Honorary Metaphysics Degree

$19.99 In Stock

Proudly declare your commitment to education with this honorary degree commemorates your self-guided completion of personal study in the field of metaphysics.

Honorary Metaphysics Degree

$19.99 In Stock

Proudly declare your commitment to education with this honorary degree commemorates your self-guided completion of personal study in the field of metaphysics.

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Product Description

This honorary and non-accredited life experience degree is issued by the ULC Ministries headquarters as a lesson of life degree, used in combination with most of our study materials online as well as related books distributed by our organization.

Every Dr. of Metaphysics certificate is handwritten by our church's scribe; Founder of Calligraphy Society, Seattle. It is a beautiful document perfect for hanging or framing.


  • Any titles in the name field will be removed (example: Reverend John Doe P.H.D.).
  • The date on the certificate will be the date it is added to your shopping cart; not your ordination date.

We remind you to get ordained if you haven't already. This is the first step in the process that will allow you to legally officiate weddings of friends and family. You can also perform baptisms, preside over funerals, offer blessings, and even absolve the sins of others.

Universal Life Church ministers come from all walks of life and spiritual traditions. Whether you identify as Catholic, Christian, Buddhist, Pagan, Muslim, or even Atheist or Agnostic, we recognize and offer products needed for your ministry. Our common thread is our adherence to the Universal Life Church doctrine:

"Do only that which is right."