Nike has announced their latest product line: the Nike Pro Hijab, a female athletic head covering for Muslim athletes. Loosely defined as a headscarf or veil that covers a Muslim woman's head, the hijab is a key symbol of modesty in Islamic culture and expresses an adherence to Islam. While the "Pro Hijab" has yet to hit the market, it is (unsurprisingly) already stirring up controversy.
Strong Supporters
The new product has been tested and developed with the help of two prominent Muslim athletes: professional figure skater Zahra Lari, and Olympic weight lifter Amna Al Haddad. Amidst the criticism, defenders of the sport hijab have been quick to emphasize the current need for such a product. They say that a performance head covering will encourage more Muslim women to participate in athletic activities and feel comfortable while doing so.
Amna Al Haddad supports Nike's decision, explaining that it will enable a whole demographic of Muslim women whose traditional religious garb makes playing sports difficult.
Scathing Criticism
However, others do not share this enthusiasm. For them, the hijab is less an expression of religious freedom that it is a symbol of female oppression in Islamic society. Although not all Muslim countries mandate that women cover their heads, it is expected in many places.
Shortly after Nike made the announcement, scores of critics took to Twitter to voice their outrage. One angry user even accused Nike of "capitalizing off Islamic patriarchy by putting their brand on a chastity helmet." Another vowed to boycott the company entirely:
#Nike cashing in on the subjugation, domination, and oppression of women.
I will never buy another Nike product again. pic.twitter.com/xOI7MmmpqA
#Sandy (@GSDDogLover) March 7, 2017
Religious Freedom or Religious Oppression?
On its face, the idea of the hijab being the source of oppression for an entire group of people sounds somewhat preposterous. After all, most women say that they want to wear it. For them, it represents an important tenet of their faith. But that's not to say that Islamic countries share the same attitudes toward gender equality as exist in the West.
For example, there remain very strict expectations for Muslim women to resign to the role of a homemaker. Strong cultural mores frown on women who pursue their own careers or have lives outside of their families. In Saudi Arabia, the situation is even worse. Due to adherence to Sharia law, women cannot vote, drive a car, or even leave the house unless accompanied by a man.
Perhaps the hijab in itself is not oppressive to women, but detractors also view it as a physical manifestation of sexist attitudes and policies borne out of Sharia law.
A Transforming World
In an increasingly diverse and multicultural world, you can walk down the street in nearly any country and spot someone sporting a hijab. It is ubiquitous in modern life. Some people will see a woman wearing one and not think twice about it. Others cannot help but take notice and offense. With Nike's athletic hijabs hitting stores sometime next year, the controversy surrounding this garment is unlikely to go away anytime soon.
So what do you think? Is the hijab simply an expression of faith, or is it representative of how men exercise control over women in Islamic countries? Do you support Nike's decision to release the "Pro Hijab"?
I think it is a matter of personal preference. If people do not like it, then they can just not wear it. If they do not want to see it, then they just do not need to look at it. It is up to the individual woman.
These decisions are up to the woman. Nike is looking to sell to a new market because they are in business to make money. I don't like that they are profiting from female oppression, either. However, It could be a comfortable step in woman's athletic wear for a woman who had always worn a headcover to perform her activities with her fellow athletes and possibly transition to no headcover, if that is her desire.
Who cares?! It may be a symbol of oppression but its been worn for soo long now that most women i know who wear them are wearing them as a fashion statement. My wife doesn't wear a hijab but if she did it still doesnt change the fact that she wears the pants in the relationship. My cousin is a Christian aussie which obviously doesn't wear a hijab and gets her butt kicked by her husband quite constantly. He wont even leave the dinner table to get the salt.
What im trying to say i suppose is that it doesn't matter what religion or ethnicity you are. If you're a wanker you are a wanker, simple as that. Nike hijab.....inevitable.
Who cares?? This is a disgrace, and we should not be supporting such attitudes toward women! The world would be much better if hijabs were outlawed entirely.
You obviously didn't read my post properly sir. My wife rules our relationship, people in my generation wear hijabs as fashion, my Christian cousin is oppressed by her husband without a hijab.
You're obviously just another muslim hating, narrow minded idiot.
Does your wife wear a bra? Welll....not sure if you remember but bras were also considered a symbol of women oppression. Im sure nike makes those and if not maybe they should.
You need to take a chill pill and take another look at the world bro. Hate not the religion but those who smear its name.
FYI - Im a non religious aussie married to a muslim. Things have changed in most societies. Time for the haters to realize that its time to change also
"My wife rules"...no relationship is healthy with the dynamic you described. You need help with your oppression.
" no relationship is healthy with the dynamic you described. "
Actually that is simply YOUR opinion and nothing more. In a Jewish man/ Non-Jewish wife the WIFE is the one who makes decisions on children. I have WITNESSED this while being EDUCATED on it BY A JEWISH/NON Jewish married couple. HOW is this any different?
You need help with your oppression as well as your case of " BUTT INTO OTHERS LIVES " disease
Bad move by Nike! This isn't religious expression, it's enabling a F@*%$d up and backwards mentality. Women should be treated as equals, not as second class citizens who need to be "covered up". I, for one, will be shopping at Adidas from now on.
As equals, don't you think a woman should have the choice of living the religious lifestyle of their choosing? We don't have to agree but forcing that disagreements isn't up to us. IF, and only if a woman is in distress and doesn't want that life then so be it, help whatever way we can is a good thing. But when it comes to freedom of choice, that too should be respected.
I am a Muslim woman convert. I have chosen to wear hijab, it was never forced on me. Have been a convert for almost 40 years. As a Muslim woman, I have never felt oppressed. It is freeing, because men do not overtly check me out as I am walking down the street. although now, because of the political atmosphere, I get both more stares and concerns for my safety.
But, of course, thanks to the media, extremist groups, and humanity's tendency to judge without "walking a mile in my shoes", we Muslim women are the western symbol of oppression.Yet, in the West, in spite of verbal gender equality, women are paid less for the same job, sex trafficked, and abused by significant others. Not saying it does not happen in the Muslim world, but not as much as shown in the media. in 40 years, I have not seen it personally.
For those that love to hate, and get sucked into the Media fear mongering, it is another topic to argue about. It would be nice if those who are the most vocal about my perceived oppression could have a Muslim family as neighbors, so they can have personal experience before they put out their opinions. Yet, it is what it is.
As far as NIKE is concerned, Muslims have money,too, and Nike just wants some of it. but, by all means, all of you Haters, carry on discussing my horrible oppressive life dressing the same as the mother of Jesus (Peace be upon him) , whom you worship.
Well put, alice. But im sorry to have to disagree about 'women getting paid less than men in the same job' part. It may be true in the higher paid jobs that are out of reach from most of us norms, but in the industry i work in the women get treated better and are paid more than most of the men. So all of the protesting by women about this problem definitely worked. But unfortunately its affected the wrong men. And once again the rich men stay rich.
That is a blessing that you have found an industry where you are paid what you deserve. And yes, the rich DO stay rich.But, everything in this Universe is balanced, so they will be questioned on how they used their gifts.
I get paid what i deserve??? Did i say something that has offended you to make such assumptions? The women in the job im in get special treatment because of all thd protests. I would of stuck up for you after seeing how abusive jurzeejoe was towards you in the following post but now i believe you deserve it. You're just as demented as the rest of the sheep
i am sorry, did I miss something? I understood you to say that in your industry women are treated better than men. So, i simply said it is good to find an industry where you are, wait a minute, are you a guy? in that case, my comment was totally inappropriate. Sorry. I am totally lost about your anger. i thought you were a woman, so assumed you have a good job, Sorry,
Hummm, you are 'speaking' to unknown men via this electronic force? Better be sure to go to me-KKK-ah and ask for forgiveness. The again, you may be executed should you even think about going there without your husband or father. Afterall, iz-SLUM has been the DE-ligion of violence since 632 AD, with 1453, 1766, and 9/11 as perfect proofs that destruction is the main focus of mud-HAM-mud followers. The again, perhaps one of your religious female leaders could offer advice -if even one can be found? In terms of Mary, what women of any sense would want to wear a 2000 yr old fashion style. AMEN
"what women of any sense would want to wear a 2000 yr old fashion style."
Catholic women are frequently advised to be more like Mary. That is very common to this day.
How specifically do you suggest we police everyone's style and fashion? Shall we let other people decide what a woman is allowed to wear, while casting a blind eye on the fashion sins of males? Who should get to decide what is enough and what is too much? I understand that in jeans, a work shirt, and my hair tucked under a handkerchief I am not likely to be runway model chic, but since my job at the time is shoveling animal poop, I feel like rightly I have other priorities in that moment, and surely a man in a speedo, or socks with sandals is a much graver fashion sin than keeping chicken poop out of my hair. Who ultimately gets to decide? Does what you like to see matter more than what is comfortable to me?
Tyranny over what a woman chooses to wear is still tyranny it doesn't matter if it takes the form of liberal or conservative values of modesty and style. At the end of the day if you are on the side of telling a woman what she can and cannot wear, then you are on the side of oppression.
I feel like how much of a persons own body they choose to make available for everyone to look at, is up to that person. Telling someone they have to show you their hair is just as ridiculous and entitled and demeaning as demanding they make any other body part of theirs available to you to inspect. It is true and tragic that throughout history and even now some countries, religions, societies, etc use modesty to control women but if we use forced exposure to fix it, then we aren't any better. The issue is do we allow grown adults to choose for themselves how to dress. As for the product itself and Nike I think it is great that a safe and comfortable option is available, now if they could invent a way to keep my hair off my neck and out of my face without pulling or falling out mid run I would give them all of my money!
iz-SLUM IS the Fayth of Violence! Having literally watched THE Trade Centers get built from my boyhood bedroom window (lived in Jersey City) and watched them destroyed on 9/11 during my trip to a conference from the GSParkway. Knowing how they discriminate against women and how they ruthlessly murder Gay people under the guise of the mud-HAM-mud's ruthless story book. I want to ensure that nothing of that despicable De-ligion is to be 'fostered' or 'allowed.' If she wants to be so fulfilled by her beliefs' then stay in Sordid Ah-ray-bee-ah where she will have to stay ay home and only be allowed out when her husband lets her and his other wives to go outside. A photo - isn't that a form of idolatry? The eee-mahn will punish her for sure. AMEN
It should be noted that covering ones head is not limited to only Islam, many other religions Judaism, and Christianity/Catholicism among them have rules regarding head and hair covering for both men and women. Devout Jewish women cover their hair, devout Jewish men cover their heads, many traditional Catholic women wear veils at church, and many many devout Protestant denominations call for women to wear a symbol of Authority upon their heads.
So don't forget that while the media and politicians want us to hate a specific entire religion. It is very hard to point to any large religion and absolve them of the autrocities you just listed. Additionally this particular product will help women of many religions because no matter how much we try to deny it, the reality is that at the end of the day this isn't an Islamic product, many religions ask/recommend/require their followers especially their women to cover themselves in specific ways. It is athletic wear designed to let the wearer have control over her body and hair while she participates in a sport nothing more.
I am not a Muslim but I was raised Catholic and covered my hair before praying, receiving communion, and entering a church for my entire childhood, and you better believe I tie my hair up in a scarf before doing farm chores ( not for religion but because I dislike animal bedding and straw in my hair). I also tie it up in a handkerchief just like I was taught in Girl Scouts if I am tending any sort of fire, or using power tools. I know Jewish women who wrap their hair every day as a symbol of their devotion to God. So there is an entire paragraph of examples of my personal life when hair covering has been something that I have personally been a part of, and I have never once been of the Islamic faith.
I know culture has reinforced the idea that a whole religion is bad, and that there is no reasonable/rational/non terrorist reason for a woman to cover her hair or head, but that is simply not true. Sun is really bad for hair, so is wind. Washing it daily to get pollen and dirt out also bad for your hair, so are all those metal barrettes and rubber bands, so is salt water. I mean speaking of hair health alone everyone should have their hair wrapped under a scarf at the beach or doing outdoor activities. And I do know how hard 9/11 was for everyone, I spent the day frantically trying to locate my Uncle who worked in the Pentagon, but nothing that happened that day gives other people the right to tell me how to fix my hair. So while I see everyone reacting to this piece of clothing as some sort of Islamic thing (and yes Muslim women will benefit as well), but the reality is hair management is a daily activity for women around the world, and for a huge number of reasons only some of them religious many women choose to tie up or otherwise cover their hair.
This isn't about a religion, this is about women having the right and authority to decide for themselves how to dress.
Did you know that all Muslims are not terrorist. No one is acting crazy because of the Crusades. Christians who allegedly were doing Christ's work killed to take lands (nothing about religion there) and take money (nothing about religion there) and to terrorize anyone they could (Christian or not).
And can we talk about the Inquisition?? How about the "witch" burnings???
Don't throw stones unless you are will to get hit by a few.
Wonder how many MUZZIES JurZeeJoe knows personally, or is he just spitting out the same propaganda he has been fed all his life. I also wonder what he is doing on a religious forum when GOD teaches tolerance and coexistence. TROLL, maybe?
If you are Muslim, then fine, wear what your religion decrees. It is no different than nuns wearing a habit, and I will respect it. But if you are NOT Muslim and you are wearing it, that smacks of being political, which I think degrades the Muslim religion. I may not agree with the dogma of the Muslim religion, but as an America, I respect their right to religious freedom because I want them to respect mine.
If women willingly don this garment as a pious act of fealty to their god, so be it. If instead it is an oppressive act by men to subjugate women, so be it. I learned a long time ago that oppression has to have the tacit agreement of the oppressed or else they would throw off their bonds. Do we have the right to tell these women that they are oppressed and need to be liberated?
I'm not surprised Nike is tapping this market. Why wouldn't they?
As to whether it's right or not...companies are notorious for following the money, not what is "right" or "wrong." And if a company is doing things for "moralistic" reasons, it's because they are catering to a demographic buying crowd. Sorry, companies are out to make money and that is their moral compass.
As to wearing the hijab itself, whether you like it or not, it's part of their culture. It has been for a long time. While we don't have to abide by it here, in other countries they do. To my mind, it is up to the women of the Islamic culture to make the change and do away with it. It is not anyone else's job or duty to make cultures change. That is what leads to wars and cultural hatred.
Tolerance is all about respecting other people's ways even when you don't agree with them. And I will qualify here that in some instances where people cause harm to others is where I personally draw the line and intervene. But a hijab is a cultural practice, and while I agree with others that it represents an oppression, it is also not up to me personally to dictate its use. Again, it is up to women in that system to make the changes.
Otherwise, we as Westerners just look bad, trying to enforce our will on others.
On the brighter side, I think there have been vast cultural changes to the Middle East, culturally, and groups like ISIS and others are an outward defiance of those changes--wanting to preserve the status quo and the old traditions. Progressive ideas are afoot in the Islamic culture and you have to take baby steps and time to let people come around.
In some respects, I think Nike marketing hijabs is at least a step in recognizing cultural differences. It also shows me the world is becoming a lot more connected globally . . . even if it is a marketing ploy.
Maybe it's about their faith. Maybe they feel they are electing to wear the hijab is kind of like our baptism. You do know there are women in Muslim families that don't wear the hijab, right? it's a symbol of faith. I am not saying it's easy if they don't elect to wear the hijab if and join the faith of their family. How would you feel if your daughter or son would refuse to become a Christian and just didn't pick anything?
Yes, if makes NIKE a small amount of money. Yes this gives Muslim women who are progressive but faithful to wear a modest covering.
It's not an oppression if it is your choice to wear hijab. Why do we always related conservative wear with extremist groups? Hell Evangelical Christians don't wear hijab and are basically a terrorist group. They also oppress women and don't allow women pastors.They hate it if you dance if you are a member or not. They have a hissy over drinking alcohol.They believe that only their opinion counts in the household. They also oppress women's freedom of speech.
HIjab is not a cultural practice. It is a religious practice.
Yes there are places that take it to the extreme but I take it you have never been to a Christian school if you think that is odd.
The hijab is just a fashion, just like miniskirts and maxiskirts. The real question is whether a person is truly free to reject the fashion in question with no hastles.
No, it's not fashion, it is apparel that they feel makes them modest and follows religious guidance from the Koran. Don't minimize their faith.
Plenty of Bosnian women who are Muslim don't wear hijabs btw.
Nike is stupid, the people who support Nike are stupid. We live in a world full of stupidity. People who can't evan grasp or follow a simple moral code. People flock to a stupid religion without reading their idiotic book. It has been prophesized for millennia but no one cares to notice, akso prophesized.
Take a deep breath. It's ok. God still reigns in heaven.
I support NIKE. If you think I am stupid you don't understand I am well educated and I have degrees to prove it. Do you think God should fit in your limited understanding of what he wants for us? God won't fit in your shoe box, he is greater.
I don't understand the difference between a person, athlete or other, wearing a hijab and one wearing a crucifix.
Muslim women like it. Fine with me. Go, Nike!
Men commenting: butt out. MYOB.
Can't we just love our brothers and sisters without so much controversy?
All we need is love-The Beatles (1967)
A logo does not define a hijab any more than the hijab defines the person. For a Muslim woman, this is a correct clothing article. Nike sells clothing articles. Does the clothing article then go beyond custom and become a statement? A definition? A right? Regardless of your answer, wearing something with the Nike logo makes you neither a spokesperson for Nike nor does it make you a professional athelete respective of the clothing article. Do what is right and be not critical. Our need to be judgemental and opinionated on this matter is a disservice to what the ULC stands for and what we as ministers are guided to be.
Personally, I'm fine with whatever outfit a person wants to wear for religious reasons, or not, as long as it does not interfere with our laws. Like in the instance of Drivers Licences. It defeats the point to cover a persons face when creating an I.D. that is for identity purposes. NIKE has an agenda in this case, as it does in several other stances it has been taking lately. Its politically driven, top down stances. I wont support NIKE, as I don't agree with them. Even so, I'm fine with them selling their products, pandering or not.
You need to understand the differences in Muslim apparel. Hijab's do not cover the face. Those who where hijab can come from very moderate religious but prefer to honor God in their ways. There is nothing that violates our laws because freedom from religious is in our constitution.
If you think about it the Muslim apparel for women is most commonly fashioned like the clothing in ancient Egypt not unlike what would be worn in Jesus's day.
BTW you do know that this apparel is only for being outside and that they don't wear a hijab in there own houses. Think coat, you take it off when you are inside.
I think Nike is awesome for giving women athletes of all religious backgrounds a chance to compete that is respectful of their faith. You are probably to young to know in the 60's Catholic Nuns would attempt sports like kick ball with their students in long dresses, and long rosary dangling from their waste, full neck and side of their face covered and a little hat on their head with a veil on top that dangled to their bottoms.
NIKE's agenda is to allow women who are Muslim to compete and make a buck. Good for them.
I am wearing my NIKE'S right now.
The link above will educate you on Muslim women's apparel so you don't confuse Niqab from Hijab ever again.
I think it is ludicrous to say that the hijab is meant for "modesty". It is control, pure and simple. How can a head covering make a woman modest, but the skin tight uniform on the rest of the woman's body, show each and every curve, every shape of her body be ok? Islam is simply a barbaric and brutal religion, in which women are the number one oppressed faction.
How many Catholics wear the lace head covering to mass?
How many Christian women still can't wear pants?
The list goes on.
American women can make their own choices for their faith, as these women have. So why is their clothing choice of their faith an outrage? Oh, it doesnt jive with YOUR values or customs.
What customs do you do to appease your religion or society, employer, family? Make a list, then come back here and share it.
Nike is providing a product for people who want it. Don't want it? Don't buy it.
Living in your faith? This is a perfect time to overview yourself and your system. LIVE the faith by supporting these athletes and show love.
Isn't that our command from our Source?
Yes it sure is if not it should be
I think if the male of the household demands it to be worn it is oppression but there are plenty of women who want to wear it as an expression of her faith then it's religious freedom. I guess most of you aren't old enough to remember when Catholic Nuns were mandated to wear veil and head dressings that were just as confining at a hijab. They had long dresses and long slevees, there was this bib thing they had to wear and some had this thing they put on that hid the side of their face and neck. there was also this "hat" that the veil sat on. We didn't think they had any hair, I went to Catholic school in the 60's. At one point they did change to shorter dress but they still wrapped up their heads.
It's funny how we diss the Muslim women for a fashion one of the most Christian religions demanded it's servants to wear. Suddenly we aren't ok with it.
Thank you your right about. This
This link will educate you on Muslim women's apparel so you can speak about things you know about.
BTW these articles of clothing are for outside the house not inside the house. Let's not embarrass ourselves with our lack of knowledge about other cultures...we have Google.
"Is the hijab simply an expression of faith, or is it representative of how men exercise control over women in Islamic countries?"
My simplistic answer is "yes." It is both, since men exercising control over women is part of the faith itself. Interesting to note that it is only in the last century or so that western countries, and christian faiths, have decided that such control could be relaxed -- and it is also noteworthy that many people still relegate the woman to a more subservient role. I haven't cracked my bible for a while, but I'm pretty sure we can find many instances that mandate male control over females.
I think getting upset at Nike is misplaced. They are not a social, political, entity. If there is a market for a sport hijab, it is Nike's responsibility to investors to try to fill it.
I agree. They are in the business of making products people want and making money. They are not a religious entity. It's a shame that some can't separate their beliefs from others. Live and just do it lol
Your right about that
Yet our own Bible tells us a woman is to have her head covered in church.
First Corinthians 11:6
Is it all about men getting turned on when seeing a woman's head of hair and distracting them from prayer in church or mosque? I don't know what will ever change until men get a grip on their sexual urges. Will that ever happen? Maybe when women have a say. Until then, I think it should be a woman's choice to make ,whether and easy one or not, to cover her hair. I think it is sad that a girl is asked to mask herself. It would be interesting to have an open discussion with a group of men and women from let's say, Sweden and Iran.
No its about faith and modesty, the same type of modesty rules we still beat women down with in western society.
I have no rebuttal. I just want to say - "well put, thank you".
I view that practice as abusive, demeaning and a general put down for women. THE PREMISE THAT A GOD REQUIRING THAT ON HALF OF ITS CREATION IS JUST PLAIN EVIL AND AGAINST HIM. I have read this koran and there in NOTHING that it says about this PRACTICE. All it says is to be modest! In fact I have read about how it got started from the Hadiths. It seems that women were never allowed to relieve themselves during the day while they lived out in the desert. One day one did go and was seen by one of mohamed's guards. This made a big ruckus and women were separated from men in the tents by a curtain. This proved to be unworkable and someone got the idea of placing the curtain on the women. Old mohamed really tried to liberate women and bring them up in status to the same as men. It was perverted by those that came after he was poisoned. This reduces women to a spook like creature with only a face and some times just the eyes or worse all covered up or not ever allowed outside. So Nike is just using that perversion to make a buck. Can't blame them for it but I can blame muslims from going against what their prophet taught them originally.
Read the holy Bible that tells OUR CHRISTIAN WOMEN to cover their heads. Hypocritical or just hate filled?888
the mother of Jesus who the Christians worship covered her hair. No one will say she was oppressed.
Thank you miranda you are right
it is more misandry than misogyny. The coverings that are worn is because of the belief that men cannot control themselves because they are animals, not because they want to control women. Hence it is really an insult to the male of the human species that they are so animalistic they cannot control themselves in a civilized fashion.
In some countries women get acid in the face or arrested for not covering up.