
Muslims were outraged to see Muhammad defamed in such a public manner, and local Islamic leaders are now calling for the billboard to be removed.

A controversial billboard overlooking a busy highway in Indianapolis has drawn mounting criticism from the area's Muslim community. The message makes a sarcastic (and not so subtle) reference to the Prophet Muhammad, calling him the "The Perfect Man". Beneath this nickname, the billboard lists a number of controversial assertions about the prophet. The checklist includes damning claims that Muhammad "married a 6-year-old" and "beheaded 600 Jews in one day."

The creators of the billboard also included a slogan at the bottom that reads "Educate Truthophobes" an apparent play on the word "Islamophobia."

Muslim women praying in a mosque Reactions from the Muslim Community

Many Muslims were outraged to see Muhammad defamed in such a public manner.

Rima Shahid, a leader of the Muslim Alliance of Indiana, explains that the message was especially offensive because it was displayed right at the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

"At any point this would have been highly offensive, but we're in the holiest month of our faith, when we slow down and reconnect with our communities," Shahid said. "It perpetuates hate," she added. "It perpetuates misconceptions about Islam, and it makes our neighbors think we believe things that just aren't true."

However, not everyone was taken off guard by the sign. By now, many Muslims are used to seeing or hearing messages targeted at their religion. Farial Khatri, of the Islamic Society of North America, was not in the least surprised. "We've seen them in New York and several others cities on billboards as well as other transit ads".

Khatri acknowledges that the 1st Amendment can be a double-edged sword. "We do support free speech," she noted, even though doing so means enduring messages "rooted in bigotry."

Billboard Owner Speaks Out

As it turns out, the billboard is owned by a local businessman named Don Woodsmall. He defends the decision wholeheartedly, explaining: "I was convinced that each point listed on the billboard was historically and factually true. I would encourage others to do their own research to verify the veracity of each and every point."

Woodsmall also fired back at those who want the billboard taken down: "it is interesting to note the Muslim community knew exactly who it was referring to. The truth is a powerful weapon."

Fact Checking the Billboard

Controversy aside, what about the substance of the billboard? Are the assertions true? Let's break them down one by one:

1. "Married 6-year-old"

This is an often quoted and controversial claim about Muhammad. Historical texts (such as the Sahih Bukhari) show that Muhammad married a young girl named Aisha when she was just 6 years of age. The marriage was consummated when she was 9 and he was 53. While some Muslim scholars argue Aisha was a teenager before she married Muhammad, most sources of record say otherwise.

Shackles used for slavery 2. "Slave owner & dealer"

There is a wide consensus that Muhammad owned slaves. However, his reasons for doing so are disputed. One line of thinking holds that Muhammad would buy slaves in order to free them and set an example for others to follow. But many historians allege that the relationship was far from innocent, and that Muhammad even took female captives as sex-slaves.

3. "Rapist"

Our research didn't uncover any evidence to back up this specific claim. However, if claims #1 and #2 are legitimate, then chances are #3 could be as well.

4. "Beheaded 600 Jews in one day"

This claim is historically accurate. In 627 A.D., a Jewish tribe known as the Banu Qurayza betrayed Muhammad. In retaliation, Muhammad gave the order to kill all the men in the tribe. The exact numbers are unknown, but historians estimate that between 600-800 Jews were beheaded by Muhammad's forces in a single day.

5. "13 Wives, 11 at one time"

Islamic holy book the Qu'ran

There is significant historical consensus among scholars that Muhammad did indeed have 13 wives in total, and at one point was married to 11 different women.

6. "Tortured and killed nonbelievers"

We were unable to make a determination on this claim. Perhaps our readers can offer some insight. What we do know: the Qur'an contains over 100 verses that reference committing violence against non-Muslims. Muslim scholars say insist these quotes are taken out of context, but from a neutral perspective such language can certainly be interpreted as an endorsement for attacking those who go against Islam.

The Pursuit of Peace

Truthfulness aside, it's worth considering the efficacy of the billboard's message. Will it help to promote unity, understanding, and peace? Not likely. But critics of Islam point to the terrible acts of violence committed in the name of religion and say: "how can we have peace when this continues to happen?"

One last interesting note: the Muslim Alliance of Indiana is currently raising money to erect another billboard nearby the current one. They say it will be dedicated to spreading a message of peace and kindness.

**What do you think of the "Perfect Man" billboard? Do you find its message offensive?


  1. Joe Stutler's Avatar Joe Stutler

    Who wrote this drivel?

    1. Paul D Gilbert's Avatar Paul D Gilbert

      Are you saying this post is is innaccurate, irrelevant, or what?

      1. donald nelson (@dn3664)'s Avatar donald nelson (@dn3664)

        More love and less hate

        1. Dr. Michael Glick's Avatar Dr. Michael Glick

          This has been an interesting thread to follow. I must say that I do not understand why the Muslim community has not spoken out more forcefully against the radicals. It makes it look like they support them. There are multiple sites around the world where Muslims clash with non Muslims. While it appears to be true that historically religions can perpetrate crimes (the Inquisition) none are doing so today in the manner and to the extent of Islam. Of course there is intolerance in many places; but I admit that given the state of Islam today it is not unreasonable for ordinary people to be frightened of having more Muslims come to this country. There seems to be a sizeable part of that community that has ill will or worse toward Christians and Jews. Isreal has many Muslims among its citizens (and they enjoy many rights - though there is discrimination); but Muslim countries have all but expelled the Jews and most Christians. Egypt is 10 per cent Coptic Christians and they are hated by many of the Muslims and their churches attacked. There is a difference in today's religions: Islam seems to be the most intolerant.

          1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            I concur, Doc Glick. Good post.

          2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            It seems delusion and self-imposed ignorance knows no educational boundaries, "Dr". Glick. You say, "While it appears to be true that historically religions can perpetrate crimes (the Inquisition) none are doing so today in the manner and to the extent of Islam."

            Let's set aside the barbarity of Bronze Age nomads and the Dark Ages and stick with modern history. Here are two examples. Denial that they are factual is clear evidence of state indoctrination and delusion.

            Germany was one the most Christian nations on Earth in the 20th Century. Atheists and other "infidels" were not imported to commit atrocities like the Holocaust. They were perpetrated by Christians, fired up with nationalism and religious fervour ("the Jews killed Jesus") wearing Gott Mit Uns belt buckles. The worst of them avoided prosecution for their horrific crimes thanks to the "rat lines" and collusion of the Christian churches.

            Millions of innocent men, women and children have been, and are being, slaughtered in the GWOT, which was triggered by another false flag attack, accepted by a gullible, dumbed down population. The majority of those doing the killing are Christians from today's most Christian country. The ability to over ride basic human decency and conscience is often a combination of bigotry, racism and the cultural propensity for violence, all rampant in today's America.

            And... "There seems to be a sizeable part of that community that has ill will or worse toward Christians and Jews." I'm not sure where you live, Doc, but were it in any of the many countries have are being bombed and terrorized without mercy, I guarantee you would also have more than "ill will" against the aggressors. I'd like to post a few pictures of the dead children the GWOT has produced, but can't do it on this forum, so you can avoid them and carry on in good conscience. The GWOT is not WWII. All subsequent "wars" have been immoral and without honour, glory or victory. It's outright savagery carried out by cadres of dupes, blinded by the flags they're waving, on behalf of war profiteers and psychopaths who sit in plush boardroom laughing at how easy it is to control their minds and emotions of the masses. It's pitiful.

            If you're an M.D., here's an excerpt from the Hippocratic Oath .... "I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm."

            It's not surprising that Owens concurs. People promoting hatred and spewing bigoted ignorance to fuel it are the reason we all have to live in a savage world. I offer a daily apology to the 8 million+ species we share the earth with on behalf of my "highly evolved" species. Our just punishment is well underway.

            And, yes, I do know the definition of "bigot"... "a person who has strong, unreasonable beliefs and who does not like other people who have different beliefs or a different way of life"

          3. Frank Yahoo's Avatar Frank Yahoo

            What was stated on the billboard is a FACT and true, so why is it an insult? People mock Jesus every day in the US and it wasn't a big deal. It was a big deal because Mohammad cannot be insulted. It is true that there is NO democracy in any nation around the world where majority are Muslims. Christians and Jews are always targeted and considered 2nd class citizens with 2nd class rights in all of these nations.

            1. Akkari Wassim's Avatar Akkari Wassim

              It's a fact according to who? the fact is your human God received kisses and hair massage from a prostitue. the fact is your human God ordered dashing babies on rocks. the fact is the rapist according to your human God can buy his victime and marry her. the fact is your book is full of porn! the fact is the young mother of your God got raped by a 93 years old Jews and that relationship resulted in your God birth.

          4. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            I disagree Dr. Glick that Islam seems to be the most intolerant. It is like I said before, the media will present whatever information is going to get the ratings and have people watch.

            I am not saying that there are not countries that have their own hatred towards Christians and Jews, but they receive the same kind of information. They also do not have a constitution that protect a persons right to their religious beliefs.

            Muslims in this country are afraid to speak out or drawn any more attention to themselves. I did read an article once, and I will try to find it again, that basically said that the people who hate the Muslim radicals the most are Muslims.

          5. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Joanne, you need to look at Muslim majority countries and enclaves. They definitely ARE the most intolerant. The only way they will remain tolerant in THIS country is if they stay a very small minority, and are FORCED to follow OUR laws and tolerate our customs. No one says they should become Christians or atheists or anything else, but they cannot be allowed to dictate to us how to dress, what music to play, where to walk our dog. It is kind to be charitable toward people who are different, but it is naïve to think they will automatically reciprocate that kindness, particularly when history shows they do not.

          6. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            I understand the premise John but as a Christian majority country we are just as intolerant of them. No one is telling us how to dress or what music to listen to yet we judge and treat them as outcast because of how they dress....

            You are correct that not all people we extend a hand to are going t accept it graciously but it has to start somewhere and with someone for there ever to be a change.

          7. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            I'm afraid you do NOT understand the premise Joanne. We are NOT just as intolerant as they are. We do NOT make them pay extra tribute for being Muslim. We do not single them out for rape or beatings. We do NOT forbid them to worship or speak to others about their religion. We do not behead, torture or burn them. Please inform yourself.

            As I said, it is nice to feel kindly toward those who are different, but we are to also be as wise as serpents (whatever that means). We are not to wish them harm, but it is OUR responsibility, not theirs, and not God's, to protect one another. If you have no concern for your own well-being, that is your privilege, but you must be concerned for your neighbors and kin at the same time. Islam is not a friend to Christianity, and the children of light should have no fellowship with children of darkness.

          8. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            John as you know, try not to just assume information so I do try to keep myself informed. Like I have said over and over we can simple assume the media explains it all or understand that the same kind of hate is spewed on all sides and they have been taught to view Christianity as the darkness....its a cycle of learned hatred, however heinous and malicious crimes ARE being carried out against Muslims here in the US and the incidents keep becoming increasingly evil and more often.

            What is naive is assuming that we have all the information or that somehow they have not been taught the same fear and hatred towards Christians as is being taught about them here.


        2. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

          Frank, I agree, no religious leader is same from the mockery of those who try to discredit anything that is not in a direct line with their own belief system. However, I fail t see the need for such a billboard if not to spread hate and fear. It is not written in way as to teach anything regarding the faith or religion, albeit maybe true, not a representation of the people its trying to ostracize.

          Break it down and if, as a Christian you lived in a country that already made it hard to follow your faith for fear of harm and you passed a billboard on the way home to your children that stated....

          -Conceived the illegitimate son of an unwed mother -preformed acts that, if true, should have him labeled a witch -Jewish, yet turned all his followers against other Jews -Had a relationship with a prostitute etc.....

          Again, this is now not to in any way speak ill of Jesus, but any "facts" can be turned and presented in a way that does not then speak the truth or meaning of the faith. I have said before it anyone can give me one example of how this could possibly be meant for anything ut the spread of fear and hate I would love to hear it. Whether these are true facts or not this is in no way an education billboard meant to inform for anything else.

      2. CW's Avatar CW

        No he is saying spreading a message of peace and kindness or even trying to pursue it with and group that even hate their own is stupid. Islam not a religious order, but a brain washing hate group. Would you call a Nazism religion? But all the same concepts and action are called for by Islam order in their religious book. Don't pussy foot around with this ideology. Hate groups that claim church status should not be allowed to flourish or be protected. people turned a blind eye to scientology, see where that led. We should be banning together to remove this evil called Islam. Rooted in bigotry, hell no, it is not racism to fight the followers of the Quran tooth and nail. Nor is it racist or Defamation of Muhammad by listing the truth. By the way in this article says it can't find record of rape, what do people call sex with a 9 year old. The law calls that rape in every state. In every mosque in american there are fliers calling for the deaths of all non believers. We turned a blind eye when they stayed in the middle east. But now they come here refuse to assimilate and try to enforce their religious laws on our country citizens. Either they blend and don't reject us or they can get out of the country and go back the war they started at their own country,

        1. Travis N Montgomery's Avatar Travis N Montgomery

          The same can be same of Christianity. Remember the crusaders, kkk, african slave trade all in the of religion the christian religion. Hate sloves nothing, tolerance, love and understanding. Try it ?

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            and that is the problem right there with homosexuality. if it only affected that group. that generation.. they could take responsibility for their actions and accept the consequences.. but the kids get brought into it .. saturday afteroon street parades.. and conversations at school.. what does your two mommies/daddies do. and introduction to an alternative sexuality before their time. some would call this predator behavior. priming the children.. seeking their approval ?? like wtf ?? i dont have problem with gay people. i have friends. but we arent talking my book club... we are talking god s book club. and he says no. my book club is ok. i dont have children present that they are influencing. its an adult book club.

            kkk. they influence their kids. if we did not know that to be the forst thing about a person though.. would it not be easier to offer grace sometimes we learn the "faults" first.. but really on that pretense. shoudl we just not stay away from all people ?? or just keeping seeking the wrong in them. first from our perspective.. and if that doenst work.. lets bring god into it.

          2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Add Deuteronomy 13 to your list, Travis.

          3. Rebecca Sandoval's Avatar Rebecca Sandoval

            Christians are not killing non-believers, nor do they have many wives or marry children, nor do they castrate little girls. Muslims have been killing Christians and Jews for 1400 years and are still at it! Christians are not trying to take over a country and trying to convert you and if not successful they kill you . Christians assimilate with the people in the country they live in. No way can you compare Christians to Muslims. Total opposites, one good (Christians)the other evil (Muslims).

          4. Karma's Avatar Karma

            You took the words right out of my mouth!

          5. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Keep spreading misinformation and fear if you like, Beca, but there will be escalating blowback and consequences. Both you and Karma need a mind enema.

            "Let us leave aside for the moment the fact that since 9/11 not a single American has been killed in a terrorist attack by a citizen from the countries on this list. The reality is that an American is at least twice as likely to be shot dead by a toddler than killed by a terrorist. In 2014 88 Americans were shot dead, on average, every day: 58 killed themselves while 30 were murdered. In that same year 18 Americans were killed by terrorist attacks in the US. Put more starkly: more Americans were killed by firearms roughly every five hours than were killed by terrorists in an entire year. It is unlikely that scrapping a rule requiring extended background checks for gun purchases by some social security recipients suffering from mental illness will improve the situation."

            "In 2002 I interviewed the late Maya Angelou about her views on the 9/11 terror attacks. “Living in a state of terror was new to many white people in America,” she told me. “But black people have been living in a state of terror in this country for more than 400 years.” Excerpts from the Feb. 8, 2017 article by Gary Younge appearing in the Guardian.

            Romans 12:19 “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”

            Luke 6:31New International Version (NIV) "Do to others as you would have them do to you."

          6. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

            DUMP the IGNORAMUS tRUMP, GOD is GREAT so is AMERICA......

          7. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            Beca, I will have to disagree....all through history Christians have been killing non-believers....

          8. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            If Christians plan to survive, they will sooner or later begin anew to kill non-believers, out of necessity.

          9. Minister Bill's Avatar Minister Bill

            Travis N Montgomery, before you falsely accuse Crusaders of being equal in evil to Islamists, you should study the history of what caused the crusades and the crusader knights to kill their Islamic enemies that had militarily invaded their country's and sought to occupy them,....and they did occupy them. Some of them like Spain were occupied for 300 years by the Moors (Islamists). Look it up and educate yourself on just exactly WHAT caused the Crusades. Don't be like Obama in his speech, wherein he denied historical fact, and said something to the effect of...."Christians shouldn't get on their high horse, Christians did a lot of bad things, REMEMBER THE CRUSADES". That is paraphrasing what Obama said, but is accurate to his accusation that the Crusaders were somehow evil. In making that remark, Obama completely ignored WHY the crusades and crusaders formed and drove the Islamists all the way back to their countries in the middle east. What Obama conveniently ignored is the the Crusades were a reaction by European Christians and knights who's country's had been militarily invaded by Islamists who had invaded large parts of Europe and via conquest and terror, ruled and occupied large sections of European countries, until after many many years and decades of putting up with that, the Christians formed armies (Crusaders) and struck back against the Islamists, eventually driving them all the way back to their middle eastern countries and then the Crusaders rightly occupied Jerusalem in an effort to ensure Islamist invasion never occurred in Christian Europe again. The problem is the Crusaders eventually stopped their occupation of Jerusalem and left Jerusalem.

            A Christian "Crusade" war against the Islamists was created when the Islamists invaded Europe and actually took over in various places in Europe, and then persecuted, murdered, raped, and did all manner of evil against Christians. Except for the northern part of Spain, the Islamists all but conquered and ruled Spain for 300 years, before El Cid and other Christian knights finally drove the invading and occupying Islamists out of Spain. But we still see that Islamist influence today in Moorish (Islamist) architecture (among other left over medieval middle eastern influences we still see in Spain today) and the forever ruined bloodline of pure Spaniards.

            Prior to the Islamist invasion of Spain, the Spanish people looked a lot like other Europeans. White skin and many Spaniards also had blonde hair and blue eyes. For the 300 years that Islamists occupied most of Spain, those Islamists raped and bred with the Spanish women, thus forever changing the bloodline, looks, complexion and skin color of what used to be predominately white, European Spainards. Today when we see the average Spaniard, most of the time we see a dark skinned (but usually not totally black) dark haired (only) brown eyes, race of people today. This is due to the Islamists forever destroying the pure Spanish bloodline in their 300 year occupation of Spain.

            I once knew a young woman who's family ancestry came from northern Spain that resisted the Moorish invasion and kept the Islamists out militarily. Her skin was as white and hair as blonde, with blue eyes, as any nordic or Germanic European. Unless she told you that her family came from northern Spain, you would think she had nordic/teutonic/Germanic ancestry. Today, for the most part, you only see people like her in Spain in the far northern part of Spain. Because except for northern Spain, her race and bloodline was tainted and for all practical purposes destroyed by Moorish/Islamist inbreeding with white Spanish women.

            Don't get me wrong, I'm not a racist advocating for an all white Spain, I'm just the messenger who has studied the causes for the Crusades and am reporting what has been historically documented.

            Travis N Montgomery, what you missed in your false premise that sought to align Crusaders as equally evil as Islamists, is that the Crusades and the Crusader knights were a reaction to Islamist military invasion and occupation of European Christian countries and they were simply reacting to the Islamist invasion of Europe and driving the Islamists out and all the way back to their own middle eastern countries. Did the crusaders have to be brutal and just as savage as the Islamist armies and warriors they fought in battle? Of course. They couldn't drive out a military invader dedicated to a book that isn't a religion at all, but is a manual for military conquest of the world and FORCED imposition of their dark cult of death upon all the European countries they partially or almost completely had conquered and occupied (as the case with Spain).....with flowers and love. You drive them out by at least TEMPORARILY being just as,...or more brutal than they and their islamist soldiers were, until they are driven out and defeated.

        2. Minister Bill's Avatar Minister Bill

          Exactly and rightly spot on CW.

      3. Dragon Priest's Avatar Dragon Priest

        Muslims get all offended when things about their "prophet" are known. I have read some of the Hadiths and some of the things about old mohamed makes those offenses seem normal. It should stay up as a way of people being educated. Some will even read the koran and see for themselves its all there and true. They bill him as the perfect man, it is so far off that its disgusting.

        1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

          Maybe there's just something twisted about Prophets in general, Paul. In case you don't have a Bible handy, here's a link to Numbers 31. Take a few minutes to read it and let us know if you find any of it offensive.


    2. mary's Avatar mary

      I have to support anyone's right to free speech, but this is so divisive. People must remember that things were so very different long ago. Girls were betrothed at incredibly young ages. Many men had multiple wives. People owned slaves. Just because it is wrong today does not mean it was wrong long ago.We need to leave the past in the past since nothing we do can change it and work on coming together as people of faith, whatever that faith may be.

      1. Sheila's Avatar Sheila

        This practice continues today, It has not ceased

      2. CW's Avatar CW

        A faith based off of hate of all non believers is not a faith, it is just hate.When the blind like you wake up it my be to late. It maybe be your being raped killed or forced to convert before you see. When a faith considers acts of terror a way into heaven and women lesser beings, it needs to be removed as the cancer it is not coddle and ignored. The faiths hate of all others will not end.

        1. Herlinda's Avatar Herlinda

          Thank you!

        2. MDA's Avatar MDA

          CW, I agree with you 100% and thank you! This group is not tolerant of other religions or anyone who is a non believer. As a group they want to impose Shira Law as the law in every land they conquer. People around this world need to wake up! How anyone can support a group that burns humans alive, throws homosexuals off buildings and beheads people is unbelievable but there are those that still call this a religion of peace. What a joke that is!

          1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            ...and yet, if I call someone a jerk, I'm spreading hate.

          2. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

            Mr. OWINS, I HAVE CALLED U a JERK MANY,MANY TIMES and U CALLED ME a HATER among other INSULTS it is WRITTEN so don't DENY DUMP the IGNORAMUS tRUMP, GOD is GREAT so is the US of A

          3. inga's Avatar inga

            i dont think the muslim/islam victims and their families and their neighbors are any more impressed with the behavior than we are and i do feel that they are greatful to be in a society that does not instigate such behaviors. (though we do have our own hiccups and are not free of violent interruptions). i also feel there are many muslim/islam who do not wish to become victims. we need to demonstrate compassion to those who are here now. open your arms. protect all people. offer a safe place.

          4. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            MDA I have to respectfully disagree with the notion that it is Muslims and Muslims alone who are guilty of these acts.

            In the US alone there were over 5000 hate crimes in 2016 with more than 56% of them targeting gay men. With 2016 being the year of the deadliest mass shooting in history and it was targeted in inside an Orlando Gay Nightclub.

            What about the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting where 20 first grades were basically executed.

            And I can list multiple deplorable acts done in the name of Jesus Christ and Christianity. Timothy McVeigh and David Korech are perfect examples. These are the stories that they are (Islamic/Muslims) are hearing as examples of what Americans are like and what we stand for.

            Like I said evil has many faces and often hides behind their individual misuse of their holy doctrine. That is what we need to wake up and realize. The media shows us what will be the most easily sensationalize information to keep people engaged. It works both ways. Their media only shows what is wrong with American and they form their own fears and hate as many do here.

          5. inga's Avatar inga

            i said that some where already. if north america had a billboard of such nature..it would be MUCH larger.

          6. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Joanne, could you qualify those hate crimes in 2016? I'd like to know what goes into that statistic. Would that be like, calling them names? Could it include shoving someone because they propositioned you? Maybe egging their automobile. How does one determine motive? If I hit you with a pipe because I want your shoes, how is that less hate than if I hit you with a pipe because you represent some group that has wronged me or my people? I'm just curious. I know they weren't all killed, so, it kinda seems you are comparing radishes to oranges. I know the statistics don't even include hate crimes committed against WASPs for being white.

          7. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            John Owens I actually have the 2014 and not 2016 as I had said. I mistype but her is the FBI hate crime statistics for 2014 https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/latest-hate-crime-statistics-available

          8. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            I looked that up, Joanne. I am not faulting you for it, but that was practically useless, since it did not explain anything about what was considered a hate crime.

        3. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

          Are you referring to this, CW?

          Deuteronomy 13 6 If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, 7 gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), 8 do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. 9 You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people. 10 Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. 11 Then all Israel will hear and be afraid, and no one among you will do such an evil thing again.

          1. Norma Battes's Avatar Norma Battes

            Brother John: Not that your post will help defuse the angst between beliefs, however I see your point - glass houses and tossing stones. Hailing from the 60's flower child era, I follow the live-and-let-live mantra. ...waiting on CW

          2. Most Reverend's Avatar Most Reverend

            Christ fulfilled the law, so we don't stone people in the name of Christianity and God. Keep in mind, there are religions and people who still do. You do however cast these people out of your life for they who work against you don't belong being close to you.

          3. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            It may not defuse, but may expose and weaken extreme views that are both hypocritical and hyperbolic (and sometimes outright false), Norma. This applies to MDA and others as well.

            As Islam, Christianity and Judaism all have the same foundation, denigrating one while glorifying another fabricates divisiveness, fear and hatred.

            Fuelling these primal emotions in the masses has been used politically to enslave the minds of "believers", justifying and encouraging the slaughter of innocent people on behalf of the slavemasters, for century after century. Sadly, there are many "believers" of all stripes who consciously choose to cling to Bronze Age thinking and beliefs rather than helping our species shed the barbarism and ignorance that continues to foul and destroy the world we all inhabit. Based on our on-going cruelty, brutality and ignorance, Homo sapiens are a plague upon the earth and a threat to all life upon it. Only our overblown hubris makes us the "epitome of creation".

            While many Christians conveniently avoid the monstrous accounts of their chosen god and multitude of commands and laws in the OT, they're happy to assume that all Muslims follow every word in the Quran. All great examples of the destructive power of religious beliefs and one of the reasons atheism/secularism is on the rise. It's never too late for mankind to start using their brains, but time is running short.

        4. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

          People of all faiths, which can be seen throughout these blogs, believe and have no problem letting those who do not believe as They do that they will not find their way into heaven. They post threats and hate. Evil and radicals are a part of any belief system and can be easily proven. Most religions teach that they are the one true way into the kingdom of God, so ot os hard to know which religion you are referring to. There are good people of all faiths as well and they should not live in fear because we close our eyes to the problems within our own faiths and try to those first.

          1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            "Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." -- Blaise Pascal

            "Blind faith is an ironic gift to return to the Creator of human intelligence." -- Anonymous

            "Who does not see that the same authority which can establish Christianity, in exclusion of all other Religions, may establish with the same ease any particular sect of Christians, in exclusion of all other Sects?" -- James Madison

            "I would believe any religion that could prove it had existed since the beginning of the world. But when I see Socrates, Plato, Moses, and Mohammed I do not think there is such a one. All religions owe their origin to man." -- Napoleon Bonaparte

            "Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence." -- Richard Dawkins

            "Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day; give him a religion, and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish." -- Anonymous

      3. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

        Some excellent points, Mary. Myths in ancient texts become "reality" to those who "believe". Those beliefs have been used to control and enslave people for century after century. Thankfully, enlightened people have turned away from much of the ancient, and often barbaric, practices of the past, otherwise you would have no voice in this church.

        1 Corinthians:34-35. New International Version (NIV) 34 Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. 35 If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          thats what im saying !! or rather.. thats what i was saying in the gender equality article. its not my fault. if you want to be part of THIS particular book club, the book club has rules. not my rules.. god's rules. its *his book club.

          one cant re write the book or the rules to suit THEIR ideals. in this case, they need make their own club. as this club, it CLEARLY states on women.

          i say people are arrogant, assuming they can over ride gods word. they can bluff some of the people some of the time. but god can read hearts. and he has given us the instructions/bible to choose to practice now as demonstration of if we qualify. or decide if we are going to challenge his word. . or walk away. we have a choice.

          its best to choose wisely.

          1. Dragon Priest's Avatar Dragon Priest

            You make some wild assumptions. That koran was changed very early on to be the evil it is today. You also assume that it was God's word. The Creator does not hate believers or unbelievers. He will never want others to murder his creation over a faulty human created belief system. So that makes it not God's word much like the Bible it was changed to support an agenda of control and power.

          2. inga's Avatar inga

            if youcan not pick anyone or anything to fault. thats your choice. the basics are the same and real. its your choice to believe if god has standards or not, and we dont really need a book for that. even us, decide who we have to dinner or keep company with. dont assume god is going to waste time arguing or entertaining those who are just being a$$holes. you wouldnt.. and yeah. i can assume he wont either. we have the choice to be good people .. or not. both have consequences.. unlike this site .. lol. claims. cause and effect. action and reaction. you can challenge the BIG guy if you like. its your choice. trying to change my mind.. wont further your quest with god. lol. those who dont belive in god. their choice. but no heaven for you, since you dont believe. you dont get it both ways. athiest, perfectly understandable. catholic oh yeah. i get that too. i am neither. but i agree with peoples choices. and respect the consequences of their/our choices. good luck.

        2. inga's Avatar inga

          i agree. women are not "equal" by any means. we are complimentary.

          1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            complementary. The "i" changes the meaning to one who gives compliments, rather than one who completes. Just saying.

          2. inga's Avatar inga

            english lesson of the day. i did not know that. fortunately ii chose the correct spelling. i am a separate individual.

          3. inga's Avatar inga

            curiously. in the other room.. "anti mu".. how many north americans do you think still assume god and/or jesus and or moses.. to be a white guy.. lol. compl*ements of the church portraits and hollywood actors portrayals.

          4. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

            Inga...spiritually, there is no difference between men and women...these are just constructs to work with karma...Tom

          5. inga's Avatar inga

            you could be right.

          6. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            Male and female are only relevant while we are in human form

          7. inga's Avatar inga

            jesus is the "son" of god. there is difference there. else god would have not have a "son" .

          8. inga's Avatar inga

            but i disagree with this competition between men and women or black and white.. or..

            there is no competition. (for some of us. for others there is. we all have our places and roles to play.

            thats the thing. realizing that people have different positions. some ARE in competition. its good to identify yourself.

            there is no blanket solution. but we MUST realize or learn to recognize the differences as well as the similarities. and not assume one answer.

            one answer is a very narrow minded approach. sorry if that offends.. but some thought should be given to if it does, rather than just instantly retaliating. it speaks such volumes and is a reflection of..

        3. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

          Joanne...right...the concepts of male and female are only constructs/ego...Tom

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            bi sexual too ?? arggg

          2. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            Again it has been awhile since I read the Bible but years of CCD classes kind of embedded much in my mind and I clearly remember that it states we are all Gods children. So yes Jesus is the son of God but then so aren't you Tom and wouldn't that make me the daughter of God. Therefore to assume that only one belief system is correct and only this small section of people in this huge world are "heaven worthy" then I see that as saying if we are all God's children then he made a lot of mistakes. That is one claim I am not willing to make.

          3. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

            Joanne...there is no way for us to make judgments about God making mistakes...we are all equally part of God...everyone goes in and out of the peace (heaven)...one thing i suggest everyone consider is that there is no anthropomorphic God...that is simply an ego concept, as the ego acts against God...Tom

        4. Sanne D. Berg's Avatar Sanne D. Berg

          I am so glad to be an Atheist. I call out bullshit without living in a glass house.

      4. inga's Avatar inga

        we could start a petition to get multiple husbands.. ?? lol. but really. would you want more that one ?? i mean. really. lol. they are a breed unto their own.

      5. Dragon Priest's Avatar Dragon Priest

        Slavery is still practiced in islamic societies today. Know your history.

        1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

          SLAVERY is PRACTICED here in the UA of A, KNOW YOUR NEWS !!!

          1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

            THATS the US of A, sorry !!!

      6. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

        Thank you Mary. Sorry I did not see your response earlier, I must have missed it. Much like wanting to change the $20 bill and remove Jackson in part to the fact that he was a slave-owner.

        It seems inconceivable to is now but the reality is it was a different time and not to make like of how horrendous the idea of own slaves is to us now the reality Is that slaves built the white house and for many years worked for the president. This was sadly how things were at the time. They knew no better.

        Thankfully the world has change in many aspects such as that but fact is it was just a way of living.

        This billboard is not providing historical information as a way of providing information or a history lesson. It is simply written and laid out in a way to generate fear and spread hate.

        Americans are always disgusted when we see children in the middle East celebrating after something as horrific as 911. We then decide that they are just evil spawning evil. Well another example of being witness to a generation that has only heard horrible things about Americans and how Muslims are treated in our country and they are probably receiving information in this same way that instills fear of the unknown and they too decide that this information, because it may be true about and individual or individuals that it is an accurate representation of all Americans.

        It's a vicious circle Of misunderstanding and hate and it needs to end somewhere dont you think.

    3. Sheila's Avatar Sheila

      Many people died in order for us all to enjoy free speech, and it is the Law of the land. Hateful horrible things have been stated and done to every group in the Country. I would rather have the right of FREE speech and assembly. As Christ states render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar ( Law of the land) The law of the land can make a stand.

      1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

        See my reply to Mary just above, Sheila. As an atheist, I find this ridiculous, but you may want to give it some serious consideration.

    4. Sheila's Avatar Sheila

      There are so many group that have entered our Country that do not understand how the Constitution and the Bill of Rights work, it appears they have entered this Country only to bring the suppressive Governments that they were trying to get away from ,with them. I refuse to let any one or any Group that has entered in recent history to try and destroy the freedoms that our forefathers created and that the men in my family died for, and I can clearly see that we all must make a stand against any all fractions that threaten those freedoms. Freedom of speech, and Freedom of the Press are to be protected.

      1. donald nelson (@dn3664)'s Avatar donald nelson (@dn3664)

        More love less hate

      2. Norma Battes's Avatar Norma Battes

        Sheila: And freedom of religion? Please don't hate on me. Just a reasonable and thought out response is desired.

        1. Most Reverend's Avatar Most Reverend

          Islam is not a religion, its a systemic way of life, of law and government. They do not and never will come here and assimilate. They do want to come here and implement Islam as the law of the Land and Sharia for all.

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            we had a forest fire in fort macMurray last year. it was pretty devastating and forced alot of people out of their homes fast. like NOW !! the people were displaced and many canadians helped them with food and shelter. they all thought they were going back. they wanted to..

            but after being away for a while.. 2/3 of those who had left, have no desire to go back.

            immigrants sometimes have all the good intentions.. much like the local residences.. but circumstances change. and we change with them.

            i have faith in us. talking about it.. well. sometimes we are "tougher" than we really are.. but when push comes to shove.. we will help them in their time of need,.. just as they would us in our time. be kind. have faith.

          2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            There's enough misinformation here already, Most Reverend. Did you even bother doing a simple search for "Islam" before posting? Try it and let us know what you learned. Then you may want to begin contacting all the sites that say (correctly) it's a religion to demand they correct their errors.

            BTW... your credibility rating just dropped noticeably, but will plummet unless you post an admission of error/ignorance.

          3. inga's Avatar inga

            he is sorry. can he have cake now. bahahah. sorry.

      3. inga's Avatar inga

        the press is paid to reposrt stories according to the channel they are being paid for. oh my . com'on people. do you even try ??!!

        1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

          Exactly...media it meant to "entertain" first and report facts second. The most sensationalized information will get first call. It is not always the whole story and is often promoted as being the fault of a community rather than the individual.

    5. Rev paul's Avatar Rev paul

      Taking away a islamic bill board will not stop islam from spreading

      1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

        Good point Rev Paul.... I believe Islam is spreading faster than most, if not all, religions. What it will spread is bigotry, ignorance, fear and hatred..... just what our world needs..

        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          It pains me greatly to say this, but your last statement is spot-on. I know that makes your day, that I agree with you about something. Now you can feel like a big-shot and deserve it.

        2. Norma Battes's Avatar Norma Battes

          Brother John: What is a self-proclaimed athiest like you doing on a religious site that promotes accepting all beliefs? Shucks, never mind. I just re-read your post. Religious or not, it is the faithless that seek death and destruction.

          1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            This is not a "religious site", Norma. Atheist, Agnostics and others are welcome and are not religious.

            "The Universal Life Church was founded on the basic belief that we are all children of the same universe and, derived from that basic belief, has established two core tenets by which it expects its ministers to conduct themselves:

            Do only that which is right.

            Every individual is free to practice their religion in the manner of their choosing, as mandated by the First Amendment, so long as that expression does not impinge upon the rights or freedoms of others and is in accordance with the government’s laws. We have made it our mission to actualize these tenets in the world by empowering millions of ministers, whether they come to us from a Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, Catholic, Shinto, Agnostic, Atheist, Pagan, Wiccan, or Druid tradition, to speak their own truth to power."

            You say, "Religious or not, it is the faithless that seek death and destruction."

            You've got to be kidding! It's principally Christians vs Muslims today as we can plainly read in forums like this one. We atheists watch in horror as the two fanatical, deluded groups battle over which interpretations of ancient myths are true.

            There's a caveat to "accepting all beliefs" in the ULC's mission in case you missed it. Most rational people would agree that forcefully occupying countries other than your own and raining down destruction and terror on it's inhabitants qualifies as impinging upon the rights and freedoms of others.

            Fill in the blank and sing along...

            Onward xxxxxxxxx soldiers, marching off to war, With the cross of Jesus going on before.

            Looks like the first one has too many letters to be "atheist". Hmm.. maybe it's "atheistic soldiers" but it's strange that they'd be following Jesus, especially to yet another war.

            "Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions." -- Frater Ravus

            "'I refuse to prove that I exist,' says God, 'for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.'" -- Douglas Adams

          2. Norma Battes's Avatar Norma Battes

            Brother John: Universal Life Church Monastery is not a religious website? Dernnit, "The ULC is open to people of all faiths,...." Who woulda guessed?

            Also from the ULC homepage, "Our fundamental tasks are to promote freedom of religion...." "The ULC is open to people..., ...offering everyone the religious freedom..., ... and [to] practice your beliefs." Here, I will take the liberty to assume ULC defines "beliefs" as religion, and I will allow you your atheism as a belief and acceptable. However, I do believe ULC to be a religious site with intentions to promote tolerance and acceptance of diversity. Best of luck to you.

          3. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Norma said, "Here, I will take the liberty to assume ULC defines “beliefs” as religion, and I will allow you your atheism as a belief and acceptable."

            Thanks for your allowance but it's invalid.

            You may be correct about the ULC's definition, but atheism is not a belief.

            Atheism is one thing: A lack of belief in gods.

            "Atheism is not an affirmative belief that there is no god nor does it answer any other question about what a person believes. It is simply a rejection of the assertion that there are gods. Atheism is too often defined incorrectly as a belief system. To be clear: Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods.

            Older dictionaries define atheism as “a belief that there is no God.” Clearly, theistic influence taints these definitions. The fact that dictionaries define Atheism as “there is no God” betrays the (mono)theistic influence. Without the (mono)theistic influence, the definition would at least read “there are no gods.” Source: American Atheists

            There are also countless "beliefs" people have that aren't anything to do with religion.

            Racists believe their's is the superior race. Nationalists believe their's is the best country..........et al

            No comment about Christians vs Muslims causing much of the death and destruction in the world today as opposed to "the faithless"?

            Or this? Most rational people would agree that forcefully occupying countries other than your own and raining down destruction and terror on it’s inhabitants qualifies as impinging upon the rights and freedoms of others.

          4. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


          5. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            Universalist Churches beyond this website welcome all people regardless of religion, belief system and/or any other thing that separates us from each other. It allows the congregation to learn from each other and teaches coexistence and a life without prejudice.

            The Universalist Church that I belong to and sometimes lead services at offer different services every Sunday as well as groups and club meeting during the week. Some of the services have included. Effective and Respectful Communication, The Healing Power of Music and sometimes just information sessions on different beliefs and is followed up each week with a meet and greet after where's everyone gets the chance to have idle chit chat or further the discussion started during the service.

            There is also a Buddhist Book Club and Humanist and Atheist Covent group each week.

            So whatever the description is regarding this website Universalists are all welcoming and has no definition of believer or. Nonbelievers it is simple a place where Love is its own religion and respect for all people is what it is working for.

          6. inga's Avatar inga

            which is why i apologized . and pointed out that i apologized repeatedly that what you heard.. on the monkey thing. was not what was said. out of respect for you. again. what you heard.. was not what was spoken. but i still apologized and drew repeat attention to out of respect for you. and you retaliated with suggesting it was insincere.. again.. dismissing the apology.. your choice.. and then.. that there are less bahaha. well yeah !! WITH YOU.. LOL. of course !!

            your messed !!

            you speak one thing and tel another ?!! lol. you are not someone i wish to play with.. lol

          7. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            Inga I will rephrase, maybe this can all be cleared up once and for all. I was not refusing to accept an apology. I truly never saw one and have still tried to search and can not find the post you are referring to.

            So I will then apologize to you because my comments were based on my own post and believing that you meant since I said I.wasnt owed an apology meant I was refusing one. My fault, I did not realize you were referring to previous post that I failed to comment on that was in fact an apology. I would not refuse to acknowledge any kind of comment like that and would not have refused or disregarded it for any reason. As I said I still can't find it but there are almost 900 comments and I could probably look for days and miss half of what is going on. So I will reply to your response regarding that post. I appreciate the gesture and accept your apology and understand that we may view things differently and it was your attempt to lighten the conversation. I will also like to say that as I have tried to go through the posts again I had missed a lot of post you made with valid points regarding the topic at hand. Like I have said each time I scroll back through I find new post that were posted even as far back as a week ago so I was wrong when I stayed and believed you had not offered any valid input. It was in error and not intentional but I can see I was wrong and I apologize for that.

      2. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


      3. inga's Avatar inga

        yes it will . take away the cues.. people arent that bright .. you give them far to much credibility . tell them there iis a sale at walmart and they will kill each other in the aisle. see black friday. put a sale on at target. they will forget all about muslims and islam

      4. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

        You are right, but it will stop misguided individuals from judgement based on this billboard alone.

        Most people will not venture beyond this billboard for any other understanding and that's where the problem lies.

        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          Again, respectfully, I think you grossly underestimate everyone who does not belong to whatever class of intellect to which you think you belong. That is elitist, Joanne. There is no elite, not really. There are a few people who are CONSIDERED elite in particular fields, but there is no elite class of human, who is so much more enlightened than everyone else.

          This sign was put there for people like those here on this blog, who THINK they are so enlightened that they willfully ignore the evil of this murderous pedophile's followers. That's why it was put up. Did you ever watch Saturday Night Live when Dana Carvey was playing Church Lady? You come across as thinking like her, as if you are superior.

          I know you do not think of yourself this way. I can tell you do not, because you are too patient and kind, and YET, you don't give anyone else credit for having any discernment at all. Most people DO. If they didn't, we would all be killing one another, and YOU would not have a chance at survival. Of course, Tom wouldn't either. He'd be in a cauldron with some onions and greens, and be part of some hungry cannibal's illusion of a good meal.

          1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            Fair enough...we will have to agree to disagree on this point. I am sorry if it appears that I consider myself superior to anyone. It must be in my writing because I often feel like I may be drive people, especially my poor husband, crazy with my constant questions, trying to gather as much information as I can. I do and will speak on topic I understand or believe strongly in however my intent was never superiority. I am emotion driven by nature and there are some matters I know I am intolerable of and perhaps within these conversations that is where I gave this impression.

            However, you are correct that some people may view it for what it is and move on, but even on these discussion boards and in this post alone, have come across people who have commented that the truth hurts and we need to warn people of the dangers. It are these kind of thoughts that I find scary and can make a sign such as this dangerous to innocent people.

            I guess I should also mention that I have been a true crime/survivor fanatic from a young age.i find the psychology factor as it pertains to like of individuals like Charles Manson and Jeffrey Dahmer or the stories of those who suffered abuse and the phenomenon that makes these kind of people lack that certain something that would make the average person incapable of even considering such acts. I always considered it my way of keeping a heightened awareness of the things going on around me without a clouded view through rose colored glasses. Sadly, there are far more "normal" people who have the potential to do and think evil things. Now I am not saying I live in fear and everyone is bad and trust no one; i am simply saying that news is filled daily with stories that we can comprehend because it seems like no one could do something like that but it is reality.

            The only other way I can show my reason for believing this way would be to consider how many times have you heard a news report of read an article where they make sure to mention....so and so suffers from bi polar disorder and was not taking his medication at the time of this crime. Regretfully I fell under the group of people who thought of bi-polar as a scary thing that when not treated would turn people into killers. So much so that on a first date that was set up by a fiend this guy I was out with, for some reason felt compelled to open up to me, and told me he was diagnosed bi-polar but he was weening off the medication because he didnt like how it made him feel. I am ashamed to say I was actually frightened. It wasnt until I had a friend (and through the years a few people) who was diagnosed bi-polar. Well he was definitely suffering but I would have never considered him dangerous but he needs to be on medication. Well that was my ignorance about exactly what being bi-polar really is. Regardless of a person being bi-polar or not and whether they are taking medication or not, it does not suddenly turn them into a serial rapist or murderer. that was simply a way to sensationalize the news story and perhaps a way for the accused to look for some kind of deal based on "insanity"...who know...but it is used as part of news stories a lot.

            It is sometimes intentionally unwilling to see past what one wants to believe but often it is unintentionally assuming you have the whole story and the big picture. We are only human after all and what we know and believe depends on where we get our information. Therefore I just fail to see the purpose of a billboard like this unless it is meant to provide the "scary" details in hopes that it will just be considered the whole story of all Muslims/Islamic people.

          2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            I do not doubt your kindness one moment. I just see that we understand humans differently, and we can both be correct at different times in different places, I guess.

          3. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            John thank you for your kind words and I can understand where that could be. I guess a better of understanding of where the billboard was place and the demographics surrounding it. I would like to believe I am just far to jaded in these situations and that you are correct. But you make a good point that a simple locations and events surrounding its erection could make a complete difference.

    6. Paul Pignal's Avatar Paul Pignal

      First question....how do Muslims know this billboard is referring to Mohamed? His name is not on it anywhere so one must presume and assume that most Muslims already know these facts and simply don't want them to become public knowledge. Just as with any individual on a journey to truth and freedom from the false self one must look with brutal honesty at themselves. Religious groups must do the same or they will certainly go to great lengths to defend their "group think". This is evident in all former and present large scale religious indoctrination from ancient pagan cults to Judaism, to Christianity, to Islam and so forth. They always end up being a political entity with global domination as the end game. Go ahead and check the history. All of it historically has always led to major conflicts over distorted interpretations of "holy" literature which has been politicized in order to allow killing in the name of God. We in the "christian" west have been killing for God ever since 330 ad when the empire of the day made us legal and formed the very first "christian" army. Islam is using the exact same formula that the Romans used...politicize God then use Him to accomplish "your" will. Islam like Judaism, Christianity and almost every other religion in the history of mankind has been hijacked by people who are addicted to power and domination through tribal fear and the false creation of a god in their own twisted image.

      Minister Paul

      1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

        The website mentioned at the bottom of the billboard lets you know.

      2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

        A couple of additions to your well written post, Paul.

        Religious "believers" are not on a "journey to truth". They believe they know it already and their minds are firmly closed and locked. “Scriptures, n. The sacred books of our holy religion, as distinguished from the false and profane writings on which all other faiths are based.” ― Ambrose Bierce, The Unabridged Devil's Dictionary

        "Group think" is necessary to maintain beliefs without foundation or evidence.

        Bang on that religion has been used to control the masses century after century and place a select few in authority.

    7. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

      JOE STUTLER, QUESTION is WHO WROTE the BIBLE, DUMP the tRUMP, GOD is GREAT and so is the US of A

    8. leekayetj's Avatar leekayetj

      You have eyes Yet you don't see

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        what does that mean. i mean i know what that means.. but what is your angle please.

    9. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


    10. Sam's Avatar Sam

      billboard writer has a point, but fails to mention that the same sort of thing can be said about any religion... from caste systems to subservient wives, they all do or did violate human rights . The only god that is truly sinless is the one in everyone's heart; every religion is just a feeble attempt to explain the knowledge in everyone that there are things greater than our understanding at work in us and our universe.

      1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

        Albeit a skewed point, Sam. The actions of organized religions have been far from feeble and their attempt (that have been successful) is to enslave the minds of the masses with fear and submission as well as to amass immense wealth. The RCC is a fine example.

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          there is always a pessimist way of looking at things and an optimistic way of looking at things.. and a realistic approach.. etc. but collectively people are trying. not everything works for every body any more that it does for you. the grass is not greener on the other side. but people are trying. and collectively. we ARE better off than we have been at any other point in history. so WHEN ARE the rest of the people going to start getting greatful and appreciative. and helpful etc. well. some arent. and thats not my fault. nor religions, nor trumps... lol. arggg. this IS YOUR CHOICE !! YOU CHOSE YOUR LIFE. stop blaming. the rest of us are moving on with good intentions and keeping the progress going. will there be more mistakes.. more errors. oh yeah. can we wave a magic wand and fix all problems in a day.. hell no. but we can try bit by bit to make the world a better place. trying and failing and trying again.. is better than not trying and pointing fingers.. in my opinion.

          1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            I agree and have dubbed it the Rosa Parks effect. She did not set out to be the face of the civil rights movement she just simply did not think she should have to give up her seat. Keeping in mind she was seated in the "colored" section already but the white section became full. So she didn't even try to be unlawful just felt she should not have to give up her seat. She was not concerned with anyone else who did give up their seats. She did not ridicule them or demean them for not following her lead. She simply Did what she felt was right for her. Inadvertantly this personal stand for her rights became a pivotal moment in the civil rights movement.

            One person can not change the world by simply telling them what to do....however if you take a look around yourself and live a life of love peace and remove judgement perhaps someone will take notice and decide to do the same in their life and that is the only true way to make a difference

            Just live a life of acceptance and compassion and be willing to work together to help each other because that is the only thing you can actually control and if everyone spent as much time on working on the only tiny part of the world that they can change and improve as they do pointing out why everyone else is responsible for the lack of peace in our hearts....we would see a much quicker change than one could even image.

          2. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

            Joanne...absolutely...in the end, all we can really do in this world is be loving and caring, and model that kind of "life"...Tom

    11. moominmutti's Avatar moominmutti

      Goodness knows...Perhaps these people should ask how many 'good Christians' have owned slaves, committed rape and murder, tortured and killed non-believers (including Jews), how many American Mormon men had multiple wives at one time...oh, and there are several States in America where child marriage is, inexplicably, still legal! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_marriage_in_the_United_States)

  1. Francisco's Avatar Francisco

    Typical American hater! Uneducated, uncultured, under-schooled, caucasian, low wage earner, ignorant, and more than likely a Trump supporter. Good help them!

    1. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick

      Wow, If anyone has a narrow view. It is you Ms. Rosaly. You make this assertion based on what, a billboard? I would think that one this is a clever (Intelligent), two, rather impressive, and three, expensive form of advertising. So, did you make the connection between the billboard's assertion that this was the Islamic Prophet Mohamed from the six items listed? Or did you have to read the article, like me?

      1. eric k's Avatar eric k

        I am with you on this Joseph, witty advertisement and I had no clue who the riddle board was talking about till reading the article, by the way what the heck did this prophet Mohammad believe in, Islam? The guy sounds like a scary dude

        1. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick

          Hi Eric, he is the father of Islam. He was the original promoter of hate in Islam, he also is quite a confusing philosopher. His tenants are very contradictory. Like you can not be gay but their are virgin boys waiting for the gay man who lives and dies for Islam in paradise. 72 of them just like for the straight male gets 72 virgin girls, which is the minimum award. So you are promised sex if you join Muhammad. They are the Houri, Promised virgins, the route of the word Hore in English. Think about that.

          Another is that Muslims are to love and respect Jews and Christians because they are both People of the Book, therefore Muslims. Yet Mohamed beheaded 600 Jews, and the Quaran has passages describing how to torture and kill Christians and Jews. Why is this okay? Because you make them full Muslims in the after life. Islam promotes death, Because in Death all are made a pure Muslim. A pure people to the god. You are cleansed when you die.

          Come on how is this a good idea? Oh wait, salvation comes threw death. Yeah true. But by the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Lord and Son of God Most High. By God himself and no one else. You cannot achieve salvation accept by a gift of God. God brings you to life, Islam to death.

          1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            You know, this is an example of how really stupid Islam is: Of what use is a virgin to a Muslim anyway, except to deflower them? After he deflowers them, are they replaced? If not, they are no longer virgins. If that is the case, in a Muslim paradise, a man who wants to get it on twice a day with a virgin has 32 days' worth of virgins. How many times can you nail a virgin before she is no longer fun to rape? What does he do for the rest of eternity?

            Now, from whence come the virgins, and why do they have to serve this particular pig? Did they do something evil in order to be sentenced to this? What is their place in this paradise? Did they do something GOOD in order to be there?

            Did you know that a Muslim thinks if you bury his remains with pig blood and pig parts that he cannot enter paradise?

            What happens to Muslim women? Do their clitori grow back in paradise? What is their reward for being good subservient oppressed slaves? There is a lot of stupidity in the Islamic system. Also a lot of inbreeding and insanity.

          2. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


          3. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            You've made some disingenuous comments about one of the world's most popular religions, Joseph. As you well know, the Bible contains much barbarity and slaughter (as well as a plethora of contradictions) attributed directly to it's version of God, or indirectly through "the Prophet" Moses, who also, like Muhammed, claimed to be in direct contact with their God. While you seem to have some significant knowledge, some of your posts are more proselytizing rather than informative.

          4. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            I think it's cute how leftists like to use big words they really don't understand over and over. It's like code to the rest of the leftists, saying, "Look at me! I'm one of you!"

            Disingenuous? I guess that sounds nice to a lefty, but the way you are using it is not correct at all. I notice you did not deny any of the things said about Islam or Mohammed, but instead criticized Yahweh. THAT's disingenuous. "Well, what about so-and so?" THAT's disingenuous. OH, and then you used proselytizing. Good one. So many proselytizers here. Surprised you didn't put misogynistic in there, but I guess since we were talking about ISLAM on this post, you wouldn't want to use it here.

            Mr. Maher, did you ask your doctor about your thyroid? I really hope you get better. I was hoping your Tourette's would improve. Maybe cannabis oil?

          5. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Oh, yes, and "plethora". Just FYI, those contradictions you mention exist in your understanding, not the word of Yahweh.

          6. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Disingenuous = not truly honest or sincere

            Actually I did post contrary information about Muhammed on June 15 and you already replied to it today.

            I find it pathetic that people like yourself feel compelled to put others in made up categories. You seem smitten with "lefty" which I'll gladly accept as I'm left handed. No apologies for having a vocabulary beyond the Grade 7 level.

          7. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Bra John, You just showed that you used the word incorrectly. You are the categorizer. That is what lefties DO, and yes, THAT IS YOUR CATEGORY, and your vocabulary is not above 7th grade, at least not as exhibited here. TRYING to use big words is what children do when they learn one that sounds "cool" to them. I could use fancy words like that in the third and fourth grade but by sixth grade I found them pretentious, as are all affectations. But, HEY, LIVE IT UP, Bra!

          8. Tony Doles's Avatar Tony Doles

            I wonder how many of you actually have read the Quran or hadiths of Islam? What about the bible? Have you studied that? How about the Talmud or Torah of the Jewish faith? The Torah and Talmud of the Jewish faith allows rape of any child as long as they're goyim (non Jew or "cattle") male or female. Every nobleman in the bible owned slaves. The Jews had Jesus Christ murdered!! Whole cities were slaughtered by christians during the inquisition and crusades of "non-believers". Islam is a religion that is no different than the others. You criticize one, you criticize ALL.....

          9. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Great comment, Tony. Haven't seen you posting here in the past. Welcome!! You'll find a number of "Christians" posting here with beliefs influenced by bigotry and it's constant companion, ignorance. While they're quite adept at showering us with scripture, few will have read the Quran. That will, however, not deter them from denigrating one of the world's most widespread religions, it's founder and it's adherents while ignoring the similarities with their own as you've pointed out.

            Had the birth lottery placed these zealots in Pakistan, Iran or Morocco, they'd be praising Allah and demonizing Christians. Ignorance knows no boundaries. Fervent belief trumps reason, logic and reality.

            "When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion." -- Robert M. Pirsig

          10. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            ...or progressive...

    2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

      Pancho, to whom are you referring as a hater? Why would it be hate to publish factual statements about a historical figure? Why do YOU think you are more educated and earn more and are more enlightened than this person to whom you refer. How ignorant could this person be if they have the disposable income and done the research to put up this sign?

      1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


      2. Ken's Avatar Ken

        John Owens, Please listen to Brother John. He's right and you're wrong. You are promoting the same hate as the bible does. No religion is without its faults. Christianity is no different.

        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          You're full of already digested beans, Ken. The Bra John is promoting hate, and therefore, since you agree with him, so are you. Just because he belongs to the same club as you does not make him right. I have not promoted hate one iota. That is you guys. You are as bad as Mr. Maher there. Your points of view are bigoted and retarded.

        2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

          Thanks Ken, but I doubt you'll have any impact on John Owens. He was called out in the past for using "disabled tweaker" and "retarded" as slurs against a member who disagreed with him. Although he apologized at the time and vowed to be more civil, I see that he still finds it acceptable to use "retarded" to describe your points of view. This is supposed to be a spiritually oriented forum for adult discussion and there is much we can learn from one another. There's no reason to accept or promote ignorance, bigotry and hatred in this world, and certainly not on this forum. We're quite capable of moderating this forum ourselves by simply exposing it when it appears. I encourage you and others who are trying to have meaningful discussions to do so.

          Bigotry is defined as "stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own." John (and others), as opposed to yourself, is often a fine example.

          I'm not going to waste my time debunking Owen's preposterous claim that he has "not promoted hate one iota". As opposed to a face to face conversation, one cannot deny what was said as it's here for all to read.

          1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Perhaps we define hate speech differently. Saying you are completely wrong and arrogant is not hate. It is an observation that you might find useful to improve yourself, if you were not so arrogant. Retarded means, SLOW. Underdeveloped. Behind. Poco ritardo is a note on sheet music to instruct the musician.

            As to this reference, "He was called out in the past for using “disabled tweaker” and “retarded” as slurs against a member who disagreed with him. Although he apologized at the time and vowed to be more civil, I see that he still finds it acceptable to use “retarded” to describe your points of view.", I realized that Bra John and his ilk, who think they should be able to say anything they like and I, I should be Christ-like about everything. In other words, to prove I am good and kind, I should allow them to act like hyenas and verbally strip the meat from my bones without protest or insult. (I see Bra John has nothing better to do than to go back over and over the blogs)

            That is the tactic of the left. They say they want you to DIE, but accuse you of hate-speech if you call them stupid or lazy or deranged. Knowing this, I made a conscious decision to not allow impotent small-minded people to silence me.

            That is what is happening with the Muslims. They can say they want to take over, rape our women, kill us, take our country, install Sharia law, but if we say anything about them, even if it is truthful, it is called hate-speech.

            Now, Bra John says KMA and calls me bigoted and promoting ignorance and hatred, but THAT'S NOT NAME-CALLING. THAT'S NOT HATE. That's just mature, reasonable, educated observation. Well, I think it's pretty obvious he's full of digested stuff.

          2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            You can take me off your "lefty list", Jack, as I don't meet your bizarre requirements. I've never, in my entire life, said, or even thought, I want some to DIE.

            Most people would assume "lefty, liberal, tree huggers" to be pacifists and right-wing conservatives more likely to be warmongers. But there are obviously exceptions.

          3. Norma Battes's Avatar Norma Battes

            (To Brother John erroneously posted elsewhere.)

            ” Brother John June 21, 2017 at 2:23 pm Good point Rev Paul…. I believe Islam is spreading faster than most, if not all, religions. What it will spread is bigotry, ignorance, fear and hatred….. just what our world needs..” (Would this post be considered hate speech against Islamic belief?)

            ” Brother John June 21, 2017 at 1:10 pm There’s no reason to accept or promote ignorance, bigotry and hatred in this world, and certainly not on this forum. ”

            Does this contradict your post above?

            “Brother John June 21, 2017 at 1:10 pm This is supposed to be a spiritually oriented forum for adult discussion and there is much we can learn from one another. ”

            Semantics notwithstanding, does this post contradict your post below?

            ” Brother John June 22, 2017 at 1:22 pm This is not a “religious site”, Norma. Atheist, Agnostics and others are welcome and are not religious. ”

            My Brother, I wish you well on what appears to be this arduous journey you have chosen. I pray you accept the many joys along your path that when your time is still you will find your efforts worthwhile. Vaya con Dios

          4. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            I know what you mean about getting disconnected during a discussion, Norma. I think I can piece together what your asking...

            No contradiction. The billboard is indeed promoting ignorance rather than knowledge and understanding.

            Spiritual has no implied connection to a specific religion. Semantics are important to effective communication. Here's an excellent comparison of the two....


        3. Dr. Michael Glick's Avatar Dr. Michael Glick

          While it is true (from my point of view) that

        4. Norma Battes's Avatar Norma Battes

          " Brother John June 21, 2017 at 2:23 pm Good point Rev Paul…. I believe Islam is spreading faster than most, if not all, religions. What it will spread is bigotry, ignorance, fear and hatred….. just what our world needs.." (Would this post be considered hate speech against Islamic belief?)

          " Brother John June 21, 2017 at 1:10 pm There’s no reason to accept or promote ignorance, bigotry and hatred in this world, and certainly not on this forum. "

          Does this contradict your post above?

          "Brother John June 21, 2017 at 1:10 pm This is supposed to be a spiritually oriented forum for adult discussion and there is much we can learn from one another. "

          Semantics notwithstanding, does this post contradict your post below?

          " Brother John June 22, 2017 at 1:22 pm This is not a “religious site”, Norma. Atheist, Agnostics and others are welcome and are not religious. "

          My Brother, I wish you well on what appears to be this arduous journey you have chosen. I pray you accept the many joys along your path that when your time is still you will find your efforts worthwhile. Vaya con Dios

          1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Just a head's up, Norma. If your post is tagged for moderation (in red) it may take a few days to appear, especially if it's after 5 pm or on the weekend. I've re-posted and have had both appear like yours. Our moderators are probably all volunteers performing a thankless task.


      3. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

        The name is Francisco, not "Pancho", John Owens. You've been called out in the past for your ignorant comments, but can't seem to control yourself. As I have little respect for your misguided, bigoted opinions, I find many of your comments pathetically amusing, but others many find them personally offensive. Carry on with your nastiness if you like, but I, for one, will not be giving you a pass in the future. Understand that in many cases, you're simply making a fool of yourself. I wish Moses would appear and teach you a lesson you'd never forget.

        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          You are comically pathetic, after condemning Moses and his God, you take his name as if you are standing in his place.

          Pancho is one of the most popular nicknames for Francisco, as Jack or Johnny are for John. If you were one half as smart as you think you are, you would know that.

          As for your respect, who gives a rat's culito what a gruñon respects? The chaff is nothing to the wheat. You are the misguided one, the bigoted one, the pathetically amusing one, the nasty one, the one who makes a fool of himself, the one who cannot shut his receptacle, because you are maladjusted, maleducated, bitter, sad, spiteful, a despiser of good things, and a lover of evil. You can end this back-and-forth anytime you get ready. All you have to do is stop being a jerk. You can do that by clamming up, or talking like a human instead of a sphincter.

          1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Hahahaha!! You forgot "retarded", but did toss in some big boy words.

          2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Just FYI, retarded is not a name, but a condition, like maladjusted and maleducated. I see you'd rather continue the banter. I'm a little busy but I'll be back.

          3. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            ...and you overlooked the little Spanish lesson I gave you there.

          4. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            OK Jack.

          5. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Ahora aprendes, Juancito! Ya sabes.

          6. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


          7. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Mr. Maher, I'm so sorry you suffer from tourettes, but feel free to report me as a bully (that's what sissies do, tell on the bullies) anytime you feel like it. Be warned, though, if you call attention to my notes, you may well call attention to your own. I don't do fake F bombs and such like you do, so, it's just something to consider. I think I've treated your ravings with much more respect than you have my grammatically correct ones. Just keep trying to make cogent thoughts, and sooner or later, you'll have one.

          8. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            And, Mr. Maher, I'm not QUICK to call names, but I don't have to take any crap off anyone else either, and you just keep trying to goad me, even when I am not speaking with you. You just jump in and throw feeble insults. My Christian parents taught me to be kind to people like you, but you DO make it difficult. I'm still trying, though.

          9. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


          10. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Please take your medicine, Mr. Maher.

          11. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            John Maher...... although you may have a reason for it, using the PsYCHO kILLr FoNT for every post encourages me to simply scroll on by. If you'd actually like to have us take you seriously, try typing normally like most of us do... You'll find it's actually easier as you won't be constantly reaching for the caps lock.

          12. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            Woah, John Owens....I have read your replies and respected your insight however "sissies tell on bullies" in really hope that was one of those jokes I just don't understand do to the off set humor.

            Bullies are cowards who will seek out individuals who they believe are weaker than them and are often compensating for something lacking within themselves.

            My family motto is we dont hit first but we hot last because I have a zero tolerance for bullies and being the mother of a child who was bullied, until it became physical and the so called bully got the beating of his life from I would have assume by your statement, my "sissie" son.

            Forget worrying about what Muslims may or may mot be doing check the news regarding the epidemic of bullying and cyber bullying and how ot harms out children and sadly some of them are not strong enough or confident enough to stand up for themselves and reach out for help to make it stop and in the process maybe keep that bully from doing any more harm to other children. O understand this is an adult forum and you are speaking to another adult and feel that everyone should not be free to own their feelings regarding anyone's post but it's comments like only sissies tell on bullies that make me ashamed for people as a whole that you will argue about the harm Muslims are going to cause yet you jus demonstrated one of the biggest problems facing or countries children right now. It sickens me that it came from a grown man....

          13. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Joan, you took the sissies and bullies think COMPLETELY out of context. That was Maher and me. Maher called me and somebody else (I honestly don't even remember who) sissie-boys. That's were that came from. There are too many posts on here for you to check all of that, but if you read it in context and order, you might even find it funny. I can't believe what a tirade you went off on. When you realize how foolish and judgmental you were, I hope you learn something.

            I appreciate you lecturing me on bullies. I am 5'-5" and will be 60 this year. I went to public school on two continents, (well, one was an island) and I am a biker in what is probably the oldest bonafide MC in the world, and very probably the biggest. I probably know more about bullies than you ever dreamed of. I've dealt with them all my life. My son is also small. I taught him how to deal with bullies, not to be a bully. I am not the bully on this blog. There are at least two. Your acrimony is uncalled-for and a little bit show-boat. Please get off your high horse.

          14. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            John, if it is regards to a previous post and I didnt get some kind of connection then I apologize. I took it at face value and simple read what was written.

            However I will not be able to apologize for my "tirade" regarding a statement depicting the victims of bullies being sissies if they tell. If you made the connect that I did not see posts that preceded it and you claim yourself to be a victim of bullies then I am compelled to question why you expect any other kind of reaction to that statement as it stands alone.

            I included my own experience regarding my son being bullied and a parent I cant understand where I appear "show Boaty" and why you would feel that me being upset by a statement like that is unnecessary.

            Again, you let me know there were post that went along with it that would explain it away and I would then realize the meaning behind the words as something else, so my reaction was of a concerned parent and the reality of bullying epidemic that is hurting our kids. If the safety of my child and the emotion I feel when a statement is made (yet out of context I understand but I did not realize that, but you did when you berated me for it) that contributes to very thing that almost every parent is concerned about each time then send their child off to school, is considered being on my high horse, well I ask that you find me something even bigger to climb on because I will always react the same way where the people I love are involved.

            Again, I apologize I did not see the full context of the conversation because you are right, posts get out of order and with so many they can be missed; but simply letting me know that would have been responded to with the same apology so the need to question my motives or need to show boat seems unwarranted and the one part that is really unnecessary.

          15. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Joanne, I can see that you are a nice woman. I thought you were a little over-the-top in your scolding of me over the exchange with Maher. Because it's a blog, everybody sees stuff, but they only see certain stuff, and then react. I reacted to your reaction, but I still think you are a nice woman, and not an unreasonable one. You and I can converse with civility. You can't do that with everyone. Some of them treat you like an ignoramus, and then call you a meanie when you get your hackles up. That's what was going on before. If I don't talk to certain people and they don't talk to me, everything seems more civil here, but some want to control all the conversation. THEY are the bullies here. Not I.

          16. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            I can respect and understand that. sometimes I find myself on the defensive with the wrong people unsure of the intent of their responses. It's my own character flaw i guess and I try to keep it straight but miss the mark sometimes.

            As I originally started my overprotective mother rant, I had said how I always read your comments and respect your insight which may have been part of it...it kind of caught me off guard as I guess I just wasn't expecting it in one of your comments. it seemed out of place....and now I know why. no ill feelings and I look forward to sharing and exchanging of information with you.

    3. Sheila's Avatar Sheila

      Your speech is full of hate. The billboard owner got the reaction. He was looking for.

      1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

        SHEILA, PLEASE, WHOs SPEECH is FULL of HATE ??? DUMP the IGNORAMUS tRUMP, GOD is GREAT so is the US of A...................

        1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

          or just carrying on using it...

    4. Sheila's Avatar Sheila

      Rosaly The first 10 amendments to the Constitution make up the Bills of Rights, you should probably read them. It will help you a lot.

      1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

        ...and thank you, Sheila.

    5. Mark's Avatar Mark

      I agree with her statement. Oh and I have a PhD, 2 Doctorate degrees and have studied Islam for 30 years. Nothing that sign says is inaccurate. Try reading history.

    6. Doug Barron's Avatar Doug Barron

      Francisco: what kind of hater are you? One who hates voters for the President currently in office; duly elected? One who hates a fellow who works for a wage every day, and raises a family? One who hates those who care about the values that created the nation we live in? One who hates the person who could not afford to earn a four year degree after finishing high school, because they had to get a job in order to support their family and pay bills? One who hates another that has a different view than you, so you label them as "ignorant"? One who hates another you consider "uncultured"? "Good help them"? I am too ignorant and uncultured to discern the meaning and intent of this phrase. Though I am confident that if I were as erudite as you aparrently are, I might understand your phraseology. Good help you also!

      1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

        LOL! Funny, Doug.

    7. CW's Avatar CW

      Uneducated, uncultured, under-schooled, Caucasian, low wage earner, ignorant. Are you kidding me? So you racist as well as stupid and an American hater.

    8. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      Its hard to defend the idea that the billboard is meant to spread fear and hate when your comment simple mirrors the billboards message but targeted at those that you are angry with.

      1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

        DISCLAIMER: Joanne, this paragraph is in no way a rebuttal or counterpoint to your comment here. It was just a convenient place for me to address you.

        You know, Joanne, it just occurred to me: If the Manson family suddenly developed a large following, should the people be warned about Charles Manson's and the original family's beginnings? I think the Muslim faith is more similar to them than any of the other religions-- Bahai, Shintoism, Taoism, Judaism, the many many branches of Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, any others I missed. I'm just spit-balling here. The sign mostly stirs conversation. I hope most of it is reasonably intelligent, but that is a subjective assessment anyway.

        1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

          You make a very good point. Charles Manson convinced his followers that he was a direct decent of Jesus Christ and that the need for the Tate/ laBianca murders were to instill a fear in people as they tried to frame the crimes on African Americans hoping to begin a race war uprising where the whites would regain full control and he would be the supreme messiah in control of all people. He is a rather fascinating and intriguing individual. He manipulated well educated people, many from loving and caring homes and basically brainwashed them to believing ever word he said.

          He is still the only person that sat on death row without actually committing any murder himself. He still gains more and new followers even now. Thats a brain I would like to get into.

          I do believe that there is a possibility that such a "family" could be formed to the same end based within the Muslim community. but I believe the same possibility exists within most religions where the radicals choose to recruit others to fulfill their own needs. It is a scary notion and you are correct, I believe, in the concern that these kind of people exist and can somehow manage to pull off these kind of heinous crimes. But the threat exists across the board, in my opinion, and can be formed in the name of any deity they choose to claim sent them to spread their word.

          1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Yes. Right now, the biggest threats to peace are radicalized Islamists and the baby-faced dictator of North Korea. When they are neutralized or killed, there will be others. Nature abhors a vacuum, they say. There are localized threats everywhere, and they should each be addressed by the locals. If people govern themselves, they don't need government. That is what true anarchy should be-- not a lack of order or chaos, but order in which no committee or ruler is in charge. Where people govern themselves.

  1. mega's Avatar mega

    LOL OMU. Im sure other religions have dirt like that that has been covered up over the years. Never been happier to be on neutral grounds. Hope you fanatics have fun with this one ;)

    1. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick

      Oh My Universe? that made me giggle. Mega, are you so turned away from God that you can't or won't use his name in vain? Is God so removed from your life that you actually had to think about how to express you self this way and remove Him from even your explicates? Listen, God is calling, through his Word, inviting, offering you forgiveness, comfort and Joy.

      You want to discuss this, just let me know. you can PM me in the minister network forum. same name no E.

      1. mega's Avatar mega

        Hehe glad you got a giggle out of that, joseph. Would love to have a chat sometime. I'll PM ya some time when a get a free moment.

        1. Minister Bill's Avatar Minister Bill

          Love it. (OMU) Perfect. Mega, you nailed it. Now, many folks "sear by god". Great, which one? Born again Christian? (HUH?). You die to have 72 wives? Sounds like hell to me. etc. Which God do you refer to? Maybe Wotan? the one Wednesday is named after? LMBO!

          1. hedenhardwareshopp's Avatar hedenhardwareshopp

            William, I worship Othinn and all his kin. But let me say that the rants about Islam are old and wore out, and yes I knew who the billboard spoke of without reading the article. Keep the billboard to educate the unknowing, but let's have an open minded exchange here.

    2. X Wing KC (@joyhargraves)'s Avatar X Wing KC (@joyhargraves)

      I am going to have to start using that phrase!! Good one!!! And I would love to chat with you one day, mega. I think we would both find much common ground and be great sounding boards for stuff that "bugs" us!

  1. Lee's Avatar Lee

    I don't see the value in a billboard like this. What is the goal of the author/designer/????? It blooms poison fruit. Why? Seems like the world has an abundance of poisonous fruit. Why cultivate more?

    1. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick

      Lee I think it is to get Muslims but more likely to let the non-muslims know what kind of leader Muhammad was. I went to the website truthophobes.com and it is all about keeping Islam out of Australia. It is trying to tell the truth about what Islam would do to Australia if it were to be Islamified.

    2. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      Lee I am not sure how many people here have actually read the Quran and taken the time to understand the true meaning in its pages and not accept the extremists interpretation of it. Interestingly enough, most holy doctrine, when read as it was meant to be read and not picked apart word for word looking for some hidden meaning, are actually all very similar in their message. I believe this is because all of these men, human men, we sent as messengers from a greater divine. Their message was present where it needed to be and in a way suitable for the time it was passed on. For anyone who has never read it but instead chooses to close their minds to the possibility that all faiths have radicals and extremists that most wish did not choose to desecrate the teachings that they know so well (of their own faith). All faiths have those and punishing an entire faith based on the tiny bit you have been fed to know about them is the same as all Christians being considered pedophiles and rapists due to a few heinous, evil men who dared call themselves messengers of Jesus Christ or as cult followers even since David Koresh identified himself as a true Christian man. If this came down to a Christian vs Islamic comparison, before presenting the challenge for me to find more Christian radicals than you could find Islamic Radicals....remember I am also a true crime junkie so it wouldn't really be fair to not warn you of that......

      But just to not a few important key elements of the True Islamic faith and not the one that is presented to us in the US only when it is to make a mockery of a persons faith because we need to believe that there is a reason behind everything instead of the fact that their is evil behind all bad things and unfortunately these people try to find solace and maybe even amnesty by claiming religious following.....

      True Islamic People reject all forms of terrorism - “Do not go about committing iniquity in the earth and causing disorder” (29:37); “They seek to create disorder, and Allah loves not those who create disorder” (5:65) The Holy Quran recognizes the sanctity of all human life: “Whosoever killed a person … it shall be as if he had killed all mankind; and whoso saved a life, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind” (5:33). The Holy Prophet Muhammad said rejected all types of terrorism in the name of Islam, even while Muslims faced twelve years of vehement persecution in Mecca.

      Jihad means to struggle and strive in good works to attain nearness to God. True Islam teaches that violent jihad has no place in today's world.

      True Islam recognizes the practical equity and spiritual equality of men and women. The Holy Quran declares, “But whoso does good works, whether male or female, and is a believer, such shall enter heaven…” (4:125)

      True Islam teaches that every human being has the right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion without the threat of coercion or punishment. Holy Quran, clearly declares, “There is no compulsion in religion” (2:257).

      True Islam requires a Muslim’s loyalty and obedience to their respective country of residence and laws. The Holy Quran states, “O ye who believe, obey Allah and obey the Prophet and obey those in authority from among you” (4:60). The Holy Prophet Muhammad declared, “You should listen to and obey your ruler, even if you [despise him]”

      True Islam categorically rejects the doctrine of abrogation and lying (taqiyya). under no circumstance are Muslims ever allowed to compel their faith on others. No contradiction or abrogation exists. Extremist will often try to exploit the Quranic verses regarding peace and argue they actually carry a different meaning.

      True Islam recognizes that no one religion holds a monopoly over salvation. The Holy Quran clearly supports this belief as it declares, “Surely, those who believe and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians—whichever party from among these truly believes in God and the Last Day and does good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve” (2:63).

      True Islam recognizes that the Messiah may only use logical reasoning and powerful arguments, never violence, to illustrate the true teachings of Islam.

      If you would like more examples I will find more. I want to note I do not practice within the Islamic faith so I am not even trying to defend my own spiritual beliefs here. I am simply pointing out that as Americans especially, we need to stop just taking what the media throws at us and call it truth. We need to stop forgetting that no faith is exempt from having those radicals that commit heinous crimes and do it in the name of their faith. If we could just realize and remember after 9/11, watching the children in Iran/Iraq dancing around, laughing and smiling as the twin towers fell and remember....they only know about us what their media and government wants them to know and they pass this fear and hate on to their children. Billboards like this make us no better than those same Tv broadcasts as they were counting the number of people who lost their lives in those attacks.

      1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

        Thanks for your thoughtful post, Joanne. It's principally religious bigotry that fans the flames of discord and hatred on all sides and creates splinter groups of extremists. I'll guess that most of the "Christians" posting here have never read the entire Bible, let alone the Quran, but feel compelled to proselytize on a regular basis and denigrate all religions other than their own. It seems many who choose to believe creation myths also believe the "official" stories about 9/11.

        Hundreds of thousands of innocent people have been (and are being) slaughtered and trillions (with a T) of borrowed $$$$ squandered as a result of the most outrageous false flag in history. This event was the trigger for the immensely profitable "Global War on Terror" and the widespread hatred of Islam and Muslims in the U.S.

        I encourage everyone to seek the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it may be, by investing a few hours to understand what really happened (and didn't happen) rather than to accept what "the media and government" wants us to believe. It's our choice to be skeptically rational about this monumental event, or enjoy the comfort of labelling it as just another "conspiracy theory". Below is an excerpt from the first linked site. There are many others.

        "Before reviewing the military air defense response on 9/11, it is important to remember objectively what the 'official story' asks the public to believe. According to their narrative, on the morning of September 11, four enormous, fuel-laden, lumbering jumbo jets were hijacked by 19 Arab men with box-cutters and zero in-air flight experience. These slow, unmaneuverable planes were then flown for 1 hour and 45 minutes through the most restricted airspace in the world without eliciting a single military intercept. The most sophisticated military in the world, able to strike dime-sized targets from hundreds of miles away with laser-guided missiles, precision radar equipment, and state of the art aircraft capable of flying well over 1,300 mph, could not locate, engage, nor intercept four wandering jumbo jets. A military that has a budget larger than the combined military assets of every other country in the world could not scramble, intercept and engage any of the radically wayward planes. Even Flight 77, which was allowed to fly unimpeded and crash into the Pentagon one full hour after two jets had been flown into the Twin Towers in NYC, failed to elicit the response and intercept from any military jets. Nor, indeed, did flight 93. A plane that crashed in a Pennsylvania field 1 hour and 45 minutes after the first plane was confirmed hijacked."

        "This official narrative leaves the public with one of two conclusions. Either the U.S. military is a wholly inept force incapable of defending the country from even the most rudimentarily hostile elements, rendering it the greatest illusion and farce the world has ever seen. Or on the morning of September 11, forces within its own ranks purposely blocked, hamstrung, and prevented the military apparatus from carrying out its most basic defensive responsibilities. In light of what we know the military can and has done in Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc., in light of the plan they surely have in place to defend the skies from a potential massive enemy air-attack with striking power infinitely more powerful than that of four unarmed civilian jumbo jets, the first hypothesis is out. Which leaves behind the only logical scenario. That rogue elements from within the military and government leadership itself either stood down the military apparatus to let the events of September 11 occur on purpose. Or the same rogue elements planned, facilitated, and helped carry out the attacks themselves. Either one would be high treason and mass murder. And there is overwhelming evidence to back up both."


        http://www.911truth.org Another excellent resource

        1. calumetkid's Avatar calumetkid

          Brother John: You avoid the truth here. What happened happened. Four commercial jets did crash into the towers, Pentagon, and a field. If detected efforts were made to figure out what was going on. But too late. The desire to crash land a plane intentionally to kill thousands of innocents was not even remotely in the minds of almost everyone on earth except Islamists. A few fiction writers did suggest such a scenario in times just before 9-11. But remember, they were fiction writers. I have heard that one FBI agent did suggest such a scenario to his bosses but no one would believe or further investigate the idea after he reported that Muslims were learning how to fly jets but had no interest in hw to land them. If that's true then the FBI and the National Security agencies did fail the American people. The US Military is not prepared to shoot down American Commercial Jets soon after takeoff. They are prepared to shoot down foreign planes suspected of imminent harm to America. There is nothing "rudimentary" about the most outrageous act of terrorism ever committed in the recorded history of the human race. It is the total and exact opposite.

          So, we are left with the "official version" of the event. Millions witnessed it on TV and thousands witnessed it live and on the scene. No other version can convert all those people to entertain "conspiracy" theories. They are just theories. But facts are facts. Muslim Arabs did train to fly commercial jets. They were all associated and members of the terrorist group. Box cutters are useful tools and duped inspectors into believing tools can't be weapons. The story is now, not only plausible but factual.

          1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            I encourage you to invest a few hours reading through the two sites I linked with an open mind. Truth can be very disturbing and our minds have an overwhelming urge to protect our sense of well being.

          2. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            This is true, however Timothy McVeigh killed 169 people, 19 being children at a day care center...he was not Islamic......or Adam Lanza who massacred 5-6 year old children at the Sandy Hook Elementary School....not Islamic....Seung-Hui Cho who killed 32 people at the Virginia Tech shootings....not Islamic....Jeffery Dahmer, Son of Sam, the Zodiac killer...none of these men were Islamic.

            Evil comes from all walks of life and is based on the individual(s) that carry out such evil. Look around, there is no religion that is free from radicals who hide behind a "religion" that they have warped in order to fulfill their warped sense of what it right.

            I read an article once and it said that the people who actually have the most resentment towards Muslims are Muslims. These heinous acts are not a representation of an entire religion yet the misinterpretation of the written word that they use to cover up the true evil within them and allows them to find a way to explain their actions away.

          3. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            I understand why Americans do not want to know the truth about 9/11, calumetkid. But you're not left with the "official version". There is a mountain of evidence clearly indicating that the three, not just two, buildings fell through controlled demolition, plus the lack of evidence of any planes at the Pentagon or Shanksville. Much of this is included in the two links I'd posted.

            Search YouTube for "9/11 eyewitness accounts". There are many.

            Everyone I know here in Canada believes this was another false flag attack that was not only allowed to slide without those involved being prosecuted, but more importantly, has resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent people that had nothing to do with it.

            This may be the event that finally bankrupts the U.S. both financially and morally. Sadly, the likely solution will be another world war, planned and instigated by the same psychopaths who've been allowed to rule the planet. They'll be no one to blame but those who sat idly occupying their minds with things that make them happy.

            "He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." Martin Luther King, Jr.

          4. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Although there are many 9/11 documentaries available, this is one of the best.The opening does an excellent job of explaining why uncovering the truth should be important to a nation that's cherished freedom and liberty in the past.


        2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          Here again, Bra John uses a big word he doesn't understand. "Proselytize." What a child.

          1. Nebraska Jones's Avatar Nebraska Jones

            You're attacking the man's vocabulary over and over, while giving scant attention to his arguments. That makes someone look petty and juvenile, and it isn't John.

          2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Nebraska, just because Bra happens to think like you, you ignore his rudeness and snidery. I pick at his vocabulary because he comes across as smug and snotty. If he would check his rudeness and know-it-all sophomore attitude, I could talk with him, but he thinks being ruder and snottier makes him right. He is not interested in what is right but in winning textual exchanges. This is the same kind of person who criticizes Trump for doing that. I just want him to dig himself. But, Hey, take up for him. I can never be as petty as he is if I tried, and if you choose to think so, that is your prerogative.

          3. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Uh oh Nebraska, you're on John's "lefty list" now. Are you new to this forum? Haven't seen posts from you in the past. If so, welcome and be prepared for some extreme comments from some of the hardcore "believers" who frequent this open forum.

            Thanks for your support, but John's attacks have little effect on me other than mild amusement. I encourage you not to become frustrated by any of the nonsense that goes on here, and call B.S. when you see it.

            Carry on bravely

          4. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Y'all get each other's phone numbers and you can flirt without the rest of us seeing it.

          5. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Ready for another foot burger already, Jack Owens? I thought the Moses/Zipporah platter would satisfy your craving for embarrassment. Like most members, I'm not here to flirt. You, on the other hand, have been using this forum as a chat line to connect with Inga and it looks like it could get naughty. Remember, we can all read what you two are saying, including your wife.

            Inga to John - "i will watch your waistline too.. while i work on my “more to love” look. lol."

            Do you think your Harley would make it up to Fort McMurray? It sure looks like she's given you an invitation and there's probably more than a free tank of gas involved.

          6. inga's Avatar inga

            silly rabbit. brother john. are you jealous ?? lol. or just have no sense of humor.

          7. inga's Avatar inga

            its the internet.. innocent. for all we know.. you are the girl and i am the guy.. lol

            oh yeah. hmmm.

            does cute happiness scare anyone ?? if john.. you are interested in john. please says so. i dont want to step on anyones toes. lol. i suppose i should have asked ahead. my apologies. you werent act like a couple.

          8. inga's Avatar inga

            and oh.. i am not in fort MAC. that was a reference story apparently taken out of context. that happens when people assume.

            thanks for suggesting i am offering more than a tank of gas though.. lol. i havent even got that far in the conversation.. lol

            seems your impression of me s based on your assumptions. and your assumptions may not always be correct.. just saying.

        3. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

          Brother John...well said about the government and the military...the scariest part, on a temporal level, is that Jeremy Glick may have prevented a Washington D.C. disaster that our government/military may have sanctioned...the bottom line to all, though, is still to live our lives in love and caring, as nothing is "real" except the ultimate peace...religions fighting; nations fighting, etc is all like ego exercising on a large scale...ultimately not very important, unless we lose ourselves in this world of illusion, and lose our way to love and caring...Tom

          1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Thanks Tom. I understand your point, but sadly, due principally to what many people choose to believe is "reality", our planet is on the verge of massive destruction that will make the present look idyllic in contrast. Complacency, apathy and a massive sense of entitlement have allowed psycho/sociopaths to attain positions of power and authority.

            As evidenced by some of the beliefs voiced on this "spiritually oriented" forum, and more importantly, on a global scale, events are unfolding that may very well be the "end times", potentially for the survival of mankind, but certainly for life as we've known it.

            The "pursuit of happiness" creates protective shields in our minds that deflect anything that might disturb it. Early in my life I chose to seek truth, no matter where it led me. I remain stunned and saddened by what my species has done to the other 8+ million species we share the planet with, including our own. To imagine that Homo sapiens are the epitome of creation is a testament to our overblown hubris.

          2. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

            Brother John...whatever we choose to "destroy", even if it appears to be everything, is still only an illusion, and we will still be part of God...and everything we think is past, present and future is all the same, and all in existence always...Tom

    3. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

      They are illustrating just how poison Islam is, from its very inception. The billboard illustrates what a bloodthirsty pervert Mohammed was, and by Islam referring to him as the perfect man, it shows how really stupid Islam is. It does not bear good fruit, never has, yet somehow a certain group of people in this country have decided to LIE through their teeth and teach how wonderful it can be, and how it played an important role in the building of the United States (prime example: BHO). A lot of people are worried about offending the Islamists but they are worried about offending the wrong people. Islamists are perpetually offended when they live in a country that is not dominated by Islam, so to try to appease them is futile. They will never be appeased until everything is Islamic.

      Instead, people should worry about offending working class citizens who are NOT Muslim. They are the ones who make this country operate. They produce the food and other products and get them to market and build the roads and houses and pay taxes. Worry about offending THOSE people if you have any sense. I wouldn't go out of my own way to offend a Muslim, because my CHRISTIAN parents taught me to treat people the way I would like to be treated. Sometimes, that means telling me I am mistaken.

      This sign is not mean or hurtful. The TRUTH is mean and hurtful to the Muslims, because they do not like to think about the glaring contradictions in their philosophy.

      1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

        Are you the John Owens that thinks the Prophet Moses is the "gold standard" of prophets? We could ask the descendants of the Midianites about the true meaning of bloodthirsty, but Mr. Gold Standard had them all slaughtered at God's command (except for the virgins kept as booty which most sane people would consider perverted). See Number 31 for the gruesome details.

        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          Bro John, you might do well to take a warning from all of that, while you blaspheme. If you had any wisdom at all, that is. All prophets that followed walked in his shadow. Jesus pointed HIS followers to Moses. So did Paul. Even Mohammed referred to Moses as the greatest prophet.

          The Midianites were filthy, corrupt, inbred, much like many Muslim tribes today, but they were also idolaters. The only idol the Muslims have are their traditions, which neither follow Mohammed, nor Moses, nor the Quran.

          For what, exactly, do you claim to stand, Bro John? I haven't seen anything but bile from you here. Are you striving desperately to find relevance in your bitterness?

          1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Curiously, Moses chose to marry a Midianite named Zipporah, John. I guess he liked women that were "filthy, corrupt and inbred" assuming your characterization is even remotely accurate.

          2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Yahweh didn't have them killed because they were dark-skinned. Curiously, scripture does not tell us that Moses's sons, while Levites, ever became big-shots among the Israelites.

          3. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Oh, and be careful reading that stuff. A light might shine into the darkness of your soul.

          4. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Who said anything about "dark skinned", John? Kind of awkward to recall that Moses chose to marry a Midianite after your scathing depiction of them, isn't it? LMFAO!!

          5. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            That would have been Moses's sister, the one who was watching him in his little basket in the reeds when Pharoah's daughter found him, Miriam, but don't read it-- El Shaddai might hold you responsible for things you read. If you are going to continue to be so childish, arrogant, and hard-headed (all ancient Israelitish traits, by the way), it would be better for you to remain totally ignorant.

          6. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            You're the one who denigrates the Midianites. Moses probably would have kicked your ass (or worse) had you called his wife "filthy, corrupt and inbred". I'll bet gross disrespect for a great Prophet qualifies as blasphemy, so heed your own warning. LMFAO even harder now...

          7. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            I take it back-- read all you like. Nothing is ever going to touch you. You are immune from penalty for acting like a petty, impotent jerk. Surely the law of God could never apply to you. It seems that you believe if you can act snottier than another person, it somehow means you are correct. It doesn't. It just means you are snotty. And petty. And socially crippled.

  1. Audra's Avatar Audra

    Who cares. This is free speech. This is a waste of an article in this email. Is this email newsletter going to be about what people freely speech upon with every religion. This is disgraceful. I see billboards of every ther religions and signs. Leave that for social apps.

    1. D. Howe's Avatar D. Howe

      There IS a difference, Audra, between free speech and healthy discourse. I can understand the logic of pointing out the info on the billboard, sometimes the truth needs to get out there. BUT, putting this info on a HUGE billboard, (as always IMHO) was probably undertaken as a "Gotcha" to the Islamic community. Just sayin'

    2. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      Audra if you cant see that this go way past any kind of free speech that was meant to be awarded by adding that Amendment then our country is in far more danger than I had feared. You are comparing religious billboards placed by the believers of that religion to a billboard placed to instill fear in everyone who passes it and directs them to target their anger and fear at a particular group based on nothing more than their religion. So if you followed a certain religion, you would have no problem driving home and entering you neighborhood where you lived with your children to find this billboard right out front for everyone to see. It is only disgraceful and everyone's right to freedom of speech because it does not put your family or children in danger.

      I am not even going to question if this is a real individual they are speaking of or multiple cases they threw together for impact, or if has any truth in it at all regarding any individual, but truth of the matter is....this is not an accurate representation of the Islamic Religion. No I am not Islamic but I have read and understand the Quran. It is putting innocent people in danger for the acts of a few who happened to identify themselves as Islamic and therefore it must be what all Islamic people are like.

      You choose to want to believe whatever the media tells you.....turn on your nightly news....disregarding of course the major traumatic events that were done and claimed to be done based on the words of Quran (which again is not a true interpretation of its meaning)...and I do not see many Islamic people on the news in my area killing, raping and molesting. I would be willing to bet you can say the same. So if this si true why should Islamic families living near and around thins kind of propagandize be in fear of their lives and the lives of their families....because as a whole, we are too lazy and ignorant to take the time and actually see what the religion is all about and maybe look around at the people we share our faith with and some of the heinous crimes they have committed and you tell me that this is an innocent sign exercising our right to free speech. Its an embarrassment that we have all just come to rely on what we are told rather than find out for ourselves and even worse, we spend so much time finding faults in everyone else; especially if they do not believe the same as we do, that we can sit back an act like there would be no reason to believe we may be the heinous ones if media was the only way to learn of ones religion and culture. Educate yourself and fix what you need to have done first and maybe if everyone focused on that we would find a lot happier healthier people who could accept eachother based on our morals, values and respect for each other and let the other things be our own personal business.

      1. Norma Battes's Avatar Norma Battes

        I only started reading your posts and I'm loving it. You go girl! (No disrespect.) 21 more to go.

        1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

          Thank you...and no disrespect taken at all. It has been years since I was called a girl lol. I may be able to publish a small book with just my comments but I appreciate the feedback. Thank you again

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            agreed i used to teach english as a second language for women at the local college. there were msulims there, japanese, chinese, philipines., venuzuela.. all sorts of wonderful people from different countires and cultures. they were beautiful people !!(and ironically, i spell worse now then then. bahahah))

  1. Paul D Gilbert's Avatar Paul D Gilbert

    All religions are imperfect as are their leaders and followers. Like all organizations, religions need criticism to improve. I don't think a billboard is the best way to influence people but, as Audra said, this is free speech.

    1. mega's Avatar mega

      Well said, paul

    2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      Thanks for your contribution, Paul. As we can all see, criticism is often not well received....

      “Scriptures, n. The sacred books of our holy religion, as distinguished from the false and profane writings on which all other faiths are based.” ― Ambrose Bierce, The Unabridged Devil's Dictionary

  1. Minister Greg Harden's Avatar Minister Greg Harden

    Since most of the claims have been proven by their own faith and writings,they can't deny these facts. But the Billboard is just plain stupidity and hatred and the owners of said Billboard should not have allowed this to be placed. It's just someone's way to promote hatred and violence in the world and bring attention to their own cause and beliefs. The person or company that owns this Billboard should have been smart enough to realize what was going to happen once this was done. Reread the Bible folks. May God bless us. Thanks.....

    1. Jim V's Avatar Jim V

      I agree with every word of this post. C'mon people - it's not a matter of whether they could erect such a message, but rather, if they SHOULD. What is there to gain by widening the chasm that is already almost uncrossable? The vast, VAST majority of Muslims today would condemn every single one of the things posted on that billboard. This is a person that lived 1500 years ago. I'm no religious scholar, but I feel confident in saying that there are many things in many religions that were acceptable 1500 years ago that would be condemned today. Sure - there are extremists who want to cause harm and death to good people - but you can find those people in every religion, every race, every creed, every country in the world.

      Why, why, why do we have to constantly paint the masses with a broad brush that only applies to the very, very few? There are bad people everywhere - but we can't keep lumping everyone together based on the actions of a few.

      1. Sheila's Avatar Sheila

        Reminds me of a story, that all of us have heard or read. A frog was placed in a pot of cold water and over time the heat was Gradually increase the frog did not notice and died. There is a true threat, and all is not innocent, I truly wish it was not so.

    2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      I agree with your advice about spreading hatred and violence, but encourage you to research whether what's on the billboard is accurate. BTW, I'm an atheist and am not defending Islam or Muhammed. Participating in this forum confirms that accepting beliefs as reality and truth is the path to delusion.


  1. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick

    I agree with Mr. Harden, that most of these claims have been shown to be historically true. I also agree with each of you that the billboard is protected under the Bill of Rights as freedom of expression and as well just public dispensation of information.

    What I do not see is the promotion of hatred that so many of you thus far assume. The ones that view it this way are the Muslim community their-selves. All the billboard says are facts. Also how many people currently and historically could fit any if not most of these implications? Seriously.

    I had to read into the article to actually realize that this billboard advertisement was referencing Mohamed. I knew of these statements about him but looking at the list, I would not have known who this "Perfect Man" was. I actually thought it may have been promoting some Strange or Evil behavior. Truth be told.

    Here is the thing, just based on my assertions about this billboard, the fact that the Islamic community is outrage that someone put in public the shortcomings of their great and noble prophet indicates that well, Mohamed is all those things and more. That he was a corrupt and debauched man. Also, they are overly sensitive. "How dare you imply our prophet is fallible?!!" It sounds somewhat like Islamist attitude toward Denmark and the french Newspaper "Charlie". So, are they going to organize a bombing of the Billboard company offices? Will they find the people who wrote and payed for the ad and behead them? I pray not.

    If they do then it is obvious that Shariah Law is incompatible with Constitutional Law.


    1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

      Truth is not politically correct. It does not discriminate against nor show respect for anyone. It just IS. Some people call truth HATE, but only because they hate truth.

      1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


  1. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick


    Consider this.

  1. Memirsbrunnr@RobV (@Memirsbrunnr)'s Avatar Memirsbrunnr@RobV (@Memirsbrunnr)

    If you get offended by factual truth there is not something wrong with the facts but with you.. You can't handle the truth. I think that the misleading message of islam is the religion of peace is obviously false, that title belongs to Jainism where the more extreme and fanatic you are in your beliefs and dedication the more peaceful you become. ( contrast that to fanatic islam, which goes you say something awe don't like? Off with your head), and the weakened down version; islam is A religion of peace which is still highly debatable as arguably, islam is the most violent religion at the moment. All the claims on the board are arguably correct. Stating facts is NOT hatespeech, the correct approach for muslims is, to actually work on showing in ACTIONS they are a religion of peace.. They never do, it's always the good old They are not real muslims (not a true scotsman fallacy) or we are the real victims.. People in London get blown up or driven over and the main response from the muslim community is.. Oh no how will this reflect on us poor muslims.. As long as you religious keep on terrorising your neighbourhoods like they do here in Europe by spitting and calling girls a whore for wearing short skirts, and walking on their pavement, and don't act proactively in acting like grown up educated people. It is perfectly OK to confront the average muslim, with their bigotry hate selfishness and unwillingness to behave as grown up members of society, that work instead of demanding and then pulling welfare as they excluded themselves from working by wearing extreme Islamic garb, so they know no one will hire them and then they can blame society for acting racist.. At the time I could not get a job for wearing punk clothes, so I grew up and acted as an adult changed my ways and got teh job I wanted. Freedom of religion is NO excuse for a state/society payed life long welfare check.. Lets safe that for people who really can't work, not just those that use religion as a tool to parasitize on society because they make themselves wilfully unemployable.

    1. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick

      Thank you Rob. You have many valid points. I can read your valid emotion and frustration in your posting. I can agree with you. We have some of the same here in the US. I too like you once wore punk clothes. Usually on the weekends, (Not a real punk, just did what needed to be done for what I needed to then do.) However, it should be noted that in the US a person has the right to wear religious clothing, except for when said clothes will or could be the cause of harm to self or others like when working around chems or fire no loose clothing like that of Hajibs or long skirts. Beards and long hair must be tied back and covered in a net in food service or medical. It is just that. Plus if you are concerned of having backlash from coworkers which is also against the law, you have the protected right not to disclose even by clothing, your religious or ethnic life. The opposite is true to, you are also so protected if you do. If you cannot conform to the safety standards you cannot work their no matter who you are.

  1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

    I can't see that it mentions Muhammad by name. If people know of whom it speaks, they should not be angry about it. If it was speaking of one of my prophets or ancestors, I would not be angry. I would be ashamed, as should those who are offended. I do not think this billboard promotes hate. I think it exposes the roots of the hate that will and should exist between those who claim to follow the teachings of Muhammad and everyone else. It is "lifting up the serpent", which refers to exposing the works of evil. There is absolutely no justification for anyone to see Muhammad as anything other than a bloodthirsty, self-indulgent, violent, petty, evil man. No person anything like him could have a following today, except among the Muslims. No one else would want anything to do with him. I think the billboard is hilarious. If the followers of this man are offended by truth, they certainly should be following someone else. Saddam Hussein was a pig, but more virtuous than Muhammad.

    1. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick

      My point exactly John.

      1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

        HEY are YOU TWO G U Y s, SISSY BOYs, JOHN + JOSEPH *****

        1. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick

          Moderators I would like to report harassment!

          1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

            MODERATORs CK* WHO FIRST WROTE the WORDs [ SISSY BOY ] Thank YOU !!!

          2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Poor Mr. Maher. We must overlook the obvious deficiencies in his medication and give him the attention he so desperately wants. Hi, Mr. Maher. How are you today?

          3. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

            Thank U Mr. OWINS, I am in DIRE NEED of ATTENTION BUTT NOT BY U or UR SISSY BOYs, for WHAT it's WORTH DUMP the tRUMP

          4. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Dear Mr. Maher, I truly hope you don't speak the way you type. If you do, please know that I would not look down on you for that. I might not seek out your company, but I would not look down on you. I'm guessing you type strangely so that people will notice and read your comments. You don't really have to do that though. I believe they will read them, anyway. I will, just because I want to understand you. I'm just saying.

          5. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Thanks to encouragement by yourself and others, Jack***, Mr. Maher, Inga and others continue to shower us with their random, sometimes delusional thoughts. Why not just scroll by and encourage their exit?

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    In this world everyone is entitled to his/her opinion...when it is analyzed, objections to the opinions of others simply demonstrates a lack of faith in one's own beliefs

    1. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick

      Good point Tom.

      1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

        Joseph...thank you...we waste too much time believing there is a point to trying to judge...Tom

        1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

          GOOD POINT, JUST WHAT is the POINT, WHO are YOU or WHO are WE to JUDGE ??? JUDGE this, DUMPthe tRUMP !!! HE WILL NOW BE JUDGED N O T by GOD but BY HUMAN DECENCYthat WHICH HE DUMP the tRUMP has N O N E !!!

    2. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      Well said Tom....my parents always taught me that a need to make others feel inadequate and judge them for the sake of ridicule, it is usually just a small glimpse into a mind that is plagued with a lack of self esteem and lack of knowledge and want to feel a sense of authority among confusion.

      .....A blind man will either admit he can not see or blame the wall for getting it his way......

      1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

        Nicely put, Joanne...it always comes back to ego...Tom

    3. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      People are certainly entitled to their own opinions, Tom, but not when they're promoted as facts without evidence or valid citations.

      "Better a cruel truth than a comfortable delusion." EDWARD ABBEY, A Voice Crying in the Wilderness

      1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

        Brother John...just exactly would you censure what you call unsupported opinions?...especially since what you call "facts" are simply 99.9% derived from this illusory existence...and even if you accept the fact that people can have opinions, how would you control those opinions...1984?...Tom

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          tom .. you keep saying about this illusion.. have you ever been diagnosed with d-illusional thinking ?? do you have or understand ?? reality ?? or is all of t he world an illusion, in your opinion of course.. so you dont have to get attached ?!?!

          1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            I think I got it....and if so then it somewhat reflects my own belief and understanding which is why it seems to only be this one part that I seem to have a disconnect but I believe it the word illusion that had me stumped....so if you dont mind I am going to explain as briefly as I can an explanation of my idea of the hear and now and karma collectively and much like I was stuck because of a single word I will try to make it broad so that it will just be enough to be considered to be me having a better understanding of what you have been expressing......

          2. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            So i guess I will start with my belief that "heaven" and "hell" are not places that you are assigned to upon death based on your present life. If the description of hell as stated in the Bible is to be believed then it is easy to get the sense that the "hell" or so called punishment place we are assigned to is simply the world we live in through our many lives while we search for a heightened sense of awareness and enlightenment that will one day lead us to or final destination or level of existence that is often referred to as heaven.....So starting from out time in human form, we pass away and our soul is then reunited with its "soul mates" after a period of "schooling" for lack of a better word where we take review of the previous life and essentially what lessons we take away from it.

            Since we travel through each life with the same set of souls albeit in different roles.....I could be you mother in this life and a coworker in the next, as a whole our lives are basically drawn out for us in advance. Ever have that dream where it is almost insignificant but a time later, some refer to it as deja vu, but i can actually remember when I dreamt the exact scenario I am experience. Could be as minor as driving on a street and know the car in front of you and what is happening in the next 10 seconds as it happens. I use this as my way of understand that our life has already been planned out for us before we get here, and our subconscious mind while in a sleeping state sometimes place a little fast forward by accident.

            Or lives journeys are chosen for a number of reasons. The majority of our experiences are assigned based on the Karma we created in the previous life and as a lesson in some way. It can also be accepted as a sort of sacrifice of the ideal life to either protect other souls in your group or like a get out of jail free card per say to bump up your Karma credits. This is the ideal that I ask you not to get hung up on the working but the idea behind it because I am finding it hard to find the right words t describe it to you without it being viewed as me considering it a punishment. Much like the innocent child taken much to soon. The sacrifice may need to taken in order for another member of the group to fulfill his/her karmic balance and I would like to think is indicative to that soul having reached its full amount of enlightenment and that this is the last sacrifices that will allow them to stay on the other side with no need to return to "hell. No more lessons per say.

            Therefore our need to judge others or change others is really an arbitrary matter because regardless of our involvement or not, if they are not meant to receive or gain that "lesson" in this trip around then it is pointless. Therefore, regardless of how much money we obtain or the house we live in etc, they are just "illusions" meant to satisfy our needs or thoughts of what we need while we are in human form but whether those things are present or not, our life journey and all aspects of it, good and bad, will play out either way because once again we had a full understanding and knowledge of exactly what experiences and path we were going to travel before we returned to this state of being but will not acquire a full realization or understanding of it again until we once again return to the spiritual plane of existence and everything becomes known to us once again.

            Phew...so after much pondering and reviewing your explanations in your posts....without being to critical regarding the words I chose to try and explain it in a logical manner so you can get just an understanding of what I am expressing so the same confusion doesnt happen like when I got hung up on the simple use of the word illusion which made it hard for me to gather a full understanding.

          3. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            Ok i submitted however it is quite lengthy so hopefully doesnt get stuck in moderation for too long

          4. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            JUST AN FYI: The common perceptions of heaven and hell are taught nowhere in the Bible, but pre-existed the western world's knowledge of the Hebrew scriptures and what is erroneously referred to as the New Testament (the word "testament" in the scriptures is a faulty translation of a word meaning "Covenant." It does not mean a book or a collection of writings.) The famous play by Dante, in the section called "Infierno", was a SATIRE of those beliefs, many of which continue to this day, particularly in the Romanesque established churches.

            The ACTUAL Hebrew scriptures teach that when a human dies, they die like any other creature, and death is an absence of life, without thought, memory, dream, ambition, etcetera. There are plenty of scriptures regarding resurrections (yes, plural), at a time yet to arrive. These are found throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. I am not advising people to read them or believe them, just informing that most of the teaching today regarding death and the hereafter do not come from the Bible, even within churches which claim to teach it.

          5. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

            Joanne...you are describing "life" as it really is; including the interaction of souls and karma...and it is all basically foredained...thank you for taking the time to understand...i would do the same for you...Tom

        2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

          I posted an answer, but it was an illusion and has dissolved into light and stardust.

          1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            The concept of Karma is widely recognized within the Eastern philosophies. Although I have not quite grasped Tom's explanation and reasoning of his beliefs or is no less valid than every one elses beliefs.

            I have discussed it with my husband and tried to get a better grasp on it so I can more directly connect with him rearing this.

            When you consider most beliefs they can seem ludicrous at face value...A Virgin Mother, a commitment to complete inner peace and acceptance in ALL areas or the idea that a man can have many wives. If they were not as commonly known these too may cause use to laugh at the mere thought.

            I will say that whether we understand completely or not he is strong and steadfast in what he comments. He has not wavered from exactly the person he stated he was on post 1. So he deserves at least the respect that comes with that. At least I know I have a high regard for Tom and his ability to practice what he preaches all the way through.

          2. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

            Joanne...thank you...Brother John...respectfully, please try to meditate on whether when your reaction is to be facetious, is it because you have been challenged, and you are not really committed to the belief in which you are challenged?...all i ask is that you consider...Tom

        3. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

          Tom, I knew that we believed in so much of the same "phenomenon" I guess i would call it for failure of a better word so I knew there had to be something i just was getting, but I wanted to...once I realized it...i understood i not only may have understood but it was so adjacent to my own beliefs that I almost felt foolish that it took me so long. Thank you for being patient as I worked it out and challenging my to look past the words to the understanding. Thats a hard yet important trait to possess so I am always thankful when something forces me to practice.


          1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

            Thank you, Joanne...i am happy to discuss what we know about existence, as opposed to arguing about temporal hate, attacks and a large lack of loving and caring...have a great day...Tom

  1. Gallet Christ Sampu's Avatar Gallet Christ Sampu

    Yes Tom, but the truth is how it is written in Q' ran""How many a community that dealt unjustly have We shattered, and raised up after them another folk! And when they felt Our might , behold them fleeing from it!(But it was said to them:) Flee not , but return to that (existence) which emasculated you and yo your dwelling, that you may be questioned. They Cried: Alas for us! Lo! We were wrongdoers. And this their crying ceased not till We made them as reaped corn, extinct.

    Brothers and sisters , so ''To Him belong whoever is in the heavens and the earth. And those who are near Him are not too pound to worship Him nor do they weary; they glorify(Him) night and day; they flag not.

    So let do the same all of us and the blessing will spray upon all of us!!!

    May God bless all of you!

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Gallet...i agree it is not in good taste...but unless something violates what early America called the Alien and Sedition Acts, it is free speech that should not be censored...and quoting some form of scriptures in English, when there is no official translation of the Q'ran, is irrelevant...if you want to state something relevant, state that we should all do to others as we would have them do to us...that is the only commandment necessary; loving others is the only point to life...whatever else goes on, is karmic balance...Tom

    1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      I am all about free speech and I understand your point Tom but lets assume you live in a neighborhood and are raising them in the Christian faith. You come home to find a billboard that reads, "Do you know your Neighbors" (again making things up as an example) They will gather with your families and children and for cults around the teachings in the Bible....The will marry your teenage daughter....They will practice "spiritual weddings" and bed the God-chosen children of all ages...When they find themselves ready to be sent to jail, they will convince you that it is time to kill all of Gods loyal followers.

      These are the acts of David Koresh, "loyal christian leader" he claims. This is not a accurate description of the Christians that I know and therefore they may be facts but does not represent the people of the faith and if this is a community of mostly non-Christian families it is simply placed to spread hate. It puts people in danger for only the sake of spreading hate.

      I find it sad that as a human race we havent evolved past destroying others for things we dont understand and on to a place where each person ill be treated as an individual and not stereotyped for any reason, based on the acts of some.

      1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

        Joanne...everyone should be treated with love and caring...religions, in my belief, are rigid and not helpful...they set up rules, which are just another way of being judgments...we are all part of God, and we should treat each other that way...obviously some people appear difficult, but that does not have to change our approach to "life"...Tom

        1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

          I have the similar view of the word "religion". I have a problem with the idea that a room full of people can actually believe all the same things. Thats why I believe being spiritual and religious are two separate notions. I post a blog on an affiliated site comparing Bling Faith and Learned Compliance and was not surprised it didnt get as much feedback as some of my others. Its a hard mirror to look in sometimes.

          1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

            Hi Joanne...i enjoy your writing, and agree with most of it...i certainly agree that being religious in no way defines being spiritual...also, there is a difference between "believing" and "knowing"...we seek to "know" the peace that is there beyond all ego and physical existence...let me know the web-sites to which you refer...have a good day...Tom

          2. Ken's Avatar Ken

            I like that term "Bling faith". They wear it like a cheap trophy.

        2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

          This one's for you, Tom and Joanne. Who's says atheists can't be funny and enlightened at the same time?


          1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

            RIGHT ON BROTHER JOHN !!! DUMP the IGNORAMUS tRUMP,GOD is GREAT so is the UA of A

          2. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

            Brother John...i certainly agree atheists can be funny...but i need to know your definition of "atheist", in order to comment on "enlightened"...Tom

          3. inga's Avatar inga

            but tom.. people dont need to tell that ??!! one is supposed to keep all comments strictly om the billboard. (sarcasm) or are you starting to see the relevance of who these children of god really are now. awesome. the coffee is perking. people are starting to smell it !!

          4. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            I find this accurate and clear, Tom. The most common misconception is that atheists do not believe in gods. This is incorrect.

            "Atheism is not an affirmative belief that there is no god nor does it answer any other question about what a person believes. It is simply a rejection of the assertion that there are gods. Atheism is too often defined incorrectly as a belief system. To be clear: Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods.

            Older dictionaries define atheism as “a belief that there is no God.” Clearly, theistic influence taints these definitions. The fact that dictionaries define Atheism as “there is no God” betrays the (mono)theistic influence. Without the (mono)theistic influence, the definition would at least read “there are no gods.”" Source: American Atheists

          5. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            I think the problem is an understanding that Atheism and Agnostic are 2 different things

          6. inga's Avatar inga

            when i grow up i want to be king !!

          7. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Just noticed the mistake in my reply to you, Tom. Should have been "the most common misconception is that atheists deny the existence of a "god".

          8. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            Inga commenting on the billboard and any aspect of the meaning or reason for the billboard IS the topic to be discussed here. So its not my way or Toms way or any other individuals way...its the premise and purpose for a blog discussion following a news article. Hows that higher than though IQ treating you now (now that was the "practicing" Buddhist kind of response I was mentioning before. Not temporary insanity, yet inability to remain tolerant when confronted with such a question with an obvious answer....oh but doesnt suit you, yet I am the one who insists others think like me.)

          9. inga's Avatar inga

            i dont have a problem taking on your angry comments joanne. or your delusions that you represent that room ??lol

  1. biblical scholar's Avatar biblical scholar

    Liberals need to stop OBSTRUCTING President Trumps travel ban before Obama and the rest enact shariah law!

    1. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick

      How is President Emeritus Obama supposed to enact Shariah Law?

      1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

        for the MOLEMAN and Joseph Er Knopick, YOUR PRESIDENT DUMP the tRUMP would LOVE to INVITE YOU BUDDIES to the W H, EVER BEEN to HOLLAND GUYs ???

        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          I'm sure the Dutch would welcome you with open arms, Mr. Maher. Your name sounds Dutch or Walloon. You might consider moving there.

  1. Minister Norman's Avatar Minister Norman

    Sadly, all of the statements on that Billboard are absolutely true, and reflect historical FACTS I've personally studied!

    I knew immediately it was referring to "The Prophet Mohammed".

    But least it's "Christian" Cantor become all too self-righteous, please re-read the horrors of your own "Holy Book" (The Bible), and all of the sorted deeds committed on disparit Tribes by your own brethren... "In God's name"!

    It took Religious Wars and a huge and very PUBLIC schism, and later the horrors of the Inquisition, for Christians to finally Protest (where "Protestant" comes from), then divide, and then (mostly) civilize Christianty!

    Sadly however, even today, too many so called "christians" would still embrace the "christian" version of Shariah Law if they could; even today!

    This is why we must never surrender our Separation of Church and State!!

    ...Least Islam (as evidenced by the Actions and Rhetoric of far too many), and Christians (those who believe the Bible is "The Unerring Word of God"), and so many other Religous Zealots, take over all Religious discourse, and even civilized Society itself. We must reign in and check what these insane "Believers" would perpetrate on Humanity, if given the chance, and the opportunity to become even more self-righteous and controlling; and by our complacency!

    Religious "Freedom" ends when it would inflict itself on Society or on any group or individual.

    Christians targeting Islamic horrors and excesses, seem to have forgotten their own "Legacy"! The Bible says, "God (and Seriously?), commanded Moses to slay all of the Canaanite Men (among so many other WARRING TRIBES they fought "Holy Wars" against, and utterly destroyed "In the name of God"), and seize all of their land and possessions (always Follow the Money to the Atrocities), but keep the young girls and any woman who have not yet known a man for yourselves (as sex slaves; because Jews could not marry any non-Jews, and "The God of Abraham states clearly how to treat your Human Slaves), and give the first (read best) 10% of all captured treasure (where Tything comes from), of all the (stolen) Spoils of War to the Priests".

    Perhap Islam is ready for their own Schism, for a Michael Cerularius, or Martin Luther, to Protest (or at least for SOMEONE to speak out more forcefully in PUBLIC), and against the excesses of their Religion and the stated attrocties of their own "Holy Book" the Koran, (meaning to openly acknowledge the hidious nature of what was actually written and said in and about that book from "Antiquity" forward), and then create the same more Civilized, yet revisionist religion that Christianity has (mostly) become; that IGNORE​S what their "Holy Book" ACTUALLY SAYS (in antiquity), while embracing all the "good stuff": Or then abandon it all together, OR... Cop to what it actually says as, "True for the past, for the present, and for the future" (as the Islamic Extremists so effortlessly do, and as many of their Christian counterparts say of the christian Bible and its Commandments), and let the carnage continue...

    "In God's name"!

    CIVILIZATION as a whole, however, cannot allow any such INSANITY to continue: In the name of "God, Religious Freedom", or otherwise! We've gotten all to Politically Correct​ with all of this "RELIGIOUS INSANITY"!


    BOTH Christian and Muslim "Holy Books" are (LITERALLY) littered with Savagry, Slavery, Rape, Incest, and Genocide, and all manner of uncivilized behavior from antiquity! And carried forward by too many crazy "Believers"; because they were/are "Uncivilized", and like too many following Islam and Christianty today, are still TRIBAL in their beliefs and in their World View!

    We need to confront ALL of these Religious Zealots: Muslim, Christian, and Otherwise, and let them know the greater SOCIETY will not allow them to perpetrate their insanity on the World!

    We can no longer tolerate this!

    I myself, love ONLY Jesus, who was not trying to create ANY new Religion called "Christianty" (but only to reform the one he was already in), who said (against the Religious LAWS​ and Zealots of his time), "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!" ...And his "Greatest Commandment": "Love your neighbor as yourself. Love one another even as I have loved you!" I also embrace Lao-Tzu, who wrote The Book of TAO, which states, we are each on a PERSONAL spiritual journey (or path), and that WE are each responsible for our own actions, and that hate, war, murder, and all manner of tribalism and fear and interference with others personal path or growth (so long as they are not impeding others personal path or growth) are none of OUR business, and not a part of "The Way".

    These are​ good examples & principles, that I work hard to embrace and live daily, but "Religion" or "Spiritually" or non-Belief, should be a personal matter.

    Any enlightened being (Especially one proclaiming itself as "Creator") would never want it's Progeny to be slaves or sheep or retarded in their growth.

    It's about time we embrace LOVE!

    I believe in Religious FREEDOM, but that ends when anyone's God-Given Right to worship, or not, and as THEY see fit, as they themselves would decide (Free Association), would be taken away or otherwise compromised or controlled by any other person, or by a groups "BELEIFS", and no matter who they are, or what they proclaim themselves to be!

    I am a part of the ULC because: "We are all Children of the same Creation": I embrace the idea, the ideal, that we are all equal in the sight of God/Creation, and that we were created to share & learn & grow & prosper individually and together, and that each of us is on our own spiritual path toward enlightenment.

    Love, Light, and Freedom... Peace.


      BEAUTIFULLY expressed, THANK-YOU.

      1. Minister Norman's Avatar Minister Norman

        Thank you. I am grateful for your comment!

        1. Ken's Avatar Ken

          Religion is a social construct.

    2. Jim V's Avatar Jim V

      ANYone who has read this article and is reading these comments - you HAVE to read this post. Sir - as a child of the 80s, i'm at my desk right now giving you the very coveted "slow clap". You have nailed the very essence of things in this one post. Thank you for your words.

      1. Minister Norman's Avatar Minister Norman

        ...And THANK YOU for yours!

    3. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      Excellent post, MN!! Although I've not agreed with all of your posts, this one dispelled much of the hypocrisy we're reading from Christians demonizing Islam. There are many parallels between the Prophet Muhammed and the Prophet Moses, although Moses may have been involved in far more slaughter and carnage than Muhammed.

      As far as I'm concerned, adopting the ULC's motto does not mean that we meekly accept all beliefs. Quite to the contrary. Our obligation should be to loudly expose all who are leading others away from the path to truth and into the darkness of fanaticism, violence and hatred. I believe that the namesake of Christianity was a "rabble-rousing" Jew who loudly and publicly spoke the truth, no matter the consequences.

      I look forward to more enlightened posts from you.

    4. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      Beautiful.....Light and move to you Minister Norman

      1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

        Haha and I need to check before I post....That would be light and love....You dont need to move anywhere if you dont want to lol

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Rob...neither you not i nor anyone else knows the "facts"...Islam, like all other religions and alleged "facts", is an illusion...do you think you are Jack Nicholson?...when we judge we are abdicating our heritage as loving, caring beings..."facts" are intellectual playthings, and accomplish nothing...Tom

    1. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick

      The Golfer?

      1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

        Rob...no; the golfer is Mikkelson...i mean the Navy trial movie...Tom

        1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John


      2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens


    2. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      Well put Tom,

      People forget that any kind of belief we have and how strong in our conviction that it is the true understanding of God, there is no way to inconclusively know for sure we are right. Not wile in human form at least. Thats why the anger and berating of others for what they believe seems fruitless to me. At least with out the hate and judgment of others to follow you into any afterlife I am pretty sure choosing to find peace in your heart by at least having faith and believing in a divine being will carry much more weight than simply which holy book we choose to read.

      1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

        Joanne...i agree with the tone of everything you are saying...i so suggest that we are a part of God, and we can get beyond belief to the knowledge of the eternal peace, by removing all of our ego blocks...and i do struggle with accepting it is difficult to feel certainty while we appear to be in physical form...my son always tells me i am just wasting time trying to reach a knowledge that is not reachable in our form...Tom

        1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

          If we stop seeking further knowledge and understand of anything; then there really is no point to our existence. our subconscious holds all the information and knowledge we have attained during all our past lives as well as the information regarding the afterlife and what happens to our souls upon existing the human realm. Therefor I believe that the more we try to learn the true with emerge as we seek it. When you find a passage or a quote or a verse that somehow answers even the simplest of questions and you all of a sudden have found something you had been looking for, you know it it is true because your subconscious mind will recognize it and allow you to understand this truth,

          I hope this make some sense to anyone, it is a harder concept to explain in writing than I had expected.

          1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

            Joanne...all knowledge is an illusion, fueled by ego...the way to the peace of God is eliminating all egotism/intellectual constructs...not by more knowledge...i tried that; it absolutely does not work...this is somewhat characterized by the 12 steps statement of "let go, let God"...the concept of learning in order to understand is an ego construct, and not helpful...just love and care...Tom

          2. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            I disagree, I think the more we know and understand what others believe and seek out the true meaning in what each religion/spiritual philosophies are truly teaching it removes our ego of assuming that the tiny bit of knowledge we posses and choose to believe is the one and only true way and it makes us less tolerant of others.

  1. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick

    Hello Minister Norman,

    Well you certainly had quite a lot to express. Did you get it all off your chest? That was quite a burden you carry. You are very right about Jesus' greatest commandment, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might." Oh no that is not what you said was his greatest commandment, You called the Second commandment "Love your neighbor as your-self" Then you said his new commandment, "Love one another as I have loved you, first"

    Matthew 22:34-40 ESV, 34 But when the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. 35 And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”

    In Verse 37 He Quotes, Deuteronomy 6:5. You see the greatest purpose that any man has, is the Love and Honor God above all. And these other commandments are closely related.

    You cannot in anyway by your own will, do all these things. You will fail at least one if not all these commands. As it is also written, If you break any of the Law you break the whole Law. You see it is therefore impossible to keep any if not all these commands.

    Jesus is more than just a teacher. He is not just a prophet, as Muhammad so claims to be. He is more than a protester which he actually wasn't. He is the Word, the Word that spoke the whole creation into being. The one true power Word that works miracles, and raises the dead. He is the Word that breathes life into Adam. The Word that became flesh. (John 1-3) John 3:16, God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten (born) Son, that who ever believes in the Him, will not perish (Eternal Death) but have everlasting life (with God). This is done not because you love God, which you never ever have, not because you loved your neighbor, except most likely for self interest, and you have done more harm to yourself than actually loved yourself, It is by Grace, the Holy God of the universe has given by forgiving Grace, you an unholy slave, the right to be Prince and Heir to the throne of Heaven. Why, because he went to the cross, He became the Lamb that was slain. (Isaiah 54/ Revelations 5?? [not really sure exact chapters])

    The point is Norman I know you can put in your full effort but, with out the Grace of God, you'll just be spinning in the mud.

    (PM me in the ministers network forums and message boards if you want to have a private discussion, anyone is welcome even John Maher)

    1. Minister Norman's Avatar Minister Norman

      Joseph E Knopick

      Well you've certainly had quite a lot (of self-serving, self-righteous dogmatic religiousity) to express!

      And as if you're the sole "Authority" for us all! You also seem to have appointed yourself "Moderator", and over practically Everyone's Posts... So while I've said my speel, you obviously haven't quite gotten the half of it "off your chest"!

      Man, that "Hairshirt" must be heavy!

      Joseph, I'm a Philosophical Taoist (not a Christian), but one who loves the (unembellished) Teachings of Jesus (among others), and who otherwise has little use for fear-based Religous Beliefs and Dogma. So please, go "Tract" the gullible.

      I was once as you are, affraid of an ANGRY-JEALOUS-VENGEFUL-GOD, but then I realized that whatever created me, gave me a brain, and after reading the enlightened Book of Tao, I was truly "Born Again!"

      Sorry Joseph, you'll need to "Spin in the Mud" all by yourself!

      1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          I thought you said it had been a long time since Jesus had spoken to you.

          1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


          2. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick

            @ John Maher, Even as you are involved with this and reading, typing and being quite rude? So which Jesus are you speaking with now?

          3. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


          4. John Owens's Avatar John Owens


    2. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


    3. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      It's hypocritical for you, of all people, to chastise Minister Norman for the length of his post, Joseph ("Well you certainly had a lot to express"). Scroll down to your June 18 4:33 am post for a comparison. You may want to activate your auto scroller to avoid finger cramps.

      1. Minister Norman's Avatar Minister Norman

        Thanks Brother John,

        Very accurate, and extremely funny response! Still laughing!

  1. Loren's Avatar Loren

    So Mohammed was real. No historic record of Jesus. Anybody know about Buddha ?

    1. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick


      1. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick


    2. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick

      all three were real

    3. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


      1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

        They are all real, religious mentors sent to spread the word of God for the people of their time and in a relateable way to the people they were teaching....

        Buddha was not fat LOL that was a misinterpretation by Westerners and the big jolly representation of Buddha is actually a Hindu God of Luck (Rub the Buddha belly).

        However the true Buddha was quite thin and although the image of the happy chubby man seems to be the one that we keep clinging onto and I guess the image is merely the representation for a person to relate too and with my knowledge of Buddhism I would only imagine that the Buddha himself finds this depiction to be fun and humorous and would not be upset by this.

        The Buddhas birth name was Siddhartha Gautama, his father was the chief of the Shakya Clan, for all sakes and purposes making Siddhartha a prince, who shielded his son from the disease, famine and evils of the world outside the walls of their kingdom.

        Long story short he once saw realized he needed to see the outside world to where he quickly encountered an old man, sick man, and a corpse. He realized he could not live the way he was while this was happening outside the castle walls. He too was on his own spiritual journey that later brought him to full "enlightenment" which earned him the title of being the Buddha. Jesus and Mohammed are names of human men, Buddha was a human man but Buddha is actually a term or title that refers to a person who has attained full enlightenment. Much like the Pope....his name is not Pope (sorry could not think of any other example lol)

        So the teachings come from the Buddha, born Siddhartha, as what we know about Buddhism philosophies today. Buddhism was never supposed to be put into written text. Buddha believed that all information and knowledge regarding the ideas and meaning brought to our children (and well anyone really) should be taught in a setting where there is communication and questions and answer rather than relying on written rules telling people how to live. Of course that is not enough with some people so of course these stories also eventually found their way to print but not quite in the same way as most holy doctrine. If fact when told he needed to write down he "rules" of Buddhism for future generations when he is gone and since no seemed to not be an answer, the first written "rules" are rather comical lol.

        So after this probably way to much information explanation; there are records that prove his existence however they will not be a record for anyone named Buddha.

        In the end though, I still think faith has to be something that you just know is true and your heart and soul connect with these truths. The persons name or whatever means or metaphor used to help me understand and find my truths are just the vessels that hold our faith. So whether jolly and fat or thin and frail the message is the same.

      2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

        LOL! That was a funny one, Mr. Maher!

      3. inga's Avatar inga

        more to love.. thats what we call it here in these parts. lol.

    4. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick

      Although there is overwhelming evidence that the New Testament is an accurate and trustworthy historical document, many people are still reluctant to believe what it says unless there is also some independent, non-biblical testimony that corroborates its statements.

      In the introduction to one of his books, F.F. Bruce tells about a Christian correspondent who was told by an agnostic friend that "apart from obscure references in Josephus and the like," there was no historical evidence for the life of Jesus outside the Bible.[1]This, he wrote to Bruce, had caused him "great concern and some little upset in [his] spiritual life."[2] He concludes his letter by asking, "Is such collateral proof available, and if not, are there reasons for the lack of it?"[3] The answer to this question is, "Yes, such collateral proof is available," and we will be looking at some of it in this article.

      Evidence from Tacitus

      Let's begin our inquiry with a passage that historian Edwin Yamauchi calls "probably the most important reference to Jesus outside the New Testament."[4] Reporting on Emperor Nero's decision to blame the Christians for the fire that had destroyed Rome in A.D. 64, the Roman historian Tacitus wrote:

      Nero fastened the guilt ... on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of ... Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome....[5]

      What can we learn from this ancient (and rather unsympathetic) reference to Jesus and the early Christians? Notice, first, that Tacitus reports Christians derived their name from a historical person called Christus (from the Latin), or Christ. He is said to have "suffered the extreme penalty," obviously alluding to the Roman method of execution known as crucifixion. This is said to have occurred during the reign of Tiberius and by the sentence of Pontius Pilatus. This confirms much of what the Gospels tell us about the death of Jesus.

      But what are we to make of Tacitus' rather enigmatic statement that Christ's death briefly checked "a most mischievous superstition," which subsequently arose not only in Judaea, but also in Rome? One historian suggests that Tacitus is here "bearing indirect ... testimony to the conviction of the early church that the Christ who had been crucified had risen from the grave."[6] While this interpretation is admittedly speculative, it does help explain the otherwise bizarre occurrence of a rapidly growing religion based on the worship of a man who had been crucified as a criminal.[7] How else might one explain that?

      Evidence from Pliny the Younger

      Another important source of evidence about Jesus and early Christianity can be found in the letters of Pliny the Younger to Emperor Trajan. Pliny was the Roman governor of Bithynia in Asia Minor. In one of his letters, dated around A.D. 112, he asks Trajan's advice about the appropriate way to conduct legal proceedings against those accused of being Christians.[8] Pliny says that he needed to consult the emperor about this issue because a great multitude of every age, class, and sex stood accused of Christianity.[9]

      At one point in his letter, Pliny relates some of the information he has learned about these Christians:

      They were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before it was light, when they sang in alternate verses a hymn to Christ, as to a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath, not to any wicked deeds, but never to commit any fraud, theft or adultery, never to falsify their word, nor deny a trust when they should be called upon to deliver it up; after which it was their custom to separate, and then reassemble to partake of food – but food of an ordinary and innocent kind.[10]

      This passage provides us with a number of interesting insights into the beliefs and practices of early Christians. First, we see that Christians regularly met on a certain fixed day for worship. Second, their worship was directed to Christ, demonstrating that they firmly believed in His divinity. Furthermore, one scholar interprets Pliny's statement that hymns were sung to Christ, "as to a god", as a reference to the rather distinctive fact that, "unlike other gods who were worshipped, Christ was a person who had lived on earth."[11] If this interpretation is correct, Pliny understood that Christians were worshipping an actual historical person as God! Of course, this agrees perfectly with the New Testament doctrine that Jesus was both God and man.

      Not only does Pliny's letter help us understand what early Christians believed about Jesus' person, it also reveals the high esteem to which they held His teachings. For instance, Pliny notes that Christians "bound themselves by a solemn oath" not to violate various moral standards, which find their source in the ethical teachings of Jesus. In addition, Pliny's reference to the Christian custom of sharing a common meal likely alludes to their observance of communion and the "love feast."[12] This interpretation helps explain the Christian claim that the meal was merely "food of an ordinary and innocent kind". They were attempting to counter the charge, sometimes made by non-Christians, of practicing "ritual cannibalism."[13] The Christians of that day humbly repudiated such slanderous attacks on Jesus' teachings. We must sometimes do the same today.

      Evidence from Josephus

      Perhaps the most remarkable reference to Jesus outside the Bible can be found in the writings of Josephus, a first century Jewish historian. On two occasions, in his Jewish Antiquities, he mentions Jesus. The second, less revealing, reference describes the condemnation of one "James" by the Jewish Sanhedrin. This James, says Josephus, was "the brother of Jesus the so-called Christ."[14] F.F. Bruce points out how this agrees with Paul's description of James in Galatians 1:19 as "the Lord's brother."[15] And Edwin Yamauchi informs us that "few scholars have questioned" that Josephus actually penned this passage.[16]

      As interesting as this brief reference is, there is an earlier one, which is truly astonishing. Called the "Testimonium Flavianum," the relevant portion declares:

      About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he ... wrought surprising feats.... He was the Christ. When Pilate ...condemned him to be crucified, those who had . . . come to love him did not give up their affection for him. On the third day he appeared ... restored to life.... And the tribe of Christians ... has ... not disappeared.[17]

      Did Josephus really write this? Most scholars think the core of the passage originated with Josephus, but that it was later altered by a Christian editor, possibly between the third and fourth century A.D.[18] But why do they think it was altered? Josephus was not a Christian, and it is difficult to believe that anyone but a Christian would have made some of these statements.[19]

      For instance, the claim that Jesus was a wise man seems authentic, but the qualifying phrase, "if indeed one ought to call him a man," is suspect. It implies that Jesus was more than human, and it is quite unlikely that Josephus would have said that! It is also difficult to believe he would have flatly asserted that Jesus was the Christ, especially when he later refers to Jesus as "the so-called" Christ. Finally, the claim that on the third day Jesus appeared to His disciples restored to life, inasmuch as it affirms Jesus' resurrection, is quite unlikely to come from a non-Christian!

      But even if we disregard the questionable parts of this passage, we are still left with a good deal of corroborating information about the biblical Jesus. We read that he was a wise man who performed surprising feats. And although He was crucified under Pilate, His followers continued their discipleship and became known as Christians. When we combine these statements with Josephus' later reference to Jesus as "the so-called Christ," a rather detailed picture emerges which harmonizes quite well with the biblical record. It increasingly appears that the "biblical Jesus" and the "historical Jesus" are one and the same!

      Evidence from the Babylonian Talmud

      There are only a few clear references to Jesus in the Babylonian Talmud, a collection of Jewish rabbinical writings compiled between approximately A.D. 70-500. Given this time frame, it is naturally supposed that earlier references to Jesus are more likely to be historically reliable than later ones. In the case of the Talmud, the earliest period of compilation occurred between A.D. 70-200.[20] The most significant reference to Jesus from this period states:

      On the eve of the Passover Yeshu was hanged. For forty days before the execution took place, a herald ... cried, "He is going forth to be stoned because he has practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy."[21]

      Let's examine this passage. You may have noticed that it refers to someone named "Yeshu." So why do we think this is Jesus? Actually, "Yeshu" (or "Yeshua") is how Jesus' name is pronounced in Hebrew. But what does the passage mean by saying that Jesus "was hanged"? Doesn't the New Testament say he was crucified? Indeed it does. But the term "hanged" can function as a synonym for "crucified." For instance, Galatians 3:13 declares that Christ was "hanged", and Luke 23:39 applies this term to the criminals who were crucified with Jesus.[22] So the Talmud declares that Jesus was crucified on the eve of Passover. But what of the cry of the herald that Jesus was to be stoned? This may simply indicate what the Jewish leaders were planning to do.[23] If so, Roman involvement changed their plans! [24]

      The passage also tells us why Jesus was crucified. It claims He practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy! Since this accusation comes from a rather hostile source, we should not be too surprised if Jesus is described somewhat differently than in the New Testament. But if we make allowances for this, what might such charges imply about Jesus?

      Interestingly, both accusations have close parallels in the canonical gospels. For instance, the charge of sorcery is similar to the Pharisees' accusation that Jesus cast out demons "by Beelzebul the ruler of the demons."[25] But notice this: such a charge actually tends to confirm the New Testament claim that Jesus performed miraculous feats. Apparently Jesus' miracles were too well attested to deny. The only alternative was to ascribe them to sorcery! Likewise, the charge of enticing Israel to apostasy parallels Luke's account of the Jewish leaders who accused Jesus of misleading the nation with his teaching.[26] Such a charge tends to corroborate the New Testament record of Jesus' powerful teaching ministry. Thus, if read carefully, this passage from the Talmud confirms much of our knowledge about Jesus from the New Testament.

      Evidence from Lucian

      Lucian of Samosata was a second century Greek satirist. In one of his works, he wrote of the early Christians as follows:

      The Christians ... worship a man to this day – the distinguished personage who introduced their novel rites, and was crucified on that account.... [It] was impressed on them by their original lawgiver that they are all brothers, from the moment that they are converted, and deny the gods of Greece, and worship the crucified sage, and live after his laws.[27]

      Although Lucian is jesting here at the early Christians, he does make some significant comments about their founder. For instance, he says the Christians worshipped a man, "who introduced their novel rites." And though this man's followers clearly thought quite highly of Him, He so angered many of His contemporaries with His teaching that He "was crucified on that account."

      Although Lucian does not mention his name, he is clearly referring to Jesus. But what did Jesus teach to arouse such wrath? According to Lucian, he taught that all men are brothers from the moment of their conversion. That's harmless enough. But what did this conversion involve? It involved denying the Greek gods, worshipping Jesus, and living according to His teachings. It's not too difficult to imagine someone being killed for teaching that. Though Lucian doesn't say so explicitly, the Christian denial of other gods combined with their worship of Jesus implies the belief that Jesus was more than human. Since they denied other gods in order to worship Him, they apparently thought Jesus a greater God than any that Greece had to offer!


      Let's summarize what we've learned about Jesus from this examination of ancient non-Christian sources. First, both Josephus and Lucian indicate that Jesus was regarded as wise. Second, Pliny, the Talmud, and Lucian imply He was a powerful and revered teacher. Third, both Josephus and the Talmud indicate He performed miraculous feats. Fourth, Tacitus, Josephus, the Talmud, and Lucian all mention that He was crucified. Tacitus and Josephus say this occurred under Pontius Pilate. And the Talmud declares it happened on the eve of Passover. Fifth, there are possible references to the Christian belief in Jesus' resurrection in both Tacitus and Josephus. Sixth, Josephus records that Jesus' followers believed He was the Christ, or Messiah. And finally, both Pliny and Lucian indicate that Christians worshipped Jesus as God!

      I hope you see how this small selection of ancient non-Christian sources helps corroborate our knowledge of Jesus from the gospels. Of course, there are many ancient Christian sources of information about Jesus as well. But since the historical reliability of the canonical gospels is so well established, I invite you to read those for an authoritative "life of Jesus!"

      1. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick

        They asserted, however, that the sum and substance of their fault or error had been that they were accustomed to meet on a fixed day before dawn and sing responsively a hymn to Christ as to a god, and to bind themselves by oath, not to some crime, but not to commit fraud, theft, or adultery, not falsify their trust, nor to refuse to return a trust when called upon to do so. When this was over, it was their custom to depart and to assemble again to partake of food--but ordinary and innocent food. Even this, they affirmed, they had ceased to do after my edict by which, in accordance with your instructions, I had forbidden political associations. Accordingly, I judged it all the more necessary to find out what the truth was by torturing two female slaves who were called deaconesses. But I discovered nothing else but depraved, excessive superstition.

        Pliny the younger to Ceasar Trajan 112 AD

      2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

        Another epic post, Joseph!! Looks like you were up all night writing it (posted at 4:33 a.m.) You say, "Although there is overwhelming evidence that the New Testament is an accurate and trustworthy historical document, many people are still reluctant to believe what it says...."

        And.... "But since the historical reliability of the canonical gospels is so well established....."

        As one of the self-appointed biblical scholars posting here, and based on the above statements, what's your response to Dr. Bart Ehrman, a well respected NT scholar who has devoted decades to studying extant Greek manuscripts? For clarification, do you have access to, and the ability to read these manuscripts yourself? Here is Dr. Ehrman's Curriculum Vitae as confirmation that he is speaking with authority and not just voicing unsubstantiated opinions as is often the case with fervent "believers".


        The Gospels are at the heart of Christianity and sets it apart from all other religions. Kindly focus on four sections in the lecture's timeline that contradict your stated opinions.

        8:59 The Resurrection.... Dr. Ehrman encourages us to simply read the accounts of the same event in the four gospels and compare them. Are they the same or are there discrepancies and contradictions? If there are obvious discrepancies, the accounts are unreliable and inaccurate.

        10:32 No eyewitness accounts and written decades after the events they chronicle by men who weren't the disciples of Jesus in Greek

        12:08 The Crucifixion and last words of Jesus

        17:10 Historical accuracy


        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          Pure goofiness. Four different accounts from four different people giving different details about the same events that do not contradict but dovetail. I hate when ignorant unbelievers try to tell us what to believe. Especially atheists.

          1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Straight from the apologist's handbook, John. Different accounts of the same event do not "dovetail", they contradict one another. Dr. Ehrman encouraged everyone to simply read about the same event in the four gospels and compare them. Why don't you try it yourself and let us know what you find.

            Before you get started, here's an example of what to look for....

            Lawyer: How many people were in the vehicle on the night in question?

            Witness 1: only one Witness 2: there were three Witness 3: two Witness 4: five. Two in the front and three in the backseat

            Lawyer: Your honour, there are no contradictions here. These accounts dovetail together perfectly

            What many "believers" hate is when atheists know more about their religion than they do, particularly when the facts don't match their beliefs. Carry on blissfully.

          2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Whatever excerpt to which you refer certainly isn't scripture. Maybe that was Ted Kennedy speaking about Chappaquiddick. Not sure. Still, you are taking your cues not from scripture but from critics of scripture. The gospel accounts do not contradict one another at all. Sometimes, they refer to SIMILAR events that happened in different places and times, and nay-sayers interpret those as contradictions. Sometimes, one disciple leaves out a detail that another does not. That is also called a contradiction, when it is not. One says, two thieves, another says, two malefactors. Not the same thing, but not a contradiction. In no place does the scripture say that only three men were crucified that day, so there could well have been two thieves, two malefactor, and Jesus, contrary to the Trinitarian idea that there were only three.

            I don't apologize to arrogant argumentative blowhards for scripture, but I beg God to forgive mankind's arrogance, although I have not yet reached a point to consider praying for certain ones.

          3. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Those were examples of contradictions, not an excerpt, John. I agree that your examples are not contradictions. BTW, it's interesting that you call the extensive work of a well respected NT scholar who has spent decades studying extant Greek manuscripts "pure goofiness". Do you consider yourself to be more knowledgeable than Dr. Ehrman, who, by the way, spent many years as an evangelical Christian?

            Just so we're on the same page.... the Cambridge Dictionary defines a contradiction as "the fact of something being the complete opposite of something else or very different from something else, so that one of them must be wrong". My example with the four witnesses makes it clear that only one of them (or none of them) could be correct and the others wrong.

            Here's an example that involves the same event, not similar events. Some of the many biblical contradictions/discrepancies are insignificant, but this one involves the Resurrection, a key component of Christian beliefs. It's similar to the example I'd posted about witnesses being asked "how many were there"?

            Matthew 28:1: After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary

            Mark 16:1: When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. The two Marys, plus a third person, Salome

            Luke 24:10: When they came back from the tomb, they told all these things to the Eleven and to all the others. It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the others with them who told this to the apostles. The two Marys, Joanna, and "the others."

            John 20:1: Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. Only Mary Magdalene

            These involve the supposed last words of Jesus....

            Matthew 27:46: Eli, Eli, lama sabachtani? that is to say, My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me? (Verse 50 says he cried out again before dying, but no mention is made of spoken words.)

            Luke 23:46: Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.

            John 19:30: It is finished

            Again, same important event.... contradictory answers. If Christians would simply focus on the NT and the teaching of Jesus, and quit insisting that the Bible is inerrant and historically accurate, their beliefs would be more readily accepted.

            "Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions." -- Frater Ravus

            "'I refuse to prove that I exist,' says God, 'for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.'" -- Douglas Adams

            If you're referring to me in your last paragraph (arrogant argumentative blowhards) you can KMA.


          4. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Regarding the accounts of Jesus' last words, and the women going to the tomb, besides making mountains out of molehills, you are assuming that if says Mary went to the tomb, that it MEANS ONLY Mary went to the tomb. The other accounts say she went also, but include other names. Now, these women were walking through a city, and chances are, their own neighborhoods. It is not inconceivable that they were joined by others. It says Salome went with the Maries to buy spices. You did not quote that she went to the tomb, so it SEEMS she went in one place and Joanna in another. (Luke 24:10) Also, most of us have more than one name, and our co-workers may call us by one, while our close kin may call us by another, so if two people telling the same story use a different name for the same person, that is not a contradiction.

            As for the dying words, the simplest explanation for the differences is that different people actually did hear different things, or remembered different things.

            Long story short, this "expert" you mention (you only mention him because his teachings back your point of view, and reinforce your vain opinion that you are right, not because you are actually studying to LEARN anything) is LOOKING for contradictions because he wants to appeal to people like you, who are easy.

            The fact is, none of these things affect the general narrative, that God became a human and showed us that a human CAN live without sin, then allowed Himself to become a sacrifice to save us from the second death, and THEN rose again to live forever and set up a Kingdom on Earth in which resurrected humans will live and peace will reign.

          5. Ken's Avatar Ken

            Mr. Owens, Your quote I don’t apologize to arrogant argumentative blowhards for scripture, but I beg God to forgive mankind’s arrogance, although I have not yet reached a point to consider praying for certain ones."

            You need to start praying, for yourself.

          6. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            I appreciate your concern, Ken, but you're still full of digested beans. I do pray for myself. I pray for my family, my co-workers, and I pray for our country, our leaders (I even used to pray for the Kenyan, and not that he would die, either, but that he would make one or two good decisions), and that God's Kingdom will come to this Earth.

            I guess you think that remark about arrogant blowhards was hate-speech? If so, you don't know what hate is. Hate is trying to or wanting to physically hurt people just because they are different. That's what hate is. Hate is wanting to take what belongs to them, because you think YOU deserve what they have.

            You think everything I say is awful, because I disagree with YOU. If that is any way to measure kindness or goodness, that would make you God. Kinda goofy, you have to admit.

          7. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


          8. inga's Avatar inga

            hey. how do you know i am not toying with him.. blink blink.

          9. John Owens's Avatar John Owens


          10. inga's Avatar inga

            i ll just be over here watching the 2014 live talks out of la with john cleese and eric idle. oh man this is hillarious. did you know cleese put a book out.. "so anyway: oh my, i want to read that one. thats now on my to list. they are doing excerts from it on stage. priceless.

          11. inga's Avatar inga

            i have the greatest job. the customers fuel me.. while i fuel them.. lol.

            this guy just came in. a younger one.. early 20s. we were talking on beer, being friday. yeah he says. but i lost my licence.. me: good for you.. you can drink more now. him: yeah. (in realization), i have a DD, (designated driver) me: yeah. its hardly a punishment !! think of it more as a .. graduation party !! you may never want your licence back. you may keep the chaufer and move on to bigger and better things. its the worlds way of throwing you a bone. alls you have to do is say thank you, and run with it.

    5. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick

      They asserted, however, that the sum and substance of their fault or error had been that they were accustomed to meet on a fixed day before dawn and sing responsively a hymn to Christ as to a god, and to bind themselves by oath, not to some crime, but not to commit fraud, theft, or adultery, not falsify their trust, nor to refuse to return a trust when called upon to do so. When this was over, it was their custom to depart and to assemble again to partake of food--but ordinary and innocent food. Even this, they affirmed, they had ceased to do after my edict by which, in accordance with your instructions, I had forbidden political associations. Accordingly, I judged it all the more necessary to find out what the truth was by torturing two female slaves who were called deaconesses. But I discovered nothing else but depraved, excessive superstition.

      Plini the Younger to Ceasar Trajan Circa AD 112

      1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


        1. inga's Avatar inga

          pst.. the email address is made public; . it says if you do your homework and find my address.. send me a post card, and i will send you one back. we can be pen pals. i like you too. dont worry. i like every body. . well. not everybody. that guy that buried the ... never mind. lets just say you cant like every body. but i like you too.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Loren...it does not matter if they were "real" or not...just be loving and caring...Tom

    1. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick

      Yeah, very good idea Tom.

      1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

        Thank you, Joseph

    2. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      you never disappoint Tom....perfect description....

      1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

        Thank you, Joanne

  1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

    Below is a link that contradicts much of the disinformation presented on the billboard (and some of the posts it spawned). Ignorance about world religions in this age of easy access to information is self imposed. This is yet another example of Christian apologetics that justify and downplay the monstrous actions of their version of God and his hitman, the prophet Moses, while demonizing Allah, Muhammed and Islam. The interpretations of religious extremists of any stripe are not indicative of their chosen religion. "Knowledge and facts" coloured by bigotry and based on myths continues to fuel hatred, fear and ignorance. Of the 8+ million species on earth, none are as deluded and dangerous as Homo sapiens.


    1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

      Bro John is one of those super-goofy lefties who wants to criticize Moses and God, and defend Mohammed, not because he is at all converted to Mohammedism, but to gain brownie-points with other lefties, not considering that the Islamists will enslave or behead him just to make a video. I cannot believe the willful ignorance here, comparing Yahwists to modern Muslims, even though the events of which he speaks took place 3,000 years ago, while Muslims are still doing these things today. He is truly the one fueling hatred, fear, and ignorance, and is a perfect example of deluded and dangerous Homo sapiens.

      1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

        Hmmmm.... now a "super-goofy" lefty. You crack me up. I'm using my accumulated brownie points to get a chain mesh neck protector later this week just in case you're right.

        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          As long as it is padded with leather, Bra. I think that is how the US Marines got one of their nicknames, Leathernecks, because of battling Moslem pirates, who loved to use scimitars, or something similar.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    As the Beatles said in Strawberry Fields, "nothing is real"...Tom

    1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      And Eminem wants the"real" Slim Shady to please stand up lol....

      1. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick

        LOL if the unreal and the real were in the same room, would then they cancel each other out?

        1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

          We seem to have a conundrum here LOL

          1. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick

            T minus 10...9...8... hee hee!

        2. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

          Joseph...there is no real and unreal, just as there is no cause and effect, since there is no time...everything that ever existed, exists now and will exist is the same...time is one of our intellectual pursuits that enables our egos to "function"...there are no "real" paradoxes; only ego ones...Tom

          1. Joseph E Knopick's Avatar Joseph E Knopick

            I am not sure that I should ask but What is your religious/spiritual stance Tom? are you Gnostic? Theophonist? or a TimeLord?

          2. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

            Joseph...i am glad to see you know Timelords...i always loved science -fiction...i assume you like Dr. Who and its spin-off...in answer to your question, i am not of a label, whether religion or otherwise...i believe we are in this illusion of "life" to resolve karmic balance in our souls, but i do not know why...i feel there is no such thing as time, but it appears real; especially since we seem to reincarnate so much...i believe we have fellow-traveler souls, and we have different relationships with them in different "lifetimes"...i try to realize that in this perceived existence i can not understand everything...sometimes it works...ultimately, i have realized that the only real meaning comes from love and caring...thanks for asking...Tom

          3. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Well said, Tom. It's been said that Time is Nature's way of keeping everything from happening at once. Time is the basis for our three dimensional "reality". Always moving forward towards "the Future" with Now instantly becoming the Past, when, in fact, Now is all that exists.

            Here's Dr. Carl Sagan explaining dimensions and the existence of a fourth, and likely many more dimensions that we simply cannot comprehend in our 3 dimensional construct. Around halfway mark, he illustrates this when the two dimensional entity cannot explain "up" to his fellow Flatlanders as it's beyond their comprehension.

            This parallels all of the deities humans have invented to explain the unexplainable.


          4. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin


            You are first person I have met in a long time that understand and shares my understanding of "soul mates"...It makes sense now why I con always relate so loosely with your comments.

            To anyone who my want to discredit such a crazy notion,; ever dream of someone and when you talk about the dream later you find yourself saying it was you but not really you. I knew in the dream but it didnt look like you. Our we were at my house, well it didnt look like my house but I knew it was? In a dream like state sometimes you subconscious that contain all the memories of past lives gets confused and mixes the lives up a bit. Thats why we recognize the person in the dream and only realize upon an awakened state that they didnt appear to be the same person.

            No way to prove that, understandable, but how do explain a 4 year old getting up on a piano bench and suddenly playing like a master......perhaps a past life knowledge that was not quite stored properly?

            Just wanted to cut off the "thats ridiculous" comments with an explanation before.

  1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John


    Not that facts matter for "true believers", but here's a link that contradicts some of what's on the billboard. A similar billboard could be erected to highlight some of the horrors commanded by the Christian version of God, along with his hitman, the Prophet Moses.


  1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

    Why have my comments been in moderation for so long? I am conused. In a different pist I had 3 that never even showed up weeks late....

    1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      I've had two submitted last week and not yet posted, Joanne. Is there a reason to moderate? Why not post everything and moderate if there's a complaint sent regarding an offensive post (which would involve defining "offensive"). There are a few people posting here who seem a little unhinged, but I simply choose to scroll past most times. Most of the blogs I frequent are not moderated.

      1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B


      2. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

        I sent a message to ask what the problem is. Its hard to have an educated discussion that makes sense when a comment meant for one reply posts weeks later.

      3. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

        I got a reply and the woman who answered said that often on the weekends there is no one to check the replies so they made take a little bit to go through but it should never be more than 3 days. Since mine had been in moderation for quite some time longer she was going to file a technical ticket or something like that to have it looked into. I thought I would share so anyone else who finds the same problem happening, should it be longer than 3 day (and she assured this would only occur on a holiday weekend possibly) should also reach out so they know if it keeps happening

      4. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

        I'd received a note back from the Moderators that will help with our overall patience (and compassion) for their thankless task....

        "We are happy with the current moderation system, as too often the 'report' button is used as a 'disagree' button rather than to suggest the topic is inflammatory or off-topic. That said, I'll bring it up with the moderation team. Any changes to the current moderation system will be noted on the website. Regarding the approval time, please understand that we are a small team but we do the best we can to approve posts as quickly as possible. Your patience is much appreciated."

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Joanne...from what i have read of your posts, it seems to me that nothing you say should be in "moderation"...unless posts are attacks directed at someone, they should not be censored...and types of language should be subject to the same standard...as i have said before, "moderation" is censorship, and should not be a subject to be judged by anyone, except as i have said above...and even that should not really be a restriction, as this is all illusory anyway...but in this illusion i feel that if we can not be loving and caring, at least be civil...Tom

    1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      Thank you Tom, I try not t offend anyone and use this is a place to share information; some a little more constructive than others but I am not noticing that some of my responses are missing all together. One post simply pointed out the misconceptions as I know them regarding hat the media chooses to tell us. I pointed out that Jews crucified Jesus, Priest that took oaths to Jesus have been proven assailants and sex offenders as well as David Koresh being a self proclaimed christian. So to not see the hypocrisy in the idea that we dont have all the facts regarding Islamics and Muslims is the same as saying these people represent all the people of their faith. All facts and I tried to tred lightly for empathetic reasons and it is just gone. Never left moderation and now is gone. I have 2 comments still in moderation now and I will see what happens but it is just baffling to me. I may not have presented information that some want to hear or understand but I was never disrespectful of anyones feelings. So I will keep watch. Thank you again Tom for your kind words.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Joanne...you are welcome...from your writing, i feel you are a compassionate person, and i have no problem supporting your right to have your comments published, and not censored...i find it difficult to believe that whoever is the "moderator" finds somethings you say are problematic...there are things expressed on this blog that are overly and unnecessarily aggressive, nasty and absolutely not empathetic...i simply ignore them, as i feel that i try to make all interactions considerate, not psychically violent...i hope you have a good night...Tom

  1. rbstms@aol.com's Avatar rbstms@aol.com

    I didn't have the time to read all the comments but when I searched for the word outraged, it only appeared twice in reference to the Billboard. In addition to being outraged at the Billboard, IMHO Muslims should be outraged by the terrorists that hide behind their religion. The younger generation needs to break away from the brainwashing and look at how ridiculous it is to kill and hate. We all die, why rush it? Turns out the Beatles were right, "All you need is love." It worked for Jesus, Neo, and Luke Skywalker. People need to live and let live with focus on innovation and discovery in space exploration (or other fun things that better society) rather than destruction.

    1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      I essentially agree with you, rbstms, but people should be equally, or more outraged at the attacks Western nations have unleashed upon a multitude of countries (at least 14 and counting) and their innocent civilian populations that posed no threat to them. Now, because of the understandable anger and vengeance that's created, more killing and hating has been the result.

      This is all necessary for the compliance of western populations to agree to have trillions of $$ spent on their military's as well as killing and being killed. It's the business of war.

  1. Wayne Leclaire's Avatar Wayne Leclaire

    Truth Hurts

  1. Don's Avatar Don

    Sometimes the truth hurts. If they don't like it let them go back to where they came from or do not read it. That is if they can read English

  1. calumetkid's Avatar calumetkid

    Is the statement on the billboard true? If so there is no phobia involved. There is no bigotry involved. Truth stands alone without fear or favor. It prevails in all circumstances. Falsehoods have to be altered, modified, or otherwise changed to address criticism. Truth just sits there and prevails.

    1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      Don't ask here, calumetkid... you have access to the internet. I posted a link to information somewhere on this thread.

  1. Anner's Avatar Anner

    Any religious zealots cannot claim to be committed to "the truth" and "Facts"...You folks deal with "Faith"...There are many religions, and anybody who claims to have a lock on the truth is in error......Why not focus on your OWN spirituality, which is diminished when you try to take down others....

    1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      Bravo, Anner! "Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions." -- Frater Ravus

  1. Mark's Avatar Mark

    "The number of anti-Muslim hate groups in America tripled last year, according to a report released Wednesday by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a watchdog organization that tracks political extremists. Between the beginning and end of 2016, the number of anti-Muslim groups increased from 34 to 101—by far the largest spike since SPLC began tracking the category in 2010."

    Notably, the steady rise in these hate groups began around the launch in mid 2015 of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Though the Syrian refugee crisis and terrorist attacks from Paris to Orlando may have fueled some increase in Islamphobia, Trump’s repeated invocation of the threat of “radical Islamic terrorism” and move as president to ban immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries has clearly fanned the flames.

    “The rise in anti-Muslim groups in the last year I think demonstrates just how much the presidential campaign influenced the radical right in the US,” says Ryan Lenz, a senior writer for the SPLC’s Intelligence Project. “We have not seen this level of anti-Muslim rhetoric in quite some time, and Trump has done the lion’s share of infusing the anti-Muslim movement in the US with energy, which had been waning for years.”

    Read more at:


    1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

      I don't suppose you might even consider that the rise in anti-Muslim sentiment ( I won't say Hate-groups, because that is communist speech) has anything to do with Muslim anti-American and anti-Christian and anti-western and anti-Jewish speech and behavior? It's a rhetorical question but I still wonder how you will answer. I think people really over-estimate Mr. Trump's influence over the minds of others.

      1. Mark's Avatar Mark


        Definition of coincidence - the act or condition of coinciding.

        No I don't believe it's a coincidence.

        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          Okay, but do you attribute the sentiment to Trump having inspired it, or Trump's success to having tapped into the sentiment? I just can't believe Trump is able to manipulate people's minds to the degree that the article seems to be suggesting. I CAN believe they keep hearing people say, accept the Muslims, and trying to cover for terrorist attacks as long as possible, and trying to prevent people from criticizing Islam or terrorism, and are feeling some cognitive dissonance regarding what they see on the news and what they are told to think.

      2. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          Maher, I can't even fathom how you think Trump is using mind control. That's some kind of paranoid fantasy on your part. I get my news mostly from NPR and don't look at twitter. Tell me this though, who is controlling the minds of the morons who keep telling us to accept all the fighting age Muslims even as they live on the dole and refuse to assimilate or even work most of the time, move in groups and rape women as their religious duty? Who is controlling their minds? I mean, Obama, and John Kerry, and Nancy Pelosi, and Angela Merkel, and all who keep telling us that to prove we are Christian, we must tolerate this scourge to society. Who controls them?

          1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


  1. Ronald Dumont's Avatar Ronald Dumont

    Islam is a Cult of Death and Enslavement! Islam has been within in a self proclaimed Civil war for over 1400 years, we are just a nuisance to be killed in cold blood and enslaved by this very small demented delusional Male Dominated cult of anti-feminist child abusers pedophile cold blooded murderers!

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      shhh. tom says we are all children of good. now go sit in your time out chair til you can talk nicely.

  1. Raymond Arth's Avatar Raymond Arth

    The fact is that these practices continue today. Islamic groups take slaves, torture and behead unbelievers, kidnap young girls as sex slaves, and so on. Genital mutilation and honor killings demonstrate a deep seated religious and cultural misogyny. Many Muslims are peaceful and God fearing people. But the Muslim community has more than its share of violent sociopaths using religion to justify their despicable behaviour. Until Muslims confront this, the problem will persist. Calling them out to address it seems reasonable. Non-Muslims can't address these matters for them.

  1. eric k's Avatar eric k

    Been on this board a long time and this has been a very angry thread, I just feel if you believe something no matter what it is it should be dealt with more civilly

    I have learned a lot after doing some research about This so called prophet Mohammad. My personal conclusion is this is definitely a religion that has no room for any other, and in the end they would kill all of us if we don't convert to the Islamic faith. It is written in their Kuran. The world needs to take off its blinders this is not a religion of peace it promotes hate of everyone that is not like them.

    Its rather a simple thing convert to Islam or be killed by a Moslem.Sooner or later the world will see the Muslims for what they believe and be forced to take action against them. I think we all have a reason to be afraid of whats in the future

    1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      Hey Eric (and others), were you wearing blinders that prevented you from reading from Deuteronomy (chapter 13) during your research? Check it out in your own bible to confirm, but here it is....

      12 If you hear it said about one of the towns the Lord your God is giving you to live in 13 that troublemakers have arisen among you and have led the people of their town astray, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods you have not known), 14 then you must inquire, probe and investigate it thoroughly. And if it is true and it has been proved that this detestable thing has been done among you, 15 you must certainly put to the sword all who live in that town. You must destroy it completely, both its people and its livestock. 16 You are to gather all the plunder of the town into the middle of the public square and completely burn the town and all its plunder as a whole burnt offering to the Lord your God. That town is to remain a ruin forever, never to be rebuilt.

      This applies not just to the infidels in the town, but all of it's inhabitants and even their their livestock. For the finale, the entire contents of the town are to be piled up and burned. This is reminiscent of the Nazis, but they were focused mostly on books.

      BTW, Islam's holy book is normally spelled Koran or Quran. There are a number of cities, principally in Iran, called Kuran. Carry on with your research.

  1. Bill Fox's Avatar Bill Fox

    I intently studied five translations of the Qur'an after 09/11/2001 attacks of Pentagon and World Trade Center. From a non-Muslim point of view, what is posted on the sign is not the intent of what is taught in the Qur'an. The Constitution Amendment 1, specifically does not allow the government(s) to make laws to sensor religion or religious speech. I still have infinite capacity to ignore billboards.

    1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      Thank you for your input, Bill. I'm certain that many of the "Christians" posting here haven't thoroughly read the Bible, let alone the Qur'an, but that has little effect on their willingness to voice their uninformed opinion.

  1. eric k's Avatar eric k

    What other religions currently condone murder of none believers other than Islam?

    1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

      For real. Islamists are angry all the time anyway, and who can blame them? Most of their countries are crap-holes, because they are run by Muslims and full of Muslims. Their traditional clothing style is ancient. They can't enjoy wine or liquor. Their women can't enjoy sex. They can't dance, or listen to good music, or even go shopping. They look at people who are blessed with plenty of food, water, and fun, and who are not all physically ugly, and it is no wonder they want to kill us. Misery loves company.

      1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

        Muslims around the world would be laughing at you, John/Jack if they'd read your nonsense. There are many Muslim countries that are now "crap holes" thanks to years of occupation and non-stop destruction by uninvited Western forces. It's people with beliefs like yours that have created much of the anger and vengeance that has fuelled their extremism. Stick with your ignorance if you like, but don't be whining about the blowback that it creates.

        There are times when you actually sound reasonable and intelligent, but then you follow it up with more ignorance and bigotry. Perhaps you should follow some of the advice you've dished out to Mr. Maher.

        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          Geez, Bro John. You're gonna take advantage of my respect to star again to talk this way? OK. I see how it is.

          IF THEY WEREN'T CRAP-HOLES, WHY ARE THEY LEAVING? Is Pakistan occupied by westerners? Is Somalia occupied by westerners? How about Yemen? Liberia? Libya and Syria had no westerners for 40 or 50 years until just very recently. Oh, and then there's Iran. Hasn't been a noticeable western presence there since the Shah. Iraq? Was a black hole to westerners throughout the reign of Saddam Hussein.

          Why are you singing their song of western oppression? Saudi Arabia has a FEW westerners but pretty much maintain their barbaric ways. Yes, we invaded Afghanistan after 911. We did. They sorta made us do that, by harboring Al Qaeda.

          Bangladesh, Morocco, Egypt, where's the terrible western scourge there? I really don't see what you are talking about. We didn't fuel their extremism. We failed to extinguish it. Big difference there. My ignorance? You want to blame THEIR murder on MY ignorance? How ignorant is that? Maybe you should examine your own bigotry, which admittedly is different from mine. If I am bigoted, it is in FAVOR OF MY OWN PEOPLE. You are bigoted in favor of those who would kill us all and take our land and homes and it has nothing to do with anything we have done to them. And don't think because you moved to the Great White North they won't take yours-- they'll get yours long before they get mine.

          It is not the west's fault that Hamas and Abu Saraf and the others take shelter in schools and hospitals when they launch their attacks, or strap bombs on their own children. Our own men of war would never do such a thing, but our enemies will, AND YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT. You really should know that. How can you pretend NOT to know that?

        2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

          I didn't ask anyone for respect, John, including yourself. I was hoping (in vain, it appears) that you had an epiphany of sorts (as in the past). It's obvious that you are just another deluded warmonger who swallows all the propaganda you're fed without questioning it's validity. I seriously believe you may be bi-polar as well.

          I've posted a link to an article by Glen Greenwald, a well respected, Pulitzer Prize winner journalist (his bio is also linked). Information like this is easy to find, but also easy to avoid if you choose.

          It's should be obvious to everyone why people flee terror and destruction, but obviously there are exceptions. There's simply too much misinformation and ignorance in your reply to fully respond. I'll assume you'll choose to ignore the article and carry on in a haze of delusion, so will include a few excerpts as well.

          "When Obama began bombing targets inside Syria in September, I noted that it was the seventh predominantly Muslim country that had been bombed by the U.S. during his presidency (that did not count Obama’s bombing of the Muslim minority in the Philippines). I also previously noted that this new bombing campaign meant that Obama had become the fourth consecutive U.S. President to order bombs dropped on Iraq. Standing alone, those are both amazingly revealing facts. American violence is so ongoing and continuous that we barely notice it any more. Just this week, a U.S. drone launched a missile that killed 10 people in Yemen, and the dead were promptly labeled “suspected militants” (which actually just means they are “military-age males”); those killings received almost no discussion."

          "To get a full scope of American violence in the world, it is worth asking a broader question: how many countries in the Islamic world has the U.S. bombed or occupied since 1980? That answer was provided in a recent Washington Post op-ed by the military historian and former U.S. Army Col. Andrew Bacevich:

          As America’s efforts to “degrade and ultimately destroy” Islamic State militants extent into Syria, Iraq War III has seamlessly morphed into Greater Middle East Battlefield XIV. That is, Syria has become at least the 14th country in the Islamic world that U.S. forces have invaded or occupied or bombed, and in which American soldiers have killed or been killed. And that’s just since 1980.

          Let’s tick them off: Iran (1980, 1987-1988), Libya (1981, 1986, 1989, 2011), Lebanon (1983), Kuwait (1991), Iraq (1991-2011, 2014-), Somalia (1992-1993, 2007-), Bosnia (1995), Saudi Arabia (1991, 1996), Afghanistan (1998, 2001-), Sudan (1998), Kosovo (1999), Yemen (2000, 2002-), Pakistan (2004-) and now Syria. Whew." There's more in the article.....

          I'll just touch on a couple of your other ill-informed comments.

          Afghanistan - a poor, under developed country... America's longest war to date. 16 years and counting with no "victory" in sight. #1 source of the world's heroin (as profitable as war and oil)

          Saudi Arabia - one of the world's most repressive regimes. Beheads more people than ISIS. The homeland of Islam and host to two of the most holy Muslim sites. World's #1 purchaser of weapons, mostly from the #1 manufacturer and exporter, the U.S. Funds and arms a number of terrorist organizations. Long time ally of the U.S. and the muscle that's enforced the petrodollar for decades. Why are you not spending some of your time and energy loudly demanding that your government stops openly doing business with this despotic Muslim kingdom?

          Saddam - ally of the U.S. until he started promoting an alternative to the petrodollar. Ditto for Ghadafi/Libya

          Here's your mock respect back, John. I don't want it. You should have felt some embarrassment for the ignorance you've displayed to date, but it's seems there's an unlimited supply.



          1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Bro John,

            I submit to you that it is not ignorance for me to bristle at insults. You, yourself seem to be bipolar at times. When someone acts like an arrogant know-it-all and throws insults at me, YES, I throw it back. That is not ignorant. Ignorant is thinking you know more than everyone else and that your opinion is superior to everyone else's. You change sides a lot. That doesn't make you right. Now, because of your prior military service, I will not insult you. I feel no embarrassment and have shown no more ignorance than I have been shown, as in this last post of yours, and the ones you are still posting as I respond to this one. Maybe you are taking instructions from Mr. Maher.

            As for our involvement overseas, if talk of disengaging, people start crying about "isolationists" and "isolationism". If you want to be "citizens of the world" and have a "global community", then you have to accept interference from the larger nations. You speak as if we alone affect the rest of the world. Tell me, how many of the people at that Ariana Grande concert were warmongers? How many on the bridge? How many of the people ISIS is decapitating and stoning and burning? You are using their excuses to excuse them. That is all B.S.

            It is not ignorant for someone to disagree with you and think you are full of misinformation. It COULD be mistaken, but that remains to be proven. It seems like you are starting all over with your assininity. I see them popping on my screen. That's what I was calling the bipolar stuff.

            If you're going to continue to be sophomoric, I'll just ignore you and let everyone else see your behavior.

          2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            You're not just bristling about insults, Jack***. In this case, you're bristling because the information I posted, much of it provided by a renowned, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, contradicts the hateful ignorance you posted for all to read.

            Go back up to your June 21 post (just under Eric's) and thoroughly read what you posted (I have the feeling that you simply fire off some of your replies without first carefully re-reading them). Was any of it disrespectful or hateful? Did the well researched information by Mr. Greenwald contradict any of what you posted? If so, are you able to demonstrate that your are right and he is wrong? How about the information about Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia? Accurate or not?

            You've accused more than one of us of being "sophomoric" in the past.

            "conceited and overconfident of knowledge but poorly informed and immature"

            Who more closely matches this description?

            Keep in mind that you began this exchange (June 23 12:56). What you posted has been challenged. The balls in your court, John Owens. Can you muster an intelligent response, or will you continue to hit into the net?

            FYI.... I'm not here to "attack" anyone. I find it personally offensive to see misinformation (including ancient myths) posted as fact, along with hateful, divisive rhetoric, particularly on a "spiritually oriented" site such as this. The simple addition of "that is my belief or opinion" to a statement indicates one is open to correction. But facts are facts, and truth is truth. Denial has no effect on either. It simply opens another door to the dark world of delusion and misunderstanding. I prefer to keep those doors locked, even though the delusion may be more appealing than the truth.

          3. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


        3. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


  1. Jack Mabry's Avatar Jack Mabry

    The right to freedom of speech is our most sacred right. No religion should have the power to shut that down.

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      thats how some women feel apparently.. lol. bahahah.

  1. Rev. M. Dash's Avatar Rev. M. Dash

    To me, the billboard is objective and explosive. I think the person posting it should be challenged in court to prove these are facts citing the Islamic texts--not hearsay information. Hearsay information is litigious. Also the person should have to prove how different these practices were from other "religions" at that time. Some mormons in Utah believe in having multiple wives and marrying very young girls, in this "civilized" society. Everyone was killing at that time for "ethnic cleansing" as they do today--although they don't call it that. When black Ethiopian Jews wanted to migrate to Israel, this century, they were barred. Those that were there that went for female care were sterilized without their consent. There are millions of black Jews in the world that Israel refuses to acknowledge. I point this out to say if we want to look for the worst in humanity, there is enough to go around. So if one wishes to expose dirty laundry, just make sure you gather up all the clotheslines! I don't believe it helps in looking back, otherwise you stay back, you regress. Look forward so we progress.

    1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      P Miki.... thanks for your insightful, intelligent post.

  1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

    Miki is taking up for the Muslims and pretending no one really knows about Mohammed. The Muslims think they know. Isn't their opinion good enough?

  1. Minister Greg Harden's Avatar Minister Greg Harden

    Stop already. This has been discussed enough. No more. All you re doing is arguing about it. So shut up already. Thank you....

    1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

      But Greg, blogs are NOT for open exchange, iron sharpening iron, intellectual growth, that sort of thing, although they are purported to be for that.

      Their actual purposes are: A) so people of like minds can meet, and then discover they have nothing about which to talk, since they agree, and B) people of dissimilar minds can argue, and C) the rest of the people who read can laugh at the drama or feel superior and above it all.

      These are the major categories. Of course, there are subcategories, also, but people love to dispute and watch others do so. Some take sides, and some don't.

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        dont forget me.. im here for the cake.

        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          I have your cake

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            i love you.

          2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            I get that from all the women who like real men.

          3. inga's Avatar inga

            WAIT !! you didnt EAT my cake ?? did you ??!!

          4. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            No. I'm watching my waistline.

          5. inga's Avatar inga

            i will watch your waistline too.. while i work on my "more to love" look. lol.

      2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

        Hey John (or is it Jackxxx?) You forgot D. Inane Chit Chat and Flirting... no, wait, that's for private chat lines.

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          my apologies. i did not see that in the rules. what is the IQ AND sexuality or fear of in this room.. lol

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            am i taking the attention away from you john.. my apolgies.. continue. please

          2. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

            Inga...allegorically you are on the right track...remember, Archie could have his cake, and eat it too...Tom

          3. inga's Avatar inga

            lol. which would be good if that was the saying.. but the saying is: you cant EAT your cake and have it too. another group of words that has been re-arranged to fit someones needs.

        2. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

          Inga...words have no inherent meaning, anyway...and who created the Tower of Babel; and why?...Tom

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            oh no.. i love you. k yeah you are right. well sort of.. in our house, i love you is generally greeted with : what do you want" .. well it used to be.. now its just NO ! so yeah. k i see what you are saying

      3. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          wHAT, mAHER, AND mISS OUT oN YOUR scintillating CONVERSATION? tHAT would bE unacceptable. hOW'S YOUR iNFLATABLE wOMAN tODAY?

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            my son has his 27 birthday coming up here next week. he is still single. do you think an inflatable doll would be good for a birthday present ?? or would that just a touch much. lol bahahha. we can call her: dolly . bahahah. lol

          2. inga's Avatar inga

            she could be the strong silent type. like the chur... k. wont go there.. lol

          3. inga's Avatar inga

            bet this site regrets free speech/no censorship now huh ??!! bahahah. cake ??

  1. franklin's Avatar franklin

    Welcome to America where free-speech is among our rights.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Joanne...thank you for your comments; especially regarding soul-mates (this has no basis in romanticism; it is a kind of karmic agreement made on a level beyond what we can perceive in this world...and i agree with you about dreams...what you said leads right into the point that dreams can be drawn from what we characterize as past, present and future, even though the reality is that they are all the same...as i have said, time is an ego-intellectual construct; not a spiritual reality...Tom

  1. MJ Elswick's Avatar MJ Elswick

    For the most part I find Muslims to be abominations. They have no respect for any other religion. They have no respect for life. I am tired of hearing about women and little girls being raped and murdered by these animals. Our Father tells us to forgive but we are also told the value of our children. If these people dislike our laws and culture so much then they should be sent back where they came from and leave law abiding, tax paying Christians alone.

    1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

      I absolutely agree. I don't hate them. All things are clean for the purpose for which they are made. They just aren't made to live outside of their own man-made hell-holes.

    2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      What a pathetic post, MJ. I just checked and the ULC does not encourage bigots and delusional fundamentalists, quite to the contrary (We are all children of the same universe). Read Deuteronomy 13 (it's posted somewhere above but I'm sure you have your own bible) and let us know if it's the same god as Allah, or something more malevolent and monstrous.

      If you're tired of hearing about the atrocities you cite, quit reading the fear porn that promotes them.

  1. Minister Greg Harden's Avatar Minister Greg Harden

    Enough already. Move on already

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    i think its great where a man can put up a billboard with his thoughts. and others can respond with their thoughts. what a great place; freedom to think and to response. the billboard reflects the user.. and the responses reflect the [varied] audience. isnt this great. really.

    i am sorry that some got offended. a sense of humor is essential to the survival of people. sigh. especially in ignorance. live love laugh.

    i seen a picture of a church "welcome sign" one day. it said.

    church parking only. violators will be baptized.

    bahahah. thats a good one huh.

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      can we have cake now ??

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        ive responded to a few comments. but there doesnt ever appear to be any cake here at ULC. i am not sure it is for me. i really like cake. i may have to take this boo club off line and do a pot luck or something. its not as much fun without food.

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          book club... boo*K club.. argg. not boo club.. lol.

          1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Freudian slip?

          2. inga's Avatar inga

            where is your post reply button.. ?? no no freudian slip. it was purely accidental. but i could keep the guy employed.. lol. bahaha. OOPS is my middle name,

          3. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            It will only break down so far, Inga, then it has to continue on the same line.

            Um, perhaps since you are such an effervescent personality, you might consider brightening "Brother John's" day or maybe even John Maher's?

          4. inga's Avatar inga

            ok. cake for every one named john. and everyone not named john too. shhh. wink.

  1. Minister Greg Harden's Avatar Minister Greg Harden

    This has been discussed to death. Let it go. Thank you all for all of your comments. Live and love. Thanks.

    1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      You don't want to take a break and engage with John and Inga, Greg? Me neither.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    do we get cake now ?? do we ? do we ??

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    john wants some cake please. lol.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    i seen another sign.. it said.. " IF YOU ARE ILLITERATE CALL 1800.. bahahah. too funny how is (s)he going to read the sign ??

  1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

    Yep. That's a hoot! I'm ROFL!

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    i had a mug once with a saying on it.. wanted. the perfect man.. (or the likes of). to do windows, laundry, dishes, etc.. and strong enough to fool around afterwards.. bahahah. hmmm

    1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

      I'd like to see your mug.

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        sure. i will put on the coffee.

  1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

    Hasta mañana, Gente.

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      no speak anglais.. lol. i say that when people come in my shop in canada too. then they go outside.. look at the sign and make sure they are in the right store ?? come back in.. point and laugh.. and say: YES YOU DO !! but wait. they are right. i do speak anglais. i no speak a spanol. so what are you hasta-ing ?? please.

      1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

        that means, "until tomorrow, people". I really must go, but I will be back. :)

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          OHHH gotcha.. we have a french thing going here.. bonne nuit

      2. inga's Avatar inga

        hey john.. (im discussing over my cake here.. i think candace from the gender equality article.. she says i dont turn her on. should i be offended by that, because really, as a straight woman. i am quite relieved. phew.

        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          "It is easy to despise what one cannot have." (from Aesop's Fables, The Fox and the Grapes)

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            i did offer her cake too. sigh. and when she did not accept. I ATE IT. bahaha. adding to my "more to love" girlish figure.. wink

          2. inga's Avatar inga

            and it was good.

  1. Steve Carter's Avatar Steve Carter

    Brother John,

    I hope the chain mail neck brace isn't too uncomfortable, can you reveal your supplier ;-) I believe Neck protection against Islamic fighters by using high thick leather collars is what got the marines their LEATHERNECK nickname.

    Why are some people so totally infatuated with turning the other cheek that they are willing to have their heads cut off to prove what wonderful people they are.

    Kowtowing ( A Chinese phrase ) to Islam is the single most stupid thing any none Moslem could do. An individuals god may protect them in a civilized world but where Islam rules they will be dead long before their God pokes Allah in the eye with the holy pointed stick.

    Folks who preach diversity blindly believing it is the same as integration and equality, need to go take their places in a Miss Universe contest. Reality and the true requirements for world peace, are completely outside of their frame of reference.

    Every human has the absolute right to believe in their own god without fear or prejudice, and yes I would fight to protect that right. They also have an absolute right to protect themselves should they be in fear for their life from anyone. Islam however disagrees with both of these most fundamental human rights. The turn the other cheek indoctrinees need to get real or stop expecting the rest of us to protect them and pander to their fantasies and whining. We will all be a tad busy protecting our own necks.

    1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      Hi Steve. Many war veterans like myself (Vietnam 67-68) find arm chair warriors sitting in their comfy, safe, well stocked homes spewing warmongering vitriol both cowardly and despicable. In addition to the 58,000+ young Americans who lost their lives in that senseless, illegal war, hundreds of thousands returned with life changing wounds, both physical and mental. There was no victory (Hanoi remains the capital of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam), no glory and no honour. Many of my countrymen (at the time... I've lived in Canada since 1970) gleefully participated in the destruction of a beautiful country and the denigration of it's people. They were "gooks" and other derogatory terms. Now the enemy are "rag heads", "carpet riders" and "sand niggers". Things have changed, but not for the better. In addition to the chemical weapons used in copious amounts in Viet Nam (napalm, Agent Orange, et al) they've now added white phosphorous and D/U munitions. They've also made it less personal through the use of drones and missiles launched and controlled far from the battlefield.

      One thing hasn't changed though. No victory, no glory, no honour. They've been raining destruction down on Afghanistan (including the recent MOAB) for over 16 years and the only results have been; more deaths and PTSD, a potential pipeline route, billions of $$ for war contractors and protection for the bulk of world's heroin supply (just like the Golden Triangle back in the 60's).

      Here's a video of two courageous, honest veterans. Most will not want to honestly share their experiences except perhaps with others veterans. If you know any, give them a hug and forgive them for what they may have done. Have a fraction of the courage these men have for telling the truth and watch them until the end. It may not make you cry as it does me, but it should shed a new light on the GWOT.



      1. eric k's Avatar eric k

        Thanks for your service

        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          Ditto, Bro John.

          In deference to your presence in 'Nam, I take back any irritating, insensitive, argumentative thing I ever said to you. I was a kid when you were there. When I was old enough to go, that conflict was over. Of course, my father and his brothers, and my mother's brothers were all WW2 and Korean War veterans. One of my brothers was a bomber mechanic in Guam during Viet Nam.

          I recently visited the moving Memorial Wall with brothers from my MC. My Road Captain was Infantry, and another man who rode with us was USMC there. They met other men there at the wall and remembered the men whose names were on the wall to one another. The men who were there then, well, it was somber, almost a religious experience to watch them talk to one another. I stood at a respectful distance, and tried not to snivel.

          We, in our MC cuts and on our Harleys, were treated with respect and courtesy, which we reciprocated in spades. Bro John, I am truly glad your name was not on that wall.

          With reverence,

          John Owens

          1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


          2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Mr. Maher, I'm assuming you think the jury is still out on you? I am showing respect for a veteran. You sir, appear to have no grace whatsoever. I pity you.

          3. inga's Avatar inga

            you tell him john. i like the part where you said to the guy " i am glad your name is not on that wall" yeah.

            (i can talk, becasue while women are supposed to be silent and go home and talk to their husbands.. i have no husband. so .. yeah. i can talk. or get stoned. either way.

          4. inga's Avatar inga

            theres a modern saying here. "the trump syndrome" we call it. if you dont like trump.. you will not like anything good he says either. the judgement will be clouded and pride will keep one from seeing the good in people simply because they do not like them. same as the police.. and any other public figure. or private for that matter .. lol.

            its a very all or nothing society which tends us to miss alot of vital key information.

          5. inga's Avatar inga

            ask your wife about that cake. i am getting fat. if i have someone to share it with.. they will be doing me a favor.. lol.

          6. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Alas, but she has disappeared. She had no desire to assimilate. I think she is in New York. She wanted to leave China but live like a Chinese among Chinese (much the way many immigrants do). If she had told me that ahead of time, she would still be in Fu Zhou and I would have saved a lot of money and consternation.

            If we allow them to make this country like theirs, to whence will people migrate in search of a better life?

          7. inga's Avatar inga

            ah to bad. i was starting to pt together a pot lock.. my cake.. her chinese food.. lol.

            ah well.more cake for me.. [watching the scale going up] bahaha. if you ever wonder how people get fat.. let this be the lesson for you. bahahah.

          8. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Darnedest thing-- she could really, really cook. Microwave or Wok (she didn't call it that). But she could eat her food and stay really petite, yet if I ate it, it made me gain weight. Of course, I ate it. That's what I miss about her. Her cooking. She was talented in other ways-- a brilliant, shameless haggler, great homemaker.

            I am pretty good with campesino Mexican cooking-- chilaquiles, tacos de papas, tacos de hígados de pollo, a few different things. Nothing really exotic.

          9. inga's Avatar inga

            what do you think the serians would bring to a pot luck . 'cause i like trying new foods.

          10. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            My "service" doesn't deserve any thanks, Eric, but thanks anyway. I took part (although unwillingly) in an immoral and disgusting example of statism/nationalism/racism. When I returned home I was met by waving flags and "Love it or Leave it" bumperstickers. No one, including my family, asked if I was OK, although it should have been obvious I wasn't. I was, like all war veterans, a changed man. In 1969 I went to Woodstock, which was quite the contrast. In 1970 I immigrated to Canada and have lived here ever since along with my Canadian family.

            On the bright side, had I not been exposed to the rampant immorality, brutality and racism of my birth country, I wouldn't be here today. My first years in Canada were like living in an alternate Universe. I do retain some pity for those who are unable to break free of the indoctrination they're subjected to that begins in the public school system. I wonder if young, impressionable children are still required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, with hands over hearts facing the flag? The indoctrination of children is straight out of the Nazi playbook (see "Bellamy salute").

            My sincere hope is that you, John and others take the time to watch the videos I linked and forward them to everyone you know and love. I ask you to post your honest responses to them here, for all to read, out of respect for the hundreds of thousands of lives that have been needlessly lost. Veterans should be angry, not proud. Due to the inevitable shaming and disparagement involved, only the very brave are willing to speak the truth. Support and encourage those who do.

            Do your best to help those whose minds are enslaved by indoctrination and misguided beliefs, whether it be from statism, religion, racism or otherwise, and help them break free from their mental bondage. The world is on the verge of exponential destruction and our time is running short.

          11. inga's Avatar inga

            i like tacos. blink blink

          12. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Thank you John. I hope that this exchange may have had an effect on your own beliefs and that, perhaps, you'll join me in an attempt to dispel ignorance, fear and bigotry, if even on a small, and seemingly, insignificant scale.

            Just a heads up. Unlike some who post here, I do not "shoot from the hip" or post while angry. I re-read what I've written before posting and do my best to insure what I've said is accurate. Spoken words can be forgotten, but things that are written remain on record for all to see.

            I'll guess you've made posts in the past that you'd like to retract or at least edit. I hope that this exchange marks a new chapter in our online relationship.

            I will continue to challenge those posting ignorant and misleading information that fuels the bigotry and hatred that often appears on this blog. I sincerely hope you'll do the same.

          13. inga's Avatar inga

            my bro dated a chinese gal for 10 days. during those ten days she made dumplings and all sorts of good stuff. i say he should have kept her !! my son was willing to date her... bahaha. she was beautiful and the dumplings were THAT good that the 30 year age difference was something my son was willing to over look. and me too. bahahah.

          14. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            If we can actually talk instead of sniping at one another, all of us may learn something. It may not change our philosophy, but at least hone our thought processes.

          15. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Sadly, you chose to post more nonsense shortly after your June 22 post. I actually believed you this time, but never again. Oh, and thanks again for your meaningless chit chat with Inga. It adds so much to our discussions.

          16. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            You are a bi-polar freak and you no longer exist, except in your own dark fantasy.

          17. inga's Avatar inga

            your welcome. blink blink..

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    i think both the person who erected the billboard AND the muslims need our prayers. and so do i.. and so do you. and so do our neighbors. and so do our neighbors' neighbors. and so do our neighbors'neighbors' neighbors.

    to the muslim/islam community.. happy ramadan. peace be with you.

  1. Rev. Monica's Avatar Rev. Monica

    On whether or not to speak : Is it true? Is it kind? Is it helpful? Is it necessary?

  1. John's Avatar John

    Welcome to the Brother John/John Owens show. Boy, do they know how to use their first amendment privileges!

    1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      Feel free to jump in anytime, John UK, if you have anything to contribute.

  1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

    "Islamophobia is a cynical weapon to portray common sense as a mental illness" -- Pat Condell

    I thought that was so good I had to share it, because it pretty much applies to all the so-called phobias in modern parlance. I was once called xenophobic by a Canadian while sitting in front of my computer with my Chinese wife. He just heard the word somewhere and thought it sounded good, so he waited for a chance to use it. The word "racist" is used in much the same way. Usually the person using the word doesn't think for one minute that the one to whom they are referring is actually racist. They just think that by calling them that, they can get more concessions as the other tries to prove they are NOT racist. The tactic works, too, especially on white people, but is rapidly losing effectiveness through over-use.

    That is exactly what is going on with the talk of Islamophobia. You never hear anyone these days talk of Anglophobia, Christophobia, or Caucasiophobia, Occidentophobia, or Amerophobia, but we will, because people will use weapons similar to those used by their enemies.

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      now see having a chinese wife.. you would know that there is more eartly interpretations of heavens than just one.. lol. and that in china [some] people do have words/names for us white guys .. lol. and that retrospectively.. we have at one time or another, well earned those titles.. lol.

      ask your wife if she wants some cake.. lol

      1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

        No disrespect intended, Inga, but this is a forum for serious discussion, not idle chitchat. Carry on if you like, but some of it would be better off in a social chat room

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          why. you dont eat ?? eating is serious. ok. i will tie it back.. some people dont eat pork for religious purposes.. is that better ?? bahahah.

        2. inga's Avatar inga

          are you suggesting your information is more ?? important than mine.. dinner.... lol

        3. inga's Avatar inga

          just kidding.. but you will think of me at supper time.. bahaha. you cant live on posts alone.. lol.

          maybe if you all lightened up and ate more you wouldnt be so grumpy.. hehehe.

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            i mean really .. the guy who posted the billboard is offensive. and he should be taking it down or risk to suffer consequences that may result of his behavior. how much more needs to be said on the subject. ??

          2. inga's Avatar inga

            im kidding.. go ahead.. keep talking. ill be over here eating my steak with baked potato drizzled in melted butter, topped with sour cream, and smothered in fried onions and sauteed mushrooms. oh yeah baby.. dont mind me. you go ahead.. bahahah

          3. inga's Avatar inga

            you all make things to complicated and then assume thats the way it is. do you know what the muslims are doing right now. eating. bahahaha. at least in my time zone.

          4. inga's Avatar inga

            its really quiet.. i am afraid to ask.. but is everybody eating ?? bahahah

          5. inga's Avatar inga

            cream puff any one.. bahahah.

            we can do a food fight if you are missing the aggressiveness of the conversation... lol. bahahah.

          6. inga's Avatar inga

            i guess the proof is in the pudding. people are more peaceful when they are eating. lol. bahaha. muwhahaha.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    heres one to stir the pot.. lol. what if ?? .. white people of north america are just so threatened by ANY one from other countries in that we dont want to be exposed for what we have done to butcher the bible with re writes and exceptions etc .. even so far as portraying jesus and mary as early 20 years olds white people in pictures and in churches, that NOW most north americans believe.. ?? so its best we attack them before they find out.. lol. and ,.. for shits and giggles.. more stirring of the pot.. give you all something to do for the afternoon.. bahahah. of course mary was a virgin !! she was probably 5 years old, according to their cultural. and king david had a few wives.. just saying. lol

    have fun.

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      king david is supposed to be jesus' bloodline.. so i am thinking there was a healthy sex drive there.. or.. wait.. was it that david could not procreate and that he didnt want to accept that it was him.. and so blamed the wife and got another and another and another.. til queen sheba came to him with her herbs and spices.. mixed up a brew and after some.. &(&.. wow. she was pregnant and had his son. hmmm. maybe it is not ALL written in the (white) bible.

      and we are at risk of having to expose that. some are ready and ok with that. some arent. some see it as having lost the game, the control.. lol. others would see it as an AH HAAA moment where it further varifies the bible. not destroys its credibilty.

      they eyes shall be opened.. on some.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    abraham was thrown out of egypt because he nearly corrupted the egyptians with his jealousy of sarah. and thats in the WHITE version.. lol. after he tried to kill his son. " come with me son.. i have something to show you on the mountain.. muwhahaha." sounds like a true hero to me.. (sarcasm). moses was not white either.. like to north american pictures suggest.. this is not north american history. this is egyptian, and greek and roman,...

    i think [WE] are afraid of what will happen when the serians learn english and see what we did to their sacred book. or we should be !!

    point fingers.. we are hardly in a position. lol. except to keep the attention off ourselves.

    pray baby. PRAY.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    that broken telephone that has been re written a few times.. is a dangerous game. we can see it "our" many versions of the bible. one can only assume, other cultural religions have been "adjusted" too.

    the bigger question, or simpler one, is.. do we believe in the jewish alien named god.. ?? or not. lol. hmmm.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    keep an open mind. live love laugh. and WHERE THE HECK IS THE CAKE !! ITS REALLY HARD TO SOCIALS WITHOUT CAKE YOU KNOW !!

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    the "perfect man".. which we all know is non existant. any more than the "perfect woman", i will add from the womans perspective. but why is it so important to ignore the good one says or does because of the faults we have.

    oh wait. doesnt that discredit EVERYONE words .. here too. ?? because ii am pretty sure no one here is ?? perfect ?? mine self included. oops. yeah OOPS my middle name.

    do we not get it yet.. the concept of PRAYER. take it to god.. not the non perfect people for a solution ??

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    there is a story here, from a canadian author who went to the somaliland in the 50s. almost written like a diary. "the prophets camel bell". it was written very well in that it was her first time there, so little was taken for granted and the small things seemed extraordinary and worth documenting. one thing i learned. was i would never know that a young camel would have no problem going into and through the dessert, but try and get him to do it again.. lol. yeah. well until it was explained. see, we dont have a lot of camels here for me to learn that one. or why the somalians had enough faith in god that they need only put the meds in the pouches that hung about their necks.. they need not consume them. after all.. if god wills. thats faith. him.. different angles. its not all.. the white way. thank freaking god !!

    we should not assume ourselves to be "educated" on such limited amounts of information as this billboard. that would be a reflection of us.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    by the way. i have all the qualification of a ticket to hell. and i have accepted that. single white female. unwed mother. owner operator of a gas station general store up here in canada. completely tear a part able in a god book club. there is like 18 of the 10 yes 18.. lol. commandments broke right there,. lol.

    reality check people.

    read the book.. we are all f**** .. we dont need to point fingers at others as if that will help us. llol. nope see you in. H*LL !!

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      unless we get over our egos and start putting some effort in.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    i cant remember the name of t he book.. but the first line is: if there wasnt a god, there would be need to invent one. people need god. like we need the govt. and policing, etc. can you imagine what it would be without. ?? so the stories arent "perfect" or suiting every culture, every day. they served a purpose in their day.. and maybe will again another day, if not today.

    its all good.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    posting between customer.s.. lol. but i really best get back to work. toodles all.

    1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      Holy Crap, Inga. You took "carry on" to the extreme. 19 posts in a row, many inane with little or nothing to do with this topic. Business must be really slow at your gas station.

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        lol.. no i type fast. bahaha. you must type slow ?? its all written in quite simple english. and you cant see the relevance ?? sorry about that.. lol. again. our posts reflect who we are. yours reflects you. yikes.

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          im getting your character down though john. you are a funny bird. good thing, with the freedom of speech, is the freedom to tune out too.. lol. blink blink. not sure why you are trying to make this about me and you ?? i guess so if you illiminate me, its still about you. but it is not about YOU . lol. not at all. anymore than it is about me.

          i am telling you. if you eat with people, you grow together. islam/muslim people as a whole, are NOT bad people.

          do they have a few funny birds in the pack.. oh yeah. so do we.

          good luck all. and to all a good..

      2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

        LOL, Bro! But she seems to always be in a good mood, even while she's talking inanity. If it's something she's eating, I should try some of it, just maybe not as much as her.

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          blink blink

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            no one has to respond to me. i am not trying to make the smartest comment in the room.. lol.. i am just offering some reprieve.. just the speaking with my mouth shut thats the beauty of the internet. lol. i love it. dont you.. blink blink. the diversity/

          2. inga's Avatar inga

            have you ever seen the movie: (2103 ?? ) After the Dark ?? its one of those ones that stay with you. its a thinker. its on my recommend top 10 list, or to do list should anyone want to come to dinner and a movie. as well as : the (2007 ?? ) bucket list. *ones for those rainy sunday afternoons.

          3. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            I do love it (the diversity), Inga. You keep it light-hearted in a sweet, Edith Bunker, Aunt Bea, Ellie Mae kind of way.

          4. inga's Avatar inga

            blink blink. so long as we aint blowin' each other up, i think it'll be ok. do you want your beer now archie ??

          5. inga's Avatar inga

            see the power of a great woman.. lol. now why would we want to be equal to men. really.

          6. inga's Avatar inga

            now my aunt Mable used to say.. lol.. just kidding.. bahahah

          7. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            I am not fooled, Inga. I'm sure you have a rapier wit under all that light-heartedness. I'm no international playboy, but I have known a woman or two in my day, and I am pretty sure you know how to get your way with a dude, too.

          8. inga's Avatar inga

            i think this is where archie calls edith a pimp ?? or a ding bat. a good ding bat. but a ding bat none the less.. lol.

            live love laugh

          9. inga's Avatar inga

            when goyls were goyls and men was men.

          10. inga's Avatar inga

            thanks to womens lib. *I have to take my OWN trash to the curb before the garnage truck gets here. that used to be a mans job ??!! like wtf ??!!

          11. inga's Avatar inga

            can i be your ding bat mr owens. its really important for people to have a place you know.

          12. inga's Avatar inga

            alls you have to do is apologize once in a while on my behalf.

            "hey. lay off the ding bat will ya. shes a ding bat. yeah. but a good ding bat. AND shes MY ding bat. " and you may have to do that archie bunker spit if necessary.

          13. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Well, not on this blog, but I don't have a way of private communication with you.

          14. inga's Avatar inga

            ok. well. cant blame a goyle for trying. (kicks toe in the dust).

          15. inga's Avatar inga

            slips anonymous note his way.. ingashton@xplornet.com or text canada 613 803 9913

          16. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            I don[t suppose you are on fubar

          17. inga's Avatar inga

            um.. what ??

            ingashton at (otherwise know as @) xplornet (take note of the lack of Es.in = xplornet) dot com

            hows that for secret code. muwhahaha. sure fooled all them there internet people didnt we. bahahah. hmmmm

            shhh. dont tell anyone. it will be our little secret.

          18. inga's Avatar inga

            after y'all google.. if you send a post card, i will send one back.. lol.

        2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

          We're all reading your inane, TWO WAY conversation, Jackxxx. You now have her personal contact information. Why don't you two switch to a private private conversation and carry on with your budding relationship?

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            lol. i thought you wanted to chat with me too now.. lol.

          2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Nah, he's not interested in you, Inga. I don't think he's ...well, you know, let's see... he seems like a confirmed bachelor. Too many things to study. Flirtations interfere with scholarship.

          3. inga's Avatar inga

            lol. i talk to people all day. in the gas station , men and women and children, and on line. men and women and children. the conversations differ according to the persons, but i owe no explanations for. again, in this case, i am of no threat. inane. i am good with that. (after ii llooked upp the definition of.. lol. you are welcome to tune me out or ignore. i a cool with that. or we can talk deep or shallow. flirt or curse. though cursing is not my strong point.. i usually side track that one with food.. lol. in case you havent noticed.

          4. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Day before yesterday I suggested you and Ken do that, but I was just messing with you.

          5. inga's Avatar inga

            dont worry brother john.. someday you will meet someone you can have fun with too. and you know what we will all say. good for you. seriously. not being able to utter those words but issue resentment is a sign of your character. trying to control others conversations.. yeah. bad. sorry if i or we offend. but seriously.. it sounds like a U problem

          6. inga's Avatar inga

            everyone who stands the potential of becoming a friend is welcome in my kitchen. where that friendship progresses depends on us. i resent your implications.. but have to assume that.. you were looking to john, and i did not realize i was stepping on your toes. i am sorry. i should have asked your intent of your relationship with him first. for which. i apologize. but you did not appear to be a couple yet, or in the making.

          7. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Good guess, Jackxxx, but I'm married with three children and two grandchildren. Anyway, I'd be no match for a charming, urbane intellectual like yourself.

            You are, however, correct that I have no interest in Inga, (or any other woman). She's all yours. You'd better get riding though, JOHN MAHER has shown some interest as well, and seems better suited to Inga's personality than yourself.

          8. inga's Avatar inga

            lol. careful passing me around.. assuming i will say.. lol. i have issues you know. bahahah.

          9. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Inga, you are cracking me up! I KNEW you have a rapier wit! I'm guffawing. Just got back from lunch and read your stuff again.

          10. inga's Avatar inga

            dont you want to know my issues. ?? lol. atleast the ones i will admit too.. lol

          11. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Yes, Inga. We all do, but I personally have some rat-killing to do. (That is a colloquialism for chores)

          12. inga's Avatar inga

            lunch.. its damn near super time here.. where are you ?? ontario here. not we as in we canada, fortmac murray .. as per a previously misunderstood post. that was a WE as canadians story.

            *I am from ontario. canada. not california.

          13. inga's Avatar inga

            all right . i will wait to be asked. i hate to impose.. bahahaha. lol.

      3. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

        I am trying to keep count as to how many of her posts others reply to and how many she seems to be talking to herself....

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          sure. i have that right. you can too.. why does it bother you ?? seriously. why. think on that for a moment.

          1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            It bothers me because it makes it hard to follow anyone elses responses when you are carrying on conversations with yourself. I do not need to reply to myself because my reason for being a part of a forum is to have constructive conversations with others.

            Maybe you should think for a moment why n one comments to you more than you do yourself. Think on that for a moment.....

          2. inga's Avatar inga

            lol actually honey, i am receiving many a personal emails in response. thee s really not much need to continue on this site, except to let you continue to mae the impression of yourself

          3. inga's Avatar inga

            like you said.. it bothers you that.. i dont do things YOUR way. to which i apologize. sorry. no i do not. i am my won person. and there iis hardly an army of people here against me.. or you for that matter. really . chill.

          4. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            I first ask that you not call me honey....offended...no....able to sense when a person is being patronizing....yes.

            These personal emails may not have a strong enough faith in backing you up if they choose to keep it private.

            I dont think anyone's impression of me has changed because I never present a false image of myself nor do I ever contradict myself from post to post. I am and will remain to be true to myself.

            Yet again, I am not sure that you read replies in their entirety or just a portion of them to fit some twisted version of what you want me to be because I did not say you had to do things my way, you asked my why it bothered me and I told you why it bothered me. You asked me to think about why it bothered me and I asked you to think why that may be annoying to have to do.

            I dont think or feel anyone is against me. I have had some great interaction with the people here...and it may not be an army but you have has some sincere requests to stick to the topic at hand and continual needless commenting to simply overtake the chat.

          5. inga's Avatar inga

            you are not being patronized by me.. lol. again, you take things in the negative.. sound like a you problem, as i have tried a few angles and again you come back with anger and defense.

          6. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

            WELL SAID SISTER JOANNE MARTIN, DUMP the IGNORAMUS tRUMP GOD is GREAT so is the US of A [ CAKE, HONEY, LOL these are LEAD on's ]

  1. Waya5's Avatar Waya5

    Having gone through the joys of having my father’s faith outlawed until 1979 (see the American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1979 for details) , I know how bad it can be when you literally have to fight to have your elders buried properly (I actually have a copy of the law in my car to help out at funerals). When my husband and I were married in a traditional tribal ceremony, we actually had people in the town trying to stop it. When I asked why this was going on, I was told, “Ignorance. What some people do not understand frightens them and they want to destroy it.” This was in the enlightened year of 1993, in the Enlightened United States of America. Our faith does not do the silly stuff seen in some of the old West movies, but there are some people you can never convince. So I can see the issue from both sides. The problem with the Muslim faith is not so much the religion itself (though I could never be a Muslim, and it’s not my faith), but the Middle Eastern tribal laws which were not made by God (Allah), but were made by men at that time, which unfortunately have been mixed into it. This results in what we have now: different sects worshipping the same God fighting one another because they are convinced their way is better. Sound familiar? Christians have done this for centuries, Catholic versus Protestant, the Spanish Inquisition, Oliver Cromwell’s purge against the Catholics; different churches but the same God, same Jesus, same (more or less, as it has been changed and revised many times) Bible. “My Church is better than yours. So join or I will kill you, destroy your home, murder your family and friends, and desecrate your Church.” This is what a Theocracy does, folks. Impose their beliefs, even if you do not hold them and said beliefs infringe on your rights, on an entire country, whether they want it or not.

    Sadly, we have people today who abuse their pulpit, ranting that if we dare object to political actions or laws that will subjugate our precious rights and freedoms, we deserve to be punished, imprisoned, tortured or otherwise victimized. It’s happening right now: we have televangelists, such as Jim Bakker and Pat Robertson, who have publicly said (go watch the videos if you don’t believe me. They’re on youtube all over the site) that our current President Donald J. Trump is a “miracle,” “anointed by God to be the President,” his election is “God’s work” “God taking back His country,” and if we dare disagree with his platform that we are “traitors” and should be “punished” because “Trump is God’s Chosen President,” and chillingly on Bakker’s show, he decried the quiet protest of students at Notre Dame against VP Mike Pence by walking out of their own graduation ceremony instead of listening to him speak as “they were being disrespectful and need to learn manners. “ For using their right to protest that our soldiers paid the ultimate price for?!? I truly wish this was a joke, but sadly it is not. This puts them in the same bigoted ballpark as the Westboro Baptist Church, who want the US Govt to enforce their idea of Biblical law, whether we like it or not. Starting with the mass murder of the LGBT community.

    The Universal Life Church welcomes all faiths, but how long before we are put in some of the crosshairs of these people? Some of the so-called Sharia law is not Muslim at all, gi but antiquated tribal laws that do not fit in our world. That is why our very wise Founding Fathers separated Church and State. When you have a melting pot of people from different cultures, a theocracy will not work. One way or another, if a person’s soul is dictated by someone other than the deity they worship, they will rebel.

    The quote from Jesus “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, but render unto God what is God’s.” It was true 2000 years ago, it remains a truth today.

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      theres not a food channel on this site is there. caesar salad .. yummy

      1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


        1. inga's Avatar inga

          lol. k. good luck with that. can we have some pie now.. strawberry rhubarb. oh yeah baby. thats my fav.. sweet and tart. with a dollop of whipping cream. thats my true love to all you (ironically) john (s). lol

        2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          I'd advise against that, Maher. If the moderators read your posts, they'll rescind your ordination and call those nice young men in their clean white suits to come and take you away.

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            no let him call.. lol i give to bro john the same advise as close to an example from an earlier time.

            k so when i was dating a boy/man.. and a gal got jealous or outright asked me if she could have my man.. i would tell her. if you can get him, you can have him !! lol

            i never had this problem with a man before.. but i think the same applies. lol.

            personalizing a buddy is not a sin. keeping people at bay is likely more at one as it promotes unattachment and therefore "non responsibility: for the actions. but it is not that way. as we know.

            i invite everyone to get personal with me. not sexual. personal.

            you bro john. are trying looking at things through perverted eyes. and than i can not help.

            if you can take a kinder approach.. i can kindly approach you as well.

            if you only knew half of what you thought you did.. you would be a wise man.

    2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      I assume your proud heritage is Native American, Waya. It seems you've forgiven the Christian missionaries that were central to the destruction of many native cultures by "beating the Indian out of them", but as far as I know, Muslims had no part in this.

      "Native Americans are the peoples who live in North, Central, and South America, and are the descendants of those who lived there before the European invasions commencing in the late fifteenth century Europeans came to rescue them from their Godless savagery and bring the Gospel to these dark heathen lands. Hundreds, or possibly thousands, of tribes and cultures have been recorded, although many were wiped out completely during the bloody territorial expansions of colonial and post-colonial settlement Holy Quest to bring light and the word of God to the savages during the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries." Source: RationalWiki

  1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

    Freedom of speech, historical accuracy, religious freedoms....It doesn't matter what you want to call it but the idea that this is a "Universalist Church" blog and there is any questioning the reason behind the erection of this billboard as anything but a means of instilling fear and creating makes me question the reason so many of you are on this kind of website/blog.

    Right in the tagline....We are all Children of the Same Universe......the majority of the ignorance in the remarks made here show that this is not a concept they accept, so maybe you have found yourself in the wrong place.

    1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

      Joanne...in a way we are all spiritual advisors (and equal in the illusions)...in temporal/ego terms we are farther along, or not; but those are temporal/ego terms and situations...try to remember we are truly all part of the same universe, and in actuality are all the same...irritation with one another is judgmental, and judgment goes nowhere...release it...be well...Tom

    2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

      Even children of the same Universe, children of the same mother and father can disagree, Joanne. Without discussion of disagreement, none can examine the reasoning behind their beliefs. Belief alone, without an ability to explain justify that belief, is just fantasy. One's philosophy has to be affected by observation and discussion. There ARE some ignorant remarks here, and some angry ones. If people don't make any ignorant remarks, they cannot be exposed and corrected. Sometimes, an idea or notion in our head seems correct and logical, UNTIL we try to express it and discuss it with someone else. If one cannot discuss their position to others here without having their bubbles burst, perhaps THEY are in the wrong place.

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        i say stupid things all the time. [its in the rights of a woman's hand book.. lol

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          some women want me to fight to be EQUAL to man. i dont think thats a good idea. for either party.. lol.

          but hey.. want to hear my new deal of the day at the gas station.. its been going on for some time now..

          last year we could not get a drop of rain if our life depended on it. and we wished and wished and wished. and this year: we are in abundance of. (see news for verification of). so this year... we are wishing, collectively again of course, .. for money. bahahah.

          live love laugh.

          i have been told i am not serious enough for this site. is that a pre requisit ??

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            but seriously.. lol. yeah. k. .. in fairness.. the IQ level does not ?? appear ?? to be much higher than mine, if at all.. ?? but i love you all anyway. bahahah.

            but hey. if i am just here to make you all look good. i have done my job. thats why the kids used to let me come fishing with them so late in life. i would catch the fish sticks,, and they would catch a fish of a few pounds and they would feel good about themselves. in the pictures/photos.. looking for my fish was like.. wheres waldo.. you had to follow to the end of the fishing pole.. drop down the line.. and try and find the fish (stick) that was usually lost of blended in with the back ground.

            either way.. i got to go fishing A LOT longer with the kids.. than most parents. speaking of. i think we are due again.

            *(it sure beats the heck out of coming up with excuses to blow people up.. wouldnt you say).

            any one any every one is welcome. the more the merrier. and then we can have a fish fry. woot woot.

            (it always ties back to food. see). people are either hungry or fed. and that is the difference as i see it.

          2. inga's Avatar inga

            taking a break to eat is the equivalent of "sleeping on it" and noting the different perspectives things take in the morning.

            dwelling on something to the point of brewing and boiling over it ?? especially when it is someone elses issue.. lol. well that is just not healthy. oh i can only imagine how long some hold grudges in their personal lives. woah.

            man. i just dont have that kind of attention span. i'd might suggest war.. but get side stacked and start cooking for them before we even start.. lol. bahahah.

            and well then its time to eat. so no time for war !!

            yeah. i am admittedly not very good at this game. sigh.

          3. inga's Avatar inga

            unless... what the world need s s more cooks and chefs. oh yeah.

          4. inga's Avatar inga

            welcome to my world. lol

          5. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            Ignorance is not always indicative to IQ .....

          6. inga's Avatar inga

            ignorance is not a derogatory word either.. it just means.. we dont know. i dont know it all. ?? do you ??

          7. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            You are correct Igna. Ignorance does not have to be bad because we dont all know it all. However judgement, name calling and disrespect cause by ignorance of something you just dont happen to understand without a care to gain any knowledge is a very different kind of ignorance.

        2. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

          Inga...serious and comical are constructs...just be loving and caring, as i can see you strive to be...Tom

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            absolutely. i dont mean to offend.. but i will stand up for myself when need be too. admittedly.. there can be times when no one has stepped on my toes, but i feel some one has.. and or when they really have. and some i will let roll off my back, others i will. again, stand up for myself. disagreeance is not disrepect. and i my esteem is far beyond the cravings of needing people to agree with me. i just offer .. a different perspective. thats all. and will stand up for myself again. if i am put in that position.

            i assume nothing less from any one else. agreeing to disagree is ok. a different angle is alright to. i dont see this as a popularity contest.

            i could be wrong.

          2. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

            Inga...you have a sense of the ridiculous, and that helps create balance in this illusory life...that is a good thing...Tom

          3. inga's Avatar inga

            tom (said with that elvis curl of the lip): thank ya. thank ya very much. i love ya.

          4. inga's Avatar inga

            oh. and for clarification for everybody else.. that does not mean i am trying to sleep with tom. thought i better through that in after the last episode. eek. lol

          5. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

            Inga...thank you...my friend Michael, who has passed, used to kid around with that Elvis speak...Tom

          6. inga's Avatar inga

            did you know elvis' fav cake was pound cake ??

        3. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

          ATTN: MODERATOR Would you kindly ban Inga from this forum? This is getting ridiculous.

      2. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

        I agree and I am always welcoming of a healthy debate. I have the utmost respect for the beliefs of others and the take every opportunity to gain a better of understanding of all of our differences. I understand that without ignorance to expose the need to help many who may not have an understanding of anything else. I also do not have a need to make others share my beliefs because I chose my own path which was the only way i was able to find my own peace; therefore everyone deserves the right to their own beliefs as well.

        In this comment, maybe from a state of frustration, I wasnt even try to look at it from a spiritual place anymore. After ready all the comments and the reasons to defend its existence and even the ones who felt it was wrong, as disruptive as the arguments became regarding the beliefs of each other or defense of another it just became so clear that the the more I read the billboard and thought about, the more it comes down to more than anything spiritual or about religion.

        Our world is scary enough and if as adults there is actually a question as to whether this is purely a way to spread fear and hate, then this is only the beginning of a far scarier world that I worry about for my children. We are not debating religious belief here or even freedom of speech....it is the safety of innocent people and being allowed and defended the right to be this destructive.

        1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


          1. inga's Avatar inga

            close enough. hey. have you read the book AKU AKU. its by thor heyerdahl . hes was a norwegian guy that always had a curousity for easter island. and tells this story of his adventure from his perspective. its one of my favourite reads, for a few reasons on many different levels. it sucked me right in. if you google it, you will get the gist, but the gist does not do the read justice. if you ever have the opportunity.. interestingly enough.. there is a really good *section on religion. just a section. the book is not all religious. if you or anyone wants to read it first and then discuss.. drop me a line.. you have my contact info.. lol.

          2. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

            INGA is that NOT the SAME Thor Hyerdahl that CROSSED the ATLANTIC in a REED BOAT MADE BY HAND................DUMP the IGNORAMUS Trump, GOD is GREAT, so is the US of A

          3. inga's Avatar inga

            yes. the very same.

          4. inga's Avatar inga

            yep the very same. the name of that story was : kon tiki.

          5. inga's Avatar inga

            but it was not teh atlantic it was the pacific. "The Kon-Tiki expedition was a 1947 journey by raft across the Pacific Ocean from South America to the Polynesian islands, led by Norwegian explorer and writer Thor Heyerdahl."

            continued reading available on wikiipedia. if the gist is of interest.

      3. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


  1. inga's Avatar inga

    no. i think it is to "expose" the "flaws and the culture". oh man. i hope nobody puts one up about the north americans.. it will take a much bigger billboard.. lol

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    our church has pot luck after the sermon. with cakes and coffee.. it seems. most here, do not.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    eating together brings people together on a personal and intellectual level. for those who are missing the concept;..' or eating alone. sigh. i feel for you. food taste better in good company; good company is better with food.

    its apparently ?? easy to shoot remarks across the screen. but i beg to differ that the most of these conversations would not be had over a dinner. face to face.

    sorry i can t fit all my comments in one neat little box. i can not be summed up in one neat little box. lol. its who i am .

    1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


    2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      Go play somewhere else, Inga. You're useless babbling is a waste of white space. John Owens and others.... quit engaging with her!!

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    joke of the day:

    how do you make god laugh ? answer. tell him your plans.


    1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

      Good one, Inga!

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    thats the beauty of potluck. you dont have to be hungry.. but once you see and smell all that good food, oh yeah. baby, only a rebel who is purposely selling himself short would refuse. its hard to be in a bad mood with good food and good company of those who put the efforts in to contribute to.

    there ARE some little clues in life.

    like if you think you are being watched.. fake a yawn. yawns are contagious and the watcher will be called out voluntarily. or..

    oh wait. side tracked.

    back to the "perfect man".

    the perfect man. Wanted : a man secure enough to _ -do laundry, -wash dishes, - run the sweeper, -dust, cook & clean the bathroom -& strong enough to fool around afterwards. !

    live love laugh.

    1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


      1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

        I encourage you to contact Inga directly, JOHN MAHER. She left her contact information for John Owens earlier on this thread. You'd better get moving because she and Johnny Boy seem to be seriously connecting. I think you two might be well suited to one another. You have a leg up as Owens says he's married.

        Yes, she can cook and yes, she is hungry (if you know what I mean). Good luck!!

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          lol. you make assumptions that make you look bad. yikes. but its a reflection of you. sigh.

          1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


            DUMP the IGNORAMUS tRUMP,GOD is GREAT so is the US of A

        2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          Yep, married and planning to stay this way. Inga's just a lot of fun. I think she said she's in Canada anyway. I'm too xenophobic to have an online fling. A) you never really know with whom you are communicating, and B) they very probably have a hidden agenda.

          Real life people have agendas also, but you can see their eyes, hear their tone, maybe judge their motives a little better.

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            i offered your wife cake .. lol perfect example of picking and choosing conversations on bro johns conversations.

          2. inga's Avatar inga

            do you know john owen.. i think brother john is jealous and he likes/wants you and sees me as a threat.. lol. hmmm. good luck with that.

          3. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            You are so funny, Inga. I'm glad you're here, but it's driving Bro and Maher nuts.

          4. inga's Avatar inga

            i think they like it.. shhh.

          5. inga's Avatar inga

            and i did say to "Y'all drop a post card and illl send one back , since i knew you were reading. you know. because you said you were reading it.. lol.

        3. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

          THANK YOU for the UPTAKE BROTHER JOHN, I AM NOT in NEED of FOOD or FEASTING JUST some really GOOD COMMENTING on this BLOG, OLE',OLE,' OLE,' OLE', DUMP the tRUMP, GOD is GREAT and so is the US of A, P>S> I ALSO HAVE A WOMAN @ my SIDE this VERY MOMENT and I am ABOUT to HAVE a MOMENT !!!

          1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Well, just be careful you don't poke a hole in her and let the air out. Have fun!

          2. inga's Avatar inga

            lol. bahaha.

          3. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


  1. inga's Avatar inga

    i sure can. many ethnic and local dishes

    1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


  1. inga's Avatar inga

    unknown.. lol. i was adopted with no medical history, so you cant play that card. good try though. bahahah. try again.

    1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

      SO NEITHER U or OWINS have BIRTH CERTIFICATEs, BOIDs of a FEATHER, GOOD LUCK on ur LOL ..... DUMP the tRUMP, GOD is GREAT so is the US of A

      1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

        Hope you have a bill of sale for your inflatable wench.

        1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


  1. inga's Avatar inga

    lol. hey at least you are distracted from hating the muslims.. lol. it worked. bahahah\ pie ??

  1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

    AND to ALL a GOOD NITE, the COMMENTs COMING on to this BLOG including MINE are GETTING OUT of CONTROL, IDIOCY ACTUALLY, SO I WILL BE the FIRST to TURN the OTHER CHEEK and SURRENDER the COMMENTs of YORN to YOU....... DUMP the tRUMP, GOD is GREATand so is the US of A, CIAO CHILDREN.................

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      sweet dreams.

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        i watched this great show today.. took me all day between customers and you guys. but you were worth it with a show of your own.. bahaah https://www.youtube.com/tv#/watch/video/control?v=KnpY46lOTX4&resume

        if you get the chance. share the giggle

        1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


          1. inga's Avatar inga

            its probably better to develop ones ability to laugh than ones develop ones ability to diminish each other. food for thought for the day. since no one will eat cake.

            argg. a society afraid of cake. who would have thunk !! i think THAT is the whole problem RIGHT THERE !!

          2. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

            INGA, U R CORRECT it is N O T CAKE that KILLED the BEAST it WAS IGNORANCE, PUT YOUR FINGER in that PIE !!! DUMP the IGNORAMUS tRUMP, GOD is GREAT so is the US of A

  1. inga's Avatar inga


    its taken me ALL day to watch this 1 hur 20 minutes show.. between you guys and my customers.. lol but it was so worth it give it a go when you have the time. its SO funny.

    only 5.4 more hours work to go.. lol. hmmm. maybe there is a part two or a second interview..

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    oops sorry.. for the duplication... i thought it didnt take. its really that good though.. the link. that its worth duplicating.. twice.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    is it ok. since i am new.. can i ask for intros.. my name is inga. i am an owner operator of a gas station general store here in ontario canada. i work way to many hours (15 hours a day) as my partner, my son is off having had reconstructive surgery on his foot in march, due to a genetic hiccup.and is still not walking as a result. but i will hold down his position for him while he recoups. he starts therapy in july, we are hoping that will help him progress. we now close sundays . so i have time to be at home, where we share a split 4 level home, being next to our work place there is plenty of room for us who usually work opposite shifts. so sunday.. i can cook the meals ahead for the week, after groceries.. cleaning, laundry, cutting the grass, whipper snipping, etc .. so i can get back into the 15 hour days monday through saturday. well actually, saturday is merely a 12 hour shift. sweet. fortunately, we live next to our work place. and my son is very easy and considerate.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    can we do intros ??

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    so we know who we are speaking with..

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    i dont know where my intro went.. so will try again.

    my name is inga. i own and operate a gas station general store on the edge of town, here in ontario. my son works with me, opposite shifts , and resides with me in our residence next to our work place.. he is currently down since march after reconstruction of his foot from a genetic hiccup. the surgery was in march and he is still not walking yet. so, i put in a 15 hour day, his and my shift, monday to friday and the 12 hours on saturday. we close sunday so i can cook ahead, clean, laundry, groceries, cut the lawn etc. so really not much time for a social life at this point. though in fairness, my job is llke a paid social life i like it. and will hold down my son's position til he is better.

    in a nut shell

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    my intros appear to be getting lost in internet space. sorry. i tried. maybe they will show up later..

    1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


      1. inga's Avatar inga

        1st 100 times is funny. after that its just .. argggg. rolls the eyes.

        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          ...and he says Trump controls MY mind. He is totally obsessed with Trump.

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            trump doesnt control anyone. he fires them all. lol. saves wasting his breath i like that about him. onto bigger and better things. next !! bahahha

      2. inga's Avatar inga

        aw man.. this is my normal persoanlity. you ought to see me flirt when i know who the person is and i like them. lol. right now, all you on the other end could be idiots for all i know.. men posing to be women, women to men, gay, bi.. who knows. i cant tell .. this is just inane stuff. flirting.. now thats a whole other cake. that one has icing, and whipping cream and cherries. ih yeah baby. your still on the lemon meringue. lol

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    my intro.. may explain some of my unintentional ignorance.. and need for happiness.. lol stay tuned.. lol dont kill anyone in the mean time.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    have a piece of pie instead.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    hmmm. there i come.. lol. all several attempts.. sorry about that. its getting ready to storm here.. i guess that could be a connection issue. ??

  1. ingas's Avatar ingas

    had i have known t would take this long, i would have hired some one.. but not knowing.. i just keep working and covering. my son starts therapy in july and hopefully it will grab. the doc suggested time for the soft tissue to heal. the bones apparently look ok. with the screws.. yikes. so like. i need every body to NOT blow any body up. we cant run ?!?! lol

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    and though being silly.. there really isnt time for "johns". but i do take personal emails. and contacts. i like to know who i am speaking with. it makes things more.. personal and i do have pie or cake to offer on sundays. its what i do. i am not ashamed of myself. nor do i appreciate anyone shaming me thanks looking forward to getting to know you too

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    probably my son will be walking soon.. so no need to hire now, only to have to lay off. i did hire a gal to do my groceries for me though. a real sweetie. she is off on maternity leave and needs some extra income.. and by the time she goes back to work, probably my son will be back to work.. at least .. thats the plan.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    of course.. joke of the day.. if you want to make god laugh.. tell him your plans. lol. hmmm.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    well, thats doesnt meet my 19 in a row, as a john pointed out yesterday.. but hey. whos counting eh john. (i spread the messages out over the page now that i am learning to understand the game. bahahah. lol. muwhahaha.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    "A" john.. bahaha. ironic. lol. (that could be 19 now. lol. sorry. thats funny too). no disrespect intended. just silly humor.

    a john. BAHAHAHA. HMMM. shhhh.

    1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      Actually it was 21 in a row this time, Inga. If this were blackjack, you'd be a winner, but it's a discussion forum, (not a chat line or Facebook replacement). I, for one, encourage you to develop a local social life, but understand why that may be challenging... working long hours (and more). It looks as though no one wants to share intros with you, probably because that's not why most of us are here.

      I'll bet you could have hundreds of Facebook friends in no time if you'd invest the time you spend here to cultivate them.

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        actually no. i dont do face book. and yes you are correct. this site has NOTHING to do with people and EVERYTHING to with [false] egos. my apologies for you all. if you would take the time to get to know one another you would be far better men for it.

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          but i am greatful for the room. it keeps [some of] you guys entertained like facebook would.. just different in name/title thats all. the concept is the same. an opinion from behind a screen to people you feel YOU are obviously to good for. as demonstrated when you could care less to who, you speak. or have any desire to intro and stand behind your words.
          but.. it does keep you guys off the streets. and that VERY EVIDENTLY is a good thing !!

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    so yeah. aside from being bought at the water pollution control board at young age, formally the childrens aid centre at the time.. and raised in a christian home and sent to a christian private school not catholic.. etc etc . i dont need to back my arguements of a plea for non violent reaction. my pleas is simple. remember. my son can NOT run. by no fault of his own. be kind to your neighbors so they dont blow me and my son up. !! lol thats it thats all.

    you know. and the other innocent by standers in like circumstances.

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      that was supposed to say.. i dont need to back my plea religiously. i have my own reasonings. lol. but my mind got side tracked between customers and well. it came out wrong/incomplete..

      how about we just get non violent reactions because WE all deserve it !! never mind ancient texts and people. how about me and my son and you and your neighbor. WE are as good a reason as we need to live in peace. !!

      life is hard enough without making issues; or ending bad ones.

      have some pie.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    and so like.. lol. thats my angle . now you know where i am coming from.

  1. eric k's Avatar eric k

    Anyone here going to heaven?

    1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

      Not a reflection on anyone's character, but no. No one is going to heaven, at least not in the pagan sense that most people accept. The Bible does not teach that people go to Heaven if they are good, or an eternal burning fire if they are not. Those are pre-Christian notions that people try desperately to read INTO scripture, but that do not square at all with the teachings of the prophets or the Savior. Certainly at some point in the distant or not-so-distant future we may travel to other planets and make them habitable. The prophets do say "of the increase of His Kingdom there shall be no end" which means it will continue to grow forever, once begun here. For that to happen, we need room to grow. The Earth can only hold so much, even after the sea is gone and the mountains smoothed down (which is in scripture), so we (humanity) will have to go elsewhere if we continue to grow.

      I'm sure someone will want to argue about this or interrogate, but I will not be back before Monday. Have a good weekend all. I plan to put in about 500 feet of water line this weekend, between storms.

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        im going to keep aiming high anyway.. lol. so even if i fall short i should be still ok. ?? with any luck.. lol.

        have a great weekend.

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          when i re read the bible last.. i was left with a "new to me " thought. what if.. the book of revelations was the beginning.. before genesis. an ahh haa moment of the author of the book of revelations .. like he said. hmmm. another angle. still doesnt change the fact that i am being good today. lol. just a different angle to think on. some of my angles are for entertainment sake. some are silly.. some are ah ha moments.

          5oo ft of water line.. as in a sea wall ??

      2. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

        John...everyone goes to God, as we are all a part of God...Tom

        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          Gee, thanks Tom.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    no i read the book. but i am going to try anyway !! just in case. god have mercy.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    i think i would like. an arm chair. people who sit in arm chairs give an "ambiance" of "importance." i want my quests to feel.. important. bahaha.

    kidding. i know it doesnt come from the arm chair. but i like them anyway. do you think god has an arm chair ?? lol

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    growing up, i had two heros.. job from the bible.. always fascinated me how he never wavered in his faith no matter what was thrown at him.. i now realize i should have picked a different hero. its tough sometimes. and i frequently resemble doubting thomas while hanging onto job and thinking hey, if jesus could do all that publiic humiliation.. how simple is my life.

    and .. captain ahab from MobyDick.. he had the passion and the drive and NOTHING could sway him from his mission. wow. so focused. how awesome o have that direction .. and i hoped i would someday find my THING to be that passionate on. that nothing could stop or sway me from.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    lost one message somewhere on my childhood heros. job.. ever being tried and never swaying from his faith.. and captain ahab with his mission and nothing nor no one could sway him. these were my heros.

    (based on my life experiences)

    1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


  1. inga's Avatar inga

    my son and i have a shared interest in the chello. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT3SBzmDxGk lol. enjoy from either perspective lol.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    want to see something WAY cool ?!!


  1. inga's Avatar inga

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggUHOqq4dhw food for thought. for those that dont eat cake. wink.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    hey. i thought i put a post wishing the islam/muslims happy ramadan. maybe i just cant find it.. or maybe it got lost on the internet highway. but just in case. happy ramadan. its not my holiday. but thats ok. i am hoping you will bring us a few more holidays and some good recipies to go with. i could use a day off. lol. bahahah. under any name. i am not fussy. woot woot.

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      but i would not make a good muslim.islam.. and would you like to know why.. lol. because they have to fast for a month ??!! oh man. that just would not happen in my house. i would be feeding the hungry thinking i was doing a god thing. bahahah. ahh perspective. i guess if i knew why, it might all make sense. but without that information.

      HELL NO. wheres the beef.

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        buddah is across the world... and so are coconuts. and while staples, and having their seasons/holidays in turn,.. that i can respect .. i also would like mine respected. and come christmas.. its ok to wish me a merry christmas. or not. i like learning of other cultures and adventures etc, and sometimes adapt some things into my lifestyle that i understand.. or remember too. but not always. sometimes i just admire from a distance.

        like advocados. i dont like advocados no matter how many good things people tell me about them right down to ther health benefits. i still do not have a flavor for an advocado. nor its texture. or liver for that matter. the vacuum cleaner bag of the body. i just cant do it man. sorry.

        its not personal. please dont attack and or hate me for it..

        i am just not a liver and advoado kind of girl. which has nothing to do with being a girl either. lol. as i know girls who do like advocados.. and/or liver.

        its just me. my personal self.

        like your PC. personal Computer. you personalize it as you see fit.. i have my PC set up to my needs. not everyone has a gas station general store and so not everyone will have the programs for such on their computers. and thats ok. they, you will have your own items.

        and its fun that we are not all the same.

        i'll show you mine, if you show me yours.. lol. (life) bahaha.

      2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

        They only fast during the daylight hours.

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          THATS THE PROBLEM RIGHT THERE !! they are hungry and need cake. if they had cake, they would just accept the fact that we were all a bunch of idiots and just right us off and enjoy their cake.

          john. you got it. we got to feed the poor buggers !!

    2. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

      IT's THERE INGA, WHY U DO NOT SEE it ??? happy ramadan

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        see what ?? help me here. throw me a bone.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    i have a customer [native indian] that says: "yeah i am catholic.BUT.. i cant help it. the folks, you know." he is of 17 kids. he says its because canada is so cold, and they did not have television back then. bahahah. one had to keep warm somehow. bahahah

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    just for clarification.. that does not mean i want to sleep with this guy. thought i should mention that again before someone goes bazirk on me again.

    1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      I dont understand why this coming up as a comment after each interaction. This blog has lost all relevancy to the topic at hand. It has moved on from debate to friendly banter to just babble. I appreciate everyone's I sight and thought but I believe I'm on to a new topic....there is no longer any point to most of what is being spoken here.-Namaste

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    i have a girl friend in india.. she tells me in india one is careful with eye contact between the sexes as it is interpreted as "i am interested. actuually speaking to the opposite sex.. well... you might as well consider yourself married.

    here. in canada.. we are not like that. we speak to each other as indivduals. if one is "interested" in another, there are any number of ways to follow that path. else it is assumed that we are going about our daily tasks that interact along the way with other people who are also going about their daily tasks.

    i am not sure who all is in the room. as no one will introduce them selves. but maybe this will act as some clarification if need be.

    in canada, we interact accordingly with men, women and children while we are going about our daily tasks. some children are on the way to school and or sports events etc, and we have conversations with them as such. as a matter a fact, in the store we give the children who are shorted then us, a lollipop, to help sweeten their day. men are working and need fuel and a snack and or drink to keep them going and we inquire of their current project and progressions. people like that other people are paying attention and care. and women.. on the way to the grocery store..we can also hand out the coupons magazine to aid them in the house hold savings, and follow the health of their parents, spouses and kids as sharing the load and knowing someone is thinking of you.. does help.

    talking.. is the best therapy.

    so that is the, or my canadian perspective. in a nut shell.

    my character can be argued from many sides. my religion and the people that taught it to me, have aided in my developments.. as have many other books, people and cultural experiences.

    i want to do good to and by other people, because i like people. the benefit of.. is that people are also good to me in return. before and after i have been in need. as there are many good people doing good things for our own and the best interests of others.

    our needs vary. sometimes we need to give. it feels good to give and aid.. sometimes we need to say thank you to people who have given and aided us. .

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    a little personal info.. lol. a strategy my son and i use we aim for a win win scenario.. but realistically.. that does not always happen. so... we take turns in the event of not coming to a conclusion [win win[ and so this time, we will do the [discrepancy] his way.. and next time we have a [discrepency] it will be my turn. often this results in a point and laugh i told you so kind of day. but so long as no one gets hurt.. we still learn as much from our failures as we do from our accomplishments. and we celebrate both while we both gain and loose credibility over and over again. bahaha. but we are on the same side. and we know that. and always we keep each other informed should we need help. as we can always count on the other one to , at the very least.. want to be there to laugh at us. and not miss that moment !!

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    if i was born at a different point in history somewhere else, i would be burnt at the stake.. or a witch thrown in the lake with a cement weight tied to my feet. but i am not. i am here, now. and it is good.. for what ever reason. and i would like to keep the goodness, respect the goodness, and share the goodness with all who are appreciative and accepting of. man, woman and/or children. pending on the day/time/circumstances.

    share the good. pass it on. give a smile. its free AND free-ing.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    have you ever noted that when y uare in the grocery store.. on your mission of groceries.. it doesnt matter who people are.. big, tall, short, fat, skinny, black, white, brown.. so long as they either leave you alone.. or.. the ones that really stick out.. are the ones that smile at you. isnt that awesome !! and we smile back. or smile first. and nod. its that easy to make a good impression and often a friend in passing.

    not all friendships are long lasting and wrong if they are not. some are simply , like in the grocery store.. in passing.. maybe even leading to a conversation for the moment.. or atleast in the check out line.. what else are you going to do while standing in line waiting your turns. might just as well be nice to the others who are doing the same. we have that in common we already know. standing and waiting in line it is up to us to make that "stading and waiting in line" a good thing, or a negative conversation. see, it IS about US. thats what this whole game is. it is about .. US,.

    do we know where this guy is that has the sign posted.. perhaps we can ask him to take it down. true or not. perhaps he can put a more positive message up.. even if it is on a different subject.

    maybe something to do with satans spawn. lol. KIDDING !! JUST KIDDING !!

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    there are so many angles , which is why i thought intros would be good. it would be easier not to step on each others toes if we knew the game. being that it is not wise to bring a cat to a dog show.. and yet both shows are on somewhere at the same time. but we dont have the information as to which one is where. hence.. and yet.. people insist on not telling and being upset when the wrong statements are the wrong way as thought there is one blanket solution. and there is not. it is circumstantial

    the dog show is to the left. the cat show is to the right. mix them up and you have mayhem. make derogatory remarks against the cats ..and you will have a problem. make derogatory remarks against the dogs.. and you will have a problem. but why would we do that ??

    unless really.. ?? WE are the problem.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    our cities have "china town" and "little italy's" and they are very nice when i go there. for those who are more comfortable and maybe feel better with the comforts of their own people who understand their histories like we can not, from personal experience. and that is not a bad thing. others assimilate just fine in different neighborhoods. some are introverts, some are extroverts.. some are shy, some are not shy enough.. lol. much like us. lol

    can you imagine.. take 5 minutes. what it would be like to land yourself in china. not on holidays. but as an immigrant. now. to learn the language, the culture, the mannerisms of what is socially acceptable and or taboo.. the money, the food..

    i used to teach english as a second language in our local college for women who immigrated. they were amazing. their biggest hurdle was the grocery store. the outside aisle were good. you could see the food . but the aisle.. packages.. cans. a picture of a tomato could mean, crushed tomato, tomato paste, tomato soup, spaghetti sauce.. and if they had any allergies.. what if there was garlic in it and they were allergic.. ?? shopping was an adventure. opening a can was not always a good thing. pate ?? or canned cat food. surprise ??!!

    now can you picture this daily activity for us in china.. where people may help you. or have a twisted sense of humor ?? play on the fact that you do or do not understand the currency exactly..

    be the person you would want others to be.

    WE represent what others think of our countries.

    we can be kind and considerate, or argumentative and crazed.

    what kind of day will you have ?? its your life. for one reason or another. what are you going to do with it ??!!

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    interpretation.. i dont find getting to know people on a personal level.. inane.

    but you could be right. i could be in the wrong spot.

    i am not here to change anyones perspectives .. just learning and taking information that i may be able to better myself with.. , while i share my perspectives.

    but yes. again. you could be right. this may not be the time nor the place.

    my apologies. i may be misinterpreting the intent of the room.

    1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      Through intelligent communicating and conversation we all soon find a way to understand the people with whom we are speaking to.

      Every shares personal information about themselves when it is relevant to the discussion or topic at hand.

      By asking questions and inquiring about a comment you may not understand helps to get to know each other.

      For the most part I don't think most people are posting anonymously at all. However, considering the anger and of hateful responses that are sometime exchanged I am a mother first and my family is my concern. I will share my spiritual advisor site, or even my ministry email but beyond that when took a that become this personal and anger filled, sharing anything beyond your experiences and thoughts on the subject are not necessarily anything that should be considered or taken lightly.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    in getting to know people.. we learn when we/they are temporarily venting .. or is this a general or temporary nature. and are we/they in need of sleep ?? understanding ?? or what ever other cry for help they are mis-communicating.. sometimes even unaware themselves. watching HOW people :discuss" debatable issues is most telling. not only of the issue, but if the persons voicing their opinions on.

    for all of us posting.. yes.. you are reading mine.. lol and i am reading yours too.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...as far as i am concerned, the purpose of the "site"/"room" is to comment on the ULC posts, and comment on the comments of others..although it is not helpful to be judgmental; to be nasty; or deceptive, there should be complete freedom of speech, without "moderation"(censorship")...Tom

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      its censored. who are you kidding. not everything i type makes the board.. lol.

      1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

        I had some post that went missing and when I inquired about them, I was immediately taken care of. It had appears for some reason I was flagged as being a possible "bot" and they found the 2 posts that were missing completely and my others were taken out of moderation.

        A simple inquiry can help of there is an issue.

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          k. where is my missing posts ??

          1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            Go to customer service and and send an email to contact us and they will find any that may be missing....

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    yes. and we al see how well that is working. this is one angry group of people !! in the name of "gods children /church"

    i trust you will understand when i take my company else where.

    much like children growing up who need guidelines. so do adults which is why we have govt and policing, etc..

    and personally. welll. i am just not seeing this as a positive direction .. from anonymous people.

    lol.. i bid the fare well.


  1. inga's Avatar inga

    i to have to be ware of the company i keep. for my preservation.

  1. John's Avatar John

    So, are we to understand then, that nobody cares who any one is, and there are no rules of conduct and consequence ? Wow, Is not that the ultimate state of denial !

  1. John's Avatar John

    And you state there is no hell. Oh Boy. You have just created it !

    1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


    2. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

      John..."hell" is letting your life be ego and judgments...it is self-destructive not to care who anyone is...why are you so concerned that there be consequences in this life of illusion?...we are all in God...we can either know the peace, or immerse ourselves in this illusory life, motivated by ego and judgment, and not loving and caring...Tom

  1. John's Avatar John

    I like your "cats at the dog show" analogy, Inga. You are spot on.

  1. John's Avatar John

    I like the "bringing the cat to the dog show" analogy. Good one, And wise to get out rather than sucked in,

  1. Norma Battes's Avatar Norma Battes

    Elvis has left the building.

    (mic drop)

    1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      Let's all hope Inga leaves with him. Holy Crap! Is no one else going to say anything about this jackass? It seems even if John Owens quits with the flirtation and encouragement, she'll just continue talking to herself. It's time for the moderators to end this ceaseless babble. PLEASE!!

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        kisses thats just the encouragement i need.

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          to keep posting. bahahah. if i chase you all out you will stop with the BS billboard. woot woot

  1. Michael Fullmer's Avatar Michael Fullmer

    Time for this kind of thing to stop...ALL the way around. Truth, maybe. Necessary, not so sure.

  1. John's Avatar John

    We have to make judgment calls every day. Putting the bill board up was a judgement. Reacting to it is a judgment. Asking people who they are to better understand the audience is not invading. Clarifying if this is a "cat show or a dog show" is not completely irrelevant. People should be proud of who they are, or what they are striving to be(come), be it a child, a struggling person with a disability, a house wife, a rocket scientist, a factory employee, or employer.. etc. Often people's positions influence their decisions/judgments. If we were born in the middle east, we would understand the world from that perspective; born on this side of the globe, we will understand this perspective; based on exposure and influence and circumstances. There are neutral conversations here; and there are judgement calls. If this is just a site taking a poll then I say Then I agree and make the "judgement" that the billboard IS offensive to the muslim community and understandably so.

    John. a dairy farmer in the north, with family. (which to you all may be irrelevant, but I think I AM relevant ~ as pointed out in earlier messages).

    1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

      John...everyone is equally "relevant"...we can each make whatever impact on our own lives we believe we can, but judgment of others only increases the karma (balance) with which we must deal...no one is right; no one is wrong...there are only the creation of illusory events emanating from our egos/judgments...we are all ultimately going to the peace (God)...Tom

      1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

        "He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." Martin Luther King, Jr.

        And specifically for Christians..... Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things which the LORD hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers.

        1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

          I do not subscribe to scriptures or religion...

          1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            But, do you subscribe to wisdom? The two are not always mutually exclusive.

          2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            The MLK quote is not scripture, Tom. As only one of thousands of examples, the immoral, disgraceful treatment of blacks was wrong, and Dr. King was right. You must have lived a very privileged, fantasy life to believe all events are illusory and that there is no right or wrong. Many people have not been granted that privilege.

            Do you practice criminal law?

            "Members of the jury, although the evidence strongly suggests my client killed two people in cold blood, keep in mind there is no right or wrong. It's all an illusion."

          3. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

            Brother John...the violence in this life reflects karma...that is just the way it is...if you could see the past lives of the people involved, it would be clear...and as far as criminal (and all other laws) are concerned, they simply evidence the refusal of most of society to be loving and caring...Tom

        2. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

          John...respectfully, the concept you espouse of quantities of wisdom does not make anything better spiritually...the only "quantity" to which we should aspire is the amount of our lives devoted to loving and caring..."wisdom" is subject to all the vagaries of belief systems, which themselves are ego/constructs...going there just bogs us down in this "life"...Tom

  1. John's Avatar John

    In clarification. someone has posted this blog, therefore providing a place for opinions/judgement on the subject matter(s). Is itt therefore not contradictory to suggest that we shall not type a judgement ?? Morgan Freeman was asked on his take with regard to racism. He said the best way to stop it, is not to talk about it. I can assure you. had this sign been erected in our neighborhood, we as neighbors would have made sure it was removed voluntarily, or by order of the authorities. The Muslims have every right to be offended, ESPECIALLY during Ramadan, (how rude), and we are not, should not, be here to offend. The one that does offend, is the one that needs the attention for apparent bigger issues.

    And that is MY judgment, that you, moderator, who has not identified yourself either I might point out, by your choice,. this is my judgement, asked for, in creating a blog and accepting opinions/judgments for.

    John, the northern farmer, and with family.

    1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

      John...i agree with what Morgan Freeman said, IF by saying it he meant that we should only talk about loving and caring...Tom

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        so. he meant it is not talked about AT all in his circle. it is a dead issue. history. like the flat earth. bahahahha..

  1. John's Avatar John

    Being a discussion now around our kitchen table, we can only hope that the Muslim community can find it in their hearts to forgive us our ignorance and trust that we will learn NOT to offend as a pastime. So please, if there are any Muslims here. Me and mine apologize from our stand point. John .the northern dairy farmer with family.

    1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      Thank you for your reasonable, compassionate thoughts, John. Many Muslims could forgive ignorance such as we see posted here. Far fewer the horror, death and destruction that continues to be rained down on them daily. I've just enjoyed a tall, cold glass of milk (my favourite drink by far) as a toast to you and your family.

      Here are a couple of quotes to brighten the day of you, your family and your girls. I hope to read more from you in the future.

      Moo may represent an idea, but only the cow knows. Mason Cooley

      The average man is a conformist, accepting miseries and disasters with the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain. Colin Wilson

      I think it's great training for any comedian to start on cows. Because with cows, you expect them to be bored and just stare at you blankly. And that's exactly what you'll get at a comedy club. If you can toughen up with a cow audience, then you'll never be worried with a human audience. Kristen Schaal

      All the good ideas I ever had came to me while I was milking a cow. Grant Wood

      North Dakota State. What do you have to do there to graduate? Milk a cow with your left hand? Bobby Heenan

      A household can never appear prosperous without a cow. How auspicious it is to wake up in the morning to the mooing of your own cow! Munshi Premchand

      My cow is not pretty, but it is pretty to me. David Lynch

      The mere brute pleasure of reading - the sort of pleasure a cow must have in grazing. Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield

      I write in order to attain that feeling of tension relieved and function achieved which a cow enjoys on giving milk.
      H. L. Mencken

      No longer diverted by other emotions, I work the way a cow grazes. Kathe Kollwitz

      I absolutely adore cows. They're the most fascinating, gentle and beautiful animals. Their eyes are so amazing. I have ten that live on the land around my house. I love to talk to them. There are few things better than falling asleep in a field and being woken up by an inquisitive cow. Mary Quant

      A cow out on grass is just an incredible thing to behold... Cows and other ruminants can do things we just can't do. They have the most highly evolved digestive organ on the planet, called the rumen. And the rumen can digest grass. It takes grass, cellulose in grass, and turns it into protein, very nutritious protein. We can't do that. Michael Pollan

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    "Banning" anyone from the website is just another form of censorship, and seems to be an ego product of not achieving the responses the ego demands...

    1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


    2. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      I agree Tom except when a person contributions are merely disruptive and not pertaining to the purpose of the blog or the topic at hand. Disagreement on a topic is one thing but mindless babble for attentions sake is obviously the need of that person to feed their own ego, not to be a part of a community of people brought together for a purpose or discussing and debating topics.

      In a high school classroom a child would be dismissed and asked to leave if their input or contribution to a class discussion was unrelated in anyway to a topic and was purely for disruption. No one would claim the child was being censored yet asked to keep the conversation as it pertains to that classroom. In that case maybe it makes it easier to understand the frustration of people here.

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        i agree too. i think PEOPLE need to be considered. there are muslim chldren, sick people, old people, elders, not extremist.. but regular muslims with regular problems etc reading that billboard. working, struggling, learning YOUR language and culture, etc.. PEOPLE. every day people.good people. children of the universe, i think thats what you call them.

      2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

        Thank you for another thoughtful post, Joanne. Your point was well stated and the analogy appropriate. Not surprisingly, it seems to have missed the target. A personal spin off benefit of this on-going gong show has been the noticeable increase in the strength in my scrolling hand. My handshake is stronger than it's ever been.

        1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

          Thank you...sadly I keep realizing I have missed some replies I would like to comment on but they are getting lost so if I have missed anything I apologize I am trying to keep up.

          Looking forward to the next article and at least a new blog that doesn't require an hour to find the replies I am looking for.

          And incase it was lost I want to let you know I appreciated your description of the meaning behind what it means to be an atheist. I know there is a difference between atheism and agnostic but it has always been a hard one for me to completely understand which is which....that was very helpful, thank you.

      3. inga's Avatar inga

        in high school we knew who we were talking to.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    this must have been in response to some other post...

    1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      Much of the content in "holy books" is derived from the "visions and dreams" of those who are now called Prophets. There may also be alternate Universes that not all of us are able to explore. Others simply forget to take their medication.

  1. Ed's Avatar Ed

    So, overall, most of the claims are true. Anyone who has looked at history knows that it's true, and that's why Muslims and those who blindly support them are in uproar, because there's truths that show that their religious is just as ugly as any other, historically.

    There's a constant of "Christian Bashing," especially by liberal leaning factions. But when conservative leaning factions retaliate with like, suddenly it's "bigotry and hate." Guess what? It's hate on BOTH sides. If one side's going to be rude to the other, don't expect loves and hugs from the other side; it ain't in overall human nature.

    Now, here's some more hard truths: http://cis.org/vaughan/study-reveals-72-terrorists-came-countries-covered-trump-vetting-order

    These CONVICTED terrorists came from the countries Trump wanted a TEMP ban on. These people included students and diplomatic visas. That's right! A "diplomat" was convicted of terrorism. What were the crimes? Numerous, including owning a machine gun, various explosives, and missiles. So, is Trump being a "bigot" by banning these nations. He may or may not be, but the fact that people from these nations have had EXPLOSIVES should give everyone pause as to letting them into the US, without at least vetting them!

  1. John's Avatar John

    I stand by my apology to the Muslims. They have every right to be offended by that billboard !

    John, with the northern Family Farm.

    1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      The billboard is insignificant compared to the 16 years of unjustified destruction and slaughter they've endured, John. The general acceptance of 9/11 as justification for the resulting incomprehensible carnage is a clear indication that Joseph Goebbels, and many other psycho/sociopaths that have been granted power through the apathy and gullibility of the masses, works as well now as it ever has...

      "The best propaganda is that which, as it were, works invisibly, penetrates the whole of life without the public having any knowledge of the propagandistic initiative."

      "Subhumans exist in every people as a leavening agent"

      From his compatriot, Hermann Goring......

      "The only one who really knows about the Reichstag is I, because I set it on fire!"

      “Why, of course, the people don’t want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship… Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

      Propaganda is now easily and steadily fed to the population thanks to the advent of television and the internet.

      Sadly, Ordo ab Chao works more effectively today than in centuries, or even short decades, past. The sophisticated, long range weapons used for slaughter today makes those of the past seem like slingshots. Because many of the dead are now unseen, faceless meat, whatever fragment of conscience might remain in the aggressors is protected from guilt, shame and revulsion.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    children of the same universe, eh ?? emphasis on CHILDREN !! i agree, john the northern family farmer. the islam/muslims are owed an apology. and a Happy Ramadan thing too. we like happy people. and offending them, does not make them happy. and thats not what we should do, or try to justify after its done. inga, mother of 1 (i did it right the first time. no need to try again), and business owner operator.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    PS. other john.. hope your water works went well this weekend.

    1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

      They did. It turned out to be more like 700 feet, but we got it all installed and connected. A great day's work.

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        sweet . i like good news/outcomes.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    While it is not helpful to attack, offend, mock etc anyone, no one owes an apology to anyone else for the actions of someone else...our best position is to be loving and caring of those whose path we cross...

    1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      John's (the dairy farmer) heartfelt apology to Muslims was both appropriate, compassionate and long overdue. If ignorance and hatred aren't exposed for the evil they spawn, it will continue to escalate. The horror that millions upon millions of people, in many countries, are experiencing is only be an illusion to those who are removed, both physically and mentally from it. To those who have gathered up the pieces of their dead friends and family members, it is very real.

      To those who might reply with "what about all the people killed by the terrorists?".... I wouldn't even know how to respond any longer. I weep for humanity. Although I'm not a "believer", I do hope those who are will face the wrath and punishment of their chosen deity for their callous disregard, cruelty and self-imposed ignorance.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    im sorry, im sorry, im sorry im sorry.. dances around on one foot , and then the other twirling to the left then right.. bowing slightly on one twirl, and with chin raised to the sky over arched back on the other turn. wind between my teeth. so sorry, so sorry. so sorry so sorry.

    circles hand in front of bodice, and bows out gracefully.

    sorry. bahahah. NOT !!

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    ok ok. my humor got in the way. i apologize to all americans on behalf of the muslim community too. i apologize for anything and everything we as "children of god" will do, have done, should do but cant do quick enough. oh and i apologize for trump and your parents. and your brothers and yous sisters and.. well. i am just sorry it is not working out for you.

    can we have cake now ??

  1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


    1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

      Reading IS INTERPRETING, Maher. Sad to say, but any vote is trying to choose the lesser of two evils. The establishment, ALL the establishment was telling us that the lying two-faced hag should be our next president. They decided it FOR you, and you went along with it. Many did not, and that is why YOU picked a loser, because someone told you to do so.

      1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


        1. inga's Avatar inga

          you idiots. trump doesnt give a rast ass about the country. he is in for a 4 year term hoping NOT to get realected else he has to work LONGER before getting a life time pension. like all the presidents. its a 4 year term with A TERRIFIC pension !! hes thinking on what to do with that !! not you all. and if hillary was in, she would be thinking the same. poor obama got reelected. he had to do 8 years before his pension. probably a black think. make him work for it. but hes ok now , isnt he. bahaha. etc etc thats where the lawyer is right its all a show. with the odd excpetion who believe.. its a show. they get the money.. walk away. you get a new president and you blame the new guy.

          its really quite brilliant isnt it

        2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          So, you're say Hillary Rodham Clinton is not an evil person or a liar or a crook, or a sellout, or a cheater or a traitor. Everyone knows she actively cheated against Bernie Sanders in the primary. But, you say Trump is so bad. Well, I guess I was wrong.

          A little boy asked his dad, "What does losing mean, Dad?" The father replied, "I'm not sure, son. I voted for Trump."

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            i think that was the same boy that went to leave the bathroom after doing his busienss and the man said to him.. little boy, didnt your mom teach you to wash your hands when you were done. the little boy looked at the man confused and said. no sir. my mom taught me not to pee on my hands !!

          2. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


          3. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


          4. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            The "genocide" to which you refer is another lying democrat talking point. That's about as over-the-top hyperbole as there is in existence. Hillary doesn't care about little babies so I rather doubt she cares about anyone else besides Hillary. Now, I'm going to iggy you from now on, ok? It's not because I don't like you. I really do. God cares about you. You have eternal worth. I just can't talk with you anymore. It's tiresome.

          5. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


      2. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


        1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Joanne...while i agree that on a temporal level some comments are skewed away from the topic at hand, i do not believe in any censorship, as it has no spiritual boundaries...i am a lawyer, and i deal with court excluding certain testimony as irrelevant, gratuitously inflammatory, etc, but we are not in court, we are in an open forum, and i do not like to stifle speech...Tom

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      being a good lawyer, i shouldl think you could appreciate the a detailed statement (my name is inga, i am ***** .. rather than a blanket response such as "how are you. good. god is good./..

      but good for you for humoring us all. lol.

      of course one who makes no stand.. may not have one.. like you said.. its all an illusion. you know not love. sad. its not meant to be derrogatory like miss monk is taking it. funny having married some one who has achieved apparent monk hood to marry.. at least thats what google says. but people and google are not always on the same wave lengths.

      if she was paying attention and got off the defense for what ever reason.. she would recognize it as sad too.

      but i am not the psychologist. and i am not going to pretend to be . and i dont know where he went.

      i can only see the problems. i .. run a bar. a gas bar .

      can i suggest a drink. a stiff one.

      to both of you.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    are you a good lawyer ?? or a bad one ?! just asking

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Brother John...this world is not reality...the peace in God is reality...everything in this world is illusion, for the purpose of resolving karma...i do not pretend to know why we "incarnate" to resolve karma, when we come from peace, and i feel we cannot understand in this illusory form (i think someone reference this recently, before me)...Tom

    1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      Scroll up to what I posted just minutes ago (currently being moderated) for my reply.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...absolutely...i do the best i can...Tom

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      ok. i will take your word for it.. but only because you are cute !!

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    ok. if nothing else.. a self proclaimed dilusionalist. even better.

    this site keeps getting better and better.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    that explains the lawyer gig.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...ok...if you are happy, i am happy...Tom

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    i am happy so you can be happy. would you like some cake. ??

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    John...what is your point?...thanks...Tom

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...thank you...i am glad your house seems to have changed...love should not be accepted as manipulative...love is not meant to be that way, or it is not love...Tom

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      wtf ?? lol. k. yeah. cause when those three little words actually meant something and everybody did love each other.. oh yeah. glad we stopped that. bahahah. ??!! we dont minipulate in our house. we blame the cat. and then the cat got a cat. and now we have to pick what cat to blame. and then the cats got another cat, and we dont know whats going on anymore except now we work for them !! having to bring home cat food and litter. else they **** over there instead to make a point !! they hog the bed, and the couch. they steel the cigs..and the lighters. and then they just there and look at you sometimes.. like.. like.. i dont know.. what the heck are they thinking ?? its also paranoyingly efective on their parts.

      (kidding) !!

      1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

        Inga...i have 2 cats...sometimes they lie on my desk while i work...Tom

    2. inga's Avatar inga

      tom. have you been a lawyer maybe to long that your faith in love and respect has diminished and you thinks its all an illusion.. becasue if that is the case.. that is sad. i hope not for you. really . truly sad. like alot !!

      where did that physcologist go.. could use the help here. see how good it is to know whos whoo. man. could use his help now.

      1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

        Inga, as I try to reas and understand exactly what the point is you are ever trying to make i then encounter a post such as this. I try to be as tolerant and understanding as possible, yet find myself even becoming over taken by a comment here and there. However, Tim is never anything but supportive and understanding of everyone who comments in these blogs. Whether he agrees or disagrees with what you are saying, he never loses sight of the need to respect everyone's right to express themselves. Are you even reading the comments you are replying too? In many of your replies its seems you are not. I just would like to understand you judgement on Toms need for a "psychiatrist" has anything to Do with the topic at hand.

        You want to know the people here....here it goes....I am a mother of 4 deeply scarred by the Catholic religion I was raised in. I lost my sister who was 23 during childbirth and I was only 12. She was my hero and I loved a life of pain and horrors since that day. I spent years studying and researching in order to find peace within myself and a connect to the holy divine I know existed but had yet to understand. I am a rape survivor, a survivor of a dangerous narcissist boyfriend and those being the only things easiest enough to discuss in such a forum.

        Yet I work hard to live a peaceful non judgemental lifestyle. My husband is a Guru Monk and has a Masters in Metaphysics . we are both Reiki masters and offer spiritual cleansing and Reiki attunements to all in need without accept any compensation for it. So I practice what I preach. I am compassionate and empathetic and try to understand as much as I can....

        I suffer daily from PTSD and major anxiety do to a life I was handed and still find myself to be blessed and choose to look at my experiences in a different way now.

        Ok now how does that make you understand me better. So maybe later I can make a comment and you can criticize its meaning based on my need for more therapy and I must just be crazy. I should also mention that I am extremely intuitive, to a fault and can see through you incessant babble, Even if others can not see it as clearly. I have yet to read any post from you that even touches in what the article is discussing or as anything constructive to add to the conversation.

        If your need is for attention then I suggest a chat room for those with self esteem issues and the need to make sure you are the center of attention. I have tried not to comment on your , often rather insulting, comments because of this exact reason. Ridicule of others is not going to give you the validation you crave.

        So I ask on behalf of those of us who are truly here to discuss the topics given to us and to share our beliefs and understanding of spirituality as a whole, that you kindly either become a part of the discussion and realize that their are some great people here with insightful information to share; or kindly find an outlet for your passive aggressive attention seeking elsewhere. -Nameste

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          well i see you are trying to take a serious approach. thats cool. i am not a serious person. my stance in life is to lighten things up before you all convince the muslims to blow you up !! as per commenting on the site .. i have . i offered apology to the muslims and a happy ramadan. as per toms psychiatry.. lol. yeah. he thinks life is an illusion and so.. therefore then is love. seems alot of people are missing that on this site.

          you married a monk ?? cool. i didnt know monks could get married ?? but cool. there you go. congratulations. i could not marry a monk. a monkey maybe.. lol. sorry. bahaha.

          cake ??

          1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin


            Toms opinion of life/illusion is his belief. he has been continually supportive of your ideals and comments...

            What seems to be missing is the idea that Love can also mean judging and mockery. I have no problems with the lighter side...Cant get through life without laughing.....but when a topic is about the safety of the people around me and how to live in a safe and loving community....i dont take that very lightly....

          2. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            Oh and thank you for proving my point...you want to know about people and instantly knowing about became a joke...(Monk/monkey) that is why many are choosing not to open up about themselves...maybe consider that

          3. inga's Avatar inga

            oh man. you are wound pretty tight eh. lol.

            i feel sorry for you too. life has the best of you. keep praying, and i will pray for you too. really.

            blaming me is not your problem. lol. you had that LONG before i got here. but i understand that it is easier. i wont fix your problem. i CANT fix your problem. but i hope you take it upon yourself to self evaluate , or get some help from a trained professional. much like the guy with the billboard.

            if you cant see the problem ask for help.

            if you are taking things personally .. like some how me marrying a monkey upsets you ?? lol. then thats your cue.

            good luck. lol.

          4. inga's Avatar inga

            you thought you would wait til i left the room to have the last word huh. cowardly approach.. lol. k gone now.. do it again you wear it well.

          5. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            I'm sorry that your obvious compassion for others had no discernible effect in this instance, Joanne, but please don't lose it or feel any discouragement. Your past experiences have helped you become the beautiful, loving person you are today. Thanks you for sharing a few of them with us.

            Although I don't pray to an imaginary deity, I did send sincere thanks to the Universe regarding inga's farewell. Being a skeptic, I scrolled down to find it only took 8 minutes before unrestrained compulsion took hold.

            BTW.... Rising in defence of Canadians, I assure you she does not represent my fellow citizens.

          6. inga's Avatar inga

            your messed

          7. inga's Avatar inga

            but you are right. you have no sense of humor. so i should not have one either.
            sorry. my apologies. directly to you. my mistake. misery loves company. (sarcasm. your miserableness does not trump me. lol. nice try though. lol. i am still happy. if nothing else at least that i dont have your issues. and am in denial of.

            but on a serious note. it can be better for you. if you try.

            and eat a banana. bahahah

          8. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            @Brother John. Thank you for your kind words. This is the example of you can have peace in your heart but my brain isnt always on the same page and therefore the old me takes over and I find some people to be intolerable. Hense my reason for always considering myself a "practicing" Buddhist...I can never be that good lol.

            My past doesnt define me, I believe that if I didnt endure it someone else would have had to and maybe they wouldn't have come out the other side still while so to me it was a sacrifice I accepted to help keep others safe and it has allowed me to be understanding and help others in the same situation. I am not ashamed to to share but knew that no matter what I said it would quickly be ridiculed and made into a joke..call it my own little experiment of you will and I was not disappointed.

            My husband calls it angry typing when he knows I have flipped a switch lol and tries to convince me that its not worth it, but again I am a Portuguese woman ans we are just vocal and often pretty loud, by nature....so I at least try....and really try...to keep it at least dignified.

            And John my father in law is French Canadian and is the only one of his 1 siblings to now live in the states and they are all loving caring and great people...and yes truly funny not self indulgent funny so her comments regarding that just made me wonder if she realizes that she is not being a very good representation of the Canadians I have the pleasure of knowing.....

          9. inga's Avatar inga

            every thing defines us. shapes us. our experiences. our growths.. denying it. is denying your personal growth. i am sorry i am offensive to you. that is not my offense. but i do like "reasonable discussion.. and unreasonable discussion bothers me. so it appears we both have issues.

            any ideas baddah babe ?? open to suggestions. reasonable ones.

          10. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            I am sorry but who are you referring to when you say buddah babe? would that be me? If you are trying to label me then at least with your high IQ you can surely use spell check and it is Mrs Buddha Babe please

          11. inga's Avatar inga

            YOU act like everything is an insult ?? it s a compliment . jees girl. tom never complained when i said good thing he was cute.. though i have never met him or even seen him. why assume i am out to get you ?? lol. sorry. shouldnt laugh. and yes i will have cake . i LOVE cake. incase you didnt notice. lol. thank you.

          12. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Joanne... It's your decision, but I respectfully suggest you disengage from discussions with those who have no interest in truth or rational thinking. Your efforts are noticed and appreciated.

            “If you find no one to support you on the spiritual path, walk alone. There is no companionship with the immature.”

            “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”


          13. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            Brother John, my husband has been telling me this for awhile now and it is why I did not engage with her from the start. I usually air on the side of genuine conversation and disengage with the narrow minded. However, unfortunately, it became too much and so began my decent lol.

            I had already decided to at least read some other articles and be done here but mostly because I think I made my point. Her incessant meaningless jokes seemed to have waned and I am witnessing far less "bahaha's". I am sure she will read this and I can easily predict her reply back will be joke fueled and loaded with Bahahas, but the reality is when I can no longer remain silent I will always be true to myself and what I stand for and I stand on such a solid foundation of faith that i rarely even sway. Her inability to render me speechless by questioning my integrity or twisting my words to try and cause me to become belligerent or even close to what she was insinuating I was but instead pointed out facts regarding her own character and lack of support for her rantings, even in her written word, showed that I was the battle not worth fighting if your intent is to break the unbreakable.

            Most times silence is the best way to eliminate the noise, but if the need to slowly drown out the noise is necessary then truth, strength and the ability too accept each comment with the consideration of its origin love and compassion will always beat ridicule and malice.

            Three things can not long be hidden; the sun, the moon and the truth. - Buddha

            -Nameste my friend and I look forward to sharing and learning more insight and understanding with you in future forums.

        2. inga's Avatar inga

          ok. i am leaving. but only because you guys arent funny. lol. good luck. hope you all learn to laugh some day. it 'lll do you a world of good when you do. i promise. it will open a new world up to you, and you wont let anyone take that from you.

          really . best wishes. and tom. i really hope you do get over your illusion and find love. its a wonderful thing that puts a whole new spin on the world and its perspectives.

          good wishes to all and to all a good night..


          keep serious ?? lol. y k. good luck with that.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    my house hasnt changed.. lol. i think you are missing my humor, or a bad reader, which is odd for a lawyer, isnt it.. lol.

    no. its my son and i . we have things to do and we list them off and pick what ever is on the list. there is no minipulating. never was, never will be. becasue if there ever was.. it would come back on me and make my life more difficult. i am careful of my choices not to make my life more difficult. i have a team with my son. no regrets . he is a good boy. broken currently. but good. every day when i tell him i cant take it any more.. he consolingly says : yeah yeah. can you get dinner first before you crack . i am getting hungry. see how motivational he is ??\i might have cracked first. and he saves me from that. ahh what would we do without kids.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    i'm teasing on your misinterpretations being your fault. one cant see that in print. but i am .. harder to be funny in print. i think. but i am working on it.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    jeez. just when ii think i have every body figured out.. they go quiet again. arggg.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    must be FINALLY eating the cake.

    k so like, i have this shed. and i was thinking on turning into an of grid kind a thing. with a composting toilet and a wood burning cook stove. maybe a screen in porch because i dont really like mosquitos if i dont have to ..

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    thats next years project since i am spending to much time covering my son after his surgery this year.. but.. yeah. and so.. yeah. like a mini mansion. bahaha. very mini mansion.

  1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

    I think it's so nice of those of you who are wishing the Muslims Happy Ramadan. Especially considering that Muslims claim that Christmas decorations should be outlawed (I would not miss them in the least, but that is beside the point) and they say it is like a terrible insult if you wish them Merry Christmas (which I also hate but it doesn't hurt me, so if it makes the other person feel good...). They will NEVER EVER wish you Happy Chanukah or Shavuot, or Seder or Succót or Purim or Christmas or Easter or Halloween or Fourth of July or Thanksgiving, or Guy Faulks Night, or Riding Day, or Shin Nian and they would take those celebrations from everyone, given the chance, and put the celebrants to the sword.

    Yes, it's very nice, and lemming-like, but, if it makes you feel good, I'm happy for you.

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      thats why it is so good to know who you are talking to.. so you dont wish them the wrong holiday. and it shows one is paying attention and DOES give a shit. and then they are less likely to blow us up. kidding. BOOM !!

      i mean seriously. its like cheers. where every body knows your name. and their always glad you came. and then it turns to the norm show. to bad that we.. arent as smart.. as we thought we were in the first place.

      and then someone is suppose to buy the next round of beer. or in this case.. communion. bahahha.

    2. inga's Avatar inga

      they want to ban christmas decorations ?? wow. i didnt know that !!! it is a lot of work putting the tree up, taking it down, putting it up. taking it down. we opted to get out of that ourselves. now we leave the tree up now. been there since 2009. and i dont get sucked into buying decorations any more since its all decorated and done. i can just use the season to drink now. awww what a great holiday. bring on the rum .. oh and the egg nog. yeah. merry christmas.. would you like a piece of christmas cake ?? lol. i had time to bake since i was shopping for all those banned christmas decorations. bahahaha.

      1. John's Avatar John

        And don't you think she is kidding. That tree is still there in the far corner of the dining room; cobwebs in the other corner for Halloween; bunny ears on the turkey for Easter. Its a festive dining room..

        John and the northern family farm

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          your family loves it when they come. lol. we dont even have to think what time of year it is.. lol. i got it all covered !! bahahah

          inga, johns neighbor. bahahah.

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            sometimes we just call DINNER/sunday.. there has to be a holiday going on somewhere !! lol

        2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

          Your cows, steers, heifers and calves are probably more enlightened than many humans, John. My wife works on a dairy farm and I'm there often to visit the herd. Carry on bravely.


  1. inga's Avatar inga

    i dont live my life according to them or most other people, becasue most other peopel are "special" in their own rights too. but for myself. they are in holiday and i hope they have a good holiday. i am cool with people having good holidays, regular days. i wish every one well. and you too.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    cake ??

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    i know there are SOME bad muslims, chinese , blacks and i am especially versed in bad white people. lol. being as my news is predominently white and there seems to be a competition going on sometimes. buut i still like to believe and it is demonstrated to me on a regular basis. that there are MORE GOOD muslims, chinese , blacks, whites.. and i would like to be on the good guys sides. and so .. i live my life a certain way. by my choice .. to accomplish and contribute to.

  1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


  1. inga's Avatar inga

    july 4th that is a good day. thats my son's birthday. thank you. and guess what we are going to eat. i give you a hint.. birthday .. CAKE !! WOT WOOT.. his favourite is cherry cheese cake. always has been his birthday cake of choice.

  1. carrie's Avatar carrie


  1. inga's Avatar inga

    yeah. but god idiots. bahaha. cake ??

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    good i meant GOOD. good idiots.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    hey john, can you pass the milk.. (she says to her neighbor when she calls/texts over). i cant he says. i got gas. (he says answering his text message fromat the gas pumps while getting a fill up).

    hmmm. funny

  1. carrie's Avatar carrie


  1. John's Avatar John

    Carrie, you left your teeth on my..

    and now a word from our sponsors.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    one more for good measure and to piss off you happy people. lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a0juQ0aeGI

    i know how you hate beautifiul things and to the best of your understanding there is nothing to be happy about or worth protecting.. lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbaNGU1CrXI

    too bad.

    sad really. like tom. sad.

    1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

      Inga...i am happy, and going toward peace...i wish that for you...Tom

      1. ingas's Avatar ingas

        been here along time already.. i am looking for people who are here already. hard to find. theres alot of lost souls. sigh

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          and then those clinging to their misery not even want to take a chance at happines lol. twisted.

      2. inga's Avatar inga

        when one is happy, one is free. and then there are those that hate that too.. lol. thats why this is not for me.

        there are some bigger issues here than that billboard.

        good luck

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    it just wouldnt be me if i didnt throw ONE more in there.. lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QugLFzedHzk go ahead. seriously.. lol. try being happy. I DARE YOU !! muwhahahah.

    and yes joanne. your story does make a difference. it shows how much you would benefit from being happy too. god bless. and sorry about the catholic thing. bahahah. i heard you all cant help it. lol.

    you will now when you have found it. when that becomes funny instead of offensive. bahahah. blink blink

    1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      Thank you for your concern....however if you have read anything I have ever posted you will see I am loving a very happy life because I choose to and I have a lot to happy and grateful for.

      You also mistake my replies concerning your lack of empathy or dignity when replying to others as a sign of being offended. I do not offend easily. I know who I am and what I stand for I don't feel I have anything to be offended by.

      I am however saddened by your lack of any responsibility for the ignorance in your words that you seem to keep insisting are merely for the sake of humor. You are correct there is the need for some true love and happiness here but I think you will see, if you take the time to admit to, that it is you who lacks these things.

      This psychiatrist you had reference earlier may be able to explain it better, but the constant need to home about all things is often a way to cover up ones own pain. You can choose to believe I am unhappy or whatever it is you choose to read between the lines of my words, and I appreciate the advice, but I am blessed and happy just my compassion and empathy for others often compel me to react to the unnecessary ridicule and tactless judgement of others.

      In fact, once again, you want to know all about everyone and in you last 2 relies to me you have managed to use your knowledge of my life as a means to make yet another unnecessary and ignorant joke. It is rather sad really that the person making the most noise regarding how others have no idea what this blog is about or ridiculing others for often senseless reasons; seems to be the only one having trouble with the entire idea of what this was meant for. I came to peace with my relationship with the Catholic Church but your ignorance in laughing about it when so many people have had their lives ruined (I suggest watching Spotlight or a the Keepers before you find something so destructive to be at all funny) goes beyond ignorance really and is simply disgusting.

      So as I stated before I am going to go back to ignoring your comments and constant need for attention because it is not helping anyone really. However you ever choose to find your own path to peace that will help you when relating to others and how to live in a world with compassion instead of ridicule, look me up because I am always willing to help the lost and blind find peace.....once they are willing to stop blaming their behavior and lack of class on others.


  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Joanne...i understand, and i agree it would be preferable, but i still do not agree with censorship...i think the idea is to convince the "off-topic" commentators to go on-topic...Tom

    1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      Obviously that isn't working in this instance, Tom. The analogy of an unruly child in a classroom that Joanne provided earlier was accurate and appropriate. If a child is constantly disruptive in a classroom, it's not censorship to remove him or her from the class if reasoning or reprimand has no effect. Having a heated discussion is one thing, but senseless and constant babble is quite another.

      Because we aren't in a classroom, forced to actually listen to this nonsense, we can choose to just scroll on by. As much of what she's posted isn't even a reply to anyone, or remotely on topic, but simply an attempt to keep up with the voices in her head while typing, reasoning has had no effect, nor will it. This is not amusing and should not be encouraged.

      As a lawyer, do you think anyone has the right to disrupt court proceedings? Would it be censorship to warn someone about talking loudly on their cell phones during a trial, and have them removed if they continued?

      If you think you have the skills to deal with this, I for one, would be most appreciative if you'd do it on a one to one basis, not on this forum. I believe inga posted her personal contact information somewhere above.

      1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

        If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around does it make a sound?

        Same conundrum: if you continue to make jokes and no one else involved in the discussion laughs along with you, is it really a joke/funny?

        Now you can eat cake.....

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          oh yeah its still funny just becasue you dont share the humor.. does not make you the measure. and i am sorry you think that too. that would be the ego thing tom is talking about

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            you are right the unruly child thing did not work. try again.

            question in the mean time though. yeah or nay. who is for the billboard.. very simple. seriously. is that the question. and so. if you are still here. then you dont have to be.. lol. so ask yourselves please.. why are you still here.. you have formed your opinion on the billboard.. so really your mission is complete you tell me ??

          2. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            I dont know...I have been told I am pretty hilarious and there is a group of people here and you are the only one who seems to understand your humor so I say the verdict is still out there....

            And to answer you more serious question....I am not sure who the billboard is for that was my original stance as to there being no need for its existence. When I read this billboard I see that it has no motive but to create fear and hate to people who choose to read it and learn nothing more.

            I fail to see any other explanation for its existence.

            I am fearful for any Muslim family and children who live near or around this billboard because it can only make for a dangerous existence for them in their own homes.

            Freedom of speech and religious freedoms aside I have yet to hear any rational and constructive reason for the billboards existence.

          3. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Do you really think reading that billboard is going to make anyone go out and hurt someone? I mean, anyone who isn't Muslim? You must think non-Muslims are as ignorant and violent as Muslims. Now, I can see a Muslim going postal after reading it, because their philosophy and customs make them more likely to go into a murderous rage, but not a non-Muslim.

          4. inga's Avatar inga

            lol johnO. i think you are right. they would have done so already.

        2. inga's Avatar inga

          pst.. ive been eating cake this whole time.. lol. its yummy.

        3. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

          Inga...if no one is there, how would we know a tree fell?...and I support your right to use humor in your life...Tom

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            thanks. i can make the tree float in my mind.. lol. and thats funny too. sideways even. i am lucky that way,, with creative imagination.

        4. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

          Sadly, there are a few who apparently do find this on-going deluge of childish and incoherent babble funny, Joanne. I just have to give my aching hand a rest occasionally and keep scrolling.

          1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            Maybe my mind is just exhausted but im starting to find it fascinating that she fails to see where she is being insensitive or that she is at all overcompensating for something but yet the rest of the people in the room who have been able to communicate and even debate this topic are actually being respectful of eachother...for the most part...without the need to act in such a manner. the only thing wrong with the harmony of this room is her incomprehensible commenting.

            I actually had to go back and reread some items because i was sure i must have missed a key element within all the nonsense but its just not there. The faceless person brought to you by the internet given the power to babble on without the strength or conviction it would take had we be sitting in a circle, face to face.

          2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            “In a controversy the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.” – Buddha

          3. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            It is for this that I will always be "practicing". I have come far in my life to live a peaceful existence and I am not often unable to remain impartial and tolerant of all kinds of people. However, I accept it as my biggest flaw but a part of what makes me the person I am so I have no problem accepting imperfection.

            No one is this world is pure or perfect, If you avoid people for their mistakes you will always be alone. So judge less and love more. - Buddha

          4. inga's Avatar inga

            and you are doing good joanne. lol.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    I am not an atheist, agnostic or a subscriber to religions...i am comfortable knowing we are all equally a part of God, although the full "perception" of what that means can not be clear in this illusory "life" of reincarnations to resolve karma...Tom

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    i think the idea is to get the character type behind the one making the comment so we can determine credibility. kind of like your plea for temporary iinsanity.. lol. one has to demonstrate they are insane first.. lol. that holds them not accountable for these and aother comments. or are they of sound mind.. in which case. yeah. if they are not "embarassed" or "defensive" of their own character.. lol. k. yeah. easy to say yes or no. lets put some validity behind it.

    but again.. as you said.. you are not interested. and i am starting to see why. i get you loud an clear. when a lawyer who knows the validity of sound statements.. cant make one.. lol. and the side kick who thinksif i marry a monkey, simply a playful play on words sets her off\

    well yeah. my opinion really doesnt matter nor does any one elses.. lol. not here. sorry to call a spade a spade. but thats what happens when you open yours self up..

    its the end of the world as we know it. thats a song.. dont go thinking it has any thing to do with buddist monks eating twinkies. k. it doesnt. shhh

    1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin


      I apologize that I do not reply to posts at such an alarming rate as you would like.me to. I also apologize for the misunderstanding that I am claiming any kind of temporary insanity, just admitting my own flaws in my quest for peace and one that I have tried to eliminate but unfortunately it is who I am.

      Remember you are reading the one or two replies you are receiving and it takes a lot longer to catch up from this side trust me. Also, I reply and comment when I can but I have other things to do. Dinner to make, kids to care for and cart around and yes sometimes even remove myself from the computer. So your need for immediate gratification in the form of a reply may go unmet because i have a life, a happy on remember, outside of this blog.

      And please do not insult my intelligence of assuming you really meant you would marry a monkey, again you chose to read only the parts of the reply you wanted to. My point was that you want to know about everyone but the minute you learn anything you take what they reveal and make some sort of joke about it. It just proved a point.

      So if you would understand that the world is not sitting revolving around you and waiting for every last word you say and understand my character is not diminished because my reply was not instantaneous....however your need for it says something about yours.

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        no. i read the whole thing i *choose to comment the parts i comment on.. and your monkey interpretation iis WAY out of context. but i think you will need someone else to explain that to you , as you bias is extremely evident for some reason. your noting my bahahah. s are less ?? lol. you give yourself far to much credibility..lol. you cant make me stop laughing.. as a matter a fact you make me laugh more.. lol. bahaha. especially on the monkey thing you keep wanting to look at from the wrong angle.. lol. i gave you a coompliment. seriously at that.. and you sabatoged it.. lol. ?? and then point at me.. lol. you are the one giving me the attention.. lol. i was complimenting you, throwing the attention your way.. bahahaha.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    lol. either my comments will be censored or coming in later.. ta for now. buddas twinkie

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    "Wisdom" is just an ego/construct...

    1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

      You can say that, but a person who possesses a greater degree of that ego/construct is usually better off or makes a better friend or partner or parent than someone who has less of that ego/construct, so, that means it is real, even if it cannot be seen or accurately measured. Still, you answered my question. You don't believe in wisdom.

      1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

        Wisdom that is important for the reasons you listed here is an important quality John, I agree. However, being clear, this is not necessarily an intelligence measured by and IQ yet a knowledge of what it means and takes to be good at those things.

        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          I concur. There are people here with obviously stellar IQs, and very little wisdom. Wisdom seems to be unnecessarily elusive for so many.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    I do not say everyone is good...what i say is that there is no good or evil...there is only ego and karma...Tom

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...i believe i respect and understand your humor...it is your style of dealing with issues...you are entitled to that...on a temporal level, it is certainly better than anger, hate and extreme emotionalism...Tom

    1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      Then you should enjoy the humour in these, Tom. Enjoy!! We could all use a laugh during this on-going marathon. And no apologies for the length of this post. It's a fraction of the nonsense we've endured so far.

      If there were no bad people, there would be no good lawyers. Charles Dickens

      The trouble with law is lawyers. Clarence Darrow

      Lawyers are the first refuge of the incompetent. Aaron Allston

      Unfortunately, what many people forget is that judges are just lawyers in robes. Tammy Bruce

      Not funny enough? How about these?

      Q: What do you call a lawyer with an IQ of 100? A: Your Honor. Q: What do you call a lawyer with an IQ of 50 A: Senator.

      Q: What's the difference between an accountant and a lawyer? A: Accountants know they're boring.

      Q: What's the difference between a vacuum cleaner and a lawyer on a motorcycle? A: The vacuum cleaner has the dirt bag on the inside.

      Q: What' the difference between a lawyer and a boxing referee? A: A boxing referee doesn't get paid more for a longer fight.

      Q: What's the difference between a jellyfish and a lawyer? A: One's a spineless, poisonous blob. The other is a form of sea life.

      Q: What's the difference between a lawyer and a leech? A: After you die, a leech stops sucking your blood.

      Q: What's the difference between a lawyer and God? A: God doesn't think he's a lawyer.

      Q: What are lawyers good for? A: They make used car salesmen look good.

      Q: What do dinosaurs and decent lawyers have in common? A: They're both extinct.

      Q: What do you call 25 attorneys buried up to their chins in cement? A: Not enough cement.

      Q: What do you call 25 skydiving lawyers? A: Skeet.

      Q: What does a lawyer get when you give him Viagra? A: Taller

      Q: What's the difference between a lawyer and a vulture? A: The lawyer gets frequent flyer miles.

      Q: What's the difference between a mosquito and a lawyer? A: One is a blood-sucking parasite, the other is an insect.

      Q: Why did God make snakes just before lawyers? A: To practice.

      Q: What's the difference between a lawyer and a herd of buffalo? A: The lawyer charges more.

      Q: Know how copper wire was invented? A: Two lawyers were fighting over a penny.

      Q: Why does the law society prohibit sex between lawyers and their clients? A: To prevent clients from being billed twice for essentially the same service.

      Q: What can a goose do, a duck can't, and a lawyer should? A: Stick his bill up his ass.

      Q: How can you tell when a lawyer is lying? A: Their lips are moving.

      Q: Why did New Jersey get all the toxic waste and California all the lawyers? A: New Jersey got to pick first.

      Q: Why don't lawyers go to the beach? A: Cats keep trying to bury them.

      Q: What do you call 5000 dead lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A: A good start!

      Q: What's the difference between a dead skunk in the road and a dead lawyer in the road? A: There are skid marks in front of the skunk.

      Q: Why won't sharks attack lawyers? A: Professional courtesy.

      Q: What's the difference between a lawyer and a bucket of manure? A: The bucket.

      Q: Why is it that many lawyers have broken noses? A: From chasing parked ambulances.

      Q: Where can you find a good lawyer? A: In the cemetery

      Q: What's the difference between a lawyer and a vampire? A: A vampire only sucks blood at night.

      Q: Why to lawyers wear neckties? A: To keep the foreskin from crawling up their chins.

      Q: If you see a lawyer on a bicycle, why don't you swerve to hit him? A: It might be your bicycle.

      Q: What do you call a smiling, sober, courteous person at a bar association convention? A: The caterer.

      Q: Why do they bury lawyers under 20 feet of dirt? A: Because deep down, they're really good people.

      Q: Why are lawyers like nuclear weapons? A: If one side has one, the other side has to get one. Once launched, they cannot be recalled. When they land, they screw up everything forever.

      Q: What do lawyers and sperm have in common? A: One in 3,000,000 has a chance of becoming a human being.

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        oh bro jo.. havent you learned.. laughing is a sin on this site.. lol. hahaha.

        1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


  1. inga's Avatar inga

    k i will apologize that i am on a different intellectual plane and humor. i am sorry to all i offended for taking a bad subject matter, stating my opinion/judgement, and moving on or trying to .. to lighter and more humorous ideas, as this was NOT a difficult ?? controversy ?? for me.

    i promise i will not marry a monkey. . today. and i wont talk to any one else as you obviously can not tell right from wrong so easily and are still apparently working on that from various angles. so.. good luck ??

    when you figure it out, and you want to move on.. lol. drop me a line.. lol.

    i will be dancing up here in canada.


  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Pessimism and optimism are simply ego/judgment calls...what is optimistic for the fish, is not optimistic for the fisherman...Tom

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...credibility is something for court...in this life we each know our own credibility; it is an exercise in futility to try to use a temporal value system to rate others...just be loving and caring....Tom

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    not always no. they can be reflective of situations.. reactions. not always choices. why do you try and paint every one with the same brush, unless YOUR self esteem is so low, you are trying to raise it ?? i cant give you any false credinility statements to boost your ego. lol. becasue you arent real you tell me;. you are delusional.. lol. its all an illusion. well there is some reality going on around you and it is great. and you ought to try it sometime.

    oops. sorry. i wasnt going to talk anymore. damn its natural for me to try an make people have fun and laugh.. or atleast get them in the right direction. but you dont want that.. yikes. sorry again.

    1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

      Inga...i do not think about self-esteem; it is not necessary...i am not delusional, either...i simply try to help people realize peace without ego/judgments...i wish you peace...Tom

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        you cant ask people to form an opinion without consequence .. there is no such thing. you are setting people up !!

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Brother John...do you really feel that being judgmental and arrogant about Inga is helpful to you or her?...it is not...Tom

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      i have been a good person, not a perfect person, but a aiming, for a long time. my esteem is just fine. i can hold my own. there is nothing you can say to me that i wont take into consideration for personal growth.. or keep in consideration from whos mouth the nasties flow. and sometimes, my friend.. it is what we call.. a U problem. like it or not.

    2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      Thanks for your concern, Tom. I guess we'll see if your on-line counselling sessions improve the situation, but I think it may all be just another illusion.

    3. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      I would normally support your views on judgement and the lack of necessity for it, but this situation has gone well beyond one of rational conventions. She can not be helped for she has an inability to admit that anything she does or says is inappropriate or wrong. I have stated earlier that I try to remain quiet and disengaged for that exact reason but one can only remain unbiased and ignore the elephant in the room for so long.

      Ignoring her just escalated the intensity at which she disrupted the forum. yes freedom of speech I understand and accepted it but sometimes it takes a moments lapse in self restraint and tolerance to force a person to stop projecting hate and turning away members that may have had some insight we could have all benefited from because of a persons need for attention.

      Personally I wish I had spoken up sooner, because maybe if she felt the weight of a group of people not ready to stand by and allow her to disrespect the conversations people were having with her ludicrous remarks....maybe she wouldn't have mistaken the silence as acceptance.

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        lol. oh no joanne. (can i call you joanne without you raking offence..lol). you are quite mistaken again in your assessments. lol. but thats ok.

      2. inga's Avatar inga

        people are working.. in different time zones, and have other responsibilities.. they are not always available to post. there are various reasons why people are talkers .. lol. bringing out the "best" in people and having them confront that issue..is one reason.. lol

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          you can shoot the messenger but the problem still remains as the messenger was not the problem.. lol.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    lol. tom. people make judgements all day long. it does not hurt me. i am glad they do. one. it shows me where i am at. 2 it shows me where they are at. i do not take it personally. i own and operate a business. credibility is important. if someone gets gas, but forgets their wallet, they are asking me to take their word that they willl come back. to save t heir spouces having to come all the way in to recitify their issue of no cash on hand. so i trust them. then they either do or do not come back. that would be on them. the first time. if it happens again. they will be expected to find some way of paying for my gas that is in their car before they leave the premisis. either a spouse can come down, or the police can come tell them how it works.. or.. credibility IS important. what the heck is wrong with you. i beg to differ with you. i do not think you are a good lawyer.. if at all. other people can give you numerous examples on credibility from various ages, including kindregarten and why you dont take others erasers. and you beg to differ ?? something is wrong man. something is very wrong ??! not meant derrogatory. but your thinking is not right my man.

    1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens


  1. inga's Avatar inga

    what are you smiling at ?? did you eat the last piece of cake ??

    1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

      Smiling at the way you sneaked up on Tom like a Siberian tigress, and he never saw you coming until you were carrying his carcass back to your den.

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        you seen that eh. wink.

        my immature side says.. he started it !! lol

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          i dint mean it really. it just happened that way.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...if you live your life through loving and caring, it will be very rare for you to have to deal with "credibility"...you will attract the same types of people...unfortunately (or not), most people do not feel the most important basis for "life" is loving and caring...if you base your life on credibility, that is how people will relate to you...this is "real"...Tom

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      these are VERY real parts yes. and talk about EGO. if i do this that will happen. thats about as egoitistical statement as i have ever heard !! lol. oh my.

  1. ingas's Avatar ingas

    oh and.. brother john has not said anything for quite some time. are you hearing voices in your head, or building a d-illusionary army.. lol. either way... doesnt help you

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...i do not ask people to form opinions (which are ego/judgments)...i just try to help...Tom

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    by posting a bill board picture like that ?? you think that is a good idea ??

    1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

      No, i do not think it is a good idea, as it is not loving and caring....Tom

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        so who posted it ?? and why are we surprised that people often mirror the reaction. myself included sometimes.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    I feel that the "unruly child" reference by Joanne has nothing to do with censorship...i have only talked about censorship in terms of writing...a child who disrupts a class should be taken aside and be given help understanding the nature of his/her unruliness...and the class should also discuss it...loving and caring lead to better "understanding"...Tom

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    and yet we have seen nether of.. so there must not be an unruly child..

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    John...i respectfully suggest you listen to Joni Mitchell's "Both Sides Now"...i do not perceive any attacks...Tom

    1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

      But Tom, just because you don't perceive something does NOT mean it is not happening. You were like a sheep grazing and she just walked up and took you. I like you, but this soupy grey fog through which you view everything is also what you call a construct. It is a product of your perception. Some things are definite and tangible. In the interest of self-preservation, you might begin trying to figure out which ones are real and dangerous.

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        the post i wrote like that.. was not posted.. lol. i agree.

        maybe i was to wordy.. lol

      2. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

        John...it is not necessary to have "self-preservation"...nothing is "necessary"...and i do not see anything as an attack on me...i see only discourse...i see very clearly that we are all a part of God, and that we "perceive" each of our reincarnations as our "individual" roads to balance...nothing is definite and tangible, except in this illusory world of an apparent workshop..."dangerous" only pertains to this world of construct; it has no real meaning...try not to be afraid...Tom

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          so tom.. you take no personal responsibility for your actions words etc

          (no offense but ii bet you are a good lawyer.. lol)

        2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          Tom, I don't fear death. I fear a life with no meaning, so I try to perform good works for my family and friends. Not illusion. Wood, brick, mortar, aesthetic appeal, function, comfort, fun. All real things.

          I fear the chaos that will ensue if the trucks which deliver food to the grocers don't operate for a week. I don't fear it for me-- I fear it for my grandchildren, my older friends and relatives. I fear it for all the innocents who depend on people who are not dependable.

          I fear for the people who have no moral structure with which to guide their lives, that they may be influenced by the same people who taught you.

          You think everything is an illusion. If someone hammers a nail through your wrist, I promise the pain will not be an illusion, nor the infection that occurs afterward.

          1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

            John...i am glad you do not fear death, as there is nothing to fear...it is simply a return to God, and "feels" a lot better than being "here"...there is no such thing as a life with no meaning...we are here for meaning...but physical structures, money, fame, etc are what have no meaning...they just delay balance...just try loving and caring, and you will love your life...Tom

      3. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

        It's Tom's job to make reality a "soupy, grey fog", John. He's a lawyer (as well as on on-line counsellor and part time philosopher).

        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          I just don't see how anyone can live, thinking like that. Your stomach growls-- are you really hungry or is that just a perception? You have to go to the bathroom badly-- is that imagination? What is that warm wetness I feel in my lap? Did my grand-daughter just whizz on me, or is that my imagination? Is it really time to be at work, or am I just dreaming?

          I'm not trying to be mean to Tom. It all just seems so incredibly shallow. Anything deep or emotionally stirring is just an illusion, a construct, a product of ego. Well, "Cogito ergo sum." Ok, if the "sum" is correct at all, then the illusion is real, and must be taken seriously. If you don't think it matters, then you aren't going along with the karmic attempt to balance things, and it isn't working, so you are going to reincarnate at a lower level next time, because you didn't follow the protocols. What a waste of humanity and intelligence!

          1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            On a spiritual level I guess its harder to understand...however scientist have long been studying string theory which takes Karma out of the equation yet they believe that everything in the universe is made up of strings and therefore what we see everyday as solid complete objects are actually just a collection of small "strings" then when put together give the illusion of a solid object.

            No I am not some science freak either, rather a super fan of The Big Bang Theory so I inadvertently pick up things as I binge watch most nights.

          2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Probably my all-time favorite show. I liked WKRP in Cincinnati 30 or so years ago.

          3. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            I am going to be a grandmother in the next 3 weeks or so....far to early buts another sory for another time and I love babies so you know it works lol. But we always joked that when I become a grandmother I am going to be a Memaw....well I thought I had years to make the decision...well Memaw it is and he will be my little moonpie....FYI if it is not apparent I love Sheldon LOL...

          4. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

            John...there is no such thing as karma not working...and as far as your examples, i thought i had made it clear that we really feel we are perceiving things, events, etc...respectfully, what is what you call "shallow" is insisting on arguing temporal events and values, instead of just being loving and caring...the illusion is only real to the character you are presently playing...Tom

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    tom.. are you the moderator ?

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    he is just teasing you tom. i didnt really kill you. look you are still typing !! pst. other people can see that too. your still alive. its ok ??!!

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...no: that would be against my opposition to censorship...as far as "experiences" they are only illusions, created for our karmic advancement...Tom

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    no there s not !! lol. and k my question. is.. what do i do when i offend someone with my hiumor. and what about if they offend me ?? huh huh.. lol. just kidding i can handle my own. the question is.. what response do the people want. lol.

    1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      If you offend someone then the OBVIOUS response would be I am sorry. I have taught my kids and I guess I will teach you...saying I am sorry does not mean that you meant to hurt or offend anyone but if inadvertently you did, then for that you should be sorry. Unless your intent was to offend then an apology will be a hollow gesture. For future reference though and to avoid an apology I do not need nor am I seeking by explaining this, I am not offended by anything you have said. I do not offend easily, however being codependent to a fault, my need to finally reply was fueled by a need to try and make you understand that your comments are mostly invalid to the conversation and the need to overtake the entire blog by commenting and reply to yourself over and over about literally nothing, unless it was to insult others when it felt right to you, is not constructive and maybe a look within yourself is necessary. Being able to find fault in everyone but yourself just screams narcissism and the sign of a dangerous mind.

      You may be able to handle your own...as am I, however I am very rarely told I am being insensitive or unnecessarily rude to anyone; but if I ever offended someone or had it pointed out to me SEVERAL times that my antics were not being well received I would humbly realize I inadvertently may be handle the conversation incorrectly. So if you were to feel offended the only way to keep others from being offended even if you can handle it is to politely point out where the behavior may be inappropriate for some.

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        i aplogized to you. ?? and you have a problem with that too ?? lol.

        1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

          I am sorry I must have missed any apology? If you are referring to my statement, I said I was not in any need of an apology because I was not offended yet pointing out offensive comments that may not have a place here since it may not all be based on actual knowledge yet ignorance of the unknown and others had already asked for you to refrain from it. But there was not apology that I had a problem with at all.

          Also, an apology spoken purely to appease someone and not based on an actual understanding of why as humans when we make mistakes even if unintentional saying I'm sorry is the appropriate reaction, then it is better left unsaid.

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            so what you are saying is?? you dont take apologies well and you reserve the right to be an angry woman ?? i can respect that. lol.

          2. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            Once again you have managed to manipulate my words to suit your opinion of me. I said I never saw an apology from you and I was not looking for one nor did I need one since I was not offended by anything you said. Never once did I said i WOULD not take one just that I was now in need of one.

            And I am not at all an angry woman, especially not angered by the senseless dribble you have put all over here. I just happen to have a very low tolerance for ignorance and blatant disrespect of any kind towards anybody.

            See I was raised to conduct myself in a dignified manner and a touch of class. So please dont assume you know my demeanor or mood since you have not replied to any comment or reply i have posted to you with anything that even comes close to what I have said. Which could only mean you either are having trouble understanding words when spoken intelligently or you choose to not read the entire post at all. either way I have meditated on this and wish you light and love and hope you find what you are looking for.


          3. inga's Avatar inga

            hopefully people, you can see this is a very possible reaction. for joanne.. and a very possible reaction of the [some] muslims to the billboard.

      2. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


        1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

          John I know the premise to which are speaking but i believe the quote means that when you care enough about a person you would not do anything that would require you to have to say sorry, I could be wrong but that was always my understanding. However I think the ability to so empathy and consideration for another person that being able to say Im sorry show humility and ones willingness to accept that they are not perfect. Again it does not mean that the apology is because the act or message given was intended to offend or hurt another person, just your compassion for an others right to their feelings and your acceptance that even unintentionally hurt another person.

          It takes strength and courage to be able to so im sorry.

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            lol. funny. you must have a good night sleep. but i like you better this morning.. lol and will leave it at that.

          2. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

            Well thank you Inga, I like. Me better this morning too. Like ii said I have to work to not let my emotions override my dedication to peaceful coexisting and understanding in my life. But you can teach an old dpg New tricks but the old tricks never go away and sometimes come out to play. ..

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...i did not create the peace/God...i am just trying to get back there, as we all are...it is there, we just have to release all of the blocks...Tom

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Joanne...courts and trials and laws are temporal, illusory and ego based...within that context, there can not be disruption...loving and caring go beyond this "world"...Tom

    1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      I am sorry Tom, so much has be said her I am unsure which of my comments this is referring to. I tried to find it but I cant. Per usually though I am always encouraged by your replies and peaceful demeanor and thank you for that....i just can not reply to this directly for I am unsure which it refers to.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...thank you...i did not feel "dead"...but i feel that your type of humor is more understandable than teasing, which to me, in this temporal world, is truly passive-aggressive, and not helpful...in any event, thank you for writing that; i am not insulted or unnerved...Tom

    1. ingas's Avatar ingas

      k you lost me.. if you are living in an illusion ?? and not reality.. lol. ignorant here honestly.. what are you supposed to learn if you are seperating yourself from and to good or not good enough to be part of.. ?? (sincerely meant no matter how quirky that comes out)

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Joanne...i do not find Inga to be ignorant...i do agree that IQ is definitely not an indicator of spirituality, and spirituality is all that matters...Tom

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      yes, but you do need to understand you spirituality. the WORD is not enough. one can claim to be christian we will say.. but if they do not walk the walk and talk the talk.. well.. same can be said for satanism.. if you go blowing bibbles and picking dandelions on a sunny day, its going to be hard to convince people you a satanist.. mre so than if you danced naked around a star with a circle around it in a black room. it does take some.. intellect ?? IQ to maintain.

      1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

        Iq does not measure how good a person is. I taught special needs children years ago and some of them had extremely low testable IQ's, yet they were loving, caring and nonjudgmental because they lacked the knowledge to know that they were different and just saw people for who they were not based on any labels.

        The same can be said about claiming you are a good person...continually berating people, name calling and using jokes as some way of insulting people without having to admit you are makes it hard to take anyones word for it either.

        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          As for your first paragraph here, I knew a young woman with Down's. She spoke English like a city Texan, Spanish like an educated Mexican, and German like an educated German. She also practiced Yoshukai, cooked, etc. Wanted to have a normal life. I have lost touch with her family over the years but she was so sweet and cute. Very lovable. I hope she is happy and well.

          As for the second paragraph-- Who has actually claimed to be a good person and is constantly berating people and name-calling?

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            thanks johnO.. as not all my posts are registering ?? for some reason ??

          2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

            Ewwww. I just did one of those throw up in the back of your throat things, John. Your reminiscence (and questioning of Joanne's behaviour) was tinged with hypocrisy as you've used "retarded", "disabled tweaker" and other juvenile name-calling to berate people on this forum. G** only knows what your inside voice is saying.

            I admit I'm not as kind and compassionate as Joanne and a few other members. I have no qualms about calling bullshit when I read it.

          3. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Bro, I have NOT ONCE claimed to be good. Don't be so schizophrenic.

          4. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            Also, retarded is an adjective, not a noun. and ANY time I EVER , EVER, EVER at any time called anyone ANY kind of derogatory name, they asked for it in SPADES. Last time we discussed this, ANOTHER jerk started the whole thing BEFORE I ever called anyone anything.

        2. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

          John it was a blanket statement.....could be anyone if they feel they can identify with it.

          1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

            JOHN OWINS SON of DUMP the IGNORAMUS tRUMP just like UR DADDY UR ALWAYs in the FAKE NEWS,GOD is GREAT so is the US of A

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...dynamite!...remember the line from the song that says "imagination can make a cloudy day sunny"?...Tom

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B


  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...ok...what was Ezra Pound's favorite cake?....Tom

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      lol. i dont know.. who is ezra ??

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...i agree...words have no intrinsic power (as said by Led Zeppelin, "words have no meaning")...spirituality is developing an awareness and feeling of being in God, and knowing that the energy you give off from doing this will be loving and caring...Tom

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      but when you do do from god.. wait .. not do do.. when it does come from god. there is !! no do do .. lol. hmmm

      but remember even god gets mad and frustrated.. he flooded teh earth. killed in a few wars.. total some 25 million for being pissed at the bad behaviour. its not all sunshine and roses with god either. dont kid yourself.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...a poet/writer...i just asked this because of what you said about Elvis and "Pound" cake...Tom

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...we are living in an illusion in which we feel we have a body, and go through experiences, so we can work out our karmic balance, and not come back to the illusion...you, me everyone feels we are considering, interacting, reacting etc, so it seems real...and in the sense that it works out our karma, it has some form of reality...but the true reality is in the infinity of God...i hope this helps, with what i am saying...Tom

    1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

      So, if someone say, cuts off your ear-- They didn't really do it, but just dreamed they did it, and the imaginary ear they lopped off doesn't really rot and stink and attract real flies that lay real eggs that become real maggots. Everybody, including the flies and maggots are just dreaming that happens. It's all just a dream. I didn't really have a father and mother and siblings. All of us just dreamed it. My first wife didn't REALLY die of cancer in 2002. She never REALLY existed, except in my dream, and of course I don't REALLY exist, but I am part of someone else's dream.

      If I pinch a baby, or kick a dog, or run over a squirrel, it doesn't really happen. I just dreamed it, or they just dreamed it, or both.

      Am I beginning to understand?

      If a person is trafficked, and forced to endure unspeakable things and work with no pay, it's not real. It's just karma trying to balance everything out, so no real suffering occurs, and no real crime. One could be a pedophile and no children would be harmed. A serial killer and no one would die. Therefore, since you are fond of quoting lines from songs, Freddy Mercury said,"...Nothing really matters. Anyone can see, nothing really matters, nothing really matters to me..." Poor Freddy, one of the greatest singers of all time, didn't really die as a result of unprotected relations with the wrong person. He never lived. We never heard him. We all just imagined him.

      Am I anywhere close here, Tom?

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        thats what i am hearing too tom.

        and so , i can not help but feel bad for tom.. in that having not lived, he will not have experienced love. another of my posts that never got posted. lol

        its almost like a sort of autism ??

        1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

          Inga...i am happy in this "life"...in it i have many friends, many people i help, both as a person in general, and as a lawyer, and i always look forward to the next "cake" served by God/karma...Tom

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            john O. ii think its a classic case of is it skitzo.. where there create a scenario that they are not wrong in.. its a "self preservation" way for people who cannot play well with others. skitzo may be the wrong term.. but there is a medical term for it... you know what i mean, i know you do.

            you know.. like the gal in the mental institute that tries to convince you she is there as a reporter for XXX new york journal.

          2. inga's Avatar inga

            and thats ok.. its harder to identify from behind the screen. but we are getting the participants figured out. lol who is down to earth and sincere and who hasnt taken their meds.. one can tell by the consistency of the people, even if THEY think you cant.

      2. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

        John...it is not a dream, as it is karmic balance...and in this "reality" we perceive these things as hurtful, painful, egregious, etc...i do not profess to understand why we come from infinite peace to this illusory world of karmic balance; i just accept it as it is, and will "realize" more in death (life)...i am not trying to be difficult; i am just trying to answer your questions...i respectfully suggest that if you meditate on what i am saying, you may find it very calming...Tom

        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          I hope you don't have a driver's license, Tom. I'd hate to think that people who are dreaming are driving on the same road that I am.

          Meditate on this: If we came from karmic peace, how could we ever merit the pain and hurt and death to achieve karmic balance? If it was balanced in the beginning, how could it become unbalanced? Why would we leave karmic peace to dabble in these illusions we call life?

          If by calm, you mean, thinking like you, that everything is an illusion, I'd rather be hysterical. My little grand-daughter is not an illusion. She is very real. She must be protected from danger BEFORE the danger presents itself. That is reality. If not practiced this way, a child will die before their time. I don't leave it to karma. Can't afford that. I do what I can NOW. I pray about what I cannot do. Call that God, call it karma, it doesn't matter to me.

          Your state of mind should leave you open to thoughtful analysis of your illusions. Try taking all that logically, and then walk each thread of belief out to its extreme. You will find nothing, because all of your belief is built on ego/construct, to use your words. There is nothing there. It really IS just an illusion.

          1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

            John...there is nothing that happens in this "life" that is not a product of God...good and bad are just value judgments...and please accept that when i talk of illusion, it is nothing like a dream...but as i have said before, i do not understand why we would "leave" God with regard to karma...i just know that we do...Tom

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    nope. sorry. but i am going to take on faith that you know what you are talking about. k. lol. if its not real, there is nothing to be learned except the inability to attach. but i will think on this tonight. because there is probably more to it than i am seeing right now.. lol

    so i am going to go mop the floors and stock. and get that one last customer that always comes 1 minute to closing.. lol.

    chat later.

    hugs all . no oofence meant. i am not gay. its just a firnedly gesture shake hands or just shake if you want to.. lol night all

  1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


    1. inga's Avatar inga

      a text hug is not dating. lol

      1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

        Amen...i agree...but no one can stop anyone else from perceiving in his or her own way...Tom

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          initially. but that is where education and faith come in. just because some one perceives things wrong.. does not mean they are right ??!! lol

          1. inga's Avatar inga

            they should allow them selves the comfortablility to be wrong and be open to correction or different points of view. especially of they.we are going to put out comments.. then we can assume some in return. maybe we will like them , maybe we wont.. lol. that s the chance we take when speaking out loud.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Joanne...the best partner is the most loving and caring...not the one who seems to know a lot of facts, or who emanates wisdom/judgment...Tom

    1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      I agree Tom my point was merely that the only wisdom needed is the wisdom that allows you to know what it takes to be a caring loving partner....

      1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

        Joanne...i am glad you clarified...i agree, as that wisdom of which you speak is a knowing that i consider visceral...i guess i take the word "wisdom" as some form of pretension, and not a positive quality, as it appears to be intellectual (and sometimes emotional)...Tom

        1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

          I knew I wanted to explain because I could see we were expressing the same feelings in regards to the matter but yes sometimes a single word can change the understanding of both the person saying it and the one reading it. So I felt i should clarify.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Joanne...beautifully expressed...it is worth considering whether those special needs persons, who are not cluttered up by "facts", "wisdom", judgments etc, are better off in their worlds of loving and caring, without "intellectual" encumbrancing...Tom

    1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      I believe they do. I believe that they can often sense people one a higher level of understanding then the majority of us do. It is true unconditional love and appreciation like no other.

    2. inga's Avatar inga

      um no ??!! mentally deficient, physically deficient.. thet grass is not greener on their side of the fence ?? they have feelings and emotions ?? oh my god ?? like wtf ?? you sound like they are desensitized and better for it ?? they are not. and desensitization is not the key?? !! really really. honestly. oh my i really dont understand this room.

      but being or appreciating densitization i can see why you dont laugh, and when you dont laugh, you dont get all the other joys etc that come with .. you just get offended. and then get offended because ipeople like me can laugh. and then try and make the fault of people that can laugh and say we are wrong because our hmor does not fit yours ?? as if thats grounds for disqualification ?? lol. as if breaking or trying to break ones spirit is an accomplishment ?? oh my.

      lol. k on this note.. lol. what do you call a sleep walking nun ?? a roamin' catholic. lol bahaha.

      night all. keep talking about me when i am gone.. lol. i may check in later.. or tomorrow. bahaha. and i will know then. lol

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...unless you have hurtful intent, you need not look to how you express yourself...all those who are offended in any ways should look to why they are offended...i respectfully submit they will be looking at their egos...Tom

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      no. not hurtful. frustrated with people who take things personally and then blame me.. lol.

      1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

        You have the right to be frustrated just as a person has the right to take a comment you make directed at them "personally". Your inability to take and responsibility when continually asked to refrain from continuing the way you are going is frustrating for everyone else. So either an entire forum of individuals are "picking on you" or maybe you need to realize that you may not be conducting yourself in quite the way you intended.

        1. inga's Avatar inga

          the entire forum isnt against me.. just the one guy because his boyfriend said hello to me.. he took offense.. lol. but that is neither his boyfriends fsault nor mine. that is an insecurity he has not dealt with. hey meyers.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Joanne...it was about the comment questioning my approach as it would be applied to courts...if this was not your comment, i apologize...thank you for your kind words...Tom

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    no they are not. they need people to help them because, by no fault of their own, they are not capable of taking care of themselves. working to pay the bills, cook. clean to avoid sickness. think a little bit please. special needs. they are not capable,. they are not better off ?? its this kind of non sensicle talk that makes me wonder about you all ??

    1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

      Inga..."special needs" encompasses a wide variety of situations, including motor skills, Down' Syndrome, intellectually "challenged"; emotionally "disturbed"...many of these people live relatively normal lives, including getting married and having children...take a deep breath and picture not having to worry about what anyone thought (about you or anything else)...very freeing...Tom

      1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

        Moderator...i have already asked you to please cease the censorship...please...Tom

      2. inga's Avatar inga

        i agree it is a nice fantasy. but i disagree here.. challenged people, of any sort.. are not exempt from thoughts just because they are protected. its on the news all the time.. how their feelings got hurt. little to you maybe.. big to them.

  1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

    Even the innocents with special needs are not safe with you. The majority of anyone with these type of special needs do not realize they are different unless the ignorance of others points it out to them.

    I respectfully have inform you that once again your idea and judgement here is false. Albeit their are certain extreme cases where constant care is needed by another person but the class I taught was called "Life Skills". The diagnosis of these children ranged from cerebral palsy to downs syndrome and just simple metal retardation (meaning a slowing in development in mental cognition). By law they are able to remain in school till 23 and most of them do. They are taught ti cook, clean, shop, use cash registers, balance checkbooks and personal care. So yes they live in a world were hate is only evident if introduced by the hatred of others. I see one of my students quite often since he works at the grocery store near my house. He is well into his 30s now and even lives in his own small apartment. yes he gets some assistance still by family where needed but he lives a productive life and is always smiling So please do not assume that they have allowed their "handicaps" to define the way they choose to live their life. This is the example of of compassion and understanding are far more valuable than assuming that everyone thinks alike. we may not be able to understand how anyone could be happy when they are "different" because it is beyond our realm of comprehension, but this is the only life they have ever know so it is their "normal" and they may have had to work harder to get to the place where they could be more self sufficient, but they never gave up and were always happy to learn more.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    they are dependent. on good people like joanne. i used years of my life to volunteer on palliative care. we all do our parts different places according to our circumstances and availabilities. and i am sure others of you have or will contribute wither in group form or individual as in sick parents be it your own or your friends, but someones lawn maybe old, or with broken leg, ir just because.. . everyone counts . and is not an illusion. or a contest !! giving is a very rewarding experience. letting another give their time to you is beautiful that they want to do that for you. it is NOT an illusion. the other person wants to givetoo. and its equally important to know how to say thank you !! but not every body is happy all the time. mentally and physically defectives are not exempt from emotion. and even ifthey were, that is not a benefit ??!! .like us they benefit, from the pick me ups. team work. but tom. i dont get the "illuision" to me .. this is one of many REAL steps and phases. every experience bends and shapes us. the good, the bad, the ugly and we cant pick and choose. they are not all in our control or the control of others . and i am not a puppet that does NOT need to think.. and assume that is enough to get to the next level. oh man. what a art of dodging responsibility. telling ones self that.

    but i suppose we are all in different phases. and some are coasting. assuming that is enough. so i ask you.. if a family member.. your kid.. decides he is going to coast his way through life.. at your expense..say he is now 30 40 , 50 while you pay the hydro , his food, his laundry.. let him use your car.. do his groceries.. let him take from you.. you enable him !! to the point where you cant afford him any more and are going to loose everything becasue.. he is coasting.. not from this world.. while he puffs on your cigs that he cant buy.. cause he is not from this illusion.. so you teach him nothing ?? and tell him thats ok. ?? he doesn to need to learn or demonstrate any sense of responsibility ?? so long as its all an illusion ?? well. you know..

    are you going to enable him not to enjoy life. ?? to live ?? to love ? to laugh ?? as someone who does nothing, experiences no pride in accomplishment.. personal achievements.. etc etc.

    i say this out loud.. because it does not make sense to me.. lol. and i am willing to learn ?? WTF you are thinking.. lol

    the "passive agressive" part of me says i should apologize now. here.. lol.. someone is going to take offense. if you do. stop reading and move on to another post this message is not for you. save your self the high blood pressure.. lol.

    but tom.. if you can help me see the light on this.. or .. calling you on itl. are you afraid to express yourself ?? and risk the comments..lol.

    not the generic response. give me a real answer ?? lol. i really want to know, how you see it and if i can benefit from the world being .. an illusion.?? and what you feel your purpose is then..

    because we all know agreeing with everyone is satisfactory for most , but not for you. as in the video above.. jesus was hung on the cross after passover . after they ate.. the other apostle says before passover. we cant have both. so whats YOUR deal tom. do tell. whats the illusion?

    lol. meyer says oh you are so close but you cant see but he doesnt tell. i dont think he knows either.. lol.

    just games. egos.. lol thats all i see. unless you are as you say.. and you will teach ?? but i havent seen that yet ??!!

    so so far. its just YOUR egos open to correction and education. calling you boys out !!

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    k tom. thinking about your illusions.. that can be taken many ways.. so really its just best of you explain, since you keep using the phrase... lol. you suggest detachment, yet hang around as if looking for attachment.. so it appears to me, a contradictory. i open to correction/understanding.. are you afraid of getting hurt.. because everybody cries when the puppy dies. but the love that puppy has brought is why we cry. and make up stories as to why we will see them again. lol. we dont want that love to end.. but, after the trauma of loosing the "puppy", we tell the stories that fill our hearts with joy, and even now, knowing the out come.. would we do it again even though we cried in the end.. hell yeah. that was one good "puppy".

    can you imagine though.. lol. just all my/your pets over the years. lol. never mind the dinosaurs .. all coming back.. and every one and all their pets.. lol well thats just a silly thought.. but its fun to think of. in my last house of 18 years, we had went through several pets. cats, dogs, hamsters, gold fish.. lol. the kids phase.. some were because we did not know what we were doing. others took the natual course of life and lived to be an old age. but over the course of 18 years, some animals over lapping. there have been a few. and so we would bury them in turn in the back yard. once when we went to bury one.. we dug up the previous owners' dead bird.. all wrapped with love. lol. hmmm. we didnt see that one coming. but then realized we should not really be surprised either. the previous owner had been there 45 years.. we began to imagine how many animals had she killed .. lol. how many dead bodies where there back here in this no named pet cemetery .. between hers.. and ours.. lol.

    never mind the past 10 years and counting at this address..

    this story is not meant to offend.. lol. suggesting that no one talk so no one will get offended is .. well yeah.. wrong. suggesting they are so and so so like that is a sense of entitlement to be offended.. is wrong. correcting the offended person,trying to help them understand and laugh.. well it hasnt worked.. but i personally dont see it as wrong. i can apologize, but this really has not and will not help the offended person. i can quit talking.. but that really isnt the problem either is it.. the offended person can.. keep being offended and express anger and make personal reflections while blaming the story teller... but we know the issues were here long before a week ago.. one suggest that some of us take the conversations off line. curious why they do not do that themselves.. but i did follow the advice.. and now the offended is offended that some of my conversations are not on this site as they now cant read them.. and yet are offended by the ones that are because they can.. lol.

    off topic or back to the topic of pets.... i heard a good one at the pet store a few years back. question: how big a cage do i need for this size bird. response.: about 35 acres.

    back to the topic of people.. if you are so offended.. i am sorry. that is not my intent. but i am not sure it is my problem either., as satted.. i have taken your suggestions, tried your angles. and yu are only irritated more. so .. well, you lost credibility in directing. as your own thoughts are the very ones making you so. lol. as demonstrated.

    please think on this.. and use this as a learning curb. as i .. am not offended. but when dealing with your responses to the bllboard.. and the muslim group.. put a little more effort in, or leave it to those that can. or recognize that your abilities have not been so great .. so maybe try being less harsh on the others trying who are not succeeding too. .. maybe they suffer the same dilemma. frutstration on the fact that the world is not the way THEY want it.

    maybe its time for a new angle. lol

    maybe thats why tom ?? you are in an illusion ?? disassociated ?? is there enough info there from which to pull ??

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    still waiting on a story to pass the censors.. lol.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    ok.. lets try this entry, if the other was to ?? radical ?? to be posted.. lol.

    k so what it is to be canadian. do you know the conversation:

    person A: you are so defiant !! response: NO I'M NOT !!

    well, in canada the response would be different. it would be: yes i am. thanks for noticing.. lol

    but thats our humor/way.

    of course, we are not on the defense.. lol. and that definitely helps us.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Brother John...have you considered asking Inga if she is being hateful?...if she considers herself disruptive?...what you perceive as an intolerable situation may exist for your benefit...Tom

    1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      Tom, just as Inga has the right to do and say what she is feeling then it is wrong to ask John to find out if Inga is trying to be a certain way. Every person has the right to his her her own feelings. Of we are considerate of others we take into consideration our behaviors if people have expressed a concern regarding how it is effecting them. Obviously she does not have to stop but regardless of how she is meaning to come across everyone has the right to own their own feelings and express them.

      Then if we feel compelled to be considerate of those people feelings we use the information constructively. I have often misunderstood what someone may have been trying to express in a comment (even between you and I....and I feel like we have a mutual respect for each other) and when it is brought to my attention that I have gotten it wrong....it was not my intent to reply to a comment by deliberately mistaking what the other person meant, but I then apologize for my misunderstanding. I am not shamed and forced to correct myself, I just take note of my mistake and move on.

      If everyone has the right to comment and reply in any manner they choose then it should not be expected that if we find something to be disruptive and intolerable we should also be slotted the same right. No one has the right to censor a persons feelings or their reasons for them. It has to go both ways.

      1. inga's Avatar inga

        yeah. what she said.. lol

    2. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      Unlike yourself, Tom, I choose not to regularly engage with those who ramble on, often incoherently, on a forum designed to promote meaningful discussion. As this is the Universal Life CHURCH, I would classify the nonsense we've all been subjected to as desecration.

      Looks like my courtroom analogy was just another illusion to you, so here's another. Considering this is a forum available through the Universal Life Church, this endless babble is comparable to disrespectful and inconsiderate goofballs having a loud conversation while the congregation is trying to listen to the sermon. Obviously, you, inga and a few others do not believe you're being disruptive, disrespectful and inconsiderate, so there's no need to ask. Carry on as if we're not here reading it all.

      Hey, what did you think of the lawyer jokes I posted yesterday? You'll have to scroll up.... way up, thanks to the deluge of pointless gibberish between here and there, to read them.

      1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

        Brother John...i liked some of the jokes...as far as i am concerned, any forum that provides people a means to communicate with other people is a good thing...the fact that it is a ULC forum, is no different than any other forum..."disrespect" and "inconsiderate" are value judgments, and do not facilitate communication...even if someone is deliberately being "disruptive" (and i do not believe anyone has been), try treating that as a cry for help and understanding (loving and caring)...Tom

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    lol. thats too funny. sorry. the cake lady is the bad guy ?? lol.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    well tom. i leave you to them. iread some of the other "contoversial:" titles on the table .. and the responses and wel.. you got your work cut out for you. i do not envy your position.. and have new appreciation for the.. illusion. self preservate man. peace. and dont forget to eat cake.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    i am a promoter of personal responsibility. (as opposed the blame game) and sometimes that involves noting things out loud.. spelling it out. if i am wrong.. i am open to correction.. as opposed to personal incorrect/inaccurate attack.as a defense... lol i can not take that seriously.. lol.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...there is no right and wrong...there is only loving and caring...individually we can rarely see the karmic point of what other individuals seem to be going through, and why...right and wrong are ego/judgments...Tom

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Joanne...agreed...i was suggesting (perhaps not clearly) that asking Inga might allow him to stop attacking/judging (which ultimately reflect on him), in favor of understanding...and yes, i feel we communicate well, as it should be...Tom

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    tom.. you know we, you and me, are not dating, or even attempting to date, right ??

    1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

      Inga...right...it is unfortunate when people act vicariously, when it is much better to "live" their own lives...Tom

    2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

      But some people choose to indulge in the ILLUSION that you are dating. It is okay. They have no life of their own, outside of the blog. They are just digital warped personalities.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    so you can see that , we know we are not dating.. and so john is therefore.. WRONG !! in his assessment. and that could either have been addressed or left. but the fact is the same.

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    post the comment i just made. stop screening me !!

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    the one ones on the pet cemetary and the one demonstrating john is wrong to assume we are trying to date.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...we have no obligation to anyone to interact...it is a choice...while it may feel better emotionally to judge, it is not helpful karmically...whether we agree or not with someone, or change our view of something because of what someone says, is solely up to us, and does not have to have any effect on anyone in any real way...when they claim to be affected it is judgmental/ego/vicarious...Tom

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      i agree. and i am exercising MY right, that when someone tries to make a false impression of me. to correct it. and sometimes expose the speaker. sometimes i let it slide. that would be MY rights. that i am allotted.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...thank you...peace to you too...it is your destiny...Tom

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      yes. i dont see controversy or debates as destructive.. lol. pending on how they are played.. lol. or interpreted. lol interpretations can be corrected if need be. that s not a worry of mine.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    To All...i respectfully suggest that the things and people that you find the most frustrating reflect issues of your own that you have difficulty resolving...Tom

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...i am not passive...in this world i am very active all of the time...i just do not accept that ego/judgments etc control our spirituality...and my son, who is 40, "lives" the same way...just always try to do the loving, caring things...not the reactions to things that can be perceived as attacks, insults, etc...try to realize we are all spiritual beings...the visual problem is we often choose to act/react ego/judgmentally...maybe dinosaurs had to react with the "fight or flight" action, but we do not have to do this...we can examine why we feel that way, and let those feelings go, as they will not lead to our peace in God...as i previously suggested, meditate upon things that appear important...you will find very little spiritual importance...when you feel angry, let it go...that is real strength in this world...as in the 12 steps, "let go, and let God"...peace...Tom

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...special needs persons are not de-sensitized...they are de-intellectualized, which is of great comfort...Tom

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...some of the lawyer jokes are cute...but why lump all lawyers (or any group of people) into dehumanizing "comedy"?...what does it accomplish?...it does not bother me as a lawyer, but as a person...would you like to be generasized?...Tom

    1. inga's Avatar inga

      oh man.. you all cant laugh at things and take them all so seriously ?? lol. all of you!!

      yes tom.. and joanne and bro jo and meher.. yes. we laugh all the time and poke each other.. rib each other and roast each other.. lol. i see your problems. when you learn to laugh again. i promise you will be better for it it is not all about the jokes.. there are so many side effects of not being on the defense. ] oh man and women.. you have no idea how i pity you. humor is not your enemy ?!! lol. the lack of is.

    2. inga's Avatar inga

      its not dehumanizing.. you are all evidently looking for the bad ?? even in a laugh where you cant even see a laugh as a good thing any more.. ?? lol. oh god.. WTF ??!!

      thats a form of mental illness man.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    All...there is no angry God...that is an image created by those who wanted the control of religion...God is infinite peace...Tom

    1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

      AMEN TOM, AMEN !!!

  1. inga's Avatar inga

    you are convincing your selves of misconceptions..lol. andthe rest are feeding you all. you are so far off track .. well. alls i can say is .. good luck. sincerely. i sincerley apoliogize to every one on the site that i offended. that was not my intent.

    i honestly expected more form you all. and you showed me enough that i am disappointed.

    but that wont keep me from laughing.. here. yeah. because this is sad. truly sad.

    this is not normal.

    or this is not MY normal i have bigger and better expectations out of life. lol

    live love laugh.

    and peace. not docile.. lol. peace. when you have achieved peace.. then later you can work on your humor.. lol. until then.. i take away with me.. that was truly a sad experience and reflection of people..

    and again.. if ther e are any muslims.. i am so so sorry.

  1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

    I've had enough. I'll be making a series of posts so that any replies will not be lost in a jumble of thoughts. I may not break the record and trust the moderators will accommodate me as they have with others. I won't be posting any further replies. With well over 900 comments on this thread, I'm convinced this is not the forum for me any longer. Where to start......hmmm.

    To those currently involved in on-lline counselling...... We had a troubled woman in our family years ago. Drugs, depression and lots of crazy. On and on it went until we staged an intervention and introduced professional help for her. It turned out that our compassion, love and understanding was simply enablement. She's still a little odd, but much better.

    I see enabling going on here. Just a head's up that it does not address the issues.

  1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

    Sadly, I've seen much more assholiness here than the holiness some seem to believe they possess.

  1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

    The path to truth and enlightenment can be uphill and difficult with few fellow travellers for companionship. I don't consider myself enlightened in the fullest sense, but I have discovered many truths and uncovered many lies during my journey. I cannot unlearn the truths I've found.

    The fabled "pursuit of happiness" means avoiding disturbing truths and often associating only with those who share beliefs, that are all too often far from truth. It's more comfortable and happy.

  1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

    There are a few rational, intelligent people posting here, but a greater number of ignorant bigots (with more appearing regularly) who think their beliefs, many of which were simply adopted from family and culture, are the one and only truth. I prefer the potentially disturbing truth to the comfort of ancient myths, lies and propaganda that's so prevalent today.

  1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

    My days are numbered and I'll be out of my meat suit and off this rock in the near future. For those of you who believe there's a bright, shiny future ahead, I suggest you focus on truth and reality. It will not be a pleasant task, but at least you can prepare for what's coming and already well underway. Thanks to internet access, information is easily available. A warning to those who think their own personal happiness is of the utmost important. WARNING!!

    Many of you and those you love will not survive what's coming. Life as I'd know it as a young man ended decades ago. But it's still been awesome! What's coming is death and destruction on an unimaginable scale. We live in a linear reality, but the changes that are underway are exponential.

    I'll only touch on the most threatening events that have been unfolding in separate posts.

    Massive, unstoppable radiation release from dozens of nuclear accidents that have occurred have polluted our air, water, food. Cancer deaths will rise dramatically. Fukushima is essentially old news, especially for those protecting their sense of well being. It cannot be controlled. It's been dumping radiation into the Pacific Ocean since March, 2011. It will continue to do so until the end of time, which for most, will be the end of their own lives.

    Cosmic radiation from our Sun is also a threat. UV levels are now incredibly high in many areas and increasing.

    1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      Just an addendum to the above. When confronted by this horrible reality, many will respond, "how come we're not being warned? Why isn't this on the news?" deep sigh

      A. It can't be fixed. Many of the man-made isotopes have half lives of millions of years B. There's no solution, There's no escape. Evacuation the entire West Coast is not an option, and it's global anyway C. The nuclear industry and lobby is powerful and well funded. D. "Experts" who are on their payroll are not going to destroy their careers E. It is on the news, but not on the MSM. F. See the pursuit of happiness

    2. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

      Brother John...these are things that we perceive and deal with in this "existence"...the ultimate reality of God and peace will never be disturbed...you and me and everyone else are not "dying", we simply go to God, and return...what we call "reality" may be changing, but that is all...peace...Tom

  1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

    The three buildings that fell into their own footprints on 9/11 was through controlled demolition. As there was no independent or criminal investigation, no one "followed the money" and asked who has benefited. One only need look at the unelected "shadow government" to begin finding answers. Writing off this obvious false flag attack as a conspiracy theory guarded it's success. Ordo ab Chao.... look it up.

  1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

    Geo-engineering has been going on for decades. For those who actually look up instead down at their smart phones, what they see are not "normal contrails", but high altitude aerial spraying (aka "chemtrails"). It may have been started with good intentions (control the weather, dim the sun, et al) but it's been far more destructive than helpful. We can't see the radiation, but this has been right in front of our eyes!! We live in a dumbed down, unaware, compliant society, but it's easy to avoid pack mentality if you can deal with uncomfortable truths.

  1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

    Climate change is real and morphing into abrupt, exponential climate chaos. We may not notice it in our area yet, but we all live on the same planet. Denial or remaining unaware has no effect on it's reality.

  1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

    Methane release, mostly due to melting Arctic ice and thawing permafrost, in also increasing exponentially. Methane is far more dangerous than CO2.

  1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

    WW3 is an ever increasing threat thanks to the psychopaths who've been allowed to occupy positions of power and authority. No, not Donald Trump. The POTUS does not, and never has, run the U.S. and there are many "nations" with nuclear weapons. Go ahead and buy into the N. Korea/Russia fear porn, but they're just concocted boogeyman and probably less of a threat than the U.S. which remains the only country to have used nuclear weapons on a civilian population and has the largest nuclear arsenal.

    But everyone would die, so no one would win, right?

    See psycho/sociopaths and underground bunkers.

  1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

    Ordo ab Chao has been used by authorities to control the minds of the masses for centuries. With the advent of the internet and television, it's easier than ever to spread the propaganda necessary to over ride human decency and rational thought with bloodlust and vengeance.

  1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

    This thread is a fine example of Problem-Reaction-Solution. Entire races and religions can be demonized easily, particularly with a dumbed down population.

  1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

    Indoctrinating a population to believe they're #1 leaves no reason to strive for betterment. It breeds contempt for others and a clear conscience when crushing #57 and #82. Sadly, most of the #1 positions held by the U.S. involve debt, military expenditures, gun ownership. incarcerated citizens other areas that should not grant bragging rights

  1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

    With a national debt approaching $20 trillion, there are still many Americans that do not understand the Federal Reserve a conglomerate of private, central banks that "loan" USD's to the "federal govt" to spend. It's been going on since 1913. Don't watch the Debt Clock for more than a few minutes as it could result in a seizure.


  1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

    Afghanistan is America's longest war to date. Why hasn't the most fearsome, well equipped military in the world not defeated an impoverished relatively unarmed country like this one after 16 years of occupation and bombing?

    A. Winning is not military victory, it's massive and on-going profits for those supplying the business of war B. A potential oil/gas pipeline to benefit a handful of corporations C. To protect the world's heroin supply, which is as, or more, profitable than oil and war. The combination of all three is a jackpot.

  1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

    With all the anti-Muslim propaganda stirring up hatred and brutality (as evidenced by the billboard in this article), why is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia still a long time ally to the U.S? It's one of the most brutal regimes on the planet. They behead more people than ISIS (or ISIL, or "the Taliban", et al). From here on, feel free to insert most, if not all, of the atrocities attributed to Muslims above.

    15 of the supposed 9/11 hijackers were Saudis Bin Laden was a Saudi They import massive amounts of weapons and fund/trade known terrorist organizations.

  1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

    Overblown hubris has most humans believing that our species is #1. The sad reality is that of the 8 billion+ species on the planet, Homo sapiens are by far the most brutal and a serious threat to life on the planet. The only purpose in lives of our fellow species is to reproduce and survive. Because of our highly evolved brains, we, particularly in the West, aren't concerned with survival. Everything we need is available at the mall and we have special cards to pay for it. We've allowed our minds to create extraordinary purpose and meaning for our lives. We worship ourselves by creating legacies and amassed wealth at the expense of others. And of course, we create deities to worship and fight over.

  1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


    1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Inga...laughter is a wonderful thing to share...Tom

  1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

    Last one, I promise.

    We're all going to die. We tend to avoid this disturbing reality and do our best to avoid thinking about it, but it's coming..... sooner than later with what's unfolding on our planet.

    I've purged my Mind of as many beliefs as I could... preferring knowledge and facts to belief. And more importantly, accepting the fact that my perceptions are very limited. I do not feel compelled to have all the answers, and will not fill in the blanks with myths and comfortable beliefs. I'm OK with "I don't know".

    When we die... that's to say when our brain function ceases, we no longer exist. Our minds reel in horror at this prospect and shift into overdrive to create even more "purpose and meaning". I'm sure that my loving, faithful dog has never contemplated his eventual death, nor his purpose in life (other than the urge to reproduce, which has been modified).

    Do people who believe in a "heaven" actually believe "they" will be conscious of it happening? Are they sitting adoringly at the feet of their chosen deity, finding out "what it's all about"? Have they considered that perhaps the Hokey Pokey is actually what it's all about?

    Again, I'm done here on a voluntary basis. I hope this stream of posts elicits some responses and discussion, but I won't be participating any longer. If any of you want to do a little victory dance, be my guest.

    For any of you who may have gleaned something meaningful from my posts, I've had my own blog that I've used on and off, as a means of self expression. You're welcome to visit..... vijohn@wordpress.com

    I think there's around 30 different essays, many with links to information I find interesting and meaningful. To the best of my ability, I've never posted anything here that I didn't believe to be honest and true.

    To avoid having it sullied by any of the asshats that frequent this forum, I've purged it of comments and eliminated the option of commenting. I have no desire to become a moderator, knowing what the ULC moderators have to deal with on a regular basis.

    I don't fear death's approach. What ever spark that animates my meat suit will soon be released into the cosmos and returned to stardust. I leave you with a few quotes from humans far wiser than I on the subject.

    "When your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home." Tecumseh

    "Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely." Buddha

    "Even today we raise our hand against our brother... We have perfected our weapons, our conscience has fallen asleep, and we have sharpened our ideas to justify ourselves as if it were normal we continue to sow destruction, pain, death. Violence and war lead only to death." Pope Francis

    "Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which cannot exist when I do?" —Epicurus

    "Death may be the greatest of all human blessings". Socrates

    "If life must not be taken too seriously, then so neither must death" —Samuel Butler

    "Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one's head, and listen to silence. To have no yesterday, and no to-morrow. To forget time, to forget life, to be at peace." —Oscar Wilde, The Canterville Ghost

    "Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another." ―Ernest Hemingway

    "Life asked death, 'Why do people love me but hate you?' Death responded, 'Because you are a beautiful lie and I am a painful truth." —Author unknown

    "End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it." —J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King

    "Man alone chimes the hour. And, because of this, man alone suffers a paralyzing fear that no other creature endures. A fear of time running out." —Mitch Albom, The Time Keeper

    "Death is only the end if you assume the story is about you" —Welcome to Night Vale

    "I have come to know that it [death] is an important thing to keep in mind — not to complain or to make melancholy, but simply because only with the honest knowledge that one day I will die I can ever truly begin to live." —R.A. Salvatore, The Halfling's Gem

    "I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death." Leonardo da Vinci

    "Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live". Norman Cousins

    "The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time." Mark Twain

    "For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one". Khalil Gibran

    "Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death". Albert Einstein

    1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      Brother John I have left a lengthy response just moments ago regarding my understanding of the idea of heaven and hell and the afterlife so no need to do that again. However another Buddhist concept that drew me and and compelled me to search further is the very simple understanding that the day we are born we are one day closer to death. Some think it is morbid but I found a kind of peace in it. Like the understanding that as each day passes we dont get it back so be the best you can be each day...

      1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


    2. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

      Brother John I tried to send an email and it said the adress was unknown...could you verify it for me please.

      1. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

        I'm not going to post my e-mail address here, Joanne. But will contact you if you'd care to post yours.

        The address of my blog is vijohn.wordpress.com. I used the @ by mistake.

        1. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

          Oh that is why...I knew I hadnt forgotten how to copy and paste correctly but these days you never know LOL.....i never mind sharing my email address and by all means reach out anytime.... jld21073@gmail.com Im also aon facebook Joanne DuPonte Martin and my spiritual team and facebook page can be found from there as well...

        2. Joanne Martin's Avatar Joanne Martin

          Oh and on my FB page is where anyone can see I am actually HILARIOUS!!!!! Well at least I make me laugh....but I save the majority of that stuff for FB so I may seem uptight but I am really a hoot lol

    3. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

      We will all be joining you, Bro, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I, for one, am looking forward to a very long, dreamless sleep, when my time for that arrives.

    4. Brother John's Avatar Brother John

      My blog address is vijohn.wordpress.com...... no @

      I'm only back to make this correction... I may drop in to see if any evolution has taken place, but will not be participating any longer. ....

      1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

        Brother John...why is a person like you, who is interested in spirituality, dropping out?...Tom

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Brother John...i do not understand why you would withdraw, but that is your option...since ultimately we are trying to understand God, why withdraw?...and i respectfully disagree with your conclusion...when we "die", we simply go back to God, and then reincarnate to further resolve our karma...as far as the quotes are concerned, i do not feel the authors have any greater "wisdom" than you...think about it...Tom

    1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


  1. Orion White's Avatar Orion White

    The Islamic religion is one that is based off of good morals and promotes many things that Christianity supports. Their five pillars of faith all include moral and reasonable acts. I feel that we should not question the religion, but the practitioners who have involved themselves in uncharacteristic activities.

    If I were to look at all the things that past Christians have done and were to put them onto a billboard, many Christians would say that the things on the board do not represent their religion. Things, such as the mass genocide of the Native Americans, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials, and acts committed by both Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan.

    Many of these acts were committed "in the name of God", and many of them were terrible. Yes, it can be argued that Hitler was a pantheist, and his Antisemitism was more for economic reasons, but there is no denying he used the German people's faith to fuel their hatred as well.

    But we can see that the Christian religion is not supportive of these motives. Jesus Christ would have been opposed to all of these acts if he were here. So we must look at the faults of our own ancestors the way we look at these more morally flawed Muslim followers. we realize that what they are doing is bad, but we make sure that our transgressions are placed, if at all, towards the perpetrators of these actions instead of their religion.

    Overall, the billboard does not represent the Islamic religion well, and should be torn down.

    This is my final statement. I do not wish to further conduct myself in this convrsation.

    1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

      Somewhat imperious of you, Orion. But, since you are really above it all, I won't trouble you.

      1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


      2. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


        1. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

          No Sir. I was born on an army base that I believe no longer exists but was not in Alabama, to my biological parents who are now both deceased. Thank you for asking.

          1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

            Mr. JOHN OWENS, I thank you for an INTELLIGENT and TRUTHFUL RESPONSE, MIL GRACIAS !!!

          2. John Owens's Avatar John Owens

            El gusto es mio, Señor. Siempre intento ser persona sincero e honrable. I have lived and worked in a lot of places, but I have found that I love Alabama.

  1. Alan L. Falk's Avatar Alan L. Falk

    When does "truth in advertising" get mistaken for "defamation"??

    1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher

      WHEN its FAKE NEWS !!! DUMP the tRUMP thats REAL NEWS !!!

  1. jean E Faia's Avatar jean E Faia

    I THINK IT IS A GREAT SIGN I AM GLAD SOMEONE IS BRAVE ENOUGH TO POST IT. THANK YOU I would like to write to Mr. Woodsmall personally to thank him.....He has the interest of America at heart.....Now the minority Muslims in this country want him to take it down. I hope he does not....Who do they think they are in our Country....Let them go back to a Muslim Country.

    1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


      1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


  1. XaurreauX's Avatar XaurreauX

    Just another extinction burst by mostly aging white males, who, seeing their power and influence evaporating before their eyes, desperately need something to distract from their own inadequacies.

  1. John Maher's Avatar John Maher


  1. CEF0315's Avatar CEF0315

    Brother John doing the devil's work. Turning people atheist one post at a time.

  1. Tom B's Avatar Tom B

    Respectfully, the world would be better off if no one spoke about or followed any organized religions...Peace...Tom

  1. Secretary3rd's Avatar Secretary3rd

    Marrying of young females to chiefs were symbolic in jesters only. To keep a tribe from killing another females were married off to if young enough to be raised by the wives of the chief. If you had a daughter she would be in the household of the Prophet as a wife or as a servant to the Prophet. If I was a king I would expect that a daughter of a Lord who had a castle who said that they were loyal to me. He would send his daughter to be a maiden to the Queen. Maybe if not a daughter then a son who would be a guard. If said Lord would change sides his daughter would have her head deliver to her father.

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