess what? I had to look it up, because you were ashamed to post Christ's Word. Since you was ashamed or afraid to post what Matthew 10:14 says, I will. Let's start with the verse before:
v13: ""If a house be worthy, let your peace come upon it"". Anyone who proclaims and worships Christ the best they can, at home or abroad, like this governor does, regardless of where they work or live, is worthy. Therefore. ""let your peace come upon it"". Read the Bible. That is very plain and specific. Or are you truly just a fake Christian? Do you reject these words? In the next verse, Christ warns his disciples against you, to wit:
v14: Whosoever shall not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart... shake off the very dust from your feet.
v15: Verily I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment...
- Then you say: ""I make zero apologies for stupid auto correct and this tiny print. So I need larger font to see. However, you still need to read the Bible in its entirety.
My friend, you need to accept one verse. If you can't even do that, you can spend eternity reading the Library of Congress in hell, to no avail. You ""have eyes that will not see, and ears that will not hear"".
Jeremiah 5:21 KJV: Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not.
Psalms 115:5 They have mouths, but they cannot speak. They have eyes, but they cannot see.
Matthew 13 [14] And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: [15] For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
- Then you say: ""That is just one example (verse 14). Again, I repeat no where in the New Testament does it say to force Christianity on others. Especially, since Jesus was a Jew if, you want to get technical. Jesus was not a Christian"".
A woman and her family practicing Christianity at home, and sharing their Christian artwork with whosoever chooses to enjoy it, is not force. Jesus is the head of Christianity, which means the religion of Christ. The Jews rejected Him, and have ever since.
- Then you say: ""Everyone who wrote about Jesus in the New Testament never knew him as Luke says in the first 4 chapters of his book.""
So Christ's family and disciples never knew Christ??? John His most beloved disciple who wrote both the book of John and the book of Revelation?
According to the Gospel of Matthew: "As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector's booth. "Follow me", he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him."
1) Matthew, an apostle who followed Jesus in his earthly career; 2) Mark, who while himself not a disciple was the companion of Peter, who was; 3) Luke, the companion of Paul, the author of the Pauline epistles; and 4) John, who like Matthew was an apostle who had known Jesus. 5) James, one of the brothers of Jesus, wrote the book of James.
Wilberta, you seem mighty confused my friend. .
While it is the governor's house, it is the governor's house. A (wo)man's house is hisr castle.
That’s Right! You tell em!
This was nothing more than theofascists pissing on a rock to mark their territory. Sad that the kids couldn't come up with a welcoming design instead of an exclusionary one.
Its got the gay parade colors, not enough? I suppose they could have included some transgender dudes showing genitals to kids to make it more friendly.......
LOL. Okay, I didn't catch that it had a rainbow of colors. As for the comments about transgendered dudes showing genitals to kids, where did that come from? As for the inference that transgendered dudes are a part of the gay community, I have my doubts. I've worked with some MTF trans people who only had sex with women. But since the straight community didn't have a bunch of letters to attach their T to, the chosen the gay community. I think it's time ya all took them back.
Transgendered dudes showing their genitals to kids is all over right-wing media - and nowhere else.
And SOJ is what he eats.
??? What are you talking about??? And I have no idea what SOJ means.
Why are you and the right-wing media so fixed on transgendered dudes genitals? Is their some secret that needs confessing?
You have me all wrong RAK (RAK is the abbreviation of your name).
SOJ is the abbreviation of ServantOfJudgement.
And Transgendered dudes showing their genitals to kids is all over right-wing media because that and other anti-LGBTQ propaganda is literally constantly being shown on Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, and the litany of websites and other right-wing media. Their audience demands it - and SOJ is one of their audience.
Now I understand. Thank you, Kenneth. I was still pretty new here when I wrote the post. But I am getting educated on the terminology thanks to wonderful people like you.
And I am learning about the Andrew Sullivan syndrome thanks to fabulous people like you.
I am satisfied this is a fair exchange. :)
Kenneth, you have me all wrong.
I don't watch fox news or any outlet you gave. I just think this way on my own, good or bad. Yahoo News or radio, npr or news snippets on music stations. I don't seek out these trans stories, they find me. My extreme and pointed sarcasm will one day ding me, I'm sure of it, don't worry.
SOJ - we've had this discussion before.
The mainstream conservative POV is a manufactured POV.
The LGBTQ+ don't impact your life in any way, yet somehow you look at it exactly as right-wing media does. I have seen you post opinions reflecting popular right-wing media talking points over and over.
Doesn't pass the smell test.
Yes, you have your opinion of your opinion - but other people have ears and eyes, and can see and hear.
Oh KLE Sanderson, just confer with Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
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And why bring up transgender people? Transgender people are not showing their genitalia to children. That’s right-wing propaganda and nothing more. If you want to help children, then help feed them. There are approximately 9 million children going to bed hungry in the US, and only about 42,000 trans kids in the country.
Boy are you a gaslighter. Christianity excludes no one . Most inclusive of all religions . It only excludes those who practice sin and don't repent
Fortunately, the word “sin” is just a human construct, possibly to ensure the Abrahamic faith followers toe the line.
And while we’re at it, there is still no demonstrable evidence that Abraham was real, and yet this possible fictitious character is responsible for millions if little boys losing their foreskins ✂️. The mythical Christian god sure does have some very weird ideas. 🤷🏼
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Keith "Christianity only excludes sinners"? Not. ...That includes all of humanity. Christ died for all, and therefore genuine Christianity includes all of humanity
If it's a chalk drawing then it will wash away when it rains. Otherwise, hell no. Leave it.
@ Keith Allen Steele Eash How wrong you are. These kids no regard for the constitution of the United States or the laws in our country. It should not be left as it is on the people’s property. Why do Christians think they are above the law and disregard the constitution. These kids are NOT Americans.
What part of the Constitution are you referring to, in regards to the chalk drawing?
@ Troy Forbus Sad you know nothing about the history or the laws of the country where you live…. Try reading the constitution. If you comprehend what you are reading you’ll have your answer. AND if you still don’t understand, the Supreme Court has even interpreted the construction for you in many rulings.
Very sad some people have no idea about the founding principals of our country.
I've studied the U.S. Constitution for over 50 years and no where is there a mention of anything you may be referencing. There are no, none, zero rulings by the Supreme Court that may indicate anything you might be trying to infer. You try to hint, be vague, obtuse but you never say what part of the Constitution says about children's chalk drawings.
You have no understanding of the history of our country. So shut it.
@ Keith Allen Steele Eash The words of a true Christian who doesn’t like the truth, is trying to change history and bullies others.
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Keith: "Shut it"??? The history of our country is very strong on freedom of speech. So shut nothing. Douglas is rights in that regard.
I believe the Cross should be removed on general principles. The governor's mansion is for all of the people of that state. Jews as well as Muslims and Buddhists and any other practitioner of any faith besides Christianity. That Cross is a symbol of only one faith and it's glaringly in you face to every one else who isn't Christian. Especially since I am sure non Christians put the governor in that mansion by voting for him.
If the kids did it, it's a great artwork. It looks too advanced for the appearance of those young kids, but y'ok, sure. It will wash away with the first good rain, won't it? There are far more real, troubling church/state violations to address don't you think?
Christians and non-Christians should be horrified by this, if you live in America.
One has to ask why these kids did not draw an American flag, the symbol that shows we are a United country and everyone has the right to practice what ever religion they want with the First Amendment. The First Amendment also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another as what happened here.
What’s the address? Proud Boys kids would like to paint a swastika. Muslim kids a e quarter-crescent moon and star. Jewish kids, Star of David. Mormon kids a beehive, Scientology kids an "S" curving through two triangles. Should we let kids of every religion and non-religion draw their symbols on the people’s property/
Very sad these young kids aren’t being taught about American history and American laws and instead are have been taught by their Christians they don’t have to abide by the constitution and can break the law without any consequences. This is just another example of why people toady do not like Christians. They think (incorrectly) they are above the law in the United States.
I am not surprised by the Governor’s display of the Christian iconography at her publicly funded elitist residence (it is called a mansion). I was raised in a Roman Catholic household but developed my personal beliefs as an atheist due to my understanding of human behaviors as having developed through our evolution as a highly social (and very violent) form of ape. My atheism is also grounded in my learning of the history of what this symbolism represents to those who do not conform to the rules by those who claim a superior social status. The original use of the cross as a form of execution was not an efficient means for killing, but rather it was used by the conquering Greeks as a means of demonstrating the dominance and control of the ruling elite to those who better submit to (or stay out of the way of) the rulers. The lessons taught to me through the Catholic catechism showed that Jesus promoted peace, love, and understanding of all peoples, and distinguished it as separate from any duties owed to the State. He was reportedly executed on the cross by the Jewish elite and Roman government, to stop his growing popularity which threatened the political stability of both groups. The writings in the gospels do not indicate that Jesus promoted the concept that the symbol of the cross would represent his philosophies. That was established hundreds of years later when Rome adopted Christianity as its State-approved religion for the new ruling dynasty as a means to both eliminate the political powers of the former religious elite, and to legitimize the power of the new dynasty as the true connection with God. The history of many cultures throughout recorded time shows that a connection of a ruler to god was a consistent practice for establishing legitimate governments (and the First Amendment to our Constitution was drafted to oppose this historical practice). As such, once Christianity was established as a form of government, the use of the cross as the icon of Christianity throughout history, and through the present time, has been wielded to legitimize political power, waging of wars, committing genocides, supporting theocratic and non-theocratic governmental destruction of other cultures, and the rape, torture, and killing of uncounted millions. As I stated above, I am an atheist. However, it was not the concept of “god” that formed my rejection, but my belief that the use of the cross in this manner as an icon for expressing social elitist dominance over others, and legitimizing aggression against any opposition, is not unique in the development of this modern culture throughout recorded history, but merely an expression of our animal social behavior as a violent form of ape. This is not an expression of a symbol that represents the principle of loving our neighbors as we love ourselves, but rather it is meant as a means for provoking discord and hatred for the sake of self-promotion to gain pollical power by an elite civil servant (and to me represents cowardice for hiding behind the kids for such self-promotion).
Well said!
Brian: Rome never adopted Christianity. Rome killed the head and His disciples, and then adopted a counterfeit.
If the majority boughs to the minority, the system stays broken
William: What if the minority is right? The scripture is rife with that truth, and Christ proclaimed it in saying: FEW (a minority) there be that find it, the truth and the life.
Kids will be kids. I am impressed with the scale, design and use of color. Even more impressive is that children were able to do this. That in itself is hard to believe. This is the home of the Governor and her family. We all have a right to enjoy our homes and kids will find ways to play. Additionally, we all have a right to practice our faiths in our own home. I think she has a right to brag about her kids. Also, it's temporary. The weather will remove it. This is not worth the attention it's been given. Continued rhetoric makes this a controversy. Both sides need to focus their energy on something more productive and stop picking on children.
Since the atheist do not "have a dog in this fight" or any fight, why do they care? They have no god or God. They believe wholeheartedly that Christians are foolish people. Why does the cross offend them?...it's just nonsence to them. There must be more to this. The atheists are hypocrites.
Tell the nonbelievers why did I john the Baptist tell of the coming of Jesus. I must have had screws loose, ate to many locast to make me loco. God bless all, send love to all.
as much as I hate to admit it, I agree that it's fine and should be left. the reason is, it was done at the gov's mansion, her residence and as it's home to her and her children it's no different than anyone else's kids drawing on their own sidewalk or driveway.
i'm neither a fan of her or cristofacists like her, but in this case I believe she is correct. as for the group demanding it be removed, it is her home while she is governor and the kids shouldn't have to be punished because of that.
I am an atheist and anti-cristofacist but common sense needs to be applied here. would the atheist group disallow her from putting up an xmas tree inside the mansion? lights and wreaths? again to be fair, she shouldn't be penalized simply because she's governor nor expected to stifle her own beliefs while "at home".
if she put up santa, reindeer and a sleigh, on her front lawn, fine. but on the other hand, if she decided to put up a manger scene on the front lawn then yes, I would object.
maybe the way around it all is for TST or ask to come by and do a nice colored rendition of Baphomet, and maybe someone else would like to chalk the jewish star of david, or a pentagram...let any religion that requests it be allowed to chalk it up to religious freedom
@Rev Dr. Father JJ I take it you are not an American and know nothing about the Constitution of the United States or that the people own the Governor’s mansion. Read the First Amendment to the constitution.
One has to ask why these kids did not draw an American flag, the symbol that shows we are a United country and everyone has the right to practice what ever religion they want with the First Amendment. The First Amendment also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another as what happened here.
Very sad these young kids aren’t being taught about American history and American laws and instead are have been taught by their Christians they don’t have to abide by the constitution and can break the law without any consequences. This is just another example of why people toady do not like Christians. They think (incorrectly) they are above the law in the United States.
DRS clearly your reading comprehension is lacking. Try re-reading what I wrote. I will simply it for you: I don't like cristofascists or huchabees but it is THEIR home while she is gov and they, the children, should be able to do what they want even it it's their mother encouraging them. would you like it if your kids drew on the sidewalk and someone came along and washed it off because it's the peoples sidewalk? use some common sense and get someone to help you with your reading because I have NO love for those people but...well I said it earlier so I won't bother to repeat it.
@ JJ - Their home (right now) is the Governors mansion which is owned by the people.
But are you following the fraud perpetrated against the Supreme Court by a Christins group about the plaintiff refusing for religions beliefs to create a web site for the marriage of a Gay couple? The court ruled in favor of religious freedom, but it turns out the entire case is a fraud.
Reveran, dr, father, holiness, majesty, divine. See? You are just a dee are (dr). Douglas is an all cap and many DRS, as you just said. Don't you wish you had that many CAPS?
If you're an atheist then you have no right to call yourself a reverend.
KESA I paid for my reverendship just like everyone else here and mine is as valid as anyone else's. are you now suggesting that only believers in something you approve of can/should be a reverend? how believist of you.
If you're an atheist uou are not a reverend. That title is left and clearly honored by men of the cloth of the true faiths.
there is no honor among thieves (which as it happens, included your so-called men-of-the-cloth)
and once more for the thinking impaired, I am as MUCH a reverend as YOU are because I paid my money for that little card and diploma, just like you. I just do my reverending differently than you (and without the holy roller, holier-than-thou, sanctimonious, preach-y nonsense that you use)
You need to read the ULCs 'About Us' page more closely:
Do only that which is right.
Every individual is free to practice their religion in the manner of their choosing, as mandated by the First Amendment, so long as that expression does not impinge upon the rights or freedoms of others and is in accordance with the government’s laws.
Atheists don't believe in anything, so the cross should hold no magical power that can harm them. No harm, no foul. Just because they don't believe in anything doesn't mean everyone else has to quiver in fear of their sensitivity. Now we can't decorate at x-mas, call a guy in a dress a guy, a bearded lady etc. YOUR beliefs don't trump anyone elses.
Robert, symbolism does hold power. Perhaps not magical, but social and political. As semiotics demonstrates, images can affect people on a subconscious level.
So, it isn't just that atheists are quaking in their boots at the image, but,perhaps, the audacity of her to publish it on the state's Facebook page, another government owned item. She certainly seems to be using government property to promote HER religion and so should face the consequences. I do feel for her kids who did work so hard on it. They probably don't fully understand it's not their house, they neither own it nor rent it, so they can't always do the same things that they could of they did.
Lovely children, unlovely mother.
It's not just about Atheists. It's an affront to every other person's religion who isn't Christian. Especially since those people obviously cast a vote to put that governor in that mansion. Jews, Muslims, Buddhist and everyone else. It's very rude. Please Christ was abhorrent to public displays of religiosity. Haven't you read that on the Bible. If not maybe you should.
I think very little of her and less of her father. The dirty dealings they made with Orange Donny to promote his presidency with the baptist vote. As for government buildings: rainbow flags at the white-house? Seems to me the people that voted for her would expect this symbolism from her. Next good rain will wash it away anyhow, so what's the fuss? As for JC didn't he celebrate his last Passover in public garden?
Comment removed by user.
Minister Najah Tamargo USA
So......uuuhhhh.....what is the issue here? Would they have preferred an Atomic Whirl? AGAIN....wasting time on things that don't matter. Although I am neither Christian or Atheist, gotta' say those kids show promise as artists! Mother Nature will take it away in good time.
In the mean time, maybe folks should spend more time on actions that would enforce separation of church and state instead of giving it more power? Maybe be kinder and nicer to folks? Show love and respect to your fellow citizens?
Otherwise, I suggest you shut your pie holes and find something more important to spend your time on.
I do not like this woman however, she is the elected governor of her state and her religious views were known before she was elected. I see no harm in her children chalk drawing a cross in front of the place that they now call home. Would you expect them to draw a symbol that means nothing to them? As to allowing every faith to be represented - absolutely not. There are too many to even make that doable. The cross will disappear soon enough so until then just deal with it.
Would you say the same if it were a Satanist's inverted cross? How abour a Wiccan Pentagram? You even want to deny other faiths being represented.
Not what I said. I am simply saying that the beliefs of the elected official were known before election and are acceptable for her and her children to show. If she were Satsnist or Wivcan or whatever it would still be fine. That does not mean that every single religion should or needs to be represented.
That would be the problem. Since the government is not supposed to show bias for or against any religion, it should be all or none. That was the point.
Not "the government". One person and her children with pre-existing beliefs. What's the issue? Freedom of expression ring a bell?
That's Satanist and Witch.
I'm a Christian. I live the cross. However, as an American, the cross does not belong on any governmental space. If you Don agree. Please read the Constitution of the United States.you won't find any such permissions in rhe Constitution of the USA.
I’m so glad Jesus, (if he was real), wasn’t stoned to death, or hanged. You’d be saying you live the stone, or live the rope. 🤷🏼
Wrong! God is in the Declaration of Independence. We are a Christian nation. It’s just that the Church and State have to stay separate. And that’s a good thing. It keeps The People free to make their own choices about religious faith.
Comment removed by user.
Charles: ""Freedom of Religion"". Yup, right in the Constitution itself. Read it and weep.
I am not an Atheist but I support them. The cross is offensive and needs to be removed.
Mary: Virgin Mary would never call the Cross offensive. You must be cross.
A bunch of enterprising people (yes, I'm speaking to you, Church of Satan and Covenant of the Goddess) need to go there and draw their own religious symbols. I'd love to se a Baphomet and a Pentacle there as well. Even better than getting rid of the cross!
It seems that the lines were put straight with blue painters tape. Isn't that what is laying next to the drawing?
This principle is bigger than artwork, it's about the separation of church and state.You don't own the property, it is the states property and you are trusted servant to uphold the principle of separation between church and state.
So they don't want a million dollars? You do? But every dollar say's,"In god we trust." Selective targeting is pitiful when you target innocent children who have faith,do they know the constitution of independence mention the lord almighty more than several times to show we are god fearing people. These people are atheist people and in the end will never had known Jesus and shall know almighty god!
You are correct! The Declaration of Independence does mention that God is our Creator. And RIGHTS come from Him.
We only have separation of church and state because of the abuses that took place between the church and the government during the dark ages.
We live in a time and place when and where we recognize that all people are free to make up their own minds about believing in God and what beliefs we recognize or disregard. We recognize liberty of conscience for everyone equally.
However, if everyone doesn’t see eye to eye on every little issue, it doesn’t mean we have to hate everyone that’s opposed to us. We can agree to disagree. We should love our neighbor as ourselves.
Folks need to get a grip and chill out. This is the governor’s children doing an artwork project that will wash away with the next rainfall. In case these folks conveniently forgot, our nation was founded on Christian principles.
I think it's kids with chalk drawing what they wanted to. It is not and should not be seen as an affront to anyone. How insecure are you? Besides, God will wash it away with rain, when he is ready to.
I think it's kids with chalk drawing what they wanted to. It is not and should not be seen as an affront to anyone. How insecure are you? Besides, God will wash it away with rain, when he is ready to.
Last time I was in history class..humhum I was told that this Great Country was built on Christian Values on the currency we spend every day In God We Trust. We are all made of the same ground I really wonder what the people who don't believe in God will do when they transition out of human form and come face to face so to speak with our Creator How ashamed and sorrowful you will feel then. Lay the hatred down it is time to build one another up hasn't there been enough hatred? We dont come in to this world with a set of beliefs it is a learned behavior. if you cant see God in the clouds the mountains and by the design of your own body ? Then may God have mercy on your soul. I wish i could just spend the day with you and show you all the beauty He gave us. I am not your judge so i stand not in judgement but in sorrow for what you have lost. The beauty of life and genuine love for all living creatures big and small.
Oh, grow up already. Bunch of babies running around whining about stupid stuff. The chalk drawing does not matter. Let's say the governor is a Christian, can any of you brain dead people say that decisions made have no basis in faith? Shut up, no you can't. Do you think ruining artwork is going to change that? Again, shut up. No it won't. What do these type of folks do all day? It seems to me that people on BOTH sides of the fence are just as toxic. When you have lived thru the worst, when you have lost the most, then I might listen to you. But as for all the millennials out there that have to create things to fight for, just shut up and sit down.
Wow, you say a lot for a guy who thinks people should shut up.
And I guess you're one of the whiney people. I know what I am. I am not a nice person. I certainly don't care what the millennials on either side think. You all think your way is the only way. Well, listen up. It is your way, on both sides of the fence that has torn this world apart. So excuse me if I don't give a flying **** what you think. I fight to solve issues every day. Well, I'm now sick of it. So, I'll do what everyone else does, and that is sit on my butt and watch the whiney folks do NOTHING. Peace ✌️
Atheists mind your own business.As a Christian I don't go around telling others about their faith whether they should believe in the Bible God or Jesus or the Virgin Mary.I mind my own business and I certainly wouldn't get involved with other people.What ever the faith or race. This is how arguments start or war's keep your noses out and believe in Religion or Atheists Nick Page Minister UK
@Nicholas Page Living in the UK do you know nothing about your country’s history and problems with religion? Jesus Christ man, do you not learn about English Civil War/Thirty Years War. I’m an American and even I learned about it…. I attended public schools. Being British I can understand you not knowing anything about American history or the fact that so many Britts escaped to America so they could practice religious freedom.
In the US we have something called the Constitution with guarantees ALL citizens the freedom to practice any, all or no religion. This was done because your king was imposing religious restrictions on your countrymen. In America we didn’t want any of that AND we went so far to separate our government from any and all religions. What these kids did was violate the constitution and violate the law. Remember the governors mansion owned by the people. What would the British do if the Proud Boys drew as Nazi swastika on the sidewalk in front of Parliament of in front of Buckingham palace. In 1940 that was something people thought might happen. Hitler occupying Beckham palace. As vile as people in Britain might see that, American’s see what these children did just as vile.
A cross should not offend us any more than it offends me to have a cross removed because someone feels intimidated by it. This interpretation of separation of church and state has gone too far. Besides a cross does not symbolize any specific religion. Even many non-believers like crosses. Next we have t remove all the crosses from government owned cemeteries Good luck with that!
@ Alexander Arends would a burning cross offend you? It would millions of Americans. Or how about a swastika? Or Star of David? All of these symbols and many more offend people. If you know your world history, hopefully you learned just how important separation of religion from state is in American history. Heck it’s even an amendment in consultation. Why these Christian kids were allowed to violate the constitution and laws just goes to show these kids are not construction or law abiding. It’s law breaking Christians like these kids who are destroying the United States.
Religion or not, what they did is, they defaced gov't property. Graffiti is graffiti, wherever it is performed. Seems the wrong thing to encourage in children.
@ Lester Stanley Petrie EXACTLY - The Governor is teaching Children it’s okay to break the law and disregard The Constitution of the United States and Supreme Court rulings. And people wonder why crimes in on the rise?
Separation of Church and State is obvious. How critical it is may be a different story. Since it is temporary and will likely be washed away with the next rains, then there shouldn't be a rush to remove it. The response that they weren't going to power wash it, makes sense but there was no projection of how it's temporary. She totally could've come to pass by declaring that the rains of God will wash it away rather than continously mocking their request.
Flying the alphabet rainbow flag at the White House is ok? Painting cross walk the rainbow alphabet flag and the street in front of the Cincinnati City Hall is ok? Having a rainbow parade in major cities costing the cities thousand's in police over time pay, is ok?
Yes, they're just fine. They are NOT religious symbols.
Being gay isn't a religious statement so supporting the LGBTQ community isn't a religious act. However pushing anti gay laws tends to be based in religious bigotry so honestly is a bigger problem than showing support.
Three things to consider:
- This is artwork
- a chalk drawing done by children
- it’s not a permanent installation
In principle, this is no different from the sand mandalas done by buddhist monks. Now, these kids should be praised for their wonderful artistic talent! And how they used their creativity to express their faith. I mean look at those rich, bright colors! Those lines are drawn so crisp with such precision. That's not easy to do in chalk or pastels as any artist will admit.
On the other hand, if somebody wants to ***** about this being on "government property," then these kids should be charged with vandalism.
Like @Rev_Ned said in the above comment, "Remember, some people aren’t happy unless they have to complain about, and some people love to stir the pot."
Some folks got too much time on their hands.
Leave the kids alone!
is the religion of theres not a religion we not spose too honor there religion as long as dont interfere with ares or the rest of society
Is the home technically theirs until the mayor is no longer a mayor? Do they have a private home they maintain as well? Perhaps they should do religious artwork at their private home and leave the government buildings religious free.
I see it as a work of art, although, she should invite some art from other faiths to be included. Or, once the rain washes it away, they should do this in their own rooms.
I suppose she couldn't hang a cross in the home either. Besides it will wash away next rain. People with to much time on there hands and no good thoughts on how to use it.
Would those same people be demanding if he gone if it was some Muslim stuff?
I only ever see groups going after Christian things he it this or a bakery that will not bake a cake for a gay wedding.
I never see them go after say a Muslim bakery that will not bake a cake for a gay wedding.
Can an satanic group chalk there own drawings at the state capital also?
Since the state house belongs to the people, it should show all religions or none at all.. Our states and government is not faith based...
Faith and our relationship with God is our own journey...not to be forced on others..
This country was formed and founded on Christianity. Shame on any person who wants that removed !
Not exactly. State you source?
The real problem is not what people think … thus that becomes the problem it’s what the Bible says that matters and things like this have gone on since the beginning of time so while you all seem to focus on what the world is doing I will focus on what God would want me to do I will stay in the word and all the rest will be fine that’s Gods promise… He GOD! Has always got his people the rest will still have to answer to him one day and we’ll that’s on them…
According to the founding fathers there should be no particular religion that is State or Federally recognized as the religion of Government. Lately with the shift to the right, those lines have been blurred to put it mildly. When we start to legislate in the name of God that gets dicey. From my own point of view, we are barreling into an authoritarian type of regime that is far from Democratic and some are using the name of God for that purpose. That is where I feel the need to draw a line. When we begin to persecute, legislate, or harm in the name of God or faith we've all lost our way.
The Constitution that everybody quotes is full of religious terms and verbiage, so a child's chalk drawing should not be a problem. It is time that we as a nation look back at what we where founded on and that being religious beliefs. As a veteran and Christian, I served to protect these freedoms and applaud these children for there outspoken example. If this wasn't at the Governor's Mansion, we would have never seen or heard anything about it.
I think there too many busy bodies that have miserable lives and want to attempt to control everyone's thoughts and actions that don't fit their own.
Each person is entitled to their own way of thinking.
This group should go to Washington DC and have them remove the "Rain on America" (my description and term for the multicolored material flying on some but not all flagpoles) multi colored flags from the Congressional buildings and the White House and every federal building across the United States of America. Then contact every state and have the "Rain on America" multicolored flags removed from each and every state and local and city and village and every publicly owned building. That will give them something to do.
This is the United States of America.
Men have a penis and women have a vagina.
It totally doesn't look like a chalk drawing done by children. The exactness makes it look like a picture superimposed over the sidewalk. Check out the outline of the picture compared with the lines of the sidewalk - perfection? Did they use lasers to mark the lines - the utter perfect color saturation of every single "panel"? This is not an example of a sidewalk chalk drawing done by children - I don't believe it's actually a chalk drawing at all. Well, disingenuous is the name of their game. I just wish they would leave children out of it.
Hi. I was about to comment the same thing. The lines are too straight and the corners and the drawing too perfect. Unless they are artistif savants, this was more of a color inside the lines than a drawing made by children. Even then, still too perfect. I'm sure the truth may eventually come out that the children took credit for someone else's artwork.
Even though it is on public property but it is on private public property such as mayor alderman congressman governor buildings it's not up to us to say no it's up to the property owners to say no we can't do something like this.
I find some of the comments here narrow minded & disingenuous! The church of Satan is allowed into public schools as are LGBTQ & Islam! But yet the problem seems to be centered only around christians & it's symbolism? Really? Get a grip! I applaud the Governors stand against the bullies & haters that call themselves tolerant & inclusive! Hypocrites All!
The church of the devil must be made up of kkk members. Comment inspired by Martin Luther King one of my treasured spirit guides and JFKs friends all 146 of them. Love goes on and the devil is offened by it.
It will rain and God will wash it away.
It looks like a symbol of the heart of those love giving children be thankful for the children do not forget the lost sheep. Go out and look for it. It is someone's child just like everyone is the children of God. This has been inspired by wanting piece on earth like that in heaven.
I think you should paint it with Rust-Oleum clear coat satin finish. That will waterproof it.
As I read these comments I must rely upon my faith in God. As this cross drawn by children is very beautiful and warms my heart, yet it should not be where it is. We have laws that need to be followed and that is plain and simple. Also pride flags are not religious, we need to accept each other, stop spewing so much negative speech. There is only one person that can truly judge people and he died for our Sins.
Yep, poor stupid apes have too much time on their hands to panic over a chalk art. A good one at that. Why must humanity now continuously bow to the minorities? Not black/white etc, but to the truly marginal groups. I will not name them, too many folks would love to attack me for that. Nope. I am not a target. However, faith. This is a difficult concept when we still quibble over trivialities. Gender affirmation. Who thought this would ever be a thing? There are three sexes on the planet, four if you count simple cellular creatures and molds that grow by budding. Male, female and the occasional sport. That's it. The mechanics do NOT change with perception. Do you want to think of yourself as something, someone else? Enjoy, have a good time. Do not try to force others to play by your rules. One does not fart in church for example. (LMAO) . We have far too many problems on this planet as it is, lets not kill each other over "non-binary" individuals. PS> I always though binary meant two?
Leave it alone. It looks great and probably right where it belongs. I don’t know where these morons came up with the name “Americans United”. I’m sure that, myself and so many others are not united with these people. Therefore, we are not Americans United. Besides, ACTIVISTSis just a political term for CRYBABY.
I am supportive of leaving it alone, but I don’t agree with her response. Responding with inflammatory rhetoric about “tearing down Christmas decorations and stomping their traditions into the dirt” does not set well with me. I don’t think that statement brings a feeling of welcome and representation to constituents of any other faith. You can’t pretend that keeping your religious symbols apart from your job as a political leader is somehow equivalent to persecution. Your fair governance is called into question when you bring out that kind of fallacious retort.
I guess the question is, can other children make chalk art in front of the governors mansion? People of other faiths and their symbols? My guess is, the far right would be less tolerant of these images on public land and they would not be so accepting of the mix of faith and government unless it matches their particular religion.
The real solution is that we shouldnt subsidize officials with public property. The average American govenor makes between 140k and 150k. Simply put this is easily enough to afford living. Adding on a masion to compensation is ridiculous. Public office should come with compensation but not oppulence. I'd wager that cross is as empty as the promises of any of the power brokers.
Whenever Israel is destroyed, the evidence of her demise will not be a leg or part of an ear, but bits of furniture like couches and beds. When others look for proof of this great nation's fate, they will find all the accouterments of opulence, luxury, self-indulgence, indolence—products of their self-concern and self-satisfaction. But they will find no effects of godly spirituality—righteousness, justice, and mercy.
So, Warren West, we cannot have and experience "righteousness, justice, and mercy" without a God?
Remember, some people aren’t happy unless they have to complain about, and some people love to stir the pot.
From you article re: Governor of Arkansas statement. "... informing the governor that her and her family are more than welcome". The proper reference to the Governor in this context is, SHE and her family.
On another thought; a traveling group of Buddhist monks come through our town every year. Over a two day and night period they create absolutely magnificent mandalas out of sand. These are very intricate and beautiful, about 10 feet across in a circle. They usually are on the sidewalks of the town square which is under the auspices of the local government parks division. On the third day, following an invocation and meditation, the minks use brooms to sweep away the entire installation into their burlaps storage bags. Of course, this demonstrates the Buddhist belief in the impermanence of all things. No one, to my knowledge, has ever complained about the "religious" symbols used in the mandala. They are ancient designs from varying centuries of Buddhist worship. There are drawn into the patterns swastikas (symbol of good luck pre-Hitler), Maltese, Jerusalem, Tree of Life, St Anthony's and other crosses, crescent moons, stars, lions, etc. As with individual belief, such as is beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Lighten up "atheist activists". Life is too short to waste on such arguments as these.
Oh, I feel and firmly believe they are making a mountain out of a mole hill. The reason I feel this way is what if the kids drew a rainbow? The rainbow is also a representation of Christian beliefs because of the promise guide me to Noah. But in this society that we live in the rainbow is also a sign of LGBTQ plus so with that being said, if it was a rainbow instead of a cross with anybody be complaining? In my opinion I feel that if my child or anyone’s child wants to draw with chalk, it’s really no one‘s business other than the parents. On top of that if it is atheist complaining about it, my understanding is atheist don’t believe in God, Satan, heaven or hell so what grounds do they have to complain? Sounds to me like someone does believe in God I think in my opinion they are very confused. I also feel that you should be able to draw whatever you like it’s your prerogative. It’s your freedom. This is the United States of America land of the free home of the brave one nation under God . Can I get an amen!!
Yes, even an Amen Jesus, Jehovah, Allah. Buddha, Zues, you name it. They are all of God and the gods. A Hebrew/Jewish word for God is Allah. Look it up.
After thinking a while: The chalk appears to include a representation of the "Latin Cross", or crux immissa, which was for centuries the Pagan symbol of life. This simple cross can be traced to the Neo-paleolithic period as a marker of sorts. It gained its Christian connotation and symbology when Clement of Alexandria in the early 3rd century calls it τὸ κυριακὸν σημεῖον ("the Lord's sign"). Then he repeats the idea, current as early as the Epistle of Barnabas, that the number 318 (in Greek numerals, ΤΙΗ) in Genesis 14:14 was a foreshadowing (a "type") of the cross (the letter Tau) and of Jesus (the letters Iota Eta), thus, Christianity. In his book De Corona, written in 204, Tertullian tells how it was already a tradition for Christians to trace repeatedly on their foreheads the sign of the cross. Currently Wikipedia lists 17 "types" of cross and referencing "many more forms, including the Egyptian Ankh and the Swastika", with equal symbology for some. So, for millennia, folks have used and, at times, clung to their cross, for various reasons. It no more endorses a particular religion than the Swastika endorses Nazism.
I respect every religion and each person's right to practice said religion. I feel that as long as a public figure does not let his or her religious convictions have an effect on their decisions regarding their constituents, then allow them to practice whatever religious choice they may have. No matter what, there will always be controversy on decisions while in public office. Please stop bullying our public officials into becoming puppets who respond to what a few may think is correct. Regardless, things will go in the direction that they should without indie pressures.
Religion in all forms is playing too much of a part in politics and government. I’m not for this, or any other religion being represented in a public or government property.
Douglas Robert Spindler ...or move your eyes to a different place/channel. TV broadcasts are for the public, as is government. Constitutional freedom of expression does not suddenly cease to exist if you have a different viewpoint. If it did, there would be no expression at all because there are always differences of opinion. Even if the governor of Arkansas became a Satanist and chalked up an image of Satan on her entryway... Again, the people can simply change the channel by their vote. .
It’s was funny. In my early days, I attended a government funded job training program to learn a trade. One boy walked up to me and informed me that I was NOT allowed to have that Bible at the school. He cited “Separation of Church and State” as his authority. It was a time, outside of regular class time. So I proceeded to inform him that I had a First Amendment Right to have my Bible in my possession and on my person. Well, I kept my Bible of course! So there you go.
First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Simple: No laws can be passed that establish a state religion, or that prohibit the free exercise.
All opponents to the governor's free exercise are therefore in open hatred and contradiction to their own constitution.
I wish atheist was just live their lives and leave everyone else alone if you are disagreeing with something and you don't do it in your house but anywhere else someone actually lives you need to mind your business.
No - you are not a bigot "just because I am a Christian" - you happen to be both a Christian AND a bigot. Good job kids - we're all certain that your mother didn't put you up to this for political gain with the simple-minded. But now that it's done, you've had your fun and it's been posted to social media - wash it off.
I wonder what the responses would be if it was likeness of Satan, a Star of David, a skull and crossbones, other religion’s symbols or anything else that might upset Christians?
Freedom of religion for all.